What wallpaper is suitable for a small hallway: design ideas. Wallpaper for a small hallway: which one to choose?

The first thing that people notice when visiting is the hallway. In fact, it is a kind of business card that creates an excellent impression of the owner of the apartment and the living space itself. Therefore, people try to take a responsible approach to its improvement.

The selection of important aspects is based on practicality and versatility. The development of the Internet does not stand still and photos of wallpaper in the hallway can be seen directly on the designers’ website or online stores.

Caring about how to approach the selection process correctly will create a further opinion about the owner.

Basic selection rules

Wallpaper used to decorate small hallways gives designers and decorators room to implement almost any idea. There are a certain number of recommendations regarding the choice of wallpaper for hallways, which will help to harmoniously and correctly decorate the passage room.

For small and narrow corridors, it is worth considering products only from a light palette.

An effective design technique for visually increasing the height of walls in a room without window openings is to use wallpaper with vertical, regular lines. Such products will help make the room cozy and light.

It is not recommended to place too much furniture in small corridors of apartments or private houses. To decorate the decor attractively, it is allowed to use wallpaper on one wall with bright images, purchasing for this purpose products with a three-dimensional pattern.

You can wallpaper not only the walls in the hallway, but also the ceiling; it is recommended to decorate it with light-colored materials. This technique will provide the corridor with a feeling of airiness. If you choose the right products, the space between the floor and ceiling will seem much larger.

A fairly popular solution would be wallpaper with a pattern. A well-chosen ornament with small images will have a positive effect on the external design of the entrance room.

The right solution would be to use wallpaper that is contrasting in color, which can be presented in monochrome black and white compositions, or a combination of red and black shades. Such bold decisions, designed correctly, will allow a small room in your home to sparkle with new colors.

It would be best to stick glossy products in the hallway. This is due to the peculiarities of this material, which visually makes the room more spacious. There are attractive wallpaper options with a mirror effect and a metallic tint, which will have a positive effect on the overall style and atmosphere of the corridor.

For “Khrushchev” buildings and other cramped dwellings, it is worth initially refusing to use dark products for gluing surfaces. Also, products with large patterns are not suitable for corridors.

For narrow hallways but with high ceilings, it is allowed to use products with an expressive pattern, which will help make the corridor neat and cozy, which will be relevant for any home.

Various embossing and texture are the right solution for visually expanding the passage room.


Wallpaper comes with or without patterns, multi-colored and plain, so before purchasing, decide which one you need for a small corridor. There are visual techniques that will help you decide on the right ones. For example, a large pattern will visually reduce the area of ​​the hallway, so it is better to choose an ornament as small as possible. To make the room seem lighter, stick dark wallpaper on the bottom of the wall and light wallpaper on the top. In construction stores you can buy special stickers that will give your corridor some personality.

There is another design technique that will allow you to visually divide the corridor into two parts. To do this, the near and far walls are covered with different wallpapers, and the joint is decorated with a border strip. When selecting material, remember that it must be the same style as the other elements. If you used antique parquet to finish the floor, then you do not need to glue bright wallpaper, as it will not suit the overall interior of the corridor.

Choose what you personally like, don’t pay attention to trends. It is better to buy wallpaper that will provide comfort in the apartment and lift your spirits on difficult days.

One of the good finishing methods can be seen in the following photo.

Coverage type

The components from which wallpaper is made are very important. Therefore, below we will consider each type in detail. So, wallpapers are:

