(+65 photos) Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone 45 photos

For many years, stainless steel kitchen sinks have not lost ground, but recently they have begun to be replaced by analogues made of artificial stone. The choice has expanded, but at the same time it has become more complex. Which is better, stainless steel or stone sink and why? The answers to all questions are in this article.

Types of stone sinks

Stone sinks have a cast shape. The market offers a wide variety of not only shapes, but also colors.

Variety of shapes:

  • round, oval - ideal for a small kitchen, the absence of corners makes installation and maintenance easier, but a number of materials can change color at the bend;
  • corner - allows you to use every centimeter of space, practical and convenient;
  • rectangular, square - are considered classics and look stylish in the interior, but are problematic when cleaning the surface.

Whatever the shape of the sink, the size of the sink should allow you to freely place the utensils and pots you use in it. In this regard, rectangular sinks win.

If the depth is insufficient, splashes of water will fall on the countertop, and a deep bowl will be inconvenient to use.

According to the installation method, products are divided into:

  • Integrated - are on the same level with the tabletop and represent a single canvas with it. Installation of such models is difficult due to their large dimensions and weight.

If the countertop or sink is damaged, both components will need to be replaced.

  • Mortise - installed in a hole in the countertop.
  • Overlays - placed on top of the countertop. The advantages of such models are simple installation and low cost. However, during use there is a high risk of moisture getting under the sink.

Sinks with multiple bowls are popular.

They are justified for frequent cooking. The number of bowls determines the functionality. For example, one large container is more practical than three small ones. But for large families this indicator is not taken into account.

You can put dishes in one bowl, wash them in another, and clean food in a third.

In modern sinks the number of bowls can reach up to five. They differ in size, shape, depth, which determines their functionality. Additionally, the sink may have side wings for drying dishes. If space allows, then you should not ignore their presence.

The use of various coloring technologies allows you to obtain a sink in any color scheme. It is believed that dark color is more practical. Manufacturers offer sinks in natural shades.

Common colors are:

  • white;
  • various shades of brown;
  • gray;
  • black.

Russian companies produce products in colors atypical for natural stone - green, purple, pink, red.

Shape and size of kitchen sink

These sink parameters depend on how often it is used and, of course, on the size of the kitchen. A wide selection of products allows you to choose a sink even for a very cramped room; after all, it can be made to order.

The bowls of all sinks are divided into several types:

  • Rectangular and square. Such forms are the most common and convenient, and all because of their spaciousness. They are also the easiest to install.
  • Round. They look more original than traditional forms, but for the sake of beauty you will have to sacrifice capacity. However, this disadvantage is easily compensated for if you have a dishwasher.
  • Angular. They are installed mainly in corner kitchen units and help to significantly save space in the work area.

The standard width of a square sink is 60 cm, the diameter of round ones is the same. But finding a smaller product will not be difficult, and the small size of the sink does not mean that it is more inconvenient - as a rule, the lack of width is compensated by greater depth.

Advantages and disadvantages

The high demand for sinks made of cast stone is due to aesthetics and performance characteristics. The list of main advantages includes convenience, practicality, and the ability to withstand mechanical stress.

Of no small importance for the buyer is the ability to choose colors, configurations, and textures.

The structure of sinks made of artificial stone resists the development of dangerous microbes and bacteria in the pores and on the surface.

The protective layer of the sink withstands the effects of aggressive components of household chemicals. To maintain its cleanliness, the use of any detergents is allowed. The wash does not lose quality from exposure to alkali, acids, alcohol, kerosene, and hydrogen peroxide.

But! The composite may be damaged by nitrogen or acetone.

  • It is difficult to leave marks on the sink with a fork or knife. However, dropping large, heavy objects can break off a piece.
  • Sinks made of artificial stone are resistant to maximum temperatures - they can withstand from -30 to +180 degrees. There are no texture erosions or cracks left on them even with sudden changes.
  • Not all types of sinks can withstand high temperatures. For example, when acrylic products get hot water, dents remain on their surface.
  • An interesting feature is that stone sinks are silent. During their use, the sounds of water jets and utensils hitting the bottom are not heard.

The sink isolates the current, which provides additional safety in environments where household electrical devices and water are located in close proximity.

