Children's room in Provence style: features and subtleties of design

Provence style is one of the win-win options for decorating a children's room. Despite the pronounced romance, it will be equally appropriate for both girls and boys. The main message of the French elegant style is a feeling of homely warmth, which helps to instill family values ​​in the baby. A children's room in Provence style is not only a bedroom, but also a space for the development of a child, so all elements, from furniture to textiles, are selected in one key.

Romance and comfort Source

Provence style: briefly about the main thing

Provincial French country is an excellent choice for the interior of a children's room, allowing you to surround your child with comfort and develop his taste. The design is recognizable by the following characteristic elements:

  • Calm light colors in decor and decoration.
  • Natural textures and materials (wood, cotton, linen).

In the attic Source

  • Floral prints on textiles, upholstery and walls.
  • Artificially aged furniture with picturesque scuffs.
  • Rustic decor in the form of all kinds of lace, ruffles, embroidery.

Floral motifs are a sure sign of Provence Source

Color spectrum

Provence is characterized by delicate, airy, warm shades. Usually the main color is white or cream. Additionally, lavender, mint, blue, pink colors are used, all of them are pastel shades. This combination will give the room tenderness and incredible comfort. This is very important for a child’s room; the child should not be irritated by anything.

Floral print is also typical for Provence. Flowers can be everywhere: on wallpaper, curtains and bed linen. They remind you of warm summer days and create a good mood .

Bedroom for a girl and a boy: differences

It is believed that the Provence style with its ruffles, lace and abundance of toys is appropriate in a little girl’s room. For a teenage girl, as a rule, adjustments are made to the design that do not go beyond the style - for example, an elegant bed with a wrought-iron headboard is installed, a large mirror is hung.

Pink shouldn't be bright Source

For a teenage girl Source

A boy (especially a teenager) is unlikely to appreciate the abundance of lush pillows and flowers on the walls. Therefore, a room for a boy in the Provence style is also undergoing changes: the color scheme becomes cooler, and stripes or checkered patterns replace floral patterns.

No sentimentality Source

Male charm Source

Flooring - a play of wood textures

In small cozy houses in the south of France, the floors were usually covered with ceramic tiles or rough boards

. These unspoken rules have survived to this day and are widely used in many countries around the world - in those homes where families strive to create a warm atmosphere of Provencal traditions. A wooden floor is an excellent solution, but the boards can be quite successfully replaced with parquet or laminate, which beautifully recreates the texture and shade of light wood.

What colors to choose

Light colors have the ability to visually expand space, so Provence is ideal for a nursery, which is usually of a modest size. The room will look more spacious if you choose white as a base and a couple of additional light colors. A suitable addition would be beige, pearl, or vanilla. Desaturated shades of gray and brown are also suitable.

With a yellow accent Source

French Provence is associated with the greenery of olive groves, lavender fields and vineyards. Therefore, the interior necessarily contains accents of warm colors, saturated, but slightly muted, as if slightly faded under the midday sun. A children's room in Provence style for a little girl can be decorated in the most delicate shades of pistachio, cream, purple, pink (do not overdo it with the latter).

Summer interior Source

White solution for a small bedroom Source

A teenage girl will like lavender, powdery, yellow, turquoise, mint colors. For a boy’s room, it is better to choose olive, blue, terracotta, sand, or milk chocolate colors.

Pink and coffee with milk for a teenage girl Source

Bedroom for a newborn Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment


Color is the main one in these interiors. Provence consists of lavender shades, orange oranges, red flowers, blue sky palette or white snow motifs.

Designers can dream to their heart's content. Pastel colors are resistant to the bright rays of the sun, so they are mainly used.

Hearts everywhere for a little miracle

How to decorate the floor, ceiling and walls

The romance of the French countryside is emphasized by the choice of materials for the floors, walls and ceilings. The easiest way to emphasize the atmosphere of a country house is by choosing one of the following options for the floor:

  • Solid wood or parquet flooring. A coating with a pronounced texture will be stylish and durable. It is left natural or painted white.

In calm tones Source

Beige floor in milky blue decor Source

  • Laminate with imitation of an aged or bleached wooden surface. The most practical option for the children's room of an unpredictable child.

Laminate flooring in a white and olive bedroom Source
The Provence style ceiling is painted or covered with plaster. If you do install a suspended ceiling, then it must be made matte. A nice touch to the look is wooden false beams (decorative beams) made of pine, oak or larch. Instead, you can use polyurethane ceiling beams.

