A selection of the best color schemes for small rooms

Anton Pechyony

head of the design studio Every time I prepare another selection, I focus on your wishes. This is how this one appeared - the design of a small room - a topical and necessary topic. I want to tell you that the “Baked” design studio has already accumulated enough beautiful interiors, which will be enough for more than one similar thematic selection. The thing is that there are many more small rooms in our lives than we would like. So, let's surround ourselves with grace and style - because, as we remember, beauty saves the world. :)

Look how great the brick wall looks in this classic interior! By the way, we slightly enlarged the living room due to the loggia - it became both more comfortable and brighter.

It feels as if this light and fresh living room is glowing from within! :)

In my opinion, a great idea with bookcases and a daybed under the window! It is both beautiful and very convenient.

As you may have already noticed, when we look at the design of a small room, most often it is an interior in light colors. This makes the room seem much larger than it actually is.

Another interesting design technique that will help distract from the small size of the room is a bright accent wall. In our case, we supported the kitchen facades with turquoise color, thereby creating a common space, uniting it.

Look: not only did we get a very small room, but it was also of a strange irregular shape, and, to boot, it was a walk-through room!:) But, we did a little magic and got a wonderful youth living room in a modern style!:)

It’s even stupid to argue with the fact that wood brings warmth and coziness to the interior, so we won’t, but to confirm this theory we’ll give, as an example, this very nice kitchen-living room. :)

Of course, the kitchen turned out to be quite small, but if you are not a chef, and this is not a restaurant kitchen, then there is enough space for preparing family lunches and dinners. And everything is at hand, by the way.

If you are already tired of classic interiors with carpets and curtains, you want air and simplicity, then take a closer look at this modern bedroom.

Here is the design of a small room in the literal sense of the word. But, firstly, there was even enough space for a desk, and secondly, this bedroom was created after remodeling a one-room apartment. :)

Small room sizes are by no means an obstacle to creating cool and stylish interiors. I tell you this with knowledge of the matter! :)

Gray and silver

The smoky color is a chameleon, and also goes with most shades. If the room has an abundance of warm colors, then gray will become warm, and vice versa. But in a small area, the more uniform the surfaces are perceived, the better: to increase the space, you can use one color that envelops the entire room. Gray color harmoniously combines with chrome and silver details: they give the atmosphere airiness and nobility.

To prevent the space from looking artificial, add different textures in decoration and decor.

Mirror in the design of a small room

One of the easiest ways to make a room feel larger than it actually is is to add mirrors.

By reflecting the light, colors and furnishings of a room, mirrors can trick the eye and make a room appear twice as big as its actual size.

Place a very large mirror in places with maximum light, where the view from the next room will be reflected, or a beautiful landscape from the window outside will be captured and the interior design of a small room will be transformed.

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White plus natural shades

White color is neutral and works great to expand space. A win-win combination that will appeal to connoisseurs of eco-style and Scandinavian style - wood tones combined with all shades of green.

Cream, milk or ivory will be a great backdrop for natural elements, while brown and beige tones will add coziness to the room and dilute the coldness of white. Bright green plants can serve as accent points: “urban jungle” is a trend that is not losing ground, so don’t be afraid to go overboard with foliage.

If plants are not your thing, you can highlight one wall with color, or choose a couple of green chairs and accessories.

Interior ideas for small rooms for different purposes

Now let’s look specifically at how all of the above is implemented in the design of premises for various purposes. It is clear that there is a significant difference between the design of a living room, a nursery and a bedroom.

The only room in the apartment

In a one-room apartment, the room should be super functional. After all, it is used both as a living room and as a bedroom. First of all, you should think about the sleeping area. There are several possible solutions. The most obvious and common is to install a folding sofa. There are different designs, but the essence does not change. The only drawback of this solution is that it is not a bed and sleeping on the sofa is not entirely comfortable. However, this is the most common option.

A sofa bed is often placed in a small room

This option is acceptable if one person lives in an apartment. If there are two people, this is no longer very convenient: someone wants to sleep, someone else can’t sleep. In this case, they try to fence off part of the room with a translucent partition and place a bed behind it. The remaining part is furnished as a mini-living room.

A translucent partition allows sufficient light to pass through and at the same time separates the living room area from the bedroom

The partition can be made of any material. The only condition: if it fences off an area near a window, it must let in enough light. In the photo above, the room is divided by a translucent glass wall. With obvious separation, the space does not become fragmented. It remains intact. Another option is to mark the area with a plasterboard openwork partition or make a partition in the form of shelves.

Partition in the form of shelves

If you still want more privacy, there is an option with sliding partitions that work like doors in wardrobes.

Read about sliding doors here, and in this article you can read about accordion and book folding doors.

Sliding partitions

They can move apart in different directions (photo on the right) or fold in one direction. If such a partition is made mirrored, it will also visually expand the space.

There are also non-standard options for installing a bed in the only living room. For example, if the ceilings allow, you can move the sleeping place under the ceiling. To do this, they build a solid structure in the form of a cabinet or podium, and make a bed on the “roof”.

Shelves disguise the sleeping space above

For those who are not afraid of heights

Move the sleeping place to a kind of podium

There is another option with that podium. Make a work or living area on it, and hide a pull-out bed under the flooring. It is difficult to imagine a more rational use of space.

