A white hallway is a classic color option for a chic interior! (110 photos)

Most hallways in apartment buildings built last century are of very modest size, and private houses can not often boast of a large square footage. It would be logical to offer light or even snow-white decoration for small rooms at the entrance to a house or apartment. But the majority of our compatriots will never agree to white wall decoration in the hallway or the use of light-colored furniture and carpeting. It is generally accepted that a bright hallway is a big problem for the housewife in terms of care and operation. But finishing materials are also different. Among modern methods of finishing surfaces, including white, there are many options for materials that are problem-free from the point of view of daily care. In our impressive selection of hallways, the design of which is based on shades of white, we would like to demonstrate the fact that the room that “meets” us at the entrance to our own home can be light, bright, attractive and modern.

Style selection

Previously, renovations consisted solely of finishing surfaces and arranging furniture. Many did not even think about the correspondence of the typesetting components. Now it all starts with a targeted selection of style, thinking through the general design idea. Finishing materials and filling are selected taking into account the existing concept.

Most common styles are suitable for the design of a white hallway. In light colors you can organically decorate a space to suit every taste. The styles most often chosen by designers are:

  • minimalism;
  • loft;
  • Scandinavian;
  • classical;
  • Art Deco.

The option depends on the personal preferences of the owners of the house and the scale of the available space. An experienced designer will find the optimal solution that will help transform even the shortcomings of the room into advantages.

Decoration Materials

The walls, floor, and ceiling do not have to be decorated in snow-white shades. External “sterility” can create a dull appearance and cause problems in maintaining cleanliness.

For the ceiling, a stretch fabric of crystal white color with gloss is suitable. The system is equipped with a number of built-in lamps. You can stop at standard painting of the surface with light paint.

It is not necessary to choose white wallpaper for the hallway. It is permissible to decorate the walls with materials of milky and other shades. The canvas may contain a pattern of different colors or texture. The walls can be decorated with decorative tiles, panels or photo wallpapers.

It is recommended to lay tiles or parquet on the floor in the hallway. As an economical option, we can use laminate or linoleum. It is better to choose a color scheme for the coating other than white. Beige, gray, light brown colors are suitable.

White furniture in the hallway

The central link of the hallway can be a snow-white cabinet with large mirror panels. The item can be installed not only against the background of light-colored walls and other surfaces. Even taking into account the contrast, having a white cabinet will set the mood of the room.

A small space that does not require the presence of large pieces of furniture can also be equipped with light furnishings. A shoe rack, shelves or hanger can refresh the space while maintaining style.

The only thing that is not advisable to use for a white hallway interior is upholstered furniture. A fluffy pouf near the front door risks quickly losing its cleanliness. It is better to equip the space with straw-colored wicker chairs or unupholstered wooden benches.

If soft white furniture for the hallway is a necessity, then it must be “packed” in removable covers made of fabric that can easily withstand numerous washes.

Zoning with lighting

Zoning with light can be vertical or horizontal. In the first case, it is used to adjust proportions. For example, to visually lower a too-high ceiling in a small entrance area and widen the passage, you can use wall sconces at equal distances on both walls. In an extremely small space, sconces can be hung on only one wall. You can also run an LED strip along the perimeter of the ceiling so that in the twilight it does not visually go up endlessly.

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Design: Maya Baklan. Photo: mayabaklan.com

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Horizontal zoning is used most often - lamps in a rectangular or square hallway highlight several functional zones. This could be a storage system, a place for changing clothes, or a mirror with a chest of drawers. They are emphasized by different types of lamps, and it is also advisable to make several light sources and switches so that, if necessary, only one specific area can be illuminated.

With the help of lighting, you can focus on the desired part of the hall: at the door, where the owners and guests greet, say goodbye and change clothes, or at the entrance to the living room, as if inviting them to move on.

Game of contrasts

A hallway in white does not have to be monochrome. A skillful combination of shades is welcome. A game of contrasts is possible. White goes well with different color variations. You can try a duet with black, red or blue.

The choice depends on the style of the room. A balanced approach to design will help maintain the advantage of white even in the vicinity of bright contrast.

A color scheme

For the hallway, a winning combination would be white and gray. To liven up the interior and dilute the atmosphere, add other colors. A white ceiling and walls in soft coral, peach, milky, ivory tones will be combined with blue, gold, mocha, red, orange, purple, black.

What do you think of the idea of ​​using white for the corridor? We are waiting for your comments!

Small area in bright design

White color is preferred to decorate a limited space. The ability of light shades to visually expand the footage has long been known.

Look also here:

  • Stone in a modern interior

  • Bright hallway - design ideas and beautiful design options (60+ photos)

  • Hallway interior: various styles

The use of white tones will help transform the almost complete lack of space, a narrow, non-standard room at the entrance to the house into a beautiful and functional room. Not only correctly distributed shades will come to the rescue, but also the presence of mirrors and light.

Decorating a white hallway is a simple and interesting task. You can find many combinations to realize your plans. Don’t be afraid to bring your ideas to life, don’t be afraid to give up white, following prejudices. There is always a compromise.

Advantages of a light palette for decorating a hallway or corridor

It's no secret that light surfaces (and white ones in particular) can visually expand space. Considering that most hallways in our apartments are often small in size and have a complex, sometimes asymmetrical shape, this fact is a plus for white as a surface finish.

A snow-white finish helps to visually hide flaws in architecture, structures and structures, and balance asymmetry and various bevels. Not to mention, with white walls you won't have to worry about color combinations for furnishings, decor and various additions. White color serves as an excellent background for wall decor of any shade; even pastel colors look advantageous and colorful.

It is also well known how white color affects our psychological state - a light palette calms our emotions, brings balance and balance to our thoughts, and allows us to set ourselves up for rest and relaxation. For many whites, color is associated not only with freshness and cleanliness, which is also important for a utilitarian room, but also with a certain festive mood, a positive attitude and a feeling of high spirits, elevation above the ordinary.

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