Wall-length wardrobe in the living room - types of models. How to choose? Photo.

Wardrobes for linen, clothes and other things take up a lot of space and make the interior heavier, but you can’t do without them. The more storage spaces you have, the easier it is to keep your home tidy. To successfully fit this piece of furniture into the decor, you need to take the choice of color and material seriously and think carefully about the location of the cabinet. Let's consider several options for practical and aesthetically sound positioning of wardrobes and wardrobes in living rooms.

But first, a few words about the color of the cabinet. Previously, it was considered good form to furnish rooms with sets consisting of several pieces of furniture made in the same style and color. Today this is not mandatory. Modern designers prefer to make combinations from different sets and collections, which makes the interior more interesting and comfortable. When choosing a wardrobe for a room, do not try to tie it to a bed, table or other furniture. The doors and cabinet frame can be matched to the color of the walls, floors, and interior doors. It is acceptable that the rest of the furniture in the room not only differs from the closet, but also contrasts with it.

Typically, designers try to make the wardrobe less obvious. A large closet should not dominate the room. If it merges with the walls or becomes part of a single composition, it is not perceived as a heavy block and does not create a visual imbalance.

Wall-length wardrobe in the interior - features

A wall cabinet is a harmonious combination of a large number of sections for various purposes. All of them are performed in the same style and are not always included in a single frame. This is a kind of ensemble that can provide you with storage for everything you need.

It has the following features:

  • Large dimensions. Some massiveness is compensated by very high capacity;
  • Can replace a wall. In a studio apartment it is not at all necessary to build a partition. You can install a cabinet in the entire wall. You will usefully divide the territory into zones;
  • Impeccable appearance. You will completely no longer have the problem of fitting furniture into a single whole.

Disadvantages also inevitably appear. One of the most significant is the high price tag. Another disadvantage is that not every apartment has enough square meters for this miracle.

Design and color schemes of a wardrobe for the living room

There are many design options for a room with a wardrobe covering the entire wall of the room. There are various solutions with different decorative designs, which allows you to fill the space with originality and expressiveness.

You can order models with a matte finish or made of natural wood.

A matte or wooden surface looks stylish.

There are various variations with mirrors and different prints on the surface that look great in large living rooms.

Mirror inserts visually expand the room.

Models with frames and inserts look interesting. Creating an individual design is possible using photo printing.

Photo printing on the cabinet will create a unique design.

When choosing, it is also important to consider possible shades. For small rooms it is better to choose light-colored products.

If the living room is small, it is better to choose a light wardrobe.

For large living rooms, dark and rich colors with bright accents are an excellent solution.

For large rooms, furniture in dark colors is suitable.

Options for installing a full-wall cabinet - on which wall

When placing a location, the question of selecting a territory will inevitably arise:

  • "Blind" wall. Everything is simple here. If your layout allows you, simply arrange the sections in any order along the solid partition;
  • Bypassing the window. If a window is included in the design, then it is worth choosing the most elegant sections with glass or mirrors (showcases, pencil cases) on the sides of it. You can place a low cabinet or table under the window as a visual transition. Choose curtains to match, this will somewhat smooth out the feeling of tearing;
  • Around the door. The door is a little more difficult to beat, but it is also possible. It is better to surround it with narrow closed sections or bookshelves.

Features of a full-wall built-in wardrobe

Unlike a cabinet, a full-wall built-in wardrobe requires a strictly solid wall without openings for windows and doors. It has a number of distinctive features:

  • Lack of frame. The walls of the room will act as various panels;
  • Requires niche preparation. Painstaking work awaits you with a large number of measurements on all parameters. A prerequisite is the elimination of all distortions and blockages. If this is not done, then the system of rather fragile drawers and shelves may be compressed to the point of partial or loss of functionality. This can also cause jamming of the facade sashes;
  • Using false planks. This technique will allow you to level out differences in surfaces within 3 cm. A good way to avoid construction and repairs. At the same time, they will play a decorative role, hiding small flaws;
  • Individual project. All built-in furniture is unique. It is manufactured for a specific home, taking into account the wishes of the future owner;
  • Reasonable use of the territory. The built-in option will somewhat save the consumption of useful meters. This occurs due to the use of the thickness of the partitions;
  • Binding to place. Be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to move such a cabinet to another room or take it to a new apartment. After installation it cannot be disassembled.

What are the advantages and disadvantages

There are various options for the interior of the living room with a wardrobe. This is a stylish and versatile design that allows you to replace most of the furniture, which greatly simplifies the task for the owners. Among the advantages, the following should be noted:

  • If you install models with large mirrors, this will visually increase the volume of the room. This option is especially beneficial for small apartments where preserving free space is important.
  • A wide range of solutions allows you to choose the optimal model depending on the preferences of the owners.
  • If you arrange furniture correctly, you can hide design flaws. For example, wall defects or poorly done cosmetic repairs.
  • A sliding wardrobe can be used to zone a space. As a rule, this option is used in studio apartments or small spaces.
  • It is possible to create different custom designs. This allows you to select materials, decorative elements, and independently determine the number of cabinets.