Unfortunately, beautiful stone sinks also have disadvantages:

  • High price.
  • Large weight, which creates difficulties during transportation and installation of such products. A frying pan or a saucepan from the heat will leave dents on the stone.
  • Acrylic sinks retain stains from wine, coffee, berry juices and coloring agents. And to remove such contaminants, you cannot use metal brushes.

Pros and cons are inherent in each artificial stone model. Granite and quartz have the greatest number of advantages. Products made from these materials do not get dirty, do not melt and last a long time.

Features of the stone

To make shells, manufacturers use one of the following mixtures:

  • 60-80% composite (quartz sand, crushed marble, granite);
  • 20-40% binder material (acrylic resin, polymer).

To strengthen the surface, the sink is covered with a dense composition - gelcoat. It fills pores, gives smoothness, and increases service life. The protective layer is resistant to chemicals.

Stone sinks are made by vibration casting. The raw materials are placed in fiberglass molds and processed on a special unit that creates vibrations with a given amplitude and intensity. The result is a strong, evenly colored product. The technology allows you to create sinks of different styles and dimensions.

How to choose

You should purchase a sink that combines several important criteria. The quality and strength are affected by the material used for its manufacture. The stronger the product, the higher its cost.

We must not forget about the combination with the set and the overall interior.


The dimensions of the sink should be selected in relation to the frequency of its use and the area of ​​the kitchen. Thanks to the large assortment, you can find a capacious, convenient option even for a small room.

The standard width of the sink is 60 cm. You can also find a compact version in stores that will take up 45-50 cm. For spacious kitchens, manufacturers produce interesting products with original configurations. Their parameters: width – 80-120 cm, depth – 20 cm.

The number of bowls depends on the size of the free space and the personal wishes of the owners. For modest spaces, small models without space for drying dishes or corner designs are recommended. The latter type of product is difficult to install due to its complex shape.

For large kitchens, it is worth purchasing double sinks.

One compartment is convenient for washing dirty dishes, and another for defrosting or cleaning food. If desired, you can purchase a triple stone sink. And as an addition, equip it with a second wing for drying herbs, vegetables, and fruits.


Each company has its own production technology. Nobody wants to describe the “recipe”, hiding behind the beautiful names of the raw materials used.

But it is important for the buyer to know what stone the sink is made of in order to evaluate its performance.

The main types of materials used to create shells:

Marble chips.

Not very durable. More worthy analogues are offered on the market. If the composition contains polyester resins, then the product made from it will quickly lose its presentable appearance due to temperature changes, exposure to cleaning agents and impacts.

Granite chips.

Expensive material. Sinks made from it are stronger and more durable than those made from natural stone.

Composite acrylic sinks.

They are inexpensive, have an original configuration, but have a large number of shortcomings. Products are susceptible to damage and melting from hot dishes.

In many respects, sinks made of artificial stone are superior to their counterparts made of natural materials. The main thing is that the manufacturer follows technology and uses high-quality raw materials.

Problems arise less often with granite sinks.


Pigments are introduced into the composite at the stage of mixing the raw materials, that is, coloring is carried out “in bulk”. This method allows you to obtain products of any shade. Consumers prefer natural colors. A small number of companies place emphasis on brightness.

In their assortment you can find sinks made of stone in blue, green, pink, red and other palettes.

When ordering a sink individually, the client can choose any color option.

Single-color sinks are rare. Most sinks have a specific pattern on the surface that imitates stone. It gives the product a natural, respectable look. Most manufacturers offer up to 12-15 shades to choose from.

Models with specks are easier to keep clean. Small contaminants are indistinguishable on them.

If desired, you can purchase a sink with a rough or glossy texture. There are also options on sale where the bowl looks as if it was carved out of a block of stone.

When choosing the color of the sink, you need to focus on the design of the countertop and fittings on the kitchen unit. It should match these interior details in tone. When creating original, bright designs, experts choose a sink that contrasts with the furniture.


  • A sink made of artificial stone can be purchased for only 3 thousand rubles. This price is relevant for compact models made in Russia. For products with two bowls you will have to pay more money. The upper threshold for domestic products is within 8 thousand rubles.
  • The price of sinks from European manufacturers starts from 6 thousand rubles. These are Polish companies. And the cost of famous German brands Franke, Blanco, Schock is 11-25 thousand rubles. If the model has a complex shape, with several bowls, its price can vary up to 100 thousand rubles.
  • Expensive sinks are distinguished by their quality. In their catalogs, the company offers products of standard and original shapes and colors. To maintain their reputation and high demand, well-known brands regularly improve technology and develop innovative solutions.

