Dark doors in light and dark interiors - 95 photo ideas

Gone are the days when all apartments without any special design refinements had cheap interior doors made of plywood, painted with yellow and white paint. They have been replaced by sophisticated dark doors in the interior, which must be subject to stylistic requirements and follow global fashion trends. The door leaf is made from natural solid wood or coated with valuable wood veneer; a budget option is eco-veneer, imitating the natural texture of any shade. Any proposal looks expensive and stylish, but it is important to ensure that the black and dark brown solution fits organically into the decor.

Corridor interior with dark doors

Dark doors in the interior

Room design with dark doors

Doors in dark colors

The definition of “dark doors” includes dark shades of gray, black and brown. Let's look at the photo examples in the interior.

Gray oak gives tranquility. It harmonizes well with dark and pastel colors.

Dark brown will easily fit into any space. Popular shade, wenge.

Black doors look stylish while using light walls.

Dark woods

There are several main types of wood that are used in modern production. They largely set the tone of the finished product. Many varieties of such trees are very rare or even on the verge of extinction.
Therefore, a widespread option is to create some imitation of the material using coloring. The following types of wood are most widely used in the manufacture of interior doors:

  • Ormozia. A species of tree that is not widely distributed because it has almost disappeared. Growing area: New Guinea. Varieties of this breed can also be found in the Philippine Islands. It is very valuable, which is why finished products made from it are so expensive.

  • Paduc. This is a guest from West Africa. The sapwood from this species has an interesting coral or red tint. The tree very quickly changes color on the log house and becomes brown. It has a strong structure that can withstand almost any weather conditions.

  • Wenge. A tree species that is common in East Africa. There are various chocolate shades - from light to almost black. Excellent resistance to pressure and any temperature.

  • Nut. A type of wood with a brownish-gray tint, it is protected from cracking, which is why it is widely used by manufacturers not only of doors, but also of various furniture in general.

  • Red tree. By the name you can already guess what shade this breed has. And the photos confirm this.

  • Ebony. Found in tropical forests. Each of the varieties has a deep dark shade, but the description of the characteristics of all is approximately the same.

  • Rosewood. Another type of tropical tree. A breed with maximum strength, which explains its wide range of applications.

Dark doors in a light interior

This is a fashionable design trend that is actively used in modern apartments. In the white airy space, dark doors act as an accent.

An excellent addition to such an interior would be light accessories, natural plants, and trees.

The paintings will complement the overall decor, as if merging with a dark spot.

You can use mirror surfaces and more light.

Dark doors in a dark interior

To prevent the design of the room from seeming too gloomy, it must be diluted with lighter or brighter attributes. It can be colorful or white canvases on the wall, flowers, furniture.

Floor lamps fit correctly, closer to the exit of the room.

Dark doors and light floors

In this tandem, the walls are usually left with white, pastel colors.

In this case, white laminate is often laid on the floor.

Wallpaper with a light, light pattern will fit well.

Having chosen rich wallpaper, do not forget to leave one wall light and uniform.

Lightened door array

Lightened products have become especially popular nowadays. “Cold” halftones expand the area, calm and harmonize the mood. However, if there is not enough light in the room itself, such shades can create a gloomy effect in the room. “Warm” halftones will create a favorable atmosphere.

If you still want to combine white transitions, then choose an array that is barely different from the floors in order to maintain a border between them and highlight them against each other.

It is necessary to remember: if natural wood parquet is chosen for the floor, then the canvas should be light, and preferably in natural shades. Under no circumstances should you use plastic. They will look cheap and ugly. The contrast should be pronounced. Also, modern designers use bright accents to diversify a room with a light-colored door array.

Dark doors and dark floor in the interior in the photo

In this combination, the walls are usually made 1-2 shades lighter than the floor and door.

You can use wallpaper with light patterns.

You can cover the wall near the door with multi-colored wallpaper to match the color of the front door.

Design tips

When finishing the interior finishing of office/residential premises, experts advise adhering to the following rules:

For a small room with a “cold” floor shade it will go well with a door of a similar design. The space will become wider, more spacious.

Horizontal lines on the floor expand the room against the background of dark walls. To visually expand the ceiling, you need to choose the right palette.

It is impractical to use wood or laminate flooring in the kitchen or dining area (also if it is a studio apartment).

In the bedroom, “cool” colors will look most comfortable. You can add contrast with a bright bed or wardrobe.

Interior doors will perfectly complement the Baroque, Art Deco, Loft, Vintage, Provence, and Retro styles.

It is also important to pay attention to the size of the array. No matter whether the height from floor to ceiling is small or large, elongated openings will look especially beautiful. To use interesting color combinations, you can first paint the part of the wall, which is located between the platband and the cornice, in the color of the canvas. Even if a few centimeters are missing from the cornice, this technique will help to visually stretch the canvas as much as possible.

Choice of skirting boards

A white plinth will fit interestingly into an interior with dark doors and make it unusual. In this case, white frames of doors and window openings are used.

You can choose skirting boards that match the door or floor. This is a classic option that will last for many years.

Or leave the room without baseboards. Connect the base of the walls and the floor with metal corners.

Color options

If you want something non-standard, you can choose dark variations of color shades. They can be muted or deeply saturated. Successful options:

  • blue;
  • burgundy;
  • violet;
  • emerald;
  • dark olive.

Such options are suitable for modern or eclectic style . They look good in spacious studios. It is better to use parts of a similar shade in the room so that the interior looks harmonious. White inserts are often used in such interiors.

Colored fabrics may use a different facing for each side. Due to this, you do not have to adhere to the general style and can choose your own design for each room.

Doors with dark glass

They are an original solution for any interior. Often used for zoning space. The frame can be dark or metallic gray.

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