How to choose a chandelier for the living room? (47 photos in the interior of the hall)

Many things create a cozy atmosphere in an apartment. All items must be combined with each other. The interior of the hall is emphasized not only by the style of the room and comfortable furniture, but also by beautiful and high-quality lighting. The main focus is on the chandelier. It should be in harmony with the objects in the room and fit the required parameters.

The chandelier plays a key role in the interior design of the hall

Criteria for choosing chandeliers for the hall

A large selection of modern household lighting fixtures allows you to choose the right model in accordance with the design of the room, technical characteristics and personal preferences. How to choose the right chandelier for the living room?

When choosing a chandelier for a hall, the dimensions of the room are of great importance.

You can choose a good product based on basic and additional aspects. Among the basic criteria are the following:

  1. Styling of the hall. Since the main location of the chandelier is the central part of the ceiling, its style should be in harmony with the overall image of the room. It may have a similar or different style that blends well with the interior of the room. The right combination will improve the room aesthetically.
  2. Room area. Typically the living room is large. To create a sufficient level of illumination, purchase a ceiling lamp with several shades (three or more). By size, chandeliers are divided into small, medium and large. For a small living room (less than 18 sq.m.), it is undesirable to purchase bulky light sources. The best option is up to 30-50 cm in diameter. For a hall with an area of ​​more than 30 sq. m suitable size from 100 cm in diameter. The most popular chandeliers are medium in size, from 50 to 70 cm.
  3. Ceiling height. This parameter affects the type of chandelier. If the ceiling height is more than 2.5 m, a suspended volumetric model is suitable. If the distance to the ceiling is less than 2.5 m, then you should pay attention to flat ceiling chandeliers with small shades pointing upward.

To correctly determine the diameter of the lighting fixture, you need to measure the length and width of the room, and then multiply the summed result by 10.

Stylish black chandelier matched to the furniture in the living room

Among the additional important characteristics taken into account when choosing a lamp for the room are the following:

  • Material. The higher the quality, the more expensive the chandeliers for the hall. Plastic, glass, wood, fabric, paper, and bronze are used for production. Expensive models are made of metal for artistic forging, stones and crystal. A cheaper option is aluminum, which, due to its lightness, is ideal for stretch ceilings.
  • Power and type of lamps. The power is selected taking into account the required level of lighting. For a bright glow per 1 sq. m. you should choose a lamp with an indicator of at least 20 W, for medium - from 15 to 18 W, for dim light a lamp with a power of 10-12 W is suitable. Common types of lamps: classic version (incandescent lamp), halogen, fluorescent, LED.
  • Type of cartridges. They are produced in different modifications, made of plastic, carbolite, ceramics.
  • Ceiling material. Stretch ceilings are sensitive to heat, so the horns of the lamp should be directed to the side or down. The chandelier itself should not have a complex mounting system, and should be at a distance of at least 20 cm from the surface. On a glossy ceiling there should be no exposed light bulbs at the top of the chandelier (necessary to prevent reflection of the rays).
  • Lighting control adjustment mode. Modern stylish chandeliers are equipped with a remote control for remote control.
  • Shade of glow. White – as close to natural light as possible, increases performance. Yellow is a neutral option and does not overstrain the pupil. Too saturated color contributes to the appearance of lethargy and sleepiness. Green – has a positive effect on vision and encourages relaxation.

The chandelier should form a single composition with the rest of the interior of the room

It is not recommended to choose bright and cold colors, such as red, blue and purple. They irritate and depress the nervous system.

The smaller the room, the simpler the lighting fixtures should be.


The color of the lamp actually depends on what colors are chosen for the overall design of the living room. There are several most popular color solutions for various chandeliers:

  • White is freshness, spaciousness, lightness. Such a choice will not burden visual perception even in a small room;
  • Beige, cream, and yellowish shades tend to bring warmth and homeliness to the interior. The use of these colors is appropriate for any style;
  • Black has a place in a pretentious setting. Color undoubtedly adds solidity and presentability to the chandelier. It is very impressive and can look harmonious in any living room;
  • The use of bright colors (red, blue, green and others) is possible - they are original and expressive. But you should be careful when choosing a model - you need to comply with the requirements of the chosen style.

Choosing a chandelier to suit your interior style

When the issue of selecting a chandelier of a specific size has been resolved, you need to move on to choosing its style. The lighting fixture must be combined with the furniture and decoration of the room.

Laconic models look discreet and elegant, suitable for modern style trends.

