What wallpaper will suit a white kitchen set - combinations in the interior

A white kitchen is always a win-win option, because this kind of style is in great demand and will always look very stylish and beautiful. Although such a kitchen may seem impractical to many, it is still characterized by luxury and nobility. Even earlier, the classic style was used to create kitchen design.

Luxurious decoration of a bright kitchen

If we consider a white kitchen, today it is done in such styles as modern and country. Any kitchen space in which white color predominates is characterized by majesty and shyness. But to create such a design, the question remains as to which wallpaper to choose.

Basic recommendations

When choosing wallpaper for a white kitchen, you need to pay attention to vinyl and non-woven wallpaper. An important factor remains the water resistance of the selected material. Since you will be constantly working with different products, it is simply unwise to use white paper wallpaper. At the first touch of a rag or sponge, your material will not easily deteriorate, but will immediately peel off from the surface of the wall.

When you have managed to select a specific wallpaper coating, you can move on to choosing color and texture. When the room is made in high-tech style, it is not recommended to use brightly colored canvases. Such a room will immediately look stupid. What wallpaper will be optimal for a white kitchen? This includes canvases for painting that have some texture. Then the choice of color will not be a problem, and the texture will give the walls an interesting and original look.

Using soft green tones in the kitchen

For a white kitchen room in country or Provence style with light-colored furniture, you can choose light-colored wallpaper with a small flower on the surface. Then you will be able to create a cozy atmosphere. It is not recommended to use dark colors and very large elements.

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Another solution for a white kitchen would be canvases with unusual interpretations of food on the surface. This may include a glass of martini, a cup of coffee, various fruits, vegetables, years. Selecting such materials is not difficult, since a wide range can be found in any hardware store.

Popular destinations

White with gray is considered the most popular. This neutral approach helps you relax and unwind. Wallpaper with silver inserts adds a special taste to the interior. This is an excellent option for a country house. It is recommended not to use blue stripes on a snow-white interior, as it will be out of place.

No matter what kind of interior prevails in the room, wallpaper with a divided pattern will help create an atmosphere of strength and energy. This design looks appropriate and beautiful.

You can choose white wallpaper with glossy bright colors. This additional contrast will add zest to the room.

Classification of paintings

Which wallpaper to choose for a white kitchen? You need to take the advice of experts. It’s very easy to get confused, because the range of these products is quite large. But in addition to color, you also need to consider the type of coating. Most often, the following types of wallpaper are used to create a white kitchen:

  • Non-woven. In the production of the material, synthetic fiber and paper are used. This wallpaper is characterized by excellent strength, ease of application and resistance to deformation.
  • Vinyl. The base is paper, and the outer covering is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This white kitchen wallpaper perfectly resists dirt and wear. In addition, their distinctive feature is the ability to protect walls from fungus and mold.
  • Paper. This wallpaper option is the most common. It can also be used to create a white kitchen. The main advantage of the material remains its low cost. One roll will cost you very little, not comparable to the above analogues. But there are some drawbacks here, which include deformation and deterioration when treated with glue.

Kitchen interior in Scandinavian style

Combination of materials

Most modern kitchens combine a cooking area and a dining area. Combining materials is a great way to take into account the load on each zone. In areas of high humidity and dirt (primarily near the sink and stove), the wallpaper will quickly fail, so it is better to use ceramic tiles for the food preparation area. Finishing the rest of the space with wallpaper is cost-effective, functional, and allows you to create a modern design. Wallpaper in the dining area will add coziness and warmth to the kitchen.

Combination allows you to use additional materials, for example, glass panels on which you can apply any photo, decorative plaster imitating various textures or wooden lining.

Color solution

What color of finishing material will look best when creating a white kitchen? The color of the canvas is determined taking into account the style of your kitchen furniture. For those who want to add a touch of romance, the best option would be the pink color of plain wallpaper. Another option would be white canvases with small flowers on their surface.

For high-tech style, it is not recommended to choose a bright and saturated color. It is best to include bright shades here. Pale colors are highly reflective, causing the kitchen to look like a white patch.

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Typical kitchen with contrasting design

To create an abstractionism style, you need to use wallpaper with chaotic symbols, diluted with bright and pale colors, which have a random arrangement.

For those who prefer budget options, you can purchase canvases for painting that have an interesting texture. Then your kitchen furniture can be presented in different styles. All you have to do is just change the color.