  • on paper basis. A very popular type of wallpaper. Mainly due to their low price, they gained such fame. The quality of such wallpaper is low and they are very susceptible to moisture and mechanical damage. Paper wallpapers are environmentally friendly and you can be sure that they will not cause any harm. They are very easy to glue, which is great news for those new to renovation. If you decide not to spend a large amount on decorating the corridor, then this option is for you;
  • vinyl. They have increased strength compared to paper. They are made in a double layer, one of which is non-woven, so you don’t have to worry about quality. Such wallpaper is not susceptible to moisture and fading. They also help hide minor unevenness of the walls in the apartment. However, be careful when gluing, as the coating may stretch and this will cause seams to form. Use only high-quality glue and carefully read the instructions before work;
  • non-woven. An excellent option for a small corridor. The wallpaper is very strong and well protected from various mechanical influences; it will perfectly hide wall defects. To hang such wallpaper, glue needs to be applied only to the wall, which will allow you to save a lot on materials. Although the price for such a coating is quite high, in return you will receive first-class quality and a wide range of color variations, which is important when developing a design;
  • textile. They are made on a paper basis with an additional textile layer. These wallpapers are of very high quality and have a fairly high price. The price depends on the materials used for production. Such wallpaper perfectly retains heat in the room and insulates sound. They are considered one of the best for any room in a small apartment.

When choosing the type of material for a small corridor, rely on the budget allocated for renovation and personal preferences. If difficulties arise, consult the seller, he will help you choose a good option.


It is necessary that the color of the wallpaper in the hallway be in harmony with the floor and at the same time ideally match the shade of the doors. The floor must be darker. Doors should become a real contrasting accent. A striking example is the wallpaper in the hallway under dark doors, photos of which are presented below.

If you don't know what color wallpaper to choose for your hallway, know that light-colored options are difficult to keep clean all the time. Dark colors require additional lighting.

Warm shades of red, brown and orange harmonize well with wood. Blue, green, purple and blue tones are suitable for plastic and chrome parts.

If the corridor is dark, you should choose pastel colors.

Cool colors are suitable for visually expanding space. Warm shades will bring the walls closer.

Overview of suitable species

Today, manufacturers offer consumers a huge selection of various products for decorating hallways, varying in size and style. Among the most popular types of coatings, it is worth highlighting the following.


Paper wallpaper is the most popular and cheapest. They are environmentally friendly, easy to use, have a large selection of colors and textures, and can be used to hide wall imperfections. They come in two types:

  • Single-layer – simplex.
  • Two-layer - duplex.

The disadvantages of such a coating are that it is not moisture resistant and deteriorates under mechanical and chemical influence. With frequent friction, their surface will lose its original appearance. Fades quickly in natural light. If they get dirty, you can’t wipe them with a damp cloth or brush. If you hit them with anything sharp, you will immediately tear them.

Due to its disadvantages, such wallpaper is not suitable for a hallway, especially a small one.


Bamboo wallpaper is environmentally friendly, has good wear resistance, and is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. They are easily applied to walls using liquid nails and the walls do not need to be additionally primed or leveled.

Their disadvantage may be their high cost, poor color range and peculiar appearance; they are not suitable for every interior.

Such wallpaper is well suited for a small hallway if its interior is in a tropical style.


The search for suitable wallpaper for the hallway often leads to the decision to cover the walls with acrylic wallpaper. This is one of the best options, since acrylic does not emit toxic substances - experts have recognized it as environmentally friendly.

Manufacturing technologies make it possible to obtain a fairly thin, air-permeable material that is only slightly inferior in strength to vinyl.

A wide range of such wallpapers guarantees satisfaction of the needs of any buyer.


Vinyl wallpapers have a huge variety. They come on a paper or non-woven basis, smooth and embossed or in the form of silk-screen printing. Different techniques for their manufacture:

  • Foamed vinyl – has a three-dimensional texture, good for painting;
  • Flat vinyl – smooth, easy to clean;
  • Thick vinyl - the most expensive of this type, very wear-resistant and moisture-resistant;
  • allows you to create looks that imitate wood, stone, plaster and more.

Disadvantages include their airtightness and when burned they release toxic substances.

In the hallway they use wallpaper with high moisture resistance.


Fiberglass wallpaper is environmentally friendly as it is made from natural materials. They are not afraid of water and fire, there is no need to additionally treat the walls before gluing, such wallpaper will easily hide all the unevenness. Well suited for repeated painting.

