Ideas and solutions for the interior design of a long corridor

Layout features

“If you look at the photo of the design of a narrow, long corridor in an apartment, it will become obvious that it can be radically transformed during a banal cosmetic renovation, that is, get off with little loss”

Unfortunately, spacious and bright corridors in our apartments are extremely rare. Usually between the rooms there is a too narrow strip of space, which seems impossible to use effectively. Ideas and interior design solutions for a long corridor are just as difficult to come up with. But this is only if you look at this part of the apartment as a disadvantage. Looking at this space from a different angle, you can immediately find at least several options on how to make it beautiful and comfortable.

Design of a narrow long corridor

Surely the idea of ​​redevelopment will be the first to come to mind. And such a design for a long corridor in an apartment is possible, but problems may arise with the implementation of the idea. And the project will require a decent amount of funds. Repairing the corridor will take a lot of time. The process creates a lot of debris and dirt. If you look at the photo of the design of a narrow long corridor in an apartment, it will become obvious that it can be radically transformed during a banal cosmetic renovation, that is, get off with little loss. You will need to start with logical zoning. The room should have two parts:

1.​ Entrance.

2.​ Passage.

In order for both zones to be recognizable in an indivisible space, different textured or multi-colored materials should be used in their decoration.

Zoning the space of a long corridor

An example of a long and narrow corridor design

Part of the floor at the entrance is tiled. The material is easy to clean and makes it clear about the purpose of the place. Then the tiles will be replaced by laminate, covered with a wide carpet or covered with a large carpet. This will symbolize the beginning of the passage zone.

Wall decoration occurs in a similar spirit. For the entrance area, you can choose wallpaper with imitation stonework, and continue the design with light textured wallpaper.

Zoning the corridor using wall decoration

Selecting doors

It is important to choose the right color and design of the doors.

Doors to adjacent rooms are always chosen the same, in the same design. The latest trends offer doors using colored frosted glass to allow natural light to pass through. And to save space, folding or sliding structures are used. Modern designers propose to completely abandon interior doors, thus combining the space in the form of a studio.

If you choose sliding doors, pay close attention to the mechanism of movement of the door leaf.

Recommendations for the design of a long corridor in an apartment

“A good solution for the design of a long corridor in an apartment would be a wardrobe, extended to the entire height of the wall, the design of which includes glass or mirror sliding doors”


These surfaces, in corridors devoid of natural light, need to be decorated in neutral, light-spectrum colors. Leading colors:

  • cream;
  • light shades of gray;
  • beige;
  • coffee and milk range.

A light, cool background will always be advantageous. Any of the above colors will perfectly cope with the correction mission and make the space appear spacious and airy. Look at the examples of a similar design for a long corridor in an apartment in the photo, perhaps you will find an interesting idea there.

Light colors will perfectly cope with the correction mission

When choosing a material for wall decoration, special attention should be paid to its wear resistance. Surfaces can be decorated with washable wallpaper, paint, decorative plaster, and finishing stone. It will be easy to remove dust from any of these coatings. They can withstand wet cleaning.

An interesting idea would be to solve the interior design of a long corridor using glass wallpaper. They are given color after fixing them on the wall. The material is resistant to solvent treatment, so if necessary, their appearance can be easily changed.

Liquid wallpaper is suitable for decorating the corridor among the new design products. They are able to hide all the defects on wall surfaces.

Liquid wallpaper will hide wall defects

Thoughtful wall decor can also correct the visual perception of space. In the design of a long and narrow corridor, a technique such as fragmentation is used, when individual areas are highlighted with decorative inserts on plain surfaces. This could be textured wallpaper imitating stonework or stripes of abstract designs.


It should always be lighter than the wall decoration. If the ceilings in the apartment are too high, then the corridor risks turning into a kind of well. The problem must be solved radically. The easiest way to do this is to assemble a false ceiling from plasterboard. Look at the photo of a narrow long corridor in an apartment, the design of which uses a multi-tiered structure. Complex forms made the atmosphere in the room heavier, so no matter how beautiful the ceilings decorated in this way look, preference should still be given to simple forms.

The ceiling should be lighter than the wall decoration

With low ceilings you will have to achieve the opposite effect. They will need to be visually raised. Their glossy finish and hidden lighting will help to do this.


This surface is also involved in the correction of space when designing a long corridor. Here it is necessary to abandon the standard parallel layout of finishing materials and give preference to diagonals.

Parquet or laminate laid obliquely will expand the walls, and the room will seem more voluminous. However, this floor decor option has one drawback - the increased consumption of finishing, which is due to a large number of trimmings.

Laminate laid obliquely will visually expand the walls

Regarding materials. The most budget-friendly, but at the same time practical solution would be linoleum. In the design of a long and narrow corridor, it can be replaced by porcelain stoneware, laminate, but not parquet. It will not react well to high loads and moisture, which will certainly be in the entrance area.

A self-leveling floor will add creativity to the setting. Made in 3D, it will create a sensation.