Ceiling beams in children's decor Source

Whatever the walls, modern metal-plastic double-glazed windows will disrupt the carefully created image; Frames, if not wooden, then laminated to look like wood, are welcome. The following materials are used to decorate walls in Provence style;

  • Wallpaper. Plain ones, decorated with small floral prints, and discreet vertical stripes are suitable.

Wallpaper with a large floral pattern Source

  • Paint or decorative plaster. Choose special water-based paint for children's rooms - it is non-toxic, dries quickly and has no odor.

Cream walls Source

  • Wooden lining. Light pine lining (clean or painted cream or light gray) can be used to decorate all the walls or make one accent wall.

Wall decoration with beige clapboard Source


The nursery should have a lot of light. A simple and laconic chandelier can serve as lighting - a forged base and fabric shades.

In general, all shades of lampshades, lamps and floor lamps should be made of natural fabric.

If additional lighting is required, then you can use spotlights, which will also have a discreet design.

Choosing furniture

Properly selected furniture gives a special charm to a nursery in a light southern style. The bedroom should be furnished with items in an elegant classic or simplified rustic style; their main quality should be vintage. Of course, no one fills a child's room with authentic, antique items. A practical solution would be to purchase (or order) light wood furniture and then paint it in a suitable color.

Light furniture is part of the Provence style Source

Bed with a metal headboard Source

Furniture is supposed to be artificially aged; traces of wear and patina will add to the room the naturalness so valued in French country style. A good solution would be a voluminous, well-worn chest of drawers, where all the children’s things can fit without any problems. In addition to it and the bed, in the room you can find a wardrobe, a bedside table, a cozy chair (or rocking chair). For older children, a workplace is allocated: a table, a chair, bookshelves or a rack.

Hinged wardrobe with carved inserts Source

With a touch of modernity Source

Mistakes you shouldn't make

  • Don't be fanatical about decorating your room. There must be measure in the details. If it turns out that there are a large number of similar objects in the room, then it is better to alternate them: display some and hide the other. Two identical rocking horses of different shades will look simply inappropriate and ridiculous.
  • The main emphasis should be placed on only one color and its application should be quite delicate.
  • There is no need to use black or dark brown. If the room has dark laminate or parquet, it is best to completely cover it with light carpeting.
  • All materials must be extremely safe, natural and environmentally friendly, because the health of the child may depend on this.

By decorating a child’s room in the French Provence style, parents will not only show care for the child, but also realize their interesting ideas. This is an interesting process in which the child can also participate. And spending time together, as we know, brings people closer together. As the baby grows, you can modify the room, add decor or necessary furniture as the child needs.

Originally posted 2018-02-01 06:47:50.

Decor: charming interior additions

The easiest way to make a nursery more comfortable is to choose decor and textiles that match the style. The following options are used in interior design:

  • Curtains. Expensive fabrics are inappropriate. Linen, cotton or chintz, plain, checkered, with floral motifs are suitable. A girl's room in Provence style can be decorated with curtains with lace inserts, bows, and embroidery.

Chintz curtains with floral print Source

  • Textile. The bed is decorated with many pillows, a frilly bedspread, and perhaps a decorative canopy.

Cozy sofa in a lilac bedroom Source

  • Toys. Take care of a chest or basket to store them. To support the given style and please your baby, place several vintage toys in the room.

How to store toys Source

  • Light. Use, depending on the chosen direction, a classic chandelier with floral details and a fabric lampshade, or lamps in a rough “barn” style.

Lampshade for a teenage girl Source

  • Details. The unique atmosphere of a room is determined by the details; they can be pots with fresh flowers, decorative bird cages, photographs and drawings in thin wooden frames.

Decorative cage Source


This is probably the most basic detail of Provence. There should be a lot of fabrics. The curtains are multi-layered, with gathers and folds, but at the same time very light and airy. In a girl's room, you can use a canopy over the bed. This will make her bed a real princess bed.

Fabrics must be exclusively natural:

  • silk;
  • linen;
  • chintz;
  • cotton, etc.

They can be plain or with prints . The main thing is color compatibility. You can use checkered, striped, polka dot or other prints, but you should always remember the airiness and lightness of the shades.

You should use a quilted bedspread; it will add even more marshmallow-likeness and airiness.

Selection of fabrics.

You can use simple cotton textiles with prints of flowers, trees and grass. Fabrics for curtains should be made from natural fibers; they always look beautiful and advantageous in the interior, and also allow air to pass through well and allow it to circulate freely.

Recently, people often use fabrics in this style separately from it, so there should not be any special difficulties associated with their choice. Fabrics in the interior should be harmoniously combined with the entire design, taking into account the surrounding environment.

Natural fabrics are always sophisticated and gentle, which is very important for Provencal curtains

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