The disadvantage is their weak elasticity; such material is applied to a special glue and is difficult to remove. Very small selection of patterns.


Textile wallpaper will emphasize the sophistication of the interior. They are environmentally friendly; due to their thinness, seamless walls can be created. They have good thermal insulation and sound insulation. Huge selection of colors and designs.

Their high price and only dry care are a disadvantage. They attract odors and dust. Pasting such wallpaper requires special skills and not everyone can stick it on their own.

This type of wall covering is not suitable for everyone's hallway.


Made from natural wood materials. Most often they use cork or bamboo. The most exotic for Europeans are made from palm leaves and jute.

In many cases, cork wallpaper will be the best for a hallway. They are most relevant if pets live in an apartment with people. Made from cork oak bark, the canvases are vapor-permeable and moisture-resistant, and have high soundproofing and antibacterial properties. They have interesting colors and original textures that are suitable for Japanese or other ethnic styles and allow you to create decorative panels.

All natural fabrics are characterized by a high cost. Despite the complexity of fastening, they are practical and reliable. There are no scratches on them, no cracks or chips. Clean them from dirt with a sponge coated with furniture polish. To protect against moisture, bamboo fabric is impregnated with a mildew agent and coated with varnish.


Even for a beginner, working with such wallpaper will not be difficult. It is enough to be careful and apply them evenly with a roller on the plane of the wall. The absence of joints and ease of repair put them beyond competition for practical people who are prone to frequent changes in the interior. Renewing them is quite easy: you just need to apply washable, durable paint using a roller.

Photo wallpaper in the hallway

Photo wallpaper is often used in spacious rooms. There are several effective methods that designers often use. In this case, it is necessary to follow the basic rules:

  • combine them in shade with the main finish;
  • place only where the canvas will be completely visible.

If the corridor ends in a dead end, then the furthest wall can be covered with the selected photo wallpaper to add depth and volume to the space. This can be not only a panorama and landscape, but also a portrait image.

Photo wallpaper can also be located at the bottom of the walls. The main thing is that this design does not contrast with the rest of the interior elements, including furniture and decorative items.

Choosing wallpaper for the hallway

The hallway is the most quickly dirty room and you should approach the choice of wallpaper very carefully. Of course, wallpaper for the hallway should be moisture-resistant and easy to clean. When combining them, it is not necessary to glue washable wall coverings throughout the room; the main thing is to pay attention to areas that quickly become dirty.

Color palette

After you decide on the type of wallpaper, you need to choose a color. Remember that bright colors often cause irritation and fatigue. Dark shades are also a bad option, since in a small hallway or corridor without windows, they will create a gloomy and uncomfortable look. It would be better to stay with a neutral option. Yellow color, for example, can give positive emotions, while orange will create a feeling of celebration and lift your spirits. Lilac, light blue or brown-orange colors are also great. To make dirt less noticeable, you can use colorful wallpaper with a light background and a dark pattern.

For low ceilings, we recommend choosing wallpaper with vertical stripes, and for high ceilings, with horizontal ones. Horizontal stripes can visually expand the narrow space of a small hallway. For example, as in the photo below.

Another good option for the hallway is the choice of photo wallpaper. You can apply the design that suits you best. For example, an image of your favorite city or some beautiful landscape, as in the photo below. An excellent option would also be a road or path or a stretch of water.

Do not forget that the color scheme and pattern can either improve the impression of the corridor or worsen it. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with professional designers. They will be able to give you good advice or even create a specially unique design taking into account all the features of the room.

Wallpaper and disadvantages of the hallway

Of course, with the help of wallpaper you cannot turn a narrow hallway into a square one, but correctly selected colors, patterns and combinations will allow you to correct the perception of the geometry of the room, and it will become more comfortable. Here are some simple rules:

  • the opposite walls of a narrow hallway can be covered with different types of wallpaper;
  • the space near the door in a narrow hallway and the rest of the walls with different types of wallpaper. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to visually distinguish two proportional spaces from one narrow hallway.
  • for small hallways , in addition to traditional plain light wallpaper, you can use wallpaper with a small pattern;
  • for low hallways, you can use wallpaper with a vertical pattern, and it is not necessary to glue them traditionally - you can overlap the ceiling, visually continuing the wall.