The degree of natural light in the corridor is extremely low, and dark spaces will never look spacious and light. This means that you need to organize thoughtful artificial lighting. When working on the interior design of a long corridor in an apartment, experts strive to install lamps:

1. Along the entire ceiling surface.

2.​ In the ceiling segment of the walls.

3.​ Build them into the floor.

4.​ Equip furniture with lighting elements.

The corridor space should be well lit

You should not limit yourself to organizing exclusively overhead lighting. It will be completely uncomfortable with him in the corridor, especially with low power lamps. Do not forget to correlate the dimensions of the lighting structures with the parameters of the corridor space. Avoid bulky options.

Decor features

Just an abundance of ideas and solutions for the design of a narrow long corridor in an apartment is shown in the photo. Design imagination is truly tireless! Some suggest using large-format paintings framed by lighting to decorate the walls, while others suggest using wallpaper with large prints. But less elaborate solutions are the most popular. For example, walls decorated with decorative plaster with mosaic inserts.

Wall decoration with wallpaper with a large pattern

Mirror mosaic masonry with accent lighting with LED strips looks especially chic in the setting. LED lighting in the design of a long corridor can also be added to the mirrors. This will also create an interesting illusion.

Mirrors visually increase space

It is very good if there are niches in the corridor. These planning elements are equipped with shelves, on which collections of figurines or cute little things are subsequently placed. Naturally, to make all this wealth available for viewing, soft LED lighting is also installed in the decorative areas.


The main rule for furnishing a narrow space is not to overload it with furniture elements. Ideally, use built-in furniture for its furnishings, adapted to the specific layout.

A good solution for the design of a long corridor in an apartment would be a wardrobe, extended to the entire height of the wall, the design of which includes glass or mirrored sliding doors. It will fulfill a double mission: on the one hand, it will provide the opportunity to comfortably store things, on the other, it will expand and decorate the space.

Sliding wardrobe, driven to the entire height of the wall

No room for closets at all? Replace them with a narrow chest of drawers. For greater decorativeness, the space above its shelf should not be left empty. Arrange a photo gallery there or place a mirror. How interesting the design of space in a long apartment corridor can be, look at the photo.

A narrow chest of drawers is optimal when there is a lack of space

A real interior highlight will be a bookshelf stretching along the entire corridor. Easy improvisation of the library will provide an opportunity to unobtrusively tell guests at home about your literary passions.

In the entrance area you will need to equip a place for comfortable putting on shoes. Usually they put a shoe shelf or a comfortable pouf there.

Bookshelves along the entire length of the corridor

Arrangement nuances

A combination of proper arrangement of furniture and creation of comfort.

The owners are lucky if the doorways are located on one side of the hallway or in the adjacent corridor, since such a layout will allow them to choose furniture of quite spacious dimensions, and the facades can play the role of decorative filling of the room.

A hallway with several doorways will require more time to select the necessary furniture. The main condition is to try to use the space as usefully as possible without cluttering it. In this case, cabinet furniture modules, which are selected separately, are perfect.

The right choice of color and space zoning.

If you want the hallway to look light, then choose furniture of different heights to enliven the space and visually break the long hallway into short sections.

The house begins with an entrance hall, and modern wall design options, comfortable, varied furniture, and designer lamps will make the apartment individual and unique.

Space correction techniques

You can’t do without them in the design of a long and narrow corridor. Good, uniform lighting will help make the room appear larger. The presence of dark corners will result in shadowed areas falling out of view. The corridor will seem small, pressed by walls.

Volumetric lampshades of lamps mounted on walls or ceilings and large furniture will steal precious meters. Its capacity as a storage system must be compensated by height and length. Look at the photo of a narrow long corridor in the apartment, the design of which involved mezzanines. Perhaps this solution will suit your taste.

For a long corridor, good, uniform lighting is recommended

The background decoration of the corridor space should be made light, avoiding wallpaper with a striped print.

If possible, interior doorways are replaced with arches or equipped with sliding doors.

Make the background decoration of the corridor light


Reflection is the best way to optically enlarge a space. Most designers who want to expand a cramped space turn to this technique. With the help of a mirror in an original frame, you can not only look at yourself before going outside, but also decorate the corridor.

An interesting technique is a composition of four rectangular mirrors in a frame. The combination will help increase the amount of light and simulate a window opening.

Interior design of a long corridor: ideas and solutions

The narrow space of the corridor is just the place where you can experience the uniqueness of your own thinking and express yourself as a creative designer. Here there is a chance to implement the most daring decisions, including those involving the use of stylish paraphernalia and all kinds of decorations. Naturally, the main emphasis in the design of the room, as demonstrated by many photos of the design of a long corridor in an apartment, is on modern styles, but is it only on them that the light has converged like a wedge? Let's look at the most popular interior solutions.

High tech

The direction refers to modern architectural styles and is focused on the use of high technologies in interior decoration. The style is recognizable by a number of features.

1.​ Non-standard lighting arrangement. The priority is recessed lamps, which are used to equip walls and furnishings, as well as unusual chandelier designs.

