Short tulle: the advantages of using tulle up to the window sill + 135 photos of a beautiful and elegant window design with a curtain

Short curtains, that is, not exceeding the size of the window bay, are not the most common element of the interior. However, they are worth paying attention to, because they allow you to create an interesting and unique design solution.

Short curtains are practical and functional, and due to their short length they often become the central element of the living room interior.

Short tulle in the living room

This room is intended for family celebrations and friendly meetings. Therefore, this space is given the closest attention in the field of design and creating an extraordinary atmosphere.

Modern designers offer short tulle for decorating windows in the living room. The main thing to consider is the features of this attribute:

  • Harmony with interior elements;
  • Matching a specific color palette;
  • Features of the material used;
  • Availability of various accessories;
  • Window type;
  • Internal lighting of the room and lighting from the street;
  • Possibility of combining types of fabric.

Short tulle will look great on a horizontal window, in small rooms, surrounded by Provence, Country, and Classic styles. One nuance that cannot be neglected is that there should not be a radiator under the window.

How to choose the right curtain color

Before deciding which curtain color is best, you need to consider important details:

  1. Room interior design.
  2. Brightness of artificial and natural lighting.
  3. The degree of psychological impact - since each person has different preferences and tastes, therefore any color can affect mood in different ways.

When choosing the color and style of curtains, you should rely on the colors of the wallpaper. For example, dark curtains are suitable for a room with light wallpaper. You can make the room lighter with the help of beautiful short curtains in delicate shades (white, beige, vanilla). It is advisable to select curtains without patterns.

If the room is too bright, you need to drape the windows with green or blue curtains.

In any case, curtains should decorate the room, so if you have doubts about the correctness of your choice, it is better to consult with professionals or look up information on the Internet.

Pros of short tulle

The advantages of short tulle are obvious:

  1. Small waste of fabric.
  2. Accordingly, financial costs are lower.
  3. Short tulle is easier to care for.
  4. Visually expands the space.
  5. The window sill is successfully used for arranging indoor flowers.
  6. The use of drapery, the use of various types of decorative materials, decorative components and accessories.

In order not to disturb the sophistication of this item, you should always take into account the dimensions of the room, style and lighting.

Recommendations for choosing colors

  • First, focus on the color of the walls. For plain light-colored surfaces, curtains a shade darker are appropriate. Walls with a variegated pattern suggest the presence of plain tulle. It is advisable to use an identical palette of tulle and furniture upholstery.
  • Secondly, you need to be critical of dark-colored curtains so as not to create an awkward shade spot.
  • Thirdly, give preference to vertical stripes on the fabric.
  • Fourthly, positive colors will look ideal in the colors of short tulle.


This type of curtains is suitable for decorating different rooms. They look very advantageous in the bedroom, in the living room, in the nursery, and in the kitchen.

Roman blinds are sewn in a specific way. Pockets are made in the canvas into which thin slats are inserted. This is necessary in order to remove all wrinkles.

The curtains are moved using a chain that is inserted into the upper pocket. It is better to hang them on a cornice to give the window some charm.

If your home is designed in a classic style, then do not buy curtains that are too dark and heavy. Opt for soft colors to lighten the overall atmosphere.

Short tulle in the bedroom

Choosing tulle for this room is not so easy. You need to take into account all the details, choose the appropriate color, size, fabric. And, of course, do not forget about comfort. Particular attention should be paid to the style of the room, as it makes certain adjustments.

Today popular for the bedroom:

  • Scandinavian style;
  • Classic;
  • Asian direction;
  • The interior is in the loft style, where there is a lot of free space, light and air, and there are no isolated rooms;
  • Rustic;
  • Mediterranean style.


A type of Swedish roller blind. Why are these draperies called "Stagecoach"? Reminiscent of the edging of carriage windows. A strong rail is attached to the bottom of the structure, and ribbons are sewn to the top. The curtain must be rolled into a roll by hand, then secured with tapes.

Why Swedish? The back and front sides of these products are of different but similar colors, like classic Swedish curtains. Curtains in the Stagecoach style are used to decorate non-standard windows and doorways.


  • Photos of curtains: design of curtains of different sizes and lengths. Color range, types of materials, patterns and curtain fastenings (photo + video)

  • Organza tulle: advantages and disadvantages of the material. Varieties of tulle and fastenings. Tips for sewing and installation (photo + video)
  • Tulle design - TOP 130 photos + video reviews of tulle designs. Features of choosing fabric, length, quantity and type of tulle

It is very important to take into account the parameters of the bedroom

Why you should think about short tulle.

  1. For a small bedroom, this type of curtain is a practical and convenient option.
  2. It is not difficult to sew this attribute yourself.
  3. If the battery is located under the window, then during the heating season this is a big plus (you can choose a decent design).
  4. Easy care - hand washing is suitable, it is easier to iron the product.
  5. When cleaning the room, tulle cannot be stained (unlike long tulle).

Regarding the color scheme, it is not advisable to choose tulle in the bedroom that is brighter than curtains. The tonality should be two units paler than the existing curtains.

Short tulle looks great in any style with the right choice of material and color.

Designers offer many types of short products, for example:

  • Straight models with warehouses;
  • Tulle that matches the color scheme of the room and interior;
  • An attribute that emphasizes the presence of additional space.

Short tulle, like similar curtains, not only looks beautiful, but is also practical and has the ability to create coziness in a relaxing place.

Short curtains for a specific room

Short curtains will help reveal the design of any room, be it a kitchen, hallway, bedroom, nursery or living room. For every room you can find the necessary curtains.