General design

When choosing wallpaper for the corridor, do not forget that you can use different styles:

  • for the classic one, choose wood material and a plain coating for the walls and ceiling. For small corridors, this style is created quite often, as it allows you to give the room an expensive effect. An example of the classic style is shown in the following photo;
  • When choosing a modern style, be sure to place a mirror in the corridor. It is better to choose wallpaper with bright patterns and a shiny finish. As an example, you can use the following photo;
  • For eco-style it is necessary to use only natural materials. and wallpaper can be selected with special designs of nature or animals. The entrance area can be covered with bamboo or decorative stone.

Wallpaper for the corridor: photo ideas

A little gold on the walls - new designs in the latest season's wallpaper Poppies on the wall - cheerful

Blue wallpaper is a rarity in the hallway. Bamboo wallpaper goes well with smooth vinyl of a similar shade.

Different patterns and textures in the same range - an excellent combination Photo wallpaper and porous vinyl with a pronounced texture Striped corridor Liquid wallpaper in the corridor A classic pattern is suitable for a classic interior

A combination of smooth and foamed vinyl, lighting does its job. A hallway in a Scandinavian style with a characteristic combination of colors

Texture imitating stone

At the bottom there is bamboo wallpaper, at the top there is smooth wallpaper. One accent wall is lilac, the rest are neutral. Paintings look great on a light background

Stylish transitions of different textures Traditional combination Different wallpapers from the same collection


Wallpaper for a small hallway is chosen taking into account its ability to visually expand the space. Light wallpapers will not look faded if they are combined with various design elements, which can be in the form of additional colors in the design of walls, as well as interior items.

  • Walls in pastel shades look good with white stucco ceilings.
  • Volumetric cornices and baseboards in combination with wallpaper of a contrasting color delimit the space and give it completeness.
  • Horizontal separation of walls using different shades of wallpaper will allow you to control the visual effect. Dark wallpaper at the bottom of the wall - an “apron” from the floor to the middle of the wall, and light shades of the same color - at the top. This separation will allow you to avoid monotony, massiveness and heaviness that arise in the design of walls with a single color.
  • The best solution for colored walls is a combination of three colors. You need to choose one basic tone; it will occupy the bulk of the space. Wallpaper for a small hallway is of a light shade, and this is the base color. Two more complementary colors can be used in furniture, accessories and textiles.

Wallpaper for dark doors

A dark door requires wallpapering several shades lighter.

In a dark interior, dark finishes are used.

Combination with doors

The doors in the hallway match the chosen style of the entire interior. In a classic design, doors can be of natural wood color in various shades - from light beige to dark brown. In the interior of a small room in the style of Provence, Scandinavian, minimalism, the doors can be white, while pop art and hi-tech allow you to bring freshness and originality to the interior in the form of doors in bright, rich colors.

Important: you need to put up wallpaper in the hallway after replacing the doors. If the work is done in the reverse order, the wallpaper may be damaged when installing the doors.

Doors and wallpaper should not be the same tone, otherwise the door will simply get lost against the general background. The exception is white doors in interiors, where the space is formed by additional design elements - pieces of furniture and accessories in expressive colors, colored sections of the walls.

The white door in the design of a small hallway does not match the wallpaper of deep, dark colors. In this case, the door will look like an inappropriate bright spot.

A door in light colors can be combined with light elements in the interior - vertical stripes of wallpaper, a wall opposite the door, framing rectangular interior items, such as paintings or photo frames. Doors will not get lost against the background of light walls if the coating is one shade lighter than the tone of the doors.

Dark doors go well with light wallpaper with discreet patterns and geometric designs.

