Wallpaper in Provence style: Rules for decorating rooms (150+ Photos). How to make the interior truly French?

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Interior in Provence styleWallpaper



Provence is an interior design direction that has remained popular for several centuries. A room decorated in Provence style instantly transforms and becomes romantic, gentle and cozy, surrounded by a huge amount of daylight and cute trinkets.

History of style

Provence comes from the French southern hinterland and is considered a type of country style that was used by villagers back in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The style was named after the province in which it first appeared - Provence. This region of France to this day attracts tourists from all over the world with its peaceful atmosphere, saturated with the aromas of lavender plantations and fragrant herbs.

Provence comes from the French southern hinterland

It is from this part of the French state that the legendary shepherds and shepherdesses, who are more like medieval princesses, come from. Provence style is the elegance of the French nobility, organically intertwined with the simplicity of the villagers . The design direction refers to old styles, in which the use of antique furniture and finishing methods is allowed.

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Wallpaper Andrea Rossi

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Loimina Wallpaper

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Even the most ordinary person who does not understand design can identify a room decorated in the Provence style. What features does the French countryside style have? Mainly, it is a light color scheme in muted and pastel colors, which can be seen both in the choice of furniture and in the decoration of the entire interior.

The style was named after the province

In a Provençal room, the morning of French spring always comes - sunny and cheerful. Designers do not use bright contrasts . Decoration with color serves only to emphasize the relaxed atmosphere.

The initial task of decorators is the optimal selection of patterns. The lines should intertwine in such a way that the result is an elegant ornament. Quite often, colorful wallpaper is used to decorate the walls of a room. Flowers of Provence look almost realistic, so a person will be able to determine the type of flower at first glance. The picturesque bouquets also look like they are alive, and the ornaments used are created from many recognizable elements.

Advice When starting to decorate a Provence style room, you should remember that furniture, wallpaper and textiles should have the same pattern.

Light colors in muted and pastel colors

Furniture is most often artificially aged, or antique furniture is restored, preserving its natural appearance. Rough furniture made from wood damaged by woodworm looks harmonious. The texture can be smooth, matte, with smoothed corners.

Individual pieces of furniture are decorated with carvings and forged parts.

Ceiling cornices, windows and doors are decorated with decorative frames. Provence does not require strictness and symmetry, which cannot be said about the classics and English style.

Today's designers allow the use of some details that are not typical of Provence - modern furniture, finishing materials. However, with the Provencal style, classic colors and decorative details must be used, without which the design direction loses its ancient French spirit.

Decoration with color

What should you pay attention to when choosing wallpaper in the Provence style?

When choosing Provence wallpaper for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the size of the room itself. For example, if the room is not very large, then it is better not to choose wallpaper with a large print or too bright canvases

This way you can visually reduce the size of your room even more.

When choosing Provence wallpaper for the kitchen, it is very important to take into account the size of the room itself

As for the Provence style, it involves the use of exclusively natural materials in the design of the room. This also applies to the choice of wallpaper. They must also be made from natural raw materials. In addition to standard paper sheets, you can also use a fabric surface; it is no less relevant for this type of interior.

Designers recommend paying attention to shades that evoke an association with the province of the same name, which is located in France. In the kitchen there should be a feeling that somewhere outside the window there is a lavender field and the sea breeze can be heard

Designers recommend paying attention to shades that evoke an association with the province of the same name, which is located in France

To achieve the above result, you should select a finishing material of the following color:

  • violet;
  • white;
  • pastel;
  • cream;
  • grey;
  • green.

In general, these should be natural colors. Regarding the print that is depicted on the canvas, it should be said that most often it is designed in a floral theme. Initially, we were talking about a small drawing that matches the main color scheme of the room. But lately, designers have been recommending the use of wallpaper with large designs. Although, again, the floral theme remains relevant.

Regarding the print that is depicted on the canvas, it should be said that most often it is designed in a floral theme


The style of the French countryside remains a popular trend to this day, which is why many large manufacturers create and produce entire collections of themed wallpaper. The material is quite expensive. For its production, handmade work and sketches of designers are used, who develop a design specifically for the Provençal style.

Not all connoisseurs of classic design can afford such wallpaper, since the prices for the material are very high. Therefore, manufacturers began to produce wallpaper with simpler textures and patterns in the traditional Provencal style.

