Wallpaper for the hallway and corridor: the main criteria for how to choose. Photos of the most beautiful combinations and combinations of color, style and pattern

How to choose wallpaper for the hallway can only be learned after studying the features of the materials, designs and patterns on the canvases themselves. And you need to approach the choice responsibly, because the hallway is the first room that welcomes guests and creates a general impression of the entire home. Also, the hallway has its own operating nuances.

Hallway - “entrance doors” of the house interior Source womanuntamed.com

Basic requirements for wallpaper for the hallway

Typically, the hallway and corridor do not have windows and are located away from other rooms. The exception is the first floor inside a private house. But in this case, the hallway and corridor can be located in different places (near the main entrance, from the back entrance, upstairs, i.e. between rooms). Therefore, the decoration of one zone does not always correspond to another.

Due to the use and storage of shoes, the hallway often becomes dirty and waterlogged. The corridor serves as a temporary bridge between several zones, and therefore it also accumulates pollution from neighboring places. Often the corridor is devoid of lamps.

As a result, both thematic rooms are similar to each other, which means that wallpaper for them must be selected according to the following requirements:

  • Light exterior design – promotes lighting;
  • Laconic style (harmonious relationship between the main background and patterns) - does not overload the space;
  • Wear-resistant composition - allows the outer material not to fade, become waterlogged or peel off;
  • Suitability for care - allows you to wash wallpaper when dirty.

As a result, vinyl wallpaper can be considered the best for decorating hallways and corridors. The main thing is that they are marked M-2, which means that the material can be washed.

Synthetic vinyl fabrics are often combined with glass fibers and other materials to create so-called vinyl fabrics. glass wallpaper. The latter are distinguished by their decorativeness and resistance to external factors. However, glass wallpaper should be used to a limited extent, even despite the small area of ​​the hallway and corridor.

Ecological and non-woven wallpapers absorb moisture and dirt. Therefore, they should not be used in themed rooms.

Selection by material

To figure out how to choose wallpaper for the hallway, you should study the main characteristics of the different materials used in production.

Vinyl wallpaper for the corridor

Canvases made from this material perform well when used in rooms where the humidity level is not exceeded. The wallpaper backing is made from non-woven fabric or paper, and the vinyl surface is formed under the embossing. Usually presented in several colors, with a smooth or textured surface.

Vinyl wallpaper has interesting patterns Source elysium-nsk.ru

Textile wallpaper

Fabric wallpaper has good performance properties, excellent appearance, but also a high price. The advantage is integrity, because the seams between the canvases are invisible, but there are also unpleasant nuances - the collection of dust on the surface and loss of color over time.

The fabric looks expensive, but there are nuances in practicality Source bezkovrov.com

Non-woven wallpaper for the hallway

Such wallpaper is produced on the basis of cellulose. They are highly flexible and soft, so they are suitable for corridors with a large number of corners and turns. There are options with a foam base, which can slightly level the walls. Another advantage of non-woven wallpaper is its moisture resistance; it can be washed periodically.

Wallpaper based on cellulose Source walldeco.ua

Fiberglass wallpaper

These paintings are based on remelted glass, quartz sand and special additives. They are characterized by high strength and long service life (up to 30 years). They are also easy to paint, which will allow you to make changes to the design of the corridor whenever you want. They are not afraid of moisture, so they can be washed regularly.

Fiberglass wallpaper is suitable for painting Source composites4c.cz

Paper rolls

This option is a little outdated and inferior to modern wallpaper, but still has the right to life. The positive aspects include a variety of patterns, low price and ease of gluing. But there are also significant drawbacks - it is not recommended to wash or paint such wallpaper, as this can harm its structure.

Paper-based wallpapers are distinguished by an abundance of colors Source kabel-house.ru

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in finishing materials and related work


They are an improved type of paper wallpaper, but with a thin layer of foil applied to the surface. This creates not only an original design, but also provides additional protection from moisture, dust, and dirt.

Foil performs protective and decorative functions Source pinimg.com

Based on natural fibers

To produce such coverings, either balsa wood or bamboo fibers are used. The advantages lie in their naturalness; the materials are absolutely safe for health, have good breathability, and will also provide additional sound insulation. But there is also a drawback - there is a small selection of designs, so they are not suitable for all styles of houses.

Use of natural materials Source mebel-go.ru

Liquid wallpaper

This option differs significantly from others in terms of application, production and operation technologies, but it is worth mentioning. Liquid compositions are quite easy to apply to walls, and there will be no main drawback of wallpaper - joints between stripes. Also, after hardening, the compositions are resistant to dirt and are easy to clean and paint.

Alternative to roll options Source yandex-images.net

Plain wallpaper

This design can rightfully be considered a win-win, since it suits any interior and does not overload the space. The main thing is that the wallpaper is light or neutral.

You will also have to maintain contrast through the following elements:

  • Dark or white entrance doors;
  • Light ceiling;
  • Dark flooring;
  • Wall panels imitating a plinth.