Popular wallpapers with large peas in the past

If the kitchen garnish in your kitchen is white, then the following shades will look very stylish and discreet:

  1. Orange, yellow. It will be possible to complement the kitchen interior with the help of various decorative elements made in warm colors.
  2. Soft greens in combination with white create the effect of purity.
  3. Reds. This option is suitable for creative people who dream of making their kitchen interesting and bright. In combination with a white set, the room does not look so catchy.
  4. Violet shades will create a contrasting kitchen interior that will catch your eye.
  5. Black and white or gray are an excellent option for creating a modern, high-tech style.

Ceramic tiles for kitchen walls

Ceramic tiles are a classic of the genre when decorating walls in the kitchen. Due to its ease of care and practicality, this finish is the choice of many housewives. Manufacturers offer tiles that vary in size, color, pattern and texture. Modern design involves decorating the work area or kitchen apron with tiles, which significantly reduces the cost of material and its installation. It is obvious that the tiles will withstand any humidity and even the greasy stains.

Kitchen wall tiles are:

  • square shape (10x10 cm, 15x15 cm or even 60x60 cm);
  • rectangular shape (25x40 cm, 31x50 cm and so on). This format is popular when designing an apron, and in the collections of different manufacturers you can find all kinds of size options;
  • “hog” or brick-like tiles have a beveled chamfer at the edges. The classic size is 7.5x45 cm, usually plain and glossy, in soft colors;
  • mosaic or its imitation. Small mosaics are an impractical solution for the kitchen, because dirt accumulates in the numerous seams. Imitating mosaics on tiles of different sizes will help you decorate your kitchen in an interesting way and not have problems with cleaning the surface;
  • tiles with beveled corners are a classic floor design option. The tiles have 8 corners, the space between the tiles is filled by a smaller square;
  • decorative elements, decorative panels, frieze. A monochromatic wall design is quite a rare occurrence in a modern kitchen. As a rule, tiles are diluted with decorative elements. Popular motifs for the kitchen are elements of kitchen utensils, photos of flowers or berries, landscapes or geometric motifs.

Square Pig Mosaic With beveled corners Rectangular
In appearance they distinguish:

  • glazed or glossy tiles - they have a top coating of thin glass;
  • unglazed, or matte - without coating. These tiles are often used for flooring.

Matte Glossy
Experts recommend using glossy tiles without relief patterns - they are the easiest to clean, stains and stains are less visible on them, and the absence of protruding elements does not allow fat to accumulate. It also reflects light, making the space visually larger, as can be seen in the photo.

Photo wallpaper

If you don’t know what color wallpaper you are going to use to create a white kitchen, then you can use this interesting solution and hang photo wallpaper. Moreover, the image here can be of the most unusual and extraordinary nature. An excellent solution would be to apply some landmarks of other countries to the surface of the wallpaper.

Photo canvas with an urban theme

In addition, you can get an ambiguous impression if you place your photo on the wall as wallpaper. Of course, the price of such work is quite high, but the design of the kitchen space will be truly unique and inimitable.

You can use more mundane options. For example, apply landscapes, fruits, drinks and other food products to the surface of the wallpaper. At the same time, you need to understand that the presence of food on the wallpaper greatly increases your appetite.

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If we talk about the implementation of repairs, or more precisely, about gluing the canvases, then all the recommendations and instructions are available on the roll of the canvases that you chose to create a white kitchen. Here, a special role is given to their base, as well as the quality of the adhesive composition.

Original use of tree wallpaper

It is forbidden to save glue, and it is also prohibited to use paste for gluing non-woven fabrics. If you use regular glue, it will not be able to withstand the weight of the interlining or you will not be able to glue the wallpaper, and in the morning it will already be on the floor.

Choosing a white kitchen set

You can choose wallpaper and kitchen furniture only if you have decided on the style. If your choice is a classic, then you need to pay attention to furniture made from MDF. A very popular option is the use of gilding around the entire perimeter of the furniture. An important role is given to ornaments and carvings. The modern white kitchen style is characterized by the use of clear, straight lines of facades made from matte, varnished or laminated MDF.

Using classic colors

In a white color scheme, facades without handles have an excellent appearance. Also, black and white or silver household appliances will be an excellent addition to a white kitchen. Part of the color white is also not worth it, otherwise it will lead to the creation of negative emotions. Try to brighten up your kitchen with bright and rich colors. You can focus on accessories or add brightness to the floor and walls. Then your room will become more vibrant and elegant.

We hope that after reading this material, you have formed your own opinion about which canvases to choose for a white kitchen.

Wallpaper color trending in 2022

  • Pastel shades.
  • Eco-colors: rich green, terracotta, gray, sand.
  • Timeless classics: black, white, gray.
  • Berry colors: red, pink, deep orange.
  • Shades of blue and cyan.

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