Wall in the living room in a modern style - current design solutions. Photos of beautiful wall models

In many apartments, the living room is an extremely important room where all family life takes place. Functional furniture for the room allows you to create a comfortable place to spend time, both during the day and in the evening. Chests of drawers, wardrobes, shelves, TV tables and coffee tables are cabinet furniture that allows optimal use of space, providing comfort during everyday life.

Features of modern walls

The wall in the living room with a wardrobe is presented in a huge assortment. These can be complexes of large cabinets stretching from wall to wall or very tiny walls consisting of a couple of cabinets neatly hidden in the corner of the room.

Wall sections may differ in size or be of standard height and width.

Typically, living rooms in a modern style are decorated with compartments for placing a television screen, closed and open shelves and cabinets, closed pencil cases or glass cabinets for books or beautiful dishes.

Cabinets can have one or two doors, they come in sliding and hinged designs. Shelves can be opened with a standard or lift mechanism, cabinets can have doors or drawers.

This variety makes choosing a wall somewhat more difficult, but makes it possible to choose the most suitable set.

Materials for the manufacture of furniture walls

The basic materials for making furniture have not changed, these are:

  • solid wood;
  • MDF;
  • Laminated chipboard.

Progress has moved towards color diversity. Furniture makers now have a lot of different films that imitate valuable species, varnishes, paints, stains and stains.

Solid wood

Solid wood furniture is the most expensive due to the complexity of manufacturing. The wood must dry for years to achieve the required moisture content. Technically, making furniture from solid wood is not a problem. Modern technologies and tools allow us to make furniture of any complexity and shape. The main difficulty is the finishing. Pay attention to the carved furniture from the royal chambers.

Craftsmen did not just decorate their furniture with gold. They simply did not have the technology to achieve the required surface cleanliness. It was cheaper for them to cover their products with gold leaf, ivory and precious stones than to try to polish the surface without having the equipment or materials for this. Modern technologies allow wood to be sanded and coated with clear varnishes to reveal the beauty of the wood. Solid wood furniture still remains expensive due to the high labor costs for its production.


Modern material for the manufacture of furniture facades. It is perfectly cut, pressed, and covered with decorative films, paints and varnishes. The wood-fiber mass is mobile and easily fills curved molds. This allows us to produce furniture walls for a common room of any complexity to suit different styles.

Stamped applied parts and imitation carvings make it possible to achieve similarity with antique products. Modern production technologies have made it possible to reduce prices for furniture facades made of MDF. Today, walls made of MDF facades are in the middle price category. In terms of strength and durability, MDF products are not inferior to wood.


Walls in the hall made of laminated chipboard are the cheapest. Thanks to the variety of films for valuable wood species, manufacturers have the opportunity to produce modular sections of different styles. This is mainly sectional furniture for general consumption. Office furniture and cabinets for furniture with MDF facades are also made from particle boards. This makes it possible to somewhat diversify the budget look of furniture walls. The only difficulty is the release of phenols and formaldehydes from finished products.

In modern furniture fashion there are no clearly established styles and trends. Everyone chooses the style and design of the furniture wall for the hall according to their own taste and financial capabilities.

Purpose of wall placement

Living room furniture in a modern style can have a variety of placement purposes. For some, the living room will serve as a place for cozy reading, so the main place will be taken by bookcases.

For some, the living room will become a place to relax in front of the TV, so preference in choosing is given to sections with a large screen and the necessary equipment.

Many housewives will like traditional glass doors with mirrored shelves for placing crystal and porcelain tableware or pretty figurines.

A small apartment will require a wardrobe and linen storage space.

Photo ideas

If you are faced with a choice of what style and theme to choose furniture, then turn to friends, magazines or the Internet. These things will definitely tell you and there will be photos of furniture for the living room.

We recommend reading:

  • Bookcase: top layout ideas and decorating walls with books

  • Dressing table in the bedroom: dressing table in interior design, examples of furniture arrangement
  • Beds, photos of popular designs, varieties, materials, shapes, useful tips

It will be much easier to clearly choose and navigate which type you like best.

You can choose several compositions, consult with close friends and relatives and make your final choice. They will definitely tell you what will look best in your home, because their outside view helps in many ways.

Types of walls

Modern living room furniture is available in several options. They differ from each other in content, area, and type of construction. Most often, the walls for the living room are of a solid or modular type.

Classic is timeless fashion

The most common option is classic living room furniture. Its variants are standardized and common.

But the main difference from other styles is consistency and stateliness. This type of furniture catches the eye because its arrangement looks like something out of an old movie.

Majestic cabinets, decorated using a special technique. Large chandeliers shine with their smallest particles, collected together.