A wardrobe for the living room has many advantages.
When purchasing, you should also consider some nuances. Despite all the advantages, there are also disadvantages of sliding wardrobes:

  • If you install the structure incorrectly, you can quickly damage the retractable mechanism. Then the cabinet will last much less than usual.
  • The sliding mechanism requires regular maintenance and repair. If cleaning is not carried out in a timely manner, rapid breakdown is possible.
  • It is impossible to gain access to all internal sections of the structure at once due to the peculiarities of the mechanism.
  • When making a custom design, there may be difficulties with transfer.

Cabinets also have their own characteristics that should be taken into account when purchasing.
The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. A sliding wardrobe is a convenient and practical installation that has been popular among users for many years.

Features of designing a built-in wardrobe

The most important condition when designing a cabinet with such large dimensions is the accuracy of measurements. The golden rule about measuring seven times will be useful. To increase accuracy, all parameters are measured at three points - top, center, bottom. Particularly problematic areas with large curvatures can be measured more often. After alignment, measure everything again. The niche is measured along the outer and inner edges.

You will also need a schematic sketch of your idea. High accuracy and perfect evenness are not required from the drawing. With this plan, you will have to go to the manufacturers. Along the edges of the diagram, indicate the desired dimensions of each section. Although, this point, like other calculations, should be clarified when ordering.

On one side of the opening

This option is very popular for those rooms where the doorway is located at the edge of the wall. The cabinet is installed from the opposite edge of this wall and up to the opening. With this layout, the closet is perceived as part of the architecture of the room. The opening deepens, turning into a mini vestibule, but this does not introduce any noticeable inconvenience.

Optimal location of the closet in the bedroom

If desired, you can erect a partition separating the cabinet and the opening area. The wardrobe is built into the resulting niche.

Internal filling

Proper organization of internal content, called storage systems, is important. It will allow you to avoid problems associated with the fact that even a large closet does not contain everything you need.

The following elements will help you in the arrangement:

  • Barbell. Fixed beam for hangers. There should be at least two of them in your wardrobe. But more is possible. When fastening, be sure to retreat at least 4 cm from the top of the section. If this is not done, the rods will have to be twisted. With hanging clothes they will occupy from 1.5 to 1.7 meters in height each. If there is empty space in the sections, then place additional laundry baskets and shoes in boxes there;
  • Rigel. The boom beam can be pulled forward;
  • Cabinet lift. The beam can be moved in height and fixed in the desired place. This is a rather expensive item. But, it greatly simplifies the task of accessing stored clothing;



  • Boxes. Help you store small clothes neatly. Reduce access of dust to the contents. Suitable for storing items made from fleecy fabrics. To create a neat appearance, it is better to place them in “stacks” of 4–5 pieces in the lower parts of the sections. A box placed at the top will turn into a nightmare, risking falling on your head. Don't make them too large in size;
  • Half drawers. The height of the front strip in them does not exceed 4 cm. By combining them with conventional ones, you can avoid the installation of front fittings;
  • Trousers. Original hangers with a lot of crossbars. They can be attached to the sides. Allows simultaneous placement of a large amount of clothing;
  • Hooks. Can be placed in any convenient place. Useful for storing bathrobes, pajamas and similar items;
  • Section for small items. Be sure to plan a box with plenty of small compartments. It is convenient to store ties, trouser belts and everything that traditionally gives the closet an untidy look.

Try to place at the top everything you rarely use. Then you won’t have to suffer, taking things out and throwing them in with enviable regularity.

Mini dressing room

If the size of the room allows, especially when it comes to the bedroom, it would be preferable to build a small dressing room. It is more convenient, more practical and clearly more attractive than heavy and bulky cabinets.

Instead of installing several long wardrobes, you can cut off a piece of the room and make a dressing room - the room itself will remain light and bright.


There is not always a need to build in and disguise cabinets. Styles such as country, glam vintage and retro are characterized by furnishings with squat and heavy-looking cabinets, on which special emphasis is placed. Of course, there is no need to hide this furniture - such wardrobes emphasize the style and endow the interior with the charm of antiquity. They are placed in a prominent place.

Author: Dasha Ofitserova

Fronts of built-in wardrobes - designs and decor options

The designs of the valves are divided into:

  • Solid. They are often called "deaf". They are a single canvas cut from the base material;
  • Slotted. Mostly in the upper part of the door a slot is made for inserting future decor. This role can be played by a mirror, hand-painted porcelain, or an openwork strip with carvings;
  • Composite. This is a prefabricated structure made from segments of the desired shape with different textures. To add rigidity, a thin double-sided aluminum profile is used. It also ensures a tight junction of the segments;
  • Frame. The canvas is edged with a profile made of durable polymer or metal around the entire perimeter. Very reminiscent of a picture frame. This method can serve as a decoration method.

The most popular materials have become wood and particle boards of all types (chipboard, fibreboard, MDF). This is due to acceptable characteristics and an affordable price tag. Lacquered options (LMDF, laminated chipboard) will cost a little more. Of course, ideally everyone wants solid wood furniture. But such a voluminous project will cost you an enormous amount.