The style of the French countryside remains popular to this day.

The choice of wallpaper is provided by various materials that anyone can afford at a price. You can buy simple paper, non-woven and vinyl ones. Or make do with painted walls. Fortunately, Provence also allows this method of finishing a room.

In addition, French peasants in the distant past did not have wallpaper. They whitewashed the walls with the addition of pigments of a certain tone.

For modern finishing in this style, buy ready-made wallpaper suitable for painting. The main thing is that the embossing allows you to feel like a resident of a Provençal village.

The choice of wallpaper is provided by various materials


French retro wallpaper has some distinctive features:

  • The material is never painted with silver or gold paints. It does not contain any glitter.
  • Classic colors for Provencal wallpaper on a light background: vanilla, white, turquoise, straw yellow, soft olive, light lemon.
  • The texture should be smooth, without smooth lines, abstractions, extruded colors and ornaments, without a three-dimensional geometric pattern. Minor imitation of vertical panels and rough plaster is allowed.
  • A different pattern is used for the room.

The texture should be smooth

Wallpaper that meets the described criteria belongs to the Provence style. If you are not sure whether the material is designed in the desired style, it is better to consult with the seller or designer. Or simply paint the walls in pastel colors.


As you can see from the photo, wallpaper of exclusively light colors is selected for a Provencal style bedroom. They can be warm or cooler shades, with floral or geometric patterns, but they are definitely not obtrusive to the eye and relaxing after a hard day at work.

Depending on your taste preferences, choose wallpaper in the following moderate shades:

  • white or beige;
  • pink;
  • yellow;
  • terracotta;
  • blue;
  • azure;
  • lilac;
  • gray;
  • chocolate;
  • green.

You can’t decorate the walls entirely with gold, glossy, shiny and eye-catching wallpaper. Excessive luxury when creating a style will be unnecessary

A good choice would be to divide the room into zones using contrasting shades. For example, the sleeping area can be highlighted with plain, delicate wallpaper in warm colors, and the boudoir area with more saturated or cool colors. This creates the effect of light from the sun's rays and the shadow of a fresh sea breeze.

Varieties of textures and patterns

Wallpaper from the French provinces is produced in different patterns and designs. The simplest option is to imitate a plastered wall . To achieve such an illusion, you need to use ready-made wallpaper for painting, which is embossed with an image of an untreated wall. Or for these purposes you can use liquid wallpaper that does not contain mineral inclusions.

Similar wallpaper is used to decorate rooms with cornices, a lot of textiles, moldings and pieces of furniture, that is, in rooms where the walls play a secondary role.

In soft blue tones

Floral patterns are suitable to create a romantic mood. The greatest resemblance to real flowers will create an atmosphere of lightness, peace and love in the room.

Floral patterns and compositions, combining them with a geometric pattern - for example, with polka dots or stripes - will emphasize the cheerfulness of the Provencal style.

Advice: Wallpaper should not be overly solemn or contrasting. Bright flowers or colorful birds are not used for rustic decoration. It should be a delicate and faded finish with images of pink roses and meadow flowers. A good option, leather with a floral pattern is folded into vertical stripes.

In the interior of the kitchen

Thanks to this stylistic decision, the ceilings will become visually higher. Wallpaper with a vertical pattern often needs to be combined when gluing.

The third version of the pattern on the wallpaper is a small motif that is repeated along the entire length of the finish. A rhythmic pattern is suitable for decorating the walls of a Provencal room. Vignettes or miniature bouquets are used as ornaments, but in no case geometric shapes.

Such wallpaper should also lack bright color accents. Muted pastel colors are most preferable. This type of finish will look ideal in a living room or kitchen decorated in Provencal style.

Wood-look product with a pattern

The quality of the material plays an important role. And there are some nuances here. In real Provence, only paper wallpaper is allowed.

The paper is matte, has a simple texture without relief, and gives a sense of tradition. As an alternative, you can choose matte non-woven or vinyl wallpaper with a foam surface without embossing, used for painting.

You definitely shouldn’t buy natural wallpaper made from linkrust, fabric or with deep embossing. Abstraction, urban motifs, large ornaments and dark colors are also not suitable for the Provençal style.

