Painting walls in an apartment is a brilliant embodiment of your creative thought

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A cozy apartment with an attractive design is the dream of many people. But it’s not always possible to invite a professional designer into your home so that he can design the perfect room design. And it’s not a fact that his vision will coincide with yours, and he will do everything really perfectly. But you can create a masterpiece for yourself, and it’s not as difficult as it seems.

Try painting the walls in your apartment with your own hands and you will get an almost professional design. To do this, you don’t even have to be an artist, because there are special stencils for painting; it will not be difficult to master the painting technique.

What does wall art provide?

It doesn’t just look beautiful, the drawings on the walls in the apartment with your own hands attract attention, fascinate, just look at the photo. Artistic painting of walls in the interior always transforms the room for the better and gives it a certain charm. At different times of the day the pattern changes, the lighting always gives it something new. You can admire it for a long time, you don’t get tired of it, as often happens with photographs and wallpaper pasted on the wall.

An artistic image takes you deeper into the room, allowing you to visually increase its size. It allows you to correct shortcomings - crooked walls, low ceilings, and define zones in space.

The size of artistic painting has no limits; it can be done in small quantities or occupy the entire surface of the walls. However, this means that the apartment should look like an art museum. Everything needs moderation, and if you follow this rule, you can create a magnificent wall design with your own hands. Your drawing will be a beautiful bright spot, the pearl of the entire interior.

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Japanese style

Today, this stylistic trend is expressed not only in the form of beautiful sakura branches, small oriental courtyards, but also anime.

You can buy stencils for painting walls, in completely different styles. This approach will greatly simplify the design process for people without artistic skills.

Wall painting in the living room

In this room the family gathers to sit and talk, this is where the guests are located. This place is simply created for joy and fun, so it is important to create just such a mood there.

To set the mood in the right way, place cute landscapes, marine-themed images, and abstract drawings on the walls to create whimsical combinations. Warmth and comfort will be brought by images of a fireplace with burning wood.

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If the interior of the living room is made in a classical style, then decorating the walls with ancient frescoes or majestic columns of palaces will be appropriate. If the interior is made in the ethnic style of a country, then landscapes that are typical for this country can be painted on the walls.

Well, if the room is decorated in faceless high-tech or minimalism, then graphic black and white images will give it a zest.

Wall painting in the bedroom

This room plays an important role for a person, it is in it that he rests and gains strength after hard working days. That is why the furnishings of this room should promote rest and relaxation.

Flowers, birds, butterflies, flowering trees, romantic paintings will create the effect of peace not only externally, but also internally. According to Feng Shui, only such drawings should be created on the walls of the bedroom.

Images of water, sea, waterfalls are unacceptable for bedroom walls. Drawings depicting predatory animals, autumn leaves, and dried flowers should also not decorate the walls of the room where a person sleeps.

Children's room

Think carefully about what should decorate the room. The children's room can be decorated with any bright drawings that introduce you to the world of fairy tales.

Let it be some universal theme - an underground kingdom, an underwater kingdom or a fairy-tale forest. Images of heroes can be made more vibrant; don’t skimp on these colors.

But you should not overuse bright aggressive colors when decorating the background; try to maintain a calm, even tone. Although colorful walls with various cartoon characters will look great, especially in children’s rooms, later the child’s preferences may simply change.

Wall painting in the kitchen

Our kitchens are rarely large, so our goal here will be to maximize the space. Let it be an artistic painting that will take the viewer into the distance or images of the sights of a city.

It would be nice if you depict on the kitchen wall the atmosphere of a cozy cafe or a country picnic.

Still lifes with delicious fruits, invigorating coffee beans, and scorching spices will also come in handy and brighten up the overall atmosphere. Flowers and beautiful dishes are what you need for the kitchen, so many people choose them.


This is not the most suitable place for painting; the furnishings of this room are not conducive. Changes in humidity can ruin the entire work. However, you can decorate the walls in this room too. A marine theme, the underwater world is most suitable for this room. To make the design last a long time, cover it with several layers of varnish.

If you are new to drawing, then you should not choose overly complex drawings with many small details. It’s better to choose something easier, then you will be sure that you will definitely succeed.

Using acrylic

Acrylic wall painting has its advantages. Paints based on this base are easily mixed and tinted.

The process is somewhat similar to the technique of working with gouache, that is, you need to take a white base, several colors and by mixing create the necessary color scheme.

This way, you can make rich or, on the contrary, soft, delicate shades, which can be quite realistically combined in one drawing.

Let's get to work

So, the drawing has been chosen, all that remains is to apply it to the wall. In order to apply a photo to the wall with your own hands, you must first prepare the wall, which must have an absolutely flat surface. Therefore, it would be advisable to sand it and apply a primer. And if the drawing requires it, then you can paint it.

Prepare all the necessary materials you need for work: brushes, acrylic paints, stencils. Water-based acrylic paints are ideal for wall decoration. Take care of a separate container where you can mix paints and wash off solvents if you use varnishes. It is best to take disposable containers for this.

You should have several brushes, with some you will paint large details, with others small. Many artists prefer to use natural bristle brushes when they need to paint something small. Flower petals can be drawn with a foam roller.