Therefore, it is easier to choose the right decorative design for the facade:

  • Decoacrylic. Under the transparent coating you can place anything - from a color image to real shells or leaves. The reward will be a 3D effect in the interior with a long service life. The material is not prone to scratches. Very durable. Applied over the base material of the door;
  • Matting. The method is suitable for glass and mirrors made from it. Quartz crystals at high speed cause small scratches on the glossy surface. This way you can apply a specific design or make the matting continuous. Special pastes are also available for sale. Armed with a silicone spatula and stencils, you can create this effect yourself;



  • Engraving. The pattern is applied using CP lasers. Suitable for any material without harming it. This also applies to fragile glass. The resulting ornament is distinguished by deep relief and volume. May accumulate dust over time. Perform it on materials that are resistant to water and household chemicals;
  • Cladding with natural materials. These can be bamboo planks, rattan, veneer. Remember, they are all finicky to care for. They require a dry climate, additional varnishing, and no overheating or mechanical stress. They look great. They will give your furniture an elite, expensive look;
  • Photo printing. Another universal method that allows you to apply accurate images in color to all types of materials. Special printers are used for this. Even your personal photo from a family album can become the basis.

Cabinet opening systems - types, design and principle of operation

Using the technique of placing a cabinet along the wall inevitably involves combinations of several types of doors. Each variety has its own characteristics:

  • Swing. One or a pair of doors are attached on the sides with furniture hinges to the frame or vertical partitions. Opens by swinging towards itself. Requires quite a lot of free space in front of the cabinet. The fastening is reliable, but if the doors are very heavy, then it is better to place 2 hinges at once at the bottom;
  • Sliding. The compartment system can include up to 5 facade panels at the same time. Economical in terms of space taken up. When opened, the doors slide behind the adjacent ones. One of the doors allows movement in both directions. Reacts poorly to changes in height. In such a situation, you will experience jammed doors. Demanding on smooth movements. Sudden jerks can knock the roller carriage out of the guide groove. This will end with the door falling;



  • Retractable. An unusual modern approach to the design of coupe systems. They are called coplanar. When closed, they line up in a perfectly even row. When opening, the sash must be slightly pushed forward and then moved to the side. Roller mechanisms are replaced with movable brackets. This option is not compatible with cabinets built into the wall;
  • Foldable. Another alternative to a sliding facade. All doors are fastened into one movable accordion. You can open it by moving this kind of screen to the side. The large width of the facade gives rise to the possibility of organizing folding from the sides to the center on both sides;
  • Folding. An integral part of secretaries and some mezzanines. The sash is attached at the bottom. Side holders with shock-absorbing springs will allow you to smoothly lower it down. Need a position regulator. If it is not there, the door may slam shut on its own.

The most popular door width is 50 cm. Slightly less often, doors are made up to 1 meter in width. You should not exceed this threshold. You will have problems with fastening and operation.

Wall to wall

If you install a cabinet along an entire solid wall, this will make it an integral part of the room. The closet will be perceived as a wall. It is desirable that it be up to the ceiling, and the joint between them can be decorated with a ceiling cornice.

How to put a closet in the bedroom? Wall to wall

To prevent the closet from standing out, it is equipped with doors that match the color of the other walls. However, the doors (all or part of them) can also be mirrored, which will visually expand the room.

Additional equipment for a full-wall cabinet

An interior with a full-wall closet depends on additional equipment. This role can be played by:

  • TV niche;
  • Dressing table;
  • Place to work;
  • Backlight.

In the case of technology, screens placed in the center of the wall look most beautiful. But first of all, it is recommended to rely on the quality of the review. Place the TV so that watching it is a pleasure, not a pain.

It is enough to move the seat to the section with the folding table. You will get a kind of work area. Although, many large cabinets are equipped with built-in space for a computer.



Equipping with lighting will require compliance with a number of rules:

  • Halogen lamps tend to get very hot. It's better to give them up right away. And the light they produce is too harsh;
  • Installation of LEDs and strips based on them must be accompanied by the installation of a special power supply with a switching base. It's expensive. But without it, LEDs will have very little service. They often burn out due to power surges in the network;
  • Fluorescent lamps. Good in every sense. Heating is insignificant. Produces soft diffused light. Long service life without additional requirements. Do not install light bulbs with a power higher than 15 W. This is more than enough for illumination.

What to consider when choosing

To choose the right product, you should consider many nuances:

  1. Construction type. Depending on the dimensions of the room, you can choose cabinet, built-in or modular models.
  2. Dimensions. This parameter depends on the size of the room.
  3. Designer design. A correctly selected design will be an excellent addition to any design. Some models resemble a real work of art.
  4. Materials. It is better to choose products from natural and environmentally friendly materials. The best option is wood.

A properly selected wardrobe will be an excellent place to store things and objects. It allows you to organize space and maintain order. A wide selection of designs allows you to choose a beautiful option for any interior.

Photo of full-wall built-in cabinets



Happy owners of large living rooms can afford to install a whole ensemble of cabinet modules, called a closet-wall. Excellent appearance is a pleasant bonus to the highest spaciousness and versatility of such furniture.

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