You can distinguish an original sink from a popular brand from a fake by the packaging. Large manufacturers place the product in thick cardboard with stiffening ribs to reliably protect the artificial stone from damage and chips, onto which a hologram or company name is glued.

Cheap analogues are placed in thin cardboard without identification marks.

In order not to stumble upon a fake, it is recommended to purchase sinks made of composite stone from official dealers and be sure to check the quality certificates.

No. 3. Colors and surface types

Thanks to the introduction of colored pigments into the mass, you can get a sink of any shade, but usually manufacturers paint products in natural colors. The most popular sinks are white, black and beige . Some companies also produce brighter products in pink, green, blue and other colors . When made to order, the product can be of any shade.

Sinks are rarely single-colored - usually they have a specific pattern applied to them, which is designed to imitate a natural surface. It really looks natural. As a rule, manufacturers' collections include sinks of 6-12 different colors. The choice, of course, is yours, but keep in mind that products with a pattern of stone or crumbs are easier to care for , since minor dirt is not visible on them. From this point of view, light sinks with black speckles, and dark sinks with light splashes, would be ideal.

Since natural stone often has a matte surface, its artificial counterpart usually receives the same type of surface. If you want something more interesting, then pay attention to products with a glossy and silky-matte surface, as well as products made using shagreen and antique techniques. The structural surface of the sink will create the feeling that the bowl is carved out of a block of stone.

5 most common problems with artificial stone sinks

Reading reviews on the Internet, it is easy to find quite a lot of complaints about artificial sinks. We have collected five of the most popular complaints and concerns, which is why many people prefer the good old, proven stainless steel kitchen sinks.

  1. “A stone sink will develop stains over time. On a light sink there are dark stains (from coffee, tea, red wine, beets, juice, etc.), on a dark one there are light stains (something hot was accidentally put on).”
  2. “Due to boiling water, the sink may crack, and hot dishes should not be placed on the surface of the stone.”
  3. “If you accidentally drop heavy dishes, the sink may break, chip or crack.”
  4. “A sink like this requires daily care, all you have to do is clean it.”
  5. “Artificial stone is not at all like natural stone, it looks like plastic”

Our review will help you figure out which of this is true and which problems can easily be avoided by simply choosing the right sink.

Myths or truth?

If you read about how the bottom of a sink made of artificial stone fell off after boiling water was poured into it, how it cracked when a pan or a heavy knife fell into it, how there were traces of hot dishes on it, you were almost certainly talking about an acrylic sink integrated into the countertop , and not about a mortise composite sink made of artificial granite or marble.

Granite sinks are not afraid of stains (if they appear, they can be easily cleaned with ordinary detergents and a sponge) or hot objects. If a granite or quartz sink is cracked, chipped, or stained, the reason may be a manufacturing defect, or you have come across a fake (read below for how to avoid being scammed).

But sinks made of acrylic stone are much more capricious and require more maintenance.

The most common cause of problems with acrylic sinks is the choice of cheap, low-quality material (for example, from Chinese manufacturers) and/or a violation of the countertop production technology.

Acrylic stone, which is used for countertops and integrated sinks, is much inferior in strength to artificial granite. But it is much easier to process and sands well.

You can easily make a sink of any shape from it, and the border between it and the countertop will be completely invisible.

But despite the fact that the seam is not visible, it is there. And with a strong impact, vibration or sudden temperature change, this seam can “open up”. Especially if the craftsmen who made the countertop cheated, violated technology or used low-quality glue.

If you want a sink without seams that will completely “merge” with the countertop, choose the manufacturer carefully, handle it carefully, and it will faithfully serve you for many years.

The big plus is that surface defects in an acrylic stone sink can be easily removed. Thermal marks from a hot frying pan, small chips, cracks and scratches can be removed by sanding; the seams can be sealed. But for this work it is worth inviting a specialist.

  • Built-in sinks made of artificial granite cannot be repaired, but problems with them are many times less than with acrylic ones.
  • When purchasing a sink, be sure to find out the composition of the material and read the manufacturer’s recommendations on how you can and cannot handle it.

The history of the appearance of the first shells

Ancient people noticed that drops of water falling on a stone made a depression in it. This stone became the prototype of the modern sink. The first sinks were carved from stone.