Modern style

Designs of simple geometry and ornaments, made in neutral colors, are relevant. Chandeliers for a hall in a modern style, photos and descriptions of which can be seen on many specialized websites, are characterized by minimalism and practicality.

Light bulbs on colored cords are one of the modern solutions for room lighting


A distinctive feature is the absence of sharp corners. A chandelier in a classic style implies a large amount of decor, a multi-tiered design, and the presence of small details made of crystal, glass and non-ferrous metals. The product is made in soft, muted colors. Classics are characterized by versatility and smooth lines.

Expensive classic chandeliers are made by hand from thin glass

High tech

Light sources are endowed with a certain coldness. Their design is dominated by strict forms, clear and graphic lines, and simple elements. The most popular models are made of regular geometric shapes. Modern chandeliers in high-tech style are made of glossy plastic, glass and chromed metal. All surfaces have cool tones and a mirror shine.

Ceiling chandelier with chrome finish - a suitable solution for a high-tech style hall


The use of spot lighting is relevant. A single chandelier of a simple shape without additional bright elements is suitable. The main color is white. Complex color combinations are not allowed. The basis of minimalist lamps is a large geometric shape with clear lines and minimal decoration.

A typical solution for a minimalist interior is an overhead chandelier, complemented by built-in spotlights


The main concepts for designing a chandelier in this style: unusual shapes, lack of clear lines and corners. The design with smooth curves looks symmetrical. Zoning with the help of light is relevant. Some models have dedicated shades designed to direct the flow of light in the desired direction. Only high-quality metal, real glass, natural wood and hand forging are used.

Lamps in the Art Nouveau style can amaze with their originality


Lighting in the loft style implies the presence of numerous spotlights located above the table, picture, above the sofa or armchair. This is a distinctive feature for such an interior. Natural colors, shades of white, black and beige are welcome. Photos containing the ideal combination of light source and interior will help you choose fashionable chandelier options for the hall.

Loft loves experiments, including in terms of lighting organization


The lighting fixture should be made of natural materials, have a smooth and elegant shape, made in white or pastel colors. Chandeliers in the Provence style have a floral and plant theme. It is allowed to design the lampshade with photo printing.

A rustic-style hall will be harmoniously complemented by an antique chandelier with candle-shaped lamps

Art Deco

As a rule, products look voluminous, elegant and luxurious. The fundamental principles of the Art Deco direction in chandeliers: adherence to correct and clear forms, multi-tiered design, crystal pendants, absence of artificial materials and bright saturated colors.

Chandelier with a gilded body and black shades in an art deco style hall

A little about the culprit of magic - crystal

Chandeliers of this type are decorated with crystal shades and pendants. The material for which is glass, enriched with a large number of compounds of metals and chemical elements, providing a special shine through special processing and jewelry cutting. Thus, the famous crystal from Bohemia is given shine and splendor by calcium-potassium compounds.

If it is necessary to produce colored crystal glass, the composition includes chemical additives that give a certain shade:

  • cobalt gives a noble blue color;
  • manganese will create a shade of magnificent amethyst;
  • silicon will give the glass a delicate pink tone;
  • gold and cadmium will color it red;
  • iron will create a palette from yellow to bluish-green.

The production of the finest types of glass for the crystal details of chandeliers, exquisite wine glasses and magnificent vases involves technological processes with deep historical roots.

Melting of raw materials is carried out at a temperature of at least 1500 degrees Celsius. The resulting mass is processed manually. When cutting and polishing, done by hand, they use the experience accumulated over centuries by masters from England, Bohemia, and Venice.

There are several types of this amazing material:

  1. Natural rock crystal, which has long been considered petrified ice. It is distinguished by its extraordinary shine, durability and transparency. It has a wide range of applications: from lenses for various purposes to luxury items and jewelry. Among its varieties are rauchtopaz, smoky crystal and the most valuable black crystal - morion.
  2. Bohemian, which is the national pride of the Czech Republic. With its impeccable transparency it creates an amazing play of light.
  1. Lead, born in London, resistant to any chemical influences and completely safe for humans.
  2. Barium, very similar in properties to lead, but made using barium compounds.

This variety allows us to please the consumer with a large number of original lamps and their interesting design.

Types of chandeliers

For the hall, it is recommended to select a chandelier from two options: pendant or ceiling (overhead). Some models, in accordance with the design idea, can hang in pairs.