Children's room

The most useful lighting option is daylight. This is the axiom that should be taken as a starting point when it comes to arranging a children’s room.

The main thing in choosing this product is quality:

  1. Easy to care for - simple washing, washing and cleaning of materials should not spoil the appearance (fading, changing colors).
  2. Long-term preservation of the function of tulle - sufficient light entering the room.
  3. Pay attention to the fastening of curtains, since this is a matter of child safety.
  4. Selection of products made from quality materials.

Tulle is practically the only fabric that is chosen to decorate the window in the room where the baby lives. Moreover, in addition to window design, airy fabrics are used to create canopies over the cradle.

Most often, tulle is chosen in traditional colors - pink tones for girls, blue shades for boys. But today, many parents are moving away from such banality, and the textile industry provides great assistance in choosing curtains.

Today, products are produced in a diverse color palette, distinguished by delicate, attractive colors.

If there is a wide and large window in the children's room, you can safely use short tulle (to the window sill).

Mounting methods

The method of attaching the curtains depends on the choice of the occupants and the type of crossbar. If you choose the wrong method, you can ruin the entire design, and even luxurious curtains will look ugly.

What you should pay attention to when choosing a mounting method:

  • general style of the room;
  • frame type;
  • fabric density.

You need to consider whether the option will be strict or unpretentious. Need for lambs. The fabric will remain flat or form elegant vertical folds.

Types of cornices

The choice of cornice plays an important role.

Some options are quite inexpensive, while others are quite expensive to set up and install, although their decorative features are superior.

In appearance, the frames are:

  • round;
  • baguette;
  • rope;
  • profile;
  • reflect.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. They must be taken into account when choosing.

Where to attach the cornice

A huge role is played by the presence of drywall and sufficient area to accommodate the wall frame.

Frame attachment points:

  • on the wall;
  • on the ceiling.

One of the advantages of ceiling installation is the ability to extend the room upward. But you should choose this option only if you cannot install a ribbon pattern on the wall.

If the cornice is attached to the ceiling, only curtain tape and hooks will be available. And the panels on the drawstring can only be hung on a tube.


Different types of curtains require individual selection of fastenings.

To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to the interior style and fabric characteristics. Therefore, there are almost always limits. If you comply with the requirements, everything will look beautiful and harmonious.

Assembly types:

  1. Strings. It is better to do this from curtain material, although you can also use tulle and braid. Their use is limited and they are not suitable for all types of structures. Best: Classic or rustic.
  2. Loops. They are a universal mounting option. They are made blind or with a clasp. They are created to match the curtains. Large ones can be decorated with appliqués.
  3. Eyelets. Hold fabric of any thickness. Do not distort the top edge.
  4. Lace. Outwardly, it looks like a pocket through which a barbell is threaded. Excellent for light, weightless fabrics.
  5. Braid. It is also called curtain tape. It is attached to the worn side of the models, which allows you to adjust its width.
  6. Rings. They were very popular during Soviet times. Relevant for tubular frames.
  7. Magnets. Used as an alternative to hooks. Most suitable for string frames. It can be inconspicuous or brightly decorative.
  8. Clips, hooks, clothespins. Made of metal or plastic. But they are gradually disappearing, as they have an unpleasant drawback - they spoil the fabric.

Short tulle in the kitchen

Short tulle today is an ideal option for decorating a window opening in the kitchen. These products successfully protect the space from sunlight (and on the lower floors - from prying eyes).

At the same time, they are more comfortable and practical to use, allow you to comply with safety regulations, and make the room much lighter and more spacious.


Typically, this type of curtain is chosen for a nursery or bedroom. But if you want to unload the space in a large living room, then you can choose this option.

For modern design this is the best option. They look very advantageous on small windows and visually enlarge them.

Advantages of short tulle

The advantages include arguments such as:

  • Free approach to the windowsill;
  • Light weight, making it possible to attach tulle to fairly light cornices;
  • Basic care;
  • Compression when placed in a window opening.

In small kitchens, the window sill can serve as a countertop or play the role of a compact table. Short tulle does not interfere with these decisions.

Expert recommendations:

  1. Small curtains and short tulle allow for effective use of the part of the wall that surrounds the window opening.
  2. It becomes possible to visually change the present proportions of space.
  3. Such tulle plays the role of a characteristic cursor of some styles.

Don't be afraid to experiment with window design. All attempts will certainly be crowned with success and will bring novelty, grace and individuality to the interior.

Features of the design of small windows

Small windows when decorating require the use of various approaches and tricks, which are so rich in designer finds. It is important to be able to use the geometry of space. Play with her.

For visual enlargement, a wide cornice is located above the opening, which exceeds the boundaries of the window, covering them.

Thick curtains are hung along the edges, which slightly cover the boundaries of the window opening. The main part of the panels hides the walls. And the glass is draped with light tulle. As a result, the visual impression of a large window covered with curtains is created. The composition is united by a lambrequin or bandeau.

Other tricks:

  • Fabric shields. If there are narrow partitions between the windows, then they are simply draped with strips of fabric. It creates the feeling of continuous glazing, in which some of the transparent inserts were simply covered with fabric.
  • Laconic models. In small rooms it is better not to use lush curtains. Roman or roller blinds are ideal.
  • Asymmetry. This method works great. When only one half of the window opening is decorated, the glazing area visually increases.
  • Cafe or rustic style. A small window can be emphasized with light small curtains. This will give additional comfort.

We must remember that the lambrequin has an unpleasant feature - it reduces the space. But you can take a laconic straight model that will complete the composition. She will not distract attention to herself.

Photo of short tulle

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