The latter can not be used if the interior has nothing to do with classic, country and ethno. A light ceiling can also be decorated with wallpaper. But in terms of quality and convenience, they are inferior to suspended ceilings and adhesive vinyl tiles.

Single-color wallpapers make choosing furniture much easier. The latter can be purchased based on the style of the interior.

Color spectrum

If you are planning a renovation, then you will have to work hard with the hallway. Renovating a hallway is a labor-intensive and painstaking process. The design must be thoughtful and practical.

Therefore, it is difficult to come up with the ideal design for a narrow, small corridor. Each designer is his own home, but there are still some universal tips that will help you avoid common mistakes. You just have to follow their recommendations, and the hallway will have an impeccable appearance.

The color scheme depends on your taste and preferences, but it’s worth knowing:

  • A cozy and comfortable atmosphere is created by wallpaper in warm colors.
  • clear and expressive lines will highlight rich and bright shades.

White and light colors will add space to the hallway. The only negative is that they are very easily soiled for the hallway. But if you choose a light background with dark abstraction and flowers, then the light design will become practical. Due to the dark design, minor defects will not be visible.

Dark, cool colors will make the hallway look gloomy and can even make it look even smaller. This color scheme requires a special lighting scenario.

Striped wallpaper

Thematic designs are rarely found inside hallways and corridors. But thanks to the stripes you can balance the shape of the room:

  • Vertical stripes - increase the height of the ceiling;
  • Horizontal stripes - expand the space;
  • Multi-colored stripes – double the originality of the striped design.

Of course, we are talking only about the visual effect (in fact, the planes and area will remain the same). Moreover, it is recommended to use striped wallpaper in a limited amount. High wall panels that resemble a plinth help limit the volume of the striped avant-garde.

You should also choose wallpaper with two or three stripes, among which one (large) is light, the other (medium) is neutral, and the third (small) is bright. Typically, wallpaper manufacturers use a color balance rule so that the future user does not make a mistake when choosing.

TOP 6 tips: moving from words to action

Before making a final decision on your choice, it is advisable to study the tips and recommendations from designers.

Revitalize a boring interior with flowers

A good choice will delight you every time you enter the room.

If the walls are uneven or there are defects in the surface of the plaster, then it is not advisable to use overly thin wallpaper - it will only highlight the flaws.

A glossy texture will also be undesirable, as it will highlight all the roughness and irregularities.

Does your hallway have arches, niches, significant projections or openings? Then it is better to avoid large prints. But small prints or plain panels will be in place.

Most hallways do not have natural light, so you can safely buy wallpaper that is not resistant to fading.

Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers are considered one of the easiest to apply. In addition, you can choose a wide panel, which will allow you to complete the design with a minimum number of joints.

Thin paper wallpapers, which can easily tear when wet, are considered the most difficult to hang.

Contrasting combination of dark and light

Wallpapers with themes of cities and streets are often used.

In the hallway, the walls are exposed to contamination due to the specific nature of the room, so when choosing, preference should be given to materials that can withstand cleaning.

We design it so that the feeling of comfort does not leave you

Remember that a harmoniously designed hallway is the calling card of stylish modern housing.

Wallpaper with patterns

Thanks to patterns, wallpapers no longer seem boring. Moreover, the patterns can repeat the background color. Manufacturers use embossing for this purpose.

Patterned wallpaper is suitable for the following interiors:

  • Empire;
  • Art Deco;
  • Fusion;
  • Classic;
  • Baroque;
  • Rococo.

The entrance hall and corridor do not dictate the basic interior. Therefore, their decoration has to be chosen according to the style of the living room. Thus, an overall stylistic balance is maintained. The main thing is that the corridor serves as a continuation of the hallway and vice versa.

Also, when choosing thematic wallpaper, you need to pay attention to the location of the patterns. The latter, depending on the direction, visually enlarge or expand the space.

Combination of finishes

Wall decoration

This is a fairly popular method, because it can be used to combine colors and different materials to perform finishing work. For example, the lower part is finished with wall panels, and the upper part with wallpaper.

Wallpaper for the hallway 2022 is still popular, because their range is growing, as well as their quality characteristics. Vinyl, non-woven, acrylic or glass wallpaper are characterized by ease of care, namely the ability to clean. For the hallway this is just what you need.

An interesting design move, this can be seen in the photo of the hallway in 2018, an accent wall.

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Choose wallpaper of a different color, or paint the walls differently. Also, the trend this season is wall panels that imitate wood. The use of raw materials such as stone, concrete or brick will create an unusual, cozy atmosphere.

Floor finishing

The floor covering must have moisture-resistant characteristics and be easy to withstand mechanical damage or various types of contamination. The best option is ceramic or stone tiles. This purchase will serve you for many years and will not require much effort in maintenance.

It wouldn't hurt to use parquet. It is not necessary to completely cover the entire surface with this material; you can decorate the entrance with tiles, and lay out the corridor with parquet.

Ceiling finishing

Relevant use when finishing the ceiling in white. This is an ideal option for small hallways in 2022.