In the Middle Ages, palaces and castles had washbasins made of silver, gold, and marble. In all other houses they used basins and jugs.

In the 18th century, clay was used for manufacturing in Europe. After firing in the oven, the product was covered with a special glaze.

Already in the 20th century, the first ceramic sinks appeared. Later, sinks made of stainless steel and artificial stone appeared.

Operating characteristics of stone sinks

A sink made of stone for the kitchen is distinguished by its positive characteristics during the period of its use.

The surface of the product is quite unpretentious, so it does not require special and labor-intensive care.

It is resistant to mechanical damage, with the exception of glossy surfaces, where small scratches appear when using abrasive substances for cleaning. The surface can withstand temperature changes and can be easily cleaned of contaminants.

A stone sink has a low coefficient of expansion, so rapid temperature changes cannot damage or crack the surface. A ceramic product may become unusable due to sudden heating or cooling.

But the stainless steel model remains safe and sound when boiling water hits it, but at the same time it begins to emit a deafening and very unpleasant sound.

Another positive performance characteristic is resistance to chemically aggressive compounds. The polished surface remains in good condition even after exposure to various acids.

However, acetone or a concentrated nitric acid solution can damage the surface and leave unpleasant marks.

What to look for when choosing

Experts believe that you should not buy a sink smaller than 90 cm in width. It is inconvenient to use.

  1. Before you buy a sink, decide on the place where it should stand and the height of the desktop surface—the size of the sink depends on this.
  2. Decide: will your sink serve as a bright accent or be one with the kitchen unit? Then it will be clear what color it should be.
  3. In the store, the sink must be carefully inspected from all sides: it should not have depressions or chips.
  4. The level at the edges of the bottom of the sink should not be lower than at the drain.

In the store, you need to ask what the guaranteed service life of the product is and what the rules are for returning the sink back to the store, and be sure to ask for a warranty card.

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How to install

Mostly, professionals install stone sinks. This is due to the fact that sinks are often mounted on a countertop made of the same material, and the process itself is complex. Specialists not only install the product correctly, but also make sure that the seams between the sink and the work area are completely invisible.

It is not recommended to carry out installation yourself in such cases.

If you decide to install a stone sink in a regular countertop, you can do it yourself. All that is required from the master in this case is to follow the step-by-step instructions.

The first step is to cut a hole to fit the size of the sink. Standard options include overhead sinks 60x60 cm. At this stage, you need to draw an outline to create a hole. To make all the markings correctly, it is best to use a template made of cardboard or paper.

A jigsaw is used to create the hole.

After this, you need to process the edge using a sealant for this purpose. Often a special sealing tape is mounted on this part, which is also convenient. At the same stage, you need to process the perimeter from the top side.

After this, the sink is slowly and carefully mounted into the countertop, using special screws to secure the product. They are fixed on the bottom.

After installing the sink, you need to work on the faucet. It is fixed on the sink, and then connected to the water pipes. A siphon is connected to the drain hole.

At the final stage, the remaining sealant is removed. After this, the sink will be ready for use.


The advantage of composite sinks is that they can be repaired if any problems arise. For example, scratches, chips, cracks and even a fallen bottom.


The simplest process is removing scratches. Everything is very easy if the surface of the sink is matte or at least semi-matte. If the first option, then you only need to purchase sandpaper of two grits:

  • 240 - for stripping;
  • 80 - for final grouting and polishing, thanks to which the stone will return its appearance.

If the stone is semi-matte, then you will have to use three grain sizes:

  • 400;
  • 600;
  • 280.

There are only three stages that follow each other.

The most expensive option is a scratch on a glossy surface. In this case, only a grinding machine will help, which you can purchase yourself or contact a restoration specialist. Perhaps the second option will be better, since it will be difficult to choose the right attachments the first time, and you don’t want to spoil the product.

Cracks and chips

Such cases can be solved in two ways:

  • special repair kit;
  • a piece that matches the color.

The repair kit is a special composition that is applied to the damage, and after drying it is rubbed with sandpaper to a smooth surface without flaws. They are rarely found on sale, and it is also difficult to choose by color. But due to the correct selection, the defective area can then not be painted.

The same problem of color selection applies to finding the necessary piece for the resulting chip. With this piece you need to seal the hole in the sink, and then sand it with sandpaper or a sanding machine until it is perfectly smooth. Both options are quite complex, so it is better to contact a specialist in restoring artificial stone, who can easily select the required tone, and you can watch the process in the following video.

How to repair a chip

The sink burst

The sink has burst or cracked, or the bottom has fallen off - such problems occur only among owners of cheap sinks. Artificial stone is a very durable material that is not afraid of temperature changes and mechanical stress. If such a problem occurs, then all that remains is to dismantle the sink and take it to service under warranty. Perhaps the manufacturer will admit the defect and return the money.

It is worth noting that many professionals do not undertake the repair of acrylic sinks.


Usually, dismantling an overhead sink does not cause problems, since it is the simplest way to attach the sink. There is no way to remove integrated products with your own hands - you just need to call a specialist. But questions arise about mortise models.

If all the fasteners and seals can be removed in the same way as they were put on, then the question remains with the silicone sealant, which grabs tightly and does not allow the sink to move even a millimeter.

The solution is simple - you need to take a thin clerical knife and trim the sealant, and then, if possible, remove it. After this, dismantling the sink made of artificial stone will not present any difficulties.

There is a more interesting option. Removing a stone sink at home using a jack. You can watch the video for more details.

Removing the sink with a jack

How to choose

Even when choosing such a universal option as a stone sink, you need to take into account several important features. Due attention must be paid to the stability, strength and moisture resistance of the surface.

When purchasing, check whether the product has antibacterial properties.

An important point is the ability to recover in case of damage. Stone is one of the most resistant materials, but sometimes situations occur from which no one is immune. Basically, the artificial look is easy to restore, which is what makes it superior to other options.

  • During the purchasing process, pay special attention to the depth of the sink. Check the distance from the front to the back of the sink.
  • Decide in advance on the type of installation. There are overhead and mortise options. The most interesting and original types include integrated sinks.
  • Focusing on the style features of the interior, select the shape of the product. Round and square models look quite interesting. A rectangular sink would also be a good choice.


Sink shapes:

  • round (or oval);
  • triangular;
  • rectangular;
  • polygonal;
  • other form.

The shape can be very diverse

Round and rectangular ones look good in a classic interior. Although you can, for example, install a triangular bowl in a “classic” kitchen in the corner.

Can't decide on the shape? Consult interior designers. They will suggest the most beautiful option.

They produce bowls made from:

  • coriana;
  • granite;
  • liquid stone.

The material dampens the sound of dishes

Advice Do not write off other materials from which stone sinks are made. There are many of them, they have pros and cons, but they are not as popular as those described above.

When considering the advantages of sinks made of different materials, their technological aspects are taken into account rather than their visual ones.

Corian products are easy to clean due to the good water-repellent properties of corian, which contains virtually no pores in its structure. Corian sinks retain their original appearance for a long time.

Corian sinks are easy to clean

Granite can also be artificial. You shouldn't be surprised by this fact. Natural granite is very expensive, artificial granite is cheaper. Granite bowls:

  • resistant to aggressive influences;
  • easy to maintain.

They have a smooth surface. In their production, fine crumbs and polymer resin are used.

Granite ones are very easy to maintain

Bowls made of liquid stone are strong and durable. You can experiment with design on them, because liquid stone is sprayed onto the sink: any base is selected, then the desired pattern is sprayed on.

Tip When choosing a sink, consider the properties of the material from which it is made.

When everything is in tone it looks impressive


Based on reviews from customers who have already installed a stone sink in their kitchen, you can understand that the material is completely unpretentious in maintenance. But it is worth familiarizing yourself with several important recommendations that will help maintain the original appearance of the surface.

Do not drop heavy objects onto the sink, as this may cause cracks to appear.

It is not recommended to place hot dishes on the surface. Basically, indicators from +80 degrees are detrimental to the material.

The surface should be cleaned with soft sponges that do not scratch the stone.

Too hard types affect the appearance of the material. To clean the surface, use only detergents that do not contain chlorine. Exposure to concentrated acids is also detrimental to artificial stone.

During use, do not damage the integrity of the sealant. Basically, damage often affects the joints between the sink and the countertop.


Durable. Service life is at least 10-15 years. And with proper care, the period increases by several more years.

The production technology eliminates the development of harmful microorganisms and mold on the surface. Hygienically clean and safe.

Unlike natural stones, composite stones do not emit radioactive substances.

Another advantage over natural material is strength. Artificial materials are three times stronger than natural ones. Such a sink is not afraid of heavy dishes falling.

If defects occur, they can be easily eliminated. Minor scratches and defects can be easily polished with sandpaper at home. Small chipped pieces can be glued using acrylic glue.

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The production of such sinks is not mass-produced, but according to individual measurements. You can order a sink of any shape, color and size.

Smooth, nice to touch. Silent.

Popular colors

Artificial stone kitchen sinks are available in a wide range of colors. As a rule, the manufacturer offers up to 12 classic shades in catalogs. In addition, when made to order, the number of available shades increases significantly.

This can be done due to the fact that the material is not natural and can be painted depending on the required shade.

The most common color when ordering these sinks is white. In addition to pure white (with splashes imitating natural stone), all shades of beige from milky to mustard are common, as well as gray in varying degrees of saturation.

Black sinks are a less popular but still commonly used option. A variety of shades from graphite to chocolate are also available here.

Obviously, the most popular models are those that imitate the natural colors of natural stone.

But clients have the opportunity to order sinks in blue, orange, red and other non-natural colors, which will complement the designed room design, making it unique.

Material composition and manufacturing method

Artificial stone consists of polymers and additives in the form of natural stone chips. The higher the content of stone chips, the stronger the product.

Modern products contain granite, quartz or marble inclusions.

  • The composition of the stone varies from 80% polymer and 20% natural additives to 80% stone chips and 20% polymer.
  • Well-known manufacturers do not skimp on natural ingredients, which affects the strength, durability and quality of the final product.

The production of sinks takes place using vibration casting technology. A composite is poured into the finished mold, which hardens, then sanded and treated with a special compound that makes the material smooth and uniform.

This technology makes it possible to produce sinks of various sizes, configurations and colors in huge quantities.

The best design examples with an artificial stone sink

As already noted, ordering stone sinks according to an individual design is very popular. Thanks to this possibility, this piece of furniture not only fits into the required dimensions, but can also become a real art object, standing out from the surrounding space due to the presence of:

  • sinks of non-standard shape with several separate compartments, each of which has its own drain;
  • sinks with several steps of different heights;
  • sink embedded in the work surface (the most expensive option);
  • an overhead sink, when not only the top edge, but the entire depth of the sink is visible;
  • non-standard colors.

It is absolutely clear that a stone sink is the best option for any kitchen.

It combines aesthetic superiority over analogues made from other materials, ease of use and durability.

Water mixer

The faucet is an important part of any sink. You also need to be able to choose it correctly according to:

  • sizes;
  • color;
  • form.

It’s beautiful when the faucet also matches

Faucets too big/small:

  • Uncomfortable.
  • They spoil the appearance of the entire kitchen.

Faucet color:

  • metal. Probably the most common;
  • match the tone of the bowl or even the countertop. A bold option that deserves attention. The main thing is that the paint on the metal is of high quality and does not crack from intensive use;
  • Contrast of colors between faucet and sink.

Metal mixer – the choice of classic lovers

The following recommendation should be adhered to: water from the faucet in the kitchen should be directed downwards, and not slightly inclined towards the person. To do this, you need to select the appropriate mixer.

If you ignore this advice, then it will be inconvenient to wash dishes in a sink with such a mixer, and drops of water can fly out of the sink and damage the countertop.

Water should only flow downwards

Water from the faucet fitting should not come out close to the edge of the sink. Otherwise, the surface of the countertop may be damp. This must be taken into account when choosing the mixer itself and its installation location. Although there is no need to build a mixer all the way to the middle of the sink. It is better to find a “golden mean”.

Advice Don't skimp on a good faucet. A poorly made model may leak after a year or two of use and will have to be replaced. A good model will last a long time. However, it does not have to be expensive. You can buy a quality faucet at an affordable price.

It's better to buy a quality faucet

Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone: photo selection

Installation recommendations

  • The distance between the sink and the front edge of the countertop should be at least 5 cm. If you move the sink as far as possible to the edge, water will splash and cause discomfort during operation. However, you should not push the sink too deep.
  • The side edges should be 5 cm or more away from the wall.
  • The minimum distance from the apron to the sink should be 5 cm or more. A small gap contributes to the constant accumulation of water, which is difficult to wipe off. If there is enough free space, you can store detergents here or install a mixer in this part of the countertop. This method is relevant for stainless steel products, since their thickness is about 0.4-1.4 mm and the installed mixer can be held unstable.
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