The quality of the material plays an important role

TOP - 10 wallpaper manufacturers


Wallpaper Andrea Rossi⭐ 5 / 5Find out more

Wallpaper AS Creation⭐ 4.95 / 5
1 - voice
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Wallpaper Grandeco⭐ 4.9 / 5Find out more

Wallpaper Eurodecor⭐ 4.85 / 5Find out more

Loimina Wallpaper⭐ 4.8 / 5Find out more

Wallpaper Victoria Stenova⭐ 4.75 / 5Find out more

Wallpaper Zambaiti Parati⭐ 4.7 / 5Find out more

Elysium Wallpaper⭐ 4.65 / 5Find out more

Photo wallpaper Komar⭐ 4.6 / 5
1 - voice
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Wallpaper OVK Design⭐ 4.55 / 5Find out more

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Provençal wallpaper in room decoration

The style of the French countryside is rarely used to decorate living rooms, kitchens, hallways and halls. It is usually found in children's rooms and bedrooms. However, time does not stand still and in each style designers introduce some innovative ideas that do not spoil the classics and bring them closer to modern trends.

Today, Provencal interior can be applied to almost any room. This is a style that will look equally harmonious both in the bedroom and in the hallway.

The style can be applied to almost any room


Decorating a hallway in this style is quite difficult. This room is simple and uncomplicated, and the French style requires the use of a huge number of little things in the interior. In addition, all other rooms in the house should also be oriented in this direction.

Provence is difficult to combine with other styles. It usually looks good with rural motifs - rustic or country.

This room is simple and uncomplicated

When decorating the hallway of a room in Provence style, you need to adhere to five main principles:

  • color spectrum;
  • finishing methods;
  • furniture;
  • lighting method;
  • accessories.

The base color in the color scheme is white.

It can be supplemented:

  • peach;
  • olive;
  • mint;
  • pastel brown;
  • lemon;
  • matte black shades.

Moreover, the color should not flow from one shade to another. The boundaries of different colors should be clearly separated by furnishings to maintain accents.

Natural materials are used as finishing - metal, wood and stone. It is better to make the floor parquet, and place several rustic rugs on it. They also use patterned tiles, the surface of which is artificially aged to give it an antique look.

In a house that has its own history, old tiles or parquet are preserved, resorting only to restoration - this is exactly what Provence is characterized by. The floor is decorated with monochromatic colors; you can use a geometric pattern with miniature floral splashes.

In a hallway made in a rustic spirit, it is much easier to think through the design of the walls, which cannot be said about the floor. The surface is deliberately plastered unevenly, ensuring that the brick is visible in places. Walls covered with wood are carelessly painted with light colors.

Cozy room in a given style

Since the hallway is not large in size, the pattern on the wallpaper should be casual and unobtrusive. A good option would be plain light wallpaper without a pattern or with small floral patterns.

It is better to look for furniture for the hallway in antique shops. Handymen can make pieces of furniture themselves, using purchased or old chests of drawers, bedside tables and stools as a basis. In addition, many manufacturers produce modern furniture that is stylized as antique.

Hallway decoration

In the living room

The Provencal interior in the living room immerses the owners of the house and guests in an atmosphere of peace and rustic comfort. But, despite the style belonging to provincial life, many residents of megacities choose this design for their city apartments.

It is important to ensure that the pattern on the wallpaper intersects as closely as possible with the pattern on the curtains. Then Provençal harmony will be visible throughout the interior of the living room.

Immerses home owners and guests in an atmosphere of peace

Before purchasing wallpaper, you should carefully consider your choice. It is recommended that you first look at photos of the premises where wall decoration options are presented.

When choosing a material, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • wallpaper should be made from natural raw materials;
  • wall decoration should be chosen in natural color tones;
  • the design should consist of natural ornaments;
  • Wallpaper should be in harmony in everything with other types of decoration in the room, furniture, and decor.

Harmony in the interior

In a true Provencal style living room there should be no wallpaper. Traditionally, walls are simply finished with light textured or natural paint. They are also painted or covered with natural wood panels.

However, if desired, the living room can also be decorated with wallpaper. You just need to pick them up. The walls of a Provencal living room, decorated with wallpaper, should look similar in appearance to a plastered, painted or wood-lined surface.

Fortunately, many manufacturers sell wallpaper that looks perfectly similar to the listed finishing materials. Therefore, choosing the right color, theme and texture is easy.