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After all, this color will visually expand the room and make it brighter. To enhance this effect, use good lighting. Designers give preference to minimalism and simplicity of execution.

For a small room, install a glossy stretch ceiling. Its properties to reflect light will only be beneficial.


Give preference to minimalism in design. Get rid of things that create clutter.

High-quality light will also help in the design. It will transform any room, and even more so the hallway.

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Wallpaper with flowers

In the interior, flowers usually serve as decoration. Therefore, they are found in single copies - a still life, a bouquet for a vase, curtains.

In some cases, flowers can be transferred to the background:

  • The property is a country private house;
  • Users are partial to romance;
  • The living room is pre-decorated in country or Provence style.

Despite its chaos and brightness, wallpaper with flowers is suitable even for the hallway and corridor. The main thing is that the background of this decoration is light, and the flowers are muted and small.


If inside the bedroom and study the brickwork is used as a focal point, then inside the hallway and corridor it serves as a general background.

And although thematic design is usually called win-win, it is only suitable for specific areas:

  • Minimalism;
  • Neoclassicism;
  • Loft;
  • Scandinavian style.

Wallpaper imitating brickwork comes in terracotta, beige, gray and white. You need to choose light and neutral products.

Black and white wallpaper

Thematic design involves alternating black and white stripes (when using squares, the room is only loaded). It is desirable that the volume of black is no more than 30 percent.

Even better if black and white wallpaper is complemented by white wall panels and the front door.

All that remains is to get acquainted with the styles that welcome thematic cladding:

  • Minimalism;
  • Neoclassicism;
  • Futurism;
  • Fusion;
  • Art Deco.

A frameless mirror and bright lamps look beautiful against a black and white background. Moreover, the lamps can be wall sconces or ceiling panels.

Panel: dividing the wall into three parts

You have already seen that it is not necessary to cover the longest wall with one type of wallpaper. Let's give another interesting example.

If the sofa in the living room is placed along an extended wall, then an accent panel is directly “asking” above it - from floor to ceiling or a slightly smaller size. Borders can be emphasized with molding. In order for the panel to attract attention, it requires special decorativeness. Again, collection manufacturers will come to the rescue - in their catalogs you can choose both basic and accent wallpaper for a narrow room (photo below).

Contrasting wallpaper divides the wall into 3 parts

Decorative wallpaper

If the living room is made in a pompous style, then the corresponding effect can be conveyed to the hallway and even the corridor. First you need to arrange several high but shallow niches in a row.

Next, they are finished with one of the following materials:

  • Glass wallpaper;
  • Wallpaper with patterns;
  • Wallpaper with flowers.

When using niches, any wallpaper becomes decorative. In order not to load the space, the niches should be in a row on one side. It is better to leave the rest of the background monochrome.

Depending on the style of the interior, the image on the wallpaper is selected. We must also not forget about the shape of the vertical niche. It can be arched or rectangular.

The illusion of no wall

Landscape photo wallpapers in a narrow room can create a real sensation if they show perspective. Edges can be lost in haze or out of focus, this will enhance the presence effect. The wall doesn't just recede - it gets lost in this haze. In any case, the gaze definitely does not rest on it, it slides further into an indefinite distance.

Interestingly, photo wallpaper on a short wall is also useful for a long narrow room, but their choice and method of pasting is dictated by other considerations.

  • The overall tone should be darker than the main color of the walls, or brighter.
  • Macro photography is encouraged. An enlarged image is impressive and attracts the eye, but the main secret lies elsewhere - large objects “come closer” to the viewer, which is what is required in this case.
  • The entire space “from wall to wall” is covered with photo wallpaper.
  • A strong technique is when photo wallpaper covers adjacent walls by 30-70 centimeters. The technique works well when the canvases depict some romantic cityscape with a strong perspective.

Photo wallpaper creates perspective in the room

An even stronger effect, up to the curvature of the walls, is created by photo wallpapers with geometric motifs that cause visual illusions. Are you ready for some intense sensations? Then try to repeat these projects.

Spectacular with photo wallpapers with geometric motifs

Combined wallpaper

It takes a lot of money to purchase two different wallpapers. However, inside small rooms you have to use a minimum of consumables.

Moreover, the thematic approach portends a certain success:

  • Single-color wallpaper - welcomes black and white products, brickwork and decorative niches;
  • Floral wallpaper - goes well with a patterned counterpart, provided that the colors are the same everywhere;
  • Striped wallpaper - perfectly completes the background if the ceiling is decorated with light, single-color wallpaper.

You shouldn’t settle on one style if the property is a two-story house. The corridor below is created with an eye to the hallway and living room. On the top floor you can experiment.

Vertical combination

Combining two types of colors in one hallway is not always a classic separation using panels. A completely different approach is to highlight one wall or its protruding part.

Popular plain canvases

Options with plain wallpaper are considered successful combinations.

Or an approach in which prints are combined with plain ones. With this design, a fragment of a wall, a niche or a protruding part can stand out with a large pattern.

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Photos of the best wallpaper options for the hallway and corridor

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