The bed “slides” under the podium

You can also play with the design of the bed. They can come down from the ceiling or be disguised as a closet. Such beds are already on sale and are called “wardrobe beds.”

Folding bed-wardrobe

The sleeping place comes down from the ceiling

In general, there are enough solutions. The interior of a small room in a one-room apartment can be both beautiful and functional.

Small bedroom

Even if you don’t have a one-room apartment, a small bedroom is far from uncommon. For many, its area does not exceed 10 sq.m. In this case, only necessary items are left from the environment. A bed and bedside tables are required. Everything else - if the interior of a small room is not too overloaded.

Small bedroom - nothing more

Without a closet in the bedroom it is very inconvenient, but a massive object takes up too much space. It can be replaced by a wardrobe or dressing room. In fact, they differ in size and content. The dressing room must be at least 1.2 m deep (to allow entry). In long and narrow bedrooms with an entrance door on the short side, you can fence off the space immediately at the entrance. This makes the room more regular in shape - closer to a square, and such rooms are perceived as more spacious.

If the entrance to the bedroom is on a long wall, you can use one of the corners or the end wall as a dressing room. It all depends on the specific layout. If there is the slightest opportunity, select such a place. You will simply be amazed at how many things can fit in there if properly organized.

A wardrobe in the bedroom solves many problems

One of the more traditional options is to fill the wall opposite the bed with furniture. But it will have to be made to order - across the entire wall. This will give the bedroom a modern look. You choose the design style of this “wall” based on the overall style.

Furniture can occupy one of the walls, but only from edge to edge

Another idea for arranging a small bedroom is to build the head of the bed into the furniture wall. From the point of view of Feng Shui, this is wrong, but from the point of view of rationality, it is an excellent option.

The upper part of the wall is occupied by cabinets

At the same time, the workplace is organized

White furniture gets lost against the background of the same wall

It’s difficult to come up with anything else in such a highly specialized room. The main task is to place the bed correctly and choose the right color scheme.

Children's room

The concept of “children’s room” is quite loose. This is a room for children of preschool and school age, right up to teenagers. As you understand, the design and content are significantly different, but the ideas are similar.

The main way to save space is to make a bunk bed. In this case, there can be one sleeping place - upstairs, and a workplace is equipped on the “ground floor”. This is an option that will suit both toddlers and older children. The sizes of the beds are also not very different: children grow up too quickly, so they mostly buy teenage beds right away, adding a “childish” ambience with the help of bedspreads, pictures and other accessories.

Beds are “built-in” into the furniture wall

Reliable option. Fits well into the interior of a small room and saves space

Bunk bed with workspaces for two students

The metal frame is very reliable

In a small children's room, you can save space by using a two-level bed

Desk below, bed above

If you are afraid of heights, you can make a different type of bed - with a pull-out second bed. Also a good option.

The second mattress slides out from below

Podium under which beds are hidden

If you don’t need a second bed, you can make drawers for toys or things under the bed. In the interior of a small room, everything is subordinated to the task of optimally using all available space, while freeing up as much free space as possible.

Optimal use of free space is the main motto of the design of small rooms

For older children, almost the same techniques are used, only in a different design.

Use the space above your bed to store books

Teenager's room

When designing the interior of a small children's room, use the above rules: three colors, multi-level surfaces, no unnecessary details.

The general principles of designing children's rooms are described in this article.

Small living room

No matter how much you would like to stick wallpaper with a large pattern in a small living room, you shouldn’t do this. Perhaps in fragments or on one wall, using the principles of combining two types of wallpaper, otherwise they will “eat up” the space and a “box” effect will appear. You will almost physically feel how the walls are pressing on you. The best choice is plain walls in pastel colors.

One wall is decorated with wood or stone - one of the latest fashion trends

The texture may be different. This can be decorative textured plaster, wallpaper with an embossed pattern, or fiberglass with a paintable texture. It is very fashionable now to decorate one of the walls with wood or stone (stone-look tiles or flagstone). All of these are ways to diversify a not too large set of furniture that is usually found in a small living room. Most often this is a sofa, two armchairs, a coffee table and a TV. It doesn’t seem like a very large set, but there are a lot of variations. Firstly, furniture comes in different shapes, styles and colors. And the number of combinations is very large. Some of them are in the photo gallery.

A fireplace in the living room is the dream of many

This interior of a small living room with a slight hint of Japanese style

Interesting design of one of the walls, an unusual carpet on the floor and the interior “played out”

Wooden domed ceiling - very unusual

Doors can be sliding to save space

Zoning option - to highlight the work area

Black and white design is always in trend

Traditional colors remain relevant

The design of living rooms is discussed in detail here, and you can also read about the choice of wallpaper for the living room and the features and types of curtains for this room.

Sky blue and warm tones

Cool shades help make a room appear larger, while soft blues brighten corners and add lightness to the space. This is an ideal color for a small bedroom, but it also looks attractive in a nursery or living room.

Soft blue can be safely diluted with warm beige, wood and golden details, as well as adding active decor. But it is important not to overload a cramped space with redundant elements, otherwise the situation will look disjointed.

If the sun rarely comes into the room, a blue tint will make it even duller. To add warmth, use pale yellow or peach tones.

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