Dining tables and chairs decorated with snow-white tablecloths and capes also look impeccable.

We recommend reading:
  • How to make a desk with your own hands, a computer desk with drawers and shelves: step-by-step instructions
  • Shelves above the bed, what shape and design they come in, how to fit them correctly into the bedroom interior
  • Zoning a nursery: examples of competent planning and modern design

Classic wall option

The classic version will probably always remain popular. Most often this is a standard set consisting of a section for equipment, wardrobes and bookcases.

Typically, such a set of furniture is placed along one of the walls of the room. Such a wall is not particularly original, and such products are assembled exclusively according to the manufacturer’s drawings, without any initiative on the part of the buyers. If any section becomes unusable, the entire set of furniture will have to be replaced.

The advantage of such a design will be the exact correspondence between expectations and the actual appearance of the assembled product, dimensions that will definitely not change during installation. Such owners will not have to rack their brains over the placement of cabinets in the living room.

Design features and internal structure

At first glance, built-in wardrobes do not differ from conventional models. But if you examine it from the inside, then characteristic features immediately become noticeable.

Design differences include:

  • Installation method;
  • Lack of top and bottom panels, side walls;
  • Various internal equipment;
  • Open areas for bulky items.

The product is installed in a prepared niche or against a wall. The guides are installed first. After them, internal partitions, shelves and other parts are installed. Installing the doors completes the cabinet assembly. The furniture panels are the walls, floor and ceiling of the room.

The internal structure of the cabinet depends on its dimensions and purpose. Furniture layout is carried out at the design project stage.

To fill built-in furniture use:

  • Shelves;
  • Boxes;
  • Mesh baskets;
  • Open niches;
  • Retractable or stationary rods;
  • Shoe rack.

Modular wall option

Modular living room furniture in a modern style gives more space for the unbridled flight of imagination of its owners. Elements of such a design can be installed in one place or scattered across all walls and corners of the room.

The individual modules can be easily combined with each other and can be purchased separately, starting with the most necessary items and filling the living room with furniture as needed. If desired, elements of modular furniture can be rearranged, achieving an unexpected effect.

Modular walls for the living room perfectly embody the minimalism of a modern living room, when each element carries a strictly defined load. Such designs do not have the bulkiness of solid walls; they give the impression of lighter and airier products.

Types of cabinets

Built-in furniture differs in shape and way of opening doors. The most widely used models are those equipped with compartment doors. They take up less space and are easy to use.

Experts distinguish several classifications of cabinets.

  1. Wall-mounted. Such models are mounted along a load-bearing wall. The cabinets are equipped with a work space or a shelf for a TV.
  2. Triangular. They have become widespread in living rooms, where there is a free corner. The wardrobe is spacious and allows you to organize a dressing room or store large items.
  3. Radial. They have a spectacular appearance and add an original look to the interior. A characteristic feature is rounded doors.
  4. Trapezoidal. Suitable for placement in a corner. Cabinet doors are installed not from the walls, but in the center. The model has a trapezoidal shape.
  5. L-shaped. L-shaped cabinets are made in the form of two blocks connected at a place in the corner. Such models are characterized by greater capacity and dimensions. They are suitable for spacious living rooms.

Slides for a modern living room

Just a few years ago, slides almost disappeared from living rooms. However, now such walls are becoming popular again; they look great in modern living rooms in the style of minimalism or hi-tech.

The different heights of the components help to create a feeling of lightness and weightlessness, which perfectly emphasize the spaciousness of a modern room.

The slides will be a wonderful decoration for small rooms or an unusual decoration for spacious living rooms, elegantly complementing the style of the room.

Furniture size

The dimensions of the furniture should depend on the size of the living room. If the room is small, you should not buy a huge corner sofa for it. It will fit perfectly in a large hall, along with a large chest of drawers, a dining room for 8 people and the same number of chairs.

Before going to a furniture store, you should arm yourself with a tape measure, paper and a pencil. First, you need to take measurements of the room and sketch out on paper approximately where certain pieces of furniture will be located.

Mini walls

Small walls are perfect for studios, ideally dividing the room with shelves for equipment, cabinets or open surfaces for books and cozy little things.

Miniature modern living room walls are compact and easy to install, although they are not able to provide much space for placing things.

Finishes and materials: design of a small living room

A variety of finishing materials allows you to choose any finish. But when every centimeter is important, not all materials are suitable for decorating the interior of a small room.


Leveling the walls with plasterboard will be replaced by plaster, and PVC panels on a metal frame will be replaced by wallpaper, laminate (and yes, it can be glued directly to the walls) or cork panels. Ideally smooth walls can be painted with water-based paint - it is environmentally friendly, odorless, and universal for most surfaces.

