Vanilla color. How to get it and what shades to combine with?

The vanilla shade is ideal for kitchen design; with its help it is easy to create a cozy atmosphere. This color is especially popular with romantic people; I want to spend more time in the kitchen area, decorated in vanilla tones. The main thing is to achieve harmony in the design so that the furniture and surface finishes match each other.

Thanks to this color, you can refresh and visually enlarge the space. It is perfect for small kitchens, helping to make them more spacious and at the same time cozy.

Psychologists claim that all vanilla shades have a positive effect on the nervous system and instill a sense of calm. They evoke associations with a variety of sweets and pastries, and aromatic coffee. They make the environment more comfortable on a subconscious level.

Vanilla can be used to decorate surfaces, countertops and hanging shelves. Usually this color is chosen as the dominant one. But you shouldn’t forget about bright accents. Their role is played by colorful curtains or colorful photo wallpapers on one of the walls. The lighting in a vanilla kitchen should be warm so that the design does not seem gloomy.

Important! When decorating the kitchen area in vanilla color, avoid snow-white household appliances, they will look unpresentable. Against such a background, white looks as if it is dirty, a touch of yellowness appears.

"Delicious cuisine

Vanilla color for the kitchen is chosen by those who value home comfort, love to cook and enjoy receiving guests. A part of the house in this color design reveals the soul, awakens sensuality and a taste for life.

This is a shade for those with a sweet tooth and gourmets. Almost all people associate it with pastries, a cup of aromatic tea or coffee, spices, fruit pies and ice cream.

Vanilla color balances between the cool and warm spectrum. It doesn’t get boring, because under different lighting, depending on the time of year and day, the room where the tone is the main one looks different.

Vanilla color is a good solution for small kitchens. It has the ability to expand space. A small kitchen will look well-groomed and neat.

In order for a light shade to reveal itself and not get lost, it needs to be correctly combined with others. Light walls, for example, require bright accents. The colors of blue, malachite, pistachio, and orange are suitable as such inclusions. Those who love original color combinations will be impressed by the combination of vanilla shade with gray and scarlet.

Choose a work surface in natural shades. Browse through the catalogs. Artificial stone and sandstone go well with the “tasty” shade.

Decide on the style in which the kitchen will be designed. Vanilla shade can fit into both classic and hi-tech. Owners of large kitchens and lovers of traditional color combinations will love the combination of “vanilla and chocolate.” This tandem does not require additional accents and never goes out of style. In the “minimalism” and “high-tech” styles, a vanilla shade can be present in glossy facades and combined with metal.

Features of choosing a headset shape

The shape of the headset primarily depends on the size of the room and its layout. For a square kitchen, the best option is an L-shaped or U-shaped corner set. It divides the kitchen into zones and creates a comfortable work surface for preparing dishes.

The lower tier is reserved for storing dishes and kitchen utensils, and the upper cabinets are for cereals and textiles. When installing a corner set, it is important to use the corner and make it another place for kitchen items.

Important ! An island is often installed in modern kitchens. This is a high tabletop, which is located in the center of the room. The island serves many functions: it serves as a work surface, a dining area, and additional storage space for kitchen utensils. Due to the height behind the island, it is easy to work while standing. Often the island is designed as a bar counter.

Linear single-level or two-level sets will fit into a rectangular kitchen. The vanilla linear set leaves room for a comfortable dining group and free passage. The furniture is placed along the wall, with the sink located between the refrigerator and the hob. This way the space complies with the rules of ergonomics and multifunctionality.

Bedroom for peace and romance

Vanilla color is natural and soft. It has a good effect on the nervous system. For a couple, it brings romanticism, tenderness and sweetness in a relationship. This shade is basic, and, naturally, it is recommended to complement it with accents that suit your temperament.

Bright and extraordinary people will like the combination of vanilla and orange or even red and burgundy. Gentle young ladies will love the lemon-vanilla bedroom. It is advisable to decorate it in a classic style.

For romantic natures, the combination of vanilla and turquoise is suitable, as is the classic sweet combination of vanilla and chocolate. The sweetness of the latter can be diluted with pistachio bed linen. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Shades of vanilla in the living room

As mentioned above, vanilla color has the ability to expand space. A small room will definitely benefit from covering the walls with vanilla-colored wallpaper. If the room is large, then such a covering will require curtains made of thick fabric.

A sophisticated and delicate interior can be created using the principle of monochrome. Take vanilla. In this case, turn the white color into milky and complement it with accents of soft blue, pistachio, pink and powder. Your updated living room will make you feel like you're relaxing on a cloud.

Lighting Features

Lighting in the kitchen should be soft and comfortable. It is best to use energy-saving lamps, as they are not harmful to the eyes and last much longer than incandescent lamps. A vanilla-colored kitchen goes well with delicate and discreet lampshades, which are used for both general and spot lighting. Modern kitchens are characterized by the installation of garlands, recessed lighting and rotary lamps.

Lighting should be multi-level. This means that each zone is illuminated by different devices. For the dining group these are cozy floor lamps or a table lamp, for the workplace - multifunctional lighting built into the kitchen facades. A ceiling chandelier in the center of the room is used as general lighting. Devices that respond to movement or are controlled using remote controls are becoming increasingly popular.

Vanilla color in clothes

Vanilla shade is suitable for girls with a warm color type of appearance. The color also looks great on people with dark skin. They can dress in it from head to toe and look bright. The shade fits harmoniously into the spring and summer wardrobe.

So what to combine the color of vanilla with in clothes?

  • The combination of white and vanilla is not the best. The first one looks dirty compared to the last one. Also, do not combine it with black. When choosing dark shades, pay attention to brown and dark blue.
  • Vanilla color does not go well with any shade of green except pistachio. The union of these two colors looks expensive and elegant.
  • For an outfit in which vanilla is the main color, you should wear only gold or copper jewelry.
  • A good duet is a light shade of vanilla plus pale olive or muted orange.

Vanilla color needs a contrasting addition, otherwise it will look faceless.

Spiced honey

Natural wood products are often made in this color. The most popular premium species are oak, walnut, ash and teak.

Furniture in the color of spicy honey will bring peace and warmth to your home. After all, wood is a material that is naturally strong, durable and aesthetically beautiful:

  • in this color, furniture will look chic, both in individual elements and in complex versions;
  • he will emphasize its weightlessness;
  • it will give it an elite look, regardless of the location (house, apartment).

A furniture set in warm colors will add sophistication to the living room and emphasize the nobility of the room. You will want to relax in it, talk calmly, listen to music.

How to get vanilla color

This advice will be useful for needlewomen. In order to get vanilla, you need to add a little dye of one of these shades to the white paint:

  • ocher,
  • burnt sienna,
  • sienna,
  • burnt umber.

Depending on the amount of color, you will get a lighter or more saturated shade. The dye can be replaced with construction color paste.

Remember that the color combination should evoke emotions in you. With a delicate shade of yellow you can create many “delicious” duets and more. It is this color rule that should be followed when choosing shades that match the color of vanilla.

Bottom line

Well, in conclusion, I would like to say that there is no need to rush in any matter. You need to study the question, proposal, select a design, and then search for exactly the elements you need. After all, the time and effort spent is a good price for the fact that you will feel great in your kitchen, and your guests will exclaim in surprise: “What a gorgeous vanilla kitchen you have!”

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.


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