  • The wall should be level and smooth, make sure it is so. If there is any doubt, do the preparatory work for leveling. You must have a sketch drawn. If you want to see how the design will look on your wall, paint a piece of paper the same color as the wall. You can even draw several sketches with different shades and depths of colors and choose the best one.
  • Draw a basic drawing on the wall - a sketch, then add details. Take colored pencils first, as they are easily washed off, so you can easily eliminate all the imperfections with an eraser. A simple pencil can leave unsightly marks on the wall that cannot be erased. When you draw, try to sometimes move away from the wall to evaluate your image.

Not everyone has the skill of an artist to the proper degree, and if you are not confident in your abilities, then try drawing by cells. Another decoration method that you can use is to try to copy from a slide on the wall.

  • Prepare acrylic paints, but do not mix them for a long time, as they risk drying out prematurely. Mix the main shade in the palette. It is important that the consistency of the paint is thick enough, but not too thick, and not liquid. And then it will fit well on the wall. Design the main details, then do the small details. Perhaps listening to classical music during this process will help you create better.

If you need to urgently interrupt the process, then take care of your brushes; they will need to be washed, otherwise you will not be able to wash off the paint later.

Stencil painting

Using a stencil, you can focus on a certain area of ​​the wall and create a unique original ornament. If you want a budget option, then a stencil will be an excellent alternative.

Thanks to stencil painting, you can make simple furniture decoratively attractive. The surface is also prepared and a certain number of layers of paint are applied.

If you are using a stencil

Finding a stencil will not be difficult for you; you can find and print any design on the Internet. You will need to cut it out, place it on a glass surface.

Then take the Mylar film, apply it to the stencil and cut it out. After this, the stencil can be attached to the wall. You can even use a paper stencil. It needs to be pressed down tightly or you risk smearing the entire design on the wall, so use duct tape to secure it.

In many construction stores you can find special stencils that make drawing a design much easier. They are made of plastic and easily attach to walls.

But if you don’t feel like it at all or don’t have time to apply a drawing, you can simply buy vinyl stickers and stick them on the wall. And the beautiful drawing for the wall is ready! You can always remove it from the wall when you get tired of it and put a new one there.

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You can hire a professional mural artist if funds allow.

Otherwise, for such a design, you can purchase auxiliary elements, such as stencils, and try to create a masterpiece with your own hands.

Design tools

As has already been said, one of the most undeniable advantages of creating flowers from paper for the wall is the ease of use of tools.

In order to decorate a room in this way, you will need:

  • paper of any color;
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • ribbons;
  • paints.

As you may have noticed, this set of tools is very similar to the school one. Therefore, if you have children, then you can borrow them from your children and creatively decorate the room with them. So, you will take your mind off everyday problems and plunge into the world of art.

Of course, to create voluminous flowers on the wall you will need special templates. They can be purchased at any office supply store or made by yourself. The second option will allow you to show your creativity and imagination.

Preparing the surface for painting

After the choice has been made as to which technique will be used to decorate the walls, it is necessary to prepare the surface. It must be leveled and plastered. If desired, it can be covered with non-woven wallpaper for painting or simply coated with a special acrylic primer.

The drawing must be applied to a previously prepared surface

Important! Before applying paint, the wall must be thoroughly dried, cleaned of small dust particles and degreased. If this is not done, the end result may turn out smudged and dirty.

In order not to stain the floor, walls and furniture around, the surfaces must be covered with film. If the drawing is large-scale or starts from the ceiling, you need to stock up on a stepladder, thus making your work much easier in the future. You can invite a master whose price for painting walls and ceilings will suit you.

Preparing the wall for interior painting

This is an important starting point for wall decor. If the surface preparation is done correctly and efficiently, then the durability and strength of the paint is guaranteed. If mistakes are made at this stage, the picture can quickly deteriorate.

Good quality is guaranteed by the invited artist. However, if you follow the sequence of steps and do not deviate from the instructions, you yourself will cope with this difficult task.

Start by cleaning the surface of old plaster, wallpaper, paint and removing all irregularities and defects. If the partitions are new and smooth, a spatula and a wire brush will do the job. A sander can be useful when removing multiple layers from an old wall. If you find it difficult to remove old paint, you can use solvents (white spirit, acetone) and alkaline detergents. At the same stage, it is necessary to treat the walls with antifungal agents, this is especially true for bathrooms and toilets.

An important and necessary step is to level the plane of the work of art. Check the surface using a building level and apply a deep penetration primer with a brush or roller. Wait until completely dry.

Drywall requires grouting only at the joints of sheets and connecting elements. Irregularities less than 5 mm can be eliminated using putty, which is applied in small layers and in several stages, taking into account that dry and wet areas require different types of building materials.

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In case of deeper damage, the walls are plastered in several stages to avoid cracks in the future.

Then finishing putty is applied, the partitions are completely sanded with sandpaper, and chalk and gypsum dust are removed.

An acrylic primer is applied to the surface prepared in this way; it strengthens and imparts adhesive properties. If the walls are damp, the coating is done using a product that has hydrophobic properties.

Any mistakes made at this stage may appear during painting, so the room must be carefully prepared.

Decorative painting in the kitchen

Since most kitchens have a small area, the main goal of wall painting will be to visually increase the space. Stories related to food intake look good. For example, a scene of a picnic in nature or part of the interior of a French cafe.

Still lifes depicting ripe fruits and delicious vegetables, as well as coffee beans and tea sets, are thematically suitable for the kitchen interior. Don’t forget beautiful flowers, they improve your mood and enliven the atmosphere.

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