Wallpaper for the bedroom: tips on how to choose and what to look for + photos of fashionable interior combinations

Photo: design-homes.ru Wallpaper plays a vital role in the interior of the bedroom. Their color, texture, and pattern will determine how complete your rest will be, and good sleep is the key to success and a cheerful mood. In our article we will reveal many subtleties that will help you choose the right wallpaper and create a stylish interior!

Purpose of wallpaper

Wallpaper or trellises are a universal option for interior design. Since this material can be afforded by any subject, regardless of financial wealth.

The wallpaper consists of those layers (base, second layer, coating). Tapestries are ideal assistants in eliminating such shortcomings in the home as: small holes with uneven walls, dampness in room corners (in this case, you will have to constantly glue the canvas to appear clean).

The lighting of the premises, the psychological comfort of the individual and even the visual area of ​​the rooms depend on the material used in the manufacture of wallpaper.

Companion wallpapers and their features

Companions are wallpapers made in the same style, but differing in several respects. For example, a common texture and color scheme, but fundamentally different designs. The more neutral series is used as a backdrop for a decorative accent.

Companion wallpapers have several advantages! They are in almost all collections of all manufacturers, so choosing them will not be difficult. This is a deliberately harmonious solution, the compatibility of which you don’t have to worry about.

This design will help to avoid excessive diversity, but also too boring interiors. Companions are especially good for zoning and visually changing space.

Combining wallpaper in the kitchen: 100 photo ideas

What types of wallpaper are there?

The modern market is rich in various types of wallpaper. Before purchasing, you need to decide on the design idea and the main components of the wallpaper’s functions.

According to its characteristics, this material is divided into four types:

  1. Ordinary trellises. They are distinguished by a cheap price. Wet cleaning is prohibited;
  2. Waterproof wallpaper. Wet cleaning is carried out in a gentle manner using a soft sponge and a slightly diluted chemical;
  3. Washable - subject to more rigorous cleaning using a brush and soap solution. A popular wallpaper option;
  4. Abrasion-resistant trellises are expensive and contain natural ingredients.
  5. They tolerate frequent cleaning with the use of cleaning agents.

Advice! A hint with the main characteristics of the wallpaper is indicated by a wavy line on the roll label.

A Closer Look at a Quiet Place

People with a healthy sleep-wake rhythm spend at least one-third, and sometimes almost half, of the day in their bedrooms. This is a significant amount of time, which is why the design of this particular room is so significant—everyone plays an important role.

Previously, the approach was different, since this room was mainly considered as a functional area. A little color, maybe a little texture was enough, but a patterned texture was used mainly for a public area, such as a living room or dining room.

Choosing wallpaper to suit the overall style

Today's bedroom is a design oasis, we put a lot of creative effort into this part of the house. Books, magazines and the World Wide Web provide a lot of inspiration. Using all kinds of paintings and modern materials, you can achieve any style of interior design, for example:

  • Country Look;
  • Shabby & Boho Chic (Shabby Chic & Boho);
  • New Romantic (New Romance);
  • Modern Baroque (Modern Baroque);
  • Mid-Century (Mid-Century Style);
  • Loft Style.

We achieve any design using drawings on canvas

In our bedrooms we close our eyes and go into the arms of Morpheus. We also read books there, watch TV, and escape the world for a few hours. But sometimes it can be hard to switch off: insomnia seems to have become widespread.

Therefore, our boudoirs should become another world, a space where we can relax, gently fall asleep, where the stress of our daily rhythm is replaced by positive thoughts.

Relaxation after a hard day at work

Therefore, furniture and textiles continue the concept, especially in terms of color: too much contrast is harmful. Furniture should be functional, perhaps a little sparse. The same applies to decorative elements. This helps relaxation, sleep, and your mind, which will have a harder time disengaging if there is chaos around you and the environment is claustrophobic.

Type characteristics of the material

Regardless of financial capabilities, with a strong desire, each subject will be able to update the design of the bedroom, taking advantage of the visual characