Doors in the interior - 80 photos of examples of application in the design of an apartment or house

In this article we will look at the role doors play in the interior. How they change the appearance of an apartment depending on the design, construction, and material. You will learn how to choose the right interior doors for a specific housing style, and how to visually change the space using glass structures. After reading the material, you will firmly know the difference between different types of doors, and which of them will suit your home.

Beautiful glass doors Source

Interior door designs

Interior doors in the interior perform not only a functional effect, but also carry a decorative load. The perception of housing depends on the appearance of the door panels.

Doors vary based on several factors.

By opening method

Doors are:

  • swing;

Stylish swing doors Source

  • sliding;

Sliding doors Source

  • folding;

Beautiful doors - folding, with large glass inserts in a wooden frame Source


The most common design of interior doors is swinging, when the doors open in different directions. Distinctive features of this design:

  • easy installation;
  • ensures a tight fit of the door leaf to the opening. Preventing the penetration of noise and odors;
  • convenient to use – opening and closing is easy;
  • variety of shapes, designs, materials of manufacture.

Hinged doors with beautiful relief Source

Hinged doors to the terrace Source


Unlike hinged ones, sliding structures save space, freeing up useful space. There are double-sided and single-sided designs. In small rooms, a one-sided canvas that extends to one side saves space.

This is especially felt in apartments with cramped corridors. Coming out of the bath, pushing the door aside, a person moves freely to the next room - without touching anyone, without making much effort.

Sliding design Source

In this case, the door enters the interior space of the wall. Installation is complex, so it is carried out at the stage of apartment renovation. There are designs in which the door leaf moves over the wall. Typically, such doors are made from lightweight materials, such as plasterboard. The door is lightweight and easy to open. It can be painted in any color to match the background of the interior.

A contrasting door refreshes the design, a white one adds airiness to the interior, and a mirror door visually increases the space. Source

For those who love fashionable new items, manufacturers offer glass sliding doors. The glass can be transparent or tinted.

A white glass sliding door will decorate a modern interior in a minimalist style. In addition to functionality, it visually expands the volume of a small room.

Glass door with a contrasting wall Source Mirror inserts on the door leaf visually expand the room, in this case the bathroom Source Doors complement and highlight the tones of the apartment Source

Shiny chrome handles fit perfectly into the high-tech style Source

An interesting combination of a black wall with wood Source

By choosing an elegant finish in the form of parallel wood strips, you can create an exclusive door design, as in this case:

Door with parallel slats Source

An elegant interior in an apartment can be created using a glass door with a light pattern on a matte surface. At the same time, an element of airiness and grace is introduced into neutrality.

Glass door with a pattern Source

In modern interiors, stylish all-glass interior doors in aluminum profile are popular, allowing you to realize any designer’s plans.

Stylish design Source

By choosing a wide area of ​​glass, you can ensure maximum sunlight. So, having arranged the bathroom, you can admire the surrounding landscape, and even sunbathe, with the door slightly open.

Solid glass sheet: door and wall in one Source

A bright glass door can serve as an apartment decoration - standing out as a soft spot against the general gray-blue background.

Bright red door in the interior Source

Art Deco lovers can use black doors in a white interior:

Mysterious design creates a feeling of transition to another dimension Source

The combination of white and cream colors creates a soft design, in such a home it is pleasant to relax Source

White doors with glass inserts create a unified interior in a white room, while the apartment looks majestic and creates a feeling of being filled with light Source

Folding doors

The doors can open like an accordion. It is somewhat more difficult to create a modern partition door of this design, but the effective result of privacy of a dedicated corner with the ability to view the entire apartment is achieved.

Door with an accordion Source

An “accordion” in combination with a grille can serve as an interior decoration:

Folding door with bars Source

Accordion-fold glass doors framed by a metal profile fit into the design of the entrance to the terrace, providing a large flow of air and light into the room.

Doors to the terrace - original design Source

By number of door leaves

Doors can be single-leaf or double-leaf.

Single leaf

Single-leaf doors are common in small modern apartments.

In turn, they come in the form of a solid sheet of wood, MDF, or chipboard.

Classic one-piece design Source

Made from expensive solid wood, the door will add solidity to the room.

An interior door with figured panels will complement the modern design. Source

If in this case the door leaf stands out against the background of the walls, then in some cases the white door fits organically into the light interior, expanding the space. In this way, it is possible to highlight individual elements of furniture.

Light single-leaf door Source

A black door with a glass insert fits well into the Art Nouveau style, creating a single ensemble with frames and furniture of the same color, contrasting with white walls.

Dark door on a light background Source

A light door with glass inserts expands the space and lets in light.

Light door with glass inserts Source

Lovers of the classic style will choose the traditional version of the door leaf, which unobtrusively fits into the interior.

Classic modern style Source

See also: Catalog of projects of houses made of double timber with an area of ​​up to 80 sq.m.

Door with panels Source Door with coated glass inserts Source Door with relief decoration Source

The white door, decorated with gilding and relief inserts, serves as a decoration for the room.

White canvas with gilding Source

The cream-colored door with a green glass insert with ribbed stripes fits into the beige interior, echoing the tone of the wallpaper pattern in the background.

Door with a beige tint Source

If you need to leave any room visible, you can decorate with a glass door. The lightweight design creates a transparent feel. Tempered glass is not afraid of impacts and does not break into small fragments if damaged.

Glass door with floral patterns Source

Blue glass looks no less attractive when decorating a room in a high-tech style.

High-tech door Source


Double doors consist of two leaves that swing open in different directions. Used in large openings. Standard dimensions imply an opening width of 2.4 meters. A latch is provided on the door leaf to secure the door in a stationary state.

Beautiful interior doors in a double-leaf version are used in classic interiors, Baroque and Empire styles.

Door with floral ornament Source

There is a great variety of designs for door leaves - they can be solid leaves, with glass inserts, all glass, mirror. White doors are popular. They are combined with a light interior and contrasting colors.

White doors in the interior look formal Source White doors in combination with a snow-white glossy floor bring cleanliness and freshness to the room Source

A door with raised panels is suitable for conservative people.

Such doors reliably protect against noise, so they are suitable for a bedroom, nursery, or office. Source Using glass inserts you can let sunlight into the room. Source

Doors with a transom, used when entering a balcony or veranda, visually increase the space and illumination of the room.

If you need to leave any room visible, you can decorate with a glass door. The lightweight design creates a transparent feel. Tempered glass is not afraid of impacts and does not break into small fragments if damaged.

Doors with a minimalist design Source White doors with frosted glass inserts stand out against a gray and brown background, creating an accent at the entrance Source

Models with stained glass inserts in combination with a white interior give the home a luxurious look Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in the production of doors and windows, installation of grill and barbecue systems.

Stylish doors with frosted glass inserts, designed in Art Nouveau style, visually expand the space and serve as a backdrop for highlighting pieces of furniture.

The Art Nouveau style is supported by the design of the doors Source White doors trimmed with glass inserts with transparent edging fit perfectly into the art style Source In apartments with a large doorway, doors with a transom at the top are installed Source

Side transoms help solve the problem of a wide doorway Source

Glass doors serve as a worthy decoration for your home Source

Great option for modern design Source

By material

To ensure that the appearance of the door matches the design of the apartment, comfortable operation, as well as its replacement if necessary, be sure to pay attention to the material when purchasing. All these nuances can be fully provided by natural materials. Their quality is much higher, and their appearance is more presentable.


Considering the fact that natural materials have a fairly high price, veneer sheets began to be used in the production of interior products. They are the thinnest sections of wood from 06 mm to 1 mm. To achieve the required strength, the sections are glued together until the required coating thickness is obtained.

Natural veneer has a special nuance - it has its own individual structure and unique pattern. This causes significant trouble during production, since choosing the same texture and color becomes problematic.

This issue was resolved through a new product in the industry - veneer, made using special “Fine-line” technology. The wood used for this is poplar or abacha, grown in a special way to achieve uniformity of structure and the absence of knots.

The advantages of eco-veneer include:

  • naturalness and environmental friendliness of the material;
  • fine-line material has uniformity of color and structure;
  • the ability to reduce wood consumption and achieve design diversity;
  • allows you to reduce the cost in relation to products made from natural wood.

Despite all the advantages, this material also has some disadvantages. Firstly, fine-line veneer has a low degree of strength, since soft poplar wood is used, and secondly, the use of more expensive material entails a high price and a heterogeneous structure.

Elite solid wood doors

Products made from natural solid wood have a canvas made from natural boards of various types of wood. The result is a beautiful item with high wear resistance. The cost of such a door is considerable and directly depends on the type of wood. The most expensive options include beech, oak, maple and mahogany. Their price reaches $500. Products made from softwood, for example, pine and spruce, are considered cheaper. Their cost is about $200.

The high price of doors made of natural wood is also due to the fact that the material itself is very capricious in processing - defects such as deformation and curvature may occur.

Positive characteristics include:

  • high strength of the door leaf;
  • ability to ensure reliability in fastening;
  • quality of finishing materials;
  • the ability to make doors yourself or to order;
  • Doors made of natural wood are high quality products.

But with all the advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • low probability of making doors of the same color and structure;
  • instability of wood to temperature changes and high levels of humidity;
  • heavy weight, which eventually leads to sagging of the fabric, so you should purchase high-quality fittings;
  • there is a high probability of the formation of discrepancies and cracks at the junction of the lamellas.

Related article: Bathroom tiling: spectacular design (+50 photos)

Types of two-leaf sliding doors

Beautiful interior doors in a modern style made of two sliding panels are used in rooms with a large area.

They are in form:

  • straight;
  • radius.

Straight designs

In ordinary apartments there are standard sizes of doorways and rectangular shapes of rooms. Therefore, it is more expedient and inexpensive to install a straight sliding door.

Door made of two straight panels Source

Translucent option Source

Classic sliding door Source

Straight designs are also used for zoning space in studio apartments. In this way, they not only delimit space, but also create a modern style.

The sliding structure serves as both a door and a partition Source

Manufacturers offer a large selection of different glasses for decorating doorways. You can choose any color that gently complements and contrasts with the surrounding design.

Large selection of frosted glass Source

Non-standard options

Very often, a certain style of room requires the installation of unique doors, not similar to those familiar to everyone. And this applies not only to the design, but also to the structure of the material from which the product can be made, and the installation method. Let's look at several non-standard door designs that are popular today.

Hidden doors

Hidden doors have a special structure. They involve a hidden aluminum box with an internal or external opening type, and secret hinges. Hidden installation allows you to hide the main parts of the frame, responsible for the functioning of the door, under the wall decoration. The structure is made of anodized aluminum, which is characterized by a high degree of quality.

The hidden box can withstand loads of up to 40 kg. It is resistant to corrosion. This fact allows its installation to be completed even before the completion of repair and finishing work.

Doors to the ceiling

A real novelty in modern interiors are Italian models, which in height go right up to the ceiling. Such designs visually give the room space, are non-standard and will definitely attract the attention of those present.

The method of mounting the model from floor to ceiling is also original. It belongs to the hidden type. When closed, door hinges and frames are not visible, and no trim is required. The box is built inside the wall and covered with finishing materials.

On video: hidden doors in the Housing Question project.

barn door

Stylish barn doors are antique designs. They got their name for the similarity in appearance with those products that were usually used in barns, sheds and other outbuildings. Barn-type doors are ideal for small spaces and are easy to use.

Such doors can easily be removed from their hinges at any time, and their non-standard design will become a decoration and a unique accent in any interior.

Video description

In this video you will see which material is better to choose for interior doors:

Radius models

Wealthy people are trying to transform their homes and introduce new elements. Radius door designs have been created for this category of buyers.

Radius models Source These doors can be used to separate a round segment in a living space Source The unusual shape of the doorway and the color of the glass sheet with a pattern detain people's attention Source

In a large house, you can decorate the housing in such a way that it will seem like the presence of a house in the house Source

Another example of an emphasis on a doorway Source

Using colored frosted glass you can hide another room from view. Source You can use transparent doors to create an exit to the terrace. An opportunity is created to view the beautiful landscape Source

Door to the veranda in a semicircular version Source

Single leaf swing doors

Hinged doors are a very popular design, used for centuries, and are still actively used in our time. They are made from natural wood, plastic, PVC, fiberboard, sometimes with a glass insert. They are installed, providing space for the doorway to fully open. They are suitable for interiors in classic, techno, Provence and country styles.

Briefly about the main thing

Having learned about the design possibilities of interior doors, you can easily select a door that meets your needs and matches the chosen style of home decoration.

These can be either sliding or swing structures made of one or two panels. Door materials: wood, metal, glass. Door leaves can be decorated with a matte or glossy pattern or ornament. The choice of design depends on the style and taste of the owners of the room, on the purpose of the door: interior or entrance leading to the terrace, all this determines the overall impression of the interior.


Doors in the interior of this style are very similar to Hi-tech. Owners of such doors receive a stylish, multifunctional, comfortable and practical interior.

Modern features:

  • doors are made of plastic or wood;
  • there are forged elements or smooth, uneven lines;
  • fusing – a new technology for making stained glass (fusing glass in a furnace);
  • the presence of a floral or marine motif;
  • smooth surface of the canvas.

See alsoModern ideas for decorating a summer house interior


In this direction, it is customary for the door leaf to be perfectly smooth, devoid of any decorative details. This style calls for maximum simplicity and natural perfection. You can revive the rustic style with the help of forged parts - horseshoes, bells and other products.

For country style, rough and massive doors equipped with forged hinges are suitable. They will easily add hospitality, comfort and style to the interior.

Art Deco

The attributes of this style are luxury, and not just a few chic elements, but luxury in every detail. Pompousness is its second name. It is designed to captivate and excite everyone who enters such apartments. That is why only the most expensive materials are appropriate in the style.

Art Deco doors are made from light wood, but there are many models made from ebony. Often such products are decorated with plant-themed ornaments.

As for the color scheme, there are quite a lot of options here - from muted to bright colors. There are also leopard and gold models, decorated with frosted glass and floral designs. Doors can be decorated with stained glass windows with Chinese dragons, mermaids and unicorns, and various mythical creatures.

Double-leaf swing doors

Double-leaf interior doors correspond to the luxurious Rococo, Baroque and Empire styles. To be fully expanded, they take up quite a lot of space - up to 2 m2, which is very inconvenient in a small apartment.

They add nobility to houses with high ceilings and large areas and emphasize the richness of the interior.

Massive canvases are decorated with luxurious carvings and bright fittings. The total width of the doorway can reach 3 meters.

Effect of size

Huge width is considered one of the main features of 2022 trends. Double doors are especially popular. In addition, the individual design of each part will give your room an original look. It should be noted that such a door will increase the space and become a point of interest, enriching the environment with a new splash of color and texture. You can choose any material you need as the width of the door itself can make a statement. There is no doubt that a tall door will add status to your room by shaping its environment. This option is best for rooms with low ceilings, as the higher the door, the higher the walls will appear.

However, high doors will suit any room and style by choosing the right color and material. Additionally, you can choose a glass transom to fill the room with more light, which will enhance your interior design.

Dot the I - Color, Style and Personalization

If you think that you already know everything about how to adapt an interior door to the arrangement of an apartment, then that’s not all. We've left the most important parts at the end - deciding on style, color and personalization - the proverbial icing on the cake when choosing interior doors. After all, the door is a very important element in the design of the entire room!

Lovers of minimalism and modern simplicity will certainly like doors in which the hinges are completely invisible, and the surface of the closed door leaf is flush with the frame.

You can choose the color of the door in the classic way, that is, according to the color of the walls, floor and furniture, or by contrast. The combination of a white floor and a black door looks very interesting in modern interiors. Proponents of lofts and raw industrial aesthetics may be tempted to install doors the color of raw concrete. Simple white wooden doors will look great in Provence and Scandinavian interiors, and with the addition of light abrasions they will become a distressed and chic addition to the interior.

It is worth remembering that the door is a showcase of the interior. They must be not only functional, but durable and easy to use.

How to combine?

When choosing a door, you can be guided by various combination options.

With floor

To prevent the door from looking like a tacky spot, it is important to think about its combination with the color of the floor. In most cases, either the door leaf itself or the pillars are in harmony with the floor. If racks are combined with the floor, then it is recommended to decorate the door in a contrasting shade.

With plinth

Many people equip their rooms with skirting boards. It is best to choose them in the same style as the door panels. This option will be especially relevant if the door is made of wood. If the door partition is made of plastic using bright colors, you can choose a neutral shade for the baseboards, which will not differ much from the floor.

With walls

The most harmonious option is one in which the door is several tones darker than the walls. It is better to install a light design if the walls in the room are painted in a bright or pastel shade. If the door itself plays an accent role in the interior, then it is more advisable to make a monochromatic muted color of the walls without patterns or ornaments.

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