By diluting cold shades, we get a cozy room with its own character


At the start, the concrete floor is insulated with insulation, OSB boards and electrical mats are installed. The finishing of the floor is variable: laminate, linoleum, porcelain stoneware or expensive parquet boards.

It is possible to zone a living room combined with any room by highlighting areas in the floor covering. The combinations are almost limitless, depending on the intended interior and personal preferences.

Conditional delimitation is often used in small areas: in smart apartments, studios, Khrushchev buildings


It was said above: when decorating the ceiling of a small living room, you should abandon multi-level structures. They really weigh down the room. Smooth surfaces in white are harmonious.

Smooth white ceilings are universal and not tied to the rest of the decoration

If you really want bright touches, as an option you can paint it with two colors, make an insert in the stretch fabric, or run an LED strip around the perimeter, achieving the effect of a floating ceiling. Do not get carried away with plastic and gypsum panels. The more monolithic the slab looks, the lighter the room will become.


Accent notes in the interior of a small living room are moderate, with a sense of style, without unnecessary details. Even in classical iterations: baroque, Venetian, palace in a small square, designers refuse aristocratic “magnificent” decorations. Massive paintings, curtains, bulky cabinets are searched for and found in lightweight versions.

Classic without excessive decoration - a solution for small living rooms

We do not discourage adherents of luxurious royal styles, but still, in a small living room, most characteristic elements are best avoided. Good solid decorations: candelabra, inlay, patina, velvet, tapestry - “sound” in large areas - in halls from 50 sq. m. m. As an alternative to the classic, choose neoclassicism.

Do not oversaturate small rooms with decor. Choose elements that match your style.


Select the optimal light sources. For a room with high ceilings, these are standard chandeliers, supplemented by autonomous sources: floor lamps, floor lamps. The workplace, for example, if the hall is combined with an office, is illuminated with LEDs built into the table extension or with a table lamp.

If the project allows, the workplace is located near the window, illuminated in the evening with additional sources

In a living room with a low ceiling level, 5-10 ceiling lamps are installed. for 10-15 sq. m., depending on the power of the lamps.

Wall configuration

According to their location, living room cabinets in a modern style have a linear and angular configuration.

Typically, they try to decorate guest rooms with furniture located along one wall.

But for small living rooms, the best arrangement may be corner walls in a modern living room. This option will help take up an empty corner and save space for placing a soft corner or creating an empty space.

A large living room will be perfectly decorated with a U-shaped corner wall. This is a great way to create a furniture frame that will gracefully house a TV or fireplace area.

Such placement will be an effective contrast to a soft corner or an excellent place to create the atmosphere of a personal library.

Advantages of built-in cabinets

The design features and constructive solutions of built-in furniture determine a number of undeniable advantages.

  1. Space saving. The closet occupies all the allocated space. There are no costs for the top and bottom bars or sidewalls.
  2. Non-standard configuration. Built-in furniture is designed based on the features and size of the room. It allows you to take into account non-standard layouts, hide existing shortcomings, and adjust angles. Furniture is built into an existing or prepared niche or corner.
  3. Doors. Built-in furniture involves the use of sliding doors. They do not require additional space to open and allow you to leave a small space to approach the furniture. This solution is optimal where swing doors cannot be used.
  4. Individual design. A variety of materials for the front allows you to create furniture to suit any style of room.
  5. Reliability. Built-in wardrobes have a frame structure. Fastening is carried out to the walls of the room. This provides additional reliability and stability of the furniture.

Note! Mirrored fronts on one or more cabinet doors allow you to visually enlarge the room.

Configuration selection

Each owner of the room decides whether to buy a regular wall or a corner wall for the living room. There are no strict rules on this matter.

However, for a narrow room it is better not to use linear walls; in such a living room a corner set or a mini-wall installed near a short wall will look much more impressive.

All types of placement are perfect for a square room.

For a small living room, it is better to choose a mini-wall or slide; for a large one, you can buy a huge U-shaped set of furniture.

How not to make a mistake when choosing

Built-in walls are a functional solution. They allow you to immediately solve a number of problems with storing things, as well as make the design of the room complete.

To ensure that the furniture looks harmonious in the living room, you need to follow the advice of experts.

  1. Measurements. The measurements determine how accurately the furniture will fit into place. Built-in wardrobes are made for a specific room. They are not sold ready-made.
  2. Filling. You should decide in advance what things will be stored in the closet. The height and number of shelves and the location of the drawers depend on this. It is possible to organize space for a TV.
  3. Surface preparation. Built-in furniture works better in a room where the floor and walls are pre-leveled.
  4. Facade design. Color, material and design depend on the general appearance of the room and its style.
  5. Quality of fittings. High-quality fittings can extend the durability of built-in appliances.