In dark colors

Advice For the living room, paper wallpaper in beige, blue and yellow colors is suitable. You can also buy finishing material in terracotta, blue, green and pink shades. All these colors can be found in the nature of French Provence.

Designers, in turn, recommend purchasing white wallpaper for painting with the image of a traditional ornament.

A light color will transform the hallway into a more spacious room filled with soft light.

The decoration and texture of the room should be slightly aged, artificially of course. In the southern region of France it is very sunny, so the wallpaper in the rooms fades quickly. The design on the material may be slightly erased, the paint may be cracked or worn. This is traditional Provence.

Cozy lunch spot

The texture of the wallpaper can be smooth, but the embossed finish looks more impressive. The fabric lining also looks Provencal. Only the material should be selected to imitate textiles, wood, stone or plaster.

For decoration, it is better to choose a floral print. A good option would be the inflorescences of lavender, a wildflower found in the south of France. Large drawings would be a bad idea. They will only distort the style of the living room.

Advice Should be avoided when covering walls with materials with gilding or an overly ornate pattern. As a result, the Provencal style will become ugly and vulgar.

It is better to choose a floral print for decoration.

For kitchen

The Provencal design of the kitchen predisposes to calm family conversations at a delicious dinner table. Wallpaper in this style will be a gentle addition to aged furniture. In tandem they will give the room peace and tranquility. Soft colors and delicate patterns will set family members in the mood for romance and harmony.

While in the kitchen, a person should have a feeling of unity with nature, a feeling of warm summer. The sun playing in the grass, measuredly swaying flowers, a light breeze and the endless blue sea - that very atmosphere of the southern outback.

The presentation of all these pictures will immediately prompt you to choose the right wallpaper for Provencal cuisine. It should be a floral pattern or a small check, rustic teapots with cups or rural houses with pets.

Soft colors and delicate patterns will set family members in the mood for romance and harmony.

In the kitchen there is high humidity and a huge number of different odors, so the choice of wallpaper for this room should be approached with special care and prudence.

General requirements

Regardless of what kind of interior was chosen to decorate the kitchen space, it is worth adhering to the general rules. Namely, take into account how many people use the kitchen, how to properly design the work triangle, think about functionality and ease of use.

Modern kitchen with dark fittings

As for the work triangle, it is important to make easy access to the stove, sink and refrigerator. The ideal option is an equilateral triangle, in which all sides are equal, and the sink, stove and refrigerator are at the same distance from each other.

This distance can vary from 1.2 to 2.5 meters.

Warning ATTENTION: a small distance between the stove, refrigerator and sink (as well as too large) will be inconvenient when preparing food. Also, when arranging a functional kitchen space, it is worth considering the location of household appliances

It is better to place the dishwasher near the sink. A powerful hood is installed above the stove. Household appliances such as a slow cooker, toaster, blender, food processor, etc. greatly simplify the process of preparing delicious dishes.

Also, when arranging a functional kitchen space, it is worth considering the location of household appliances. It is better to place the dishwasher near the sink. A powerful hood is installed above the stove. Household appliances such as a multicooker, toaster, blender, food processor and the like greatly simplify the process of preparing delicious dishes.

A kitchen in white looks elegant and cozy

And, of course, the final stage of arranging a kitchen is filling it with various decors and accessories.

Here it is important to think about proper lighting for both the dining area and the food preparation area, and select all the necessary utensils (pans, pots, plates). With the right approach, your kitchen will become cozy, stylish, functional and practical, no matter what style it is in.

Add some greenery

Particularly popular is the olive shade with mint elements. Such solutions are suitable if the room has mahogany furniture. The color of cornices, doors and window openings is usually different in this style.

Green in Provence Source www.pinterest.com

A wide countertop in marble style is perfect for organizing a kitchen in Provence style interior. A set made of natural wood, which is also painted in olive color, is welcome. The design idea is interesting because the upper part of the furniture is made in a different color, and the olive palette is used only for some of the walls. For such cases, they try to decorate the apron with custom-made tiles with antique ornaments and patterns.

Large kitchen Source www.pinterest.ru

The corner work area in the kitchen in Provence is suitable for rooms with sufficient free space. The set has an olive or pistachio shade; as for the dining area, it is equipped with a rectangular table with curly chairs. Wooden furniture is predominantly used.

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