The influence of wallpaper color on the interior of the hallway

To decorate a hallway, both plain and various other wallpaper options are successfully used. Considering the typical scarcity of space and poor lighting of the area, it is advisable to focus on light variations.

The specifics of the room also leave their mark. Most often they prefer to use gray, beige and other universal, not dark tones. People often try to avoid white in this room.

If the height of the ceilings allows, then you can make a combination of the “light top, dark bottom” type. Bright or dark colors can be used as a design.

Design rules for a small hallway

There are only 4 rules and, if you do not make mistakes from the previous paragraph, a stylish interior is guaranteed.

In light colors

White, beige and light gray are the best colors for a small hallway. This is tightly tied to the colors of the furniture (in the next paragraph).

Compare with real photos. Dark colors:

Bright hues:

Live the differences are even more significant. All wall decoration except wallpaper is more practical in light colors. Paint, for example, is always applied to white primer. Therefore, small damage on light colors is not so noticeable, but on dark ones this white soil is exposed and the defect is striking.

Light colors and modern styles are our everything. Minimalism, Scandinavian style, loft - among the current ones. From traditional ones only if Provence.

Custom built-in furniture

Furniture for narrow spaces is best made to order. Yes, it’s more expensive, but the benefits of built-in furniture exactly to size are worth it.

Here is a photo example of a small hallway with ordinary furniture. Evaluate how much more efficiently it would be possible to use the space with built-in space, but square meters also have a price. Visually, the design would also be more modern.

And don’t be afraid to overload the design with small-sized hallway furniture - if you follow 2 points, it will look stylish and organic:

  1. The furniture is built-in, from floor to ceiling, and is made exactly to the size of the hallway.
  2. The furniture design is minimalist, and the color matches the color of the walls.

All. This format of furniture will fit into the design of even a very small hallway, and at the same time has maximum functionality.

Wall decoration

If you have room to put on shoes while sitting, everything is cool. If the width is very narrow and there is no way, then it is important to understand that there will always be 1 wall on which everyone leans, rubs, etc.

Imagine what kind of wall it will be. It is better to finish it with the most durable material: decorative plaster, decorative stone, slats. For the latter, a plinth or beam at the bottom is required, otherwise dirt will get clogged between them.

What type of wallpaper is suitable for the hallway

On sale you can find different wallpapers for hallways. Each of these options is successfully used to decorate this room. Given the high load of the room, paper wallpaper will not last long.

  • At the same time, they are the cheapest, you don’t mind replacing them, and updating the wall decoration in a small area will take a minimum of time.
  • It is not necessary to scrupulously care about environmental friendliness in this room. Therefore, vinyl options are not only not excluded, but are also most often preferred.

They have the maximum required characteristics. Non-woven wallpaper as a “golden mean” is also not excluded. Special options are used in hallways: fiberglass, silk-screen printing, liquid and other types of wallpaper.

How to glue it?

In general, there is no need for special equipment to apply wallpaper in the hallway. This process is entirely possible to complete on your own. The main thing is to purchase everything in advance in the required quantity. However, if you want the work to be done flawlessly, or you are not confident in your abilities, it is best to give preference to professional craftsmen and builders. They will surely meet all your expectations and get the job done without any problems.

If you do not have very high walls in the hallway, then it is best to choose vertical stripes of wallpaper, which visually make the walls taller. If the ceilings, on the contrary, are too high, it is best to give preference to vertical gluing

The benefits of wallpaper in the hallway

For renovations in the hallway, special attention is paid to the choice of finishing materials. The specifics of the room leave an imprint. There is high traffic here, little space.

People come from the street, take off their shoes and outerwear.

  • Therefore, finishing materials must withstand the load.
  • To maintain the appearance of the repair, you will have to try or update frequently.

It is customary to use wallpaper to decorate the hallway walls. They are easy to cover the surface with, do not require maintenance, and are low in cost.

Ways to expand a narrow room

Small compact hallways can look more spacious if you use techniques that visually increase the space.