Built-in wardrobes in the living room interior allow you to organize additional storage space, as well as create an original design for a media area or fireplace.

Thanks to the variety of materials, they fit well into any design, giving it an original and complete look.


Traditionally, the wall with the television area is located opposite the sofa, and modern style is no exception to this unspoken rule.

A wall consisting of closed cabinets is usually hidden behind the door.

A slide or open cabinets and shelves complement the soft corner or are located opposite it.

No. 2. Correct color

The choice of color design for the living room depends solely on the taste of each of us, but when making your choice, it is better to build on the advice accumulated by professionals. So, if you are the owner of a small living room, then it is better to give preference to light colors , which can visually expand the room a little and blur its boundaries: light furniture against the background of light walls creates a single space. If the living room is spacious enough, then you can use any shades, even dark and rich ones .

warm shades are used : orange, pink, yellow, peach, etc. This room is ideal for gatherings with your closest people. If the living room for you is a place of rest and relaxation, then you can use cold shades : light blue, light green, grayish and others.

If the living room combines several zones at once , then different colors can be used not only in the decoration, but also in the furniture, but it must still belong to the same style.


The modern living room is distinguished by laconicism and simplicity of lines, tightness of forms and functionality.

The sparseness of the decor is complemented by the variety of materials or colors used. There are both calm monochrome and brighter contrasting shades of facades, combinations of several materials (wood, metal, plastic, glass).

For open shelves and cabinets, the main thing will be to fill the wall, be it books, appliances, dishes, souvenirs, flowers, or unusual crafts.

No. 9. Where to put the TV?

A TV is as integral a part of the living room as a sofa or armchairs. It is present in 99% of living rooms, and often it is not hung on the wall, but placed on a cabinet. The stand should match the size of your TV. As for the material and color, you need to start from the chosen style: the cabinet can be glass, wood, chipboard, MDF and other materials. At the same time, it would be nice if there were compartments for storing small items so as not to scatter them around the room, thereby creating a not-so-tidy appearance in the living room. By the way, a very good option is cabinets on wheels: if necessary, they can be moved a little so that the image on the TV is clearly visible to everyone present.

Color spectrum

Most often, the wall in a modern living room is a contrasting element compared to the color of the walls and attracts attention at first sight.

But decorating in a minimalist style requires “blurring” the furniture, so often the facades are matched to the tone of the wallpaper or paint finish.

For modern living rooms, an abundance of light is important, so the facades have mirrors and glass that perfectly reflect light and make the room more spacious.

When choosing a wall, it is important to pay attention to the quality, strength, practicality and ease of use of the furniture set. All this can be checked in the store, and a photo of the wall in the living room will help you better understand what you still want to buy for the reception area.

Beautiful cabinet furniture for the living room - irreplaceable interior items

The offer of modern cabinet furniture includes comprehensive solutions. Furniture that falls into this category creates an aesthetic whole that will help furnish your room in a certain style. Each type of cabinet furniture is made with special care and using durable materials, thanks to which it will serve in the living room for many years without losing its attractiveness. You can choose headsets from traditional series, with classic shapes, as well as modern lines with simple, minimalist designs. The range includes products in interesting color tones - there is a suitable offer for every decor. Original design, high strength, practical construction - this is how we can characterize modern cabinet furniture for the living room.

Facades are most often made of gloss, which in combination with natural wood grain gives an extremely interesting effect. There are also many other compositions available that fit any arrangement:

  • minimalist;
  • Scandinavian;
  • industrial;
  • classical.

And thanks to modular cabinet furniture, you can create a unique, specially selected set that will fit perfectly into your living room.

Photo of a living room wall in a modern style

What furniture should I put in the hall?

We have already touched a little on the topic of a set of necessary pieces of furniture, let’s look at it in more detail. The main components are:

  • Sofa. Its size, color and appearance depend on many factors, but the vast majority of living rooms have it. Sometimes the sofa is complemented or even replaced with armchairs, poufs, and chairs.
  • Wall or rack. The size and type are chosen according to what you will be storing inside. Open shelves for books and souvenirs, closed ones for everything else.
  • Coffee table. You can refuse it, but the presence of this furniture accessory expands the functionality of the room. Behind it you can drink tea, play games and even work.

The photo shows a living room with sliding doors

The composition can be complemented by:

  • Dinner table. If you have a small kitchen or studio, it is logical to move the eating area into the living room using zoning techniques.
  • TV table. Her role is sometimes played by a chest of drawers. Necessary when the TV is not hanging on the wall.
  • Desk. Another option for using space is to equip a work area. As in the case of the dining room, it must be fenced off from the main room.

The photo shows furniture for a classic living room with dining area

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