Non-standard lighting arrangement in high-tech style

2.​ Restrained color palette and contrasting finishes. The background design of the long corridor is done in total white, black and metallic gray colors. A dimly lit space is saved from gloom by original decor, added by clear lines in contrasting shades. This can be not only a geometric wall painting, but also a set of thematic paintings, for example.

Contrasting finishes are typical for high-tech style

3. Minimalist furnishings. Items are selected to match the overall stylistic decision and can have both smooth and clearly defined shapes, but without finishing or decorative embellishments.

4. Finishing materials. All ideas and solutions in the interior design of a long corridor are implemented using glass, metal and plastic. The shine of their surfaces, when correctly modeling the space, will give the effect of its visual expansion.

Minimalistic furnishings

Art Deco

This original mix of modernity and neoclassicism is positioned as eclecticism and is recognizable by:

1. Boldness of geometric solutions. The most impressive are the zigzag patterns that appear in wall decor or when laying floors.

2.​ Cyclical pattern. In the design of a narrow and long corridor in an apartment, everything is subordinated to the main motive. If this is, for example, the smoothness of lines, then it should appear in patterns, in the shape of furniture and in accessories.

3. Futurism. The most extravagant design ideas are realized in art deco. The emphasis is on ethnic and animal themes.

Design of a long corridor in art deco style

Empire style

Elegant and richly decorated interior. In its modern interpretation, of course, it is not so pompous, although it still pleases with its unusual decor. If you look at what a long, narrow corridor in Empire design looks like in the photo, you will notice the rich stucco molding, luxurious chandeliers, huge mirrors and elaborate candelabra. For the background design, rich burgundy and emerald shades are used, followed by gilding and silver.

Elegant interior in Empire style


A unique style that allows you to create exclusive interiors. Its leitmotif is an absolute rejection of standard geometric shapes and symmetry of lines. This allows you to implement any ideas and solutions in the design of a long and narrow corridor in an apartment. Even walls can appear in an unusual form. Their shape changes. Once smooth surfaces become concave or convex.

Art Nouveau style allows you to realize any ideas

To achieve the complete illusion of curved space, the walls are decorated with drawings or photographs in abstract frames.

The doorways will also have to be given a wavy shape. As a result, you will get the impression of an interior dynamically moving in space.

Pop Art

Interiors with a storm of emotions and a riot of colors are the choice of young people who are drawn to creativity. The main design features of a long corridor are as follows.

Bright design of a long corridor in pop art style

Global surfaces are decorated in soothing colors and serve as a background for placing the hearth of design fantasies. The motto of pop art: the brighter the better - is realized through a variety of decor. Thematic posters can be used as decorative accessories, attracting attention with the strangeness of the plot of a photograph or wall inscriptions that evoke a context.


The style is sharp, bold, intriguing with its originality. Photos of the design of such a long corridor in an apartment cause conflicting reactions. To some, kitsch seems garishly bad taste, while others, on the contrary, are delighted with its solutions. In any case, the interior in an ultra-fashionable style does not leave you indifferent.

In essence, kitsch is a hellish cocktail of styles and colors, generously seasoned with accessories. Moreover, such a mix is ​​not always harmonious, but this is the beauty of the direction. It does not limit the creator’s fantasies in any way.

The ultra-fashionable kitsch style will not leave anyone indifferent

Decoration Materials? Yes, everything you find! Look at how the design of a narrow long corridor in an apartment is presented in the photo. You see, you can decorate the walls with scraps of old photographs or newspaper sheets, use vinyl discs as lampshades, and build a coffee table from an old TV. In general, choose what appeals to you in spirit and aesthetics and go ahead!

Necessary furniture

The required minimum of furniture in the interior of the hallway.

In the hallway, furniture performs a specific function in placing and storing clothes, shoes, umbrellas and other important small items. In order to create a cozy room, you need to select furniture taking into account the interests and needs of all family members.

A spacious long hallway has a clear advantage over a small one, but in any option it is possible to place furniture of the desired configuration. A mandatory minimum set of items is considered to be a hanger, a wardrobe, a shoe cabinet. Or you can install a wardrobe that has a storage system, replacing several pieces of cabinet furniture.

Photo gallery - design of a long corridor

Should the hallway be divided into zones?

In principle, like any room, the hallway should also be divided into several zones. As a rule, the following zones are distinguished:

  • door area, the area where people change shoes and take off outerwear;
  • an area for storing outerwear and shoes, various attributes (rain umbrella, hats, shoe care products);
  • a place where there is a small table or dressing table with a mirror.

Hallway color scheme

For the hallway of a room, especially a long one, a range of light colors is best suited: white, coffee, beige, peach, milky, sand, cream tone. You can dilute the color palette with mint, turquoise, mustard, and lilac.

Additional colors should only emphasize the style and design of the hallway; you should not use them in large quantities. It will be enough to make a small decoration in an additional bright color, install a piece of furniture in this color, for example a pouffe or a key holder, a vase...

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