The number of chandeliers for the hall is chosen depending on the area of ​​the room and the presence of other lighting fixtures


Attached to a suspension. Installation is carried out using a chain, cord, some models are attached to a rod. Such products are practical, functional, and easy to install. Suitable for living rooms with high ceilings.

In a room with a very high ceiling, the chandelier should be hung lower, otherwise the light from the bulbs will not “reach” the floor of the room

For a hall, it is better to choose a model with a large number of lamps. However, it is important to consider the dimensions of the room. The pendant type of chandeliers is suitable for a room of 18 sq.m. and more. This design is a classic, so it will fit well into a classic interior, country style and minimalism.

For a room with ceilings of 4 meters or more, you can choose a chandelier with long pendants

Pendant lighting fixtures are sold in different modifications, shapes and colors. Among the advantages they note: a modern stylish look suitable for any interior, adjustment of the strength and direction of the light flow, the presence of a remote control, the ability to change the length of the cord and lampshade.

Multi-tiered hanging models add luxury, attracting attention with their strict geometry and asymmetry.

Luxurious multi-tiered crystal chandeliers will add chic to the interior of the hall


The device does not have suspensions and is mounted directly on the ceiling. In decorative design it is not inferior to the hanging type. Ceiling chandeliers for the hall are compact, lightweight, do not take up much space, and have one or several small shades.

A shelf chandelier with multi-colored shades will take a central place in the interior of the hall with white trim.

Unlike a hanging chandelier, a ceiling chandelier does not provide much light, so it is often used in a small room with low ceilings. Flat, convex, and curly models are sold. Some are decorated with original elements, inserts and decorations. A ceiling-type chandelier is cheaper, but the cost depends on the availability of additional functions (dimmer, remote control).

Ceiling chandelier shades can be a single structure or consist of separate elements

Chandelier options for low ceilings

Low ceilings limit your choice. A small room is a design hazard. Failure to follow the rules can make the room look gloomy and squat. Chandeliers for low ceilings have their own characteristics: brightly colored shades provide little light, bright but not too harsh lighting is needed, models with a small flat lampshade look great. Gossamer chandeliers with numerous long thin details will fit harmoniously. If there are dark corners in the room, they can be illuminated with built-in ceiling-type lamps.

A forged cobweb chandelier will look harmonious on a wooden ceiling

To maintain balance and lightness in the room, when choosing a light source, you must consider the following nuances:

  • exclude long decorated chandeliers;
  • choose several lamps if the chandelier is the only source of lighting;
  • For those who like modest options, spotlights are suitable for a small room.

If the chandelier shades are directed upward, then the light reflected from the ceiling will be scattered throughout the room

For a stretch ceiling, it is better to choose chandeliers with LED lamps that will not heat the film canvas

The question of which chandelier to choose for the hall is relevant for small-sized apartments, for example, Khrushchev-era apartments. Before choosing, you can study in advance photos of the main types of chandeliers for the living room or hall. Among the budget options for low ceilings are:

  • ceiling structure with multi-directional lampshades (suitable for suspended ceilings);
  • chandelier with movable spots (it is possible to additionally illuminate any area; the more spots, the more convenient the operation);
  • a small lighting fixture mounted on a hook with a textile finish (savings are achieved through inexpensive materials);
  • ceiling-type chandelier with LEDs;
  • ceiling chandelier in the shape of an inverted plate (the shape successfully diffuses light throughout the room and saves space).

For a room with a low suspended ceiling, a flat LED chandelier is suitable

Compact chandelier model for a hall in a modern style

It is worth limiting the power of the lamps; this rule is especially important to consider in the presence of suspended ceilings. It is advisable to purchase lighting attributes in light shades, since dark colors narrow the upper part of the room. Similar rules should be followed when choosing chandeliers for a small bedroom with low ceilings.

Attractive models for large living rooms

Before purchasing a huge chandelier, it is worth determining whether the dimensions are suitable for the size of the room. If the lighting device does not visually reduce the area, it will become an excellent decorative element and at the same time a high-quality light source. Sufficiently large chandeliers with rich decor are suitable for a large hall.

When purchasing a huge light source, technical characteristics are important. It is important to familiarize yourself with them before purchasing. When purchasing a large chandelier, pay maximum attention to the following points:

  • degree of energy consumption;
  • presence of lighting level adjustment;
  • choosing the right type of lamp;
  • determination of the type of cartridge.

The light from the huge chandelier is designed to spread throughout the room as evenly as possible. It is necessary that the light is not dim, but not too bright, especially if the wall surface is snow-white.

Photo: 50 options for chandeliers in the hall

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