  • Light colors in the decoration of the room. Light-colored walls and ceilings bring “air” to a small room. The distance between the walls, as well as the ceiling and floor, seems larger.
  • Use of certain types of patterns in decoration. Wallpaper with small patterns and vertical lines virtually expands the space.
  • Use of contrasting colors in decoration. Black and white hallways, as well as rooms decorated in a combination of black, white and red, can sparkle in a completely new way and turn a small hallway into a cozy and stylish room.
  • Glossy surfaces. The expansion of space can be achieved not only by smooth surfaces of furniture and objects, but also by wallpaper with a mirror effect, which includes coatings with a metallic sheen.

When choosing interior design options for a small hallway, as well as a “Khrushchev” hallway, you should abandon dark colors in the decoration. The option of dark wallpaper with large patterns will also be unsuccessful.

Large ornament sizes are acceptable if a small and narrow room combines a narrow corridor and very high ceilings - in this case, a large pattern can compensate for the extra centimeters and make the room more neat and comfortable.

Low ceilings can be visually made higher by using wallpaper of a darker color for the walls. Wallpaper with an embossed pattern and textured wall coverings also help to visually enlarge a small room.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the hallway

When choosing wallpaper for a hallway, they prefer to take into account not only the high level of representativeness of this room. It is important to pay attention to the following:

  1. Architectural difficulties. The hallway usually does not have the most well-planned configuration. Often this is a small room with many doors. Often the shape and geometry of this space leave much to be desired. In many cases, it is difficult to fit everything that is needed here, as well as to create the interior that you want.
  2. Lack of natural light sources. Hallways rarely have windows. Sunlight may not get here at all. This leaves an imprint on the creation of the interior. It is necessary not only to carefully take care of artificial lighting, but also to create a friendly environment for the benefit of the existing parameters of the room.
  3. The need for a stylistic connection of all adjacent rooms. The hallway will become not only the “face” of the apartment, but also a connecting point between different rooms. When opening doors to adjacent rooms, no imbalance should be created. It is not necessary to use a single style for design, but the directions must be harmoniously combined.

In addition to the main hallway near the front door, the apartment may have corridors that have similar design principles. Some factors may be more pronounced here, while others may be less important.

Options in the interior

Today, wallpapers that have a special smooth, metallic and shiny surface are considered a very interesting solution for interior decoration. They look like a mirror, although they do not fully reflect all the objects around them. However, they reflect light perfectly, which means they are a great solution for a small room, as they will make it more luxurious and spacious.

Custom wallpapers with individual designs can be expensive, but they are considered the most rare and expensive, making them unlikely to be found anywhere else. The most affordable are photo wallpapers that can easily satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers.

When choosing white wallpaper, it is very important to be careful, since such options in the interior are a so-called magnet that attracts all contaminants. If you want something light, then it is better to give preference to milky, gray and silver shades.

For narrow corridors and small hallways, green options are considered the best option, because it is not only not susceptible to pollution, but also creates a calm atmosphere around.


  • https://domsdelat.ru/interer/kakie-oboi-idealno-podojdut-dlya-malenkoj-prixozhej.html
  • https://vplate.ru/prihozhaya/dizajn-i-dekor/steny/oboi-v-malenkuyu/
  • https://2proraba.com/steny/oboi/oboi-dlya-malenkogo-koridora-v-kvartire.html
  • https://bouw.ru/article/kakie-oboi-vibraty-dlya-malenykoy-prihozhey
  • https://stroitelstvo.expert/oboi-v-prixozhuyu/
  • https://CozyBlog.ru/interery/prihozhaya/sovremennye-oboi.html
  • https://2proraba.com/steny/oboi/oboi-dlya-malenkoj-prixozhej-v-kvartire.html
  • https://design-homes.ru/komnaty/drugie-komnaty/oboi-dlya-malenkoj-prikhozhej
  • https://DesignWiki.ru/prihozhaya/malenkaya.html
  • https://dekoriko.ru/prihozhaya/oboi/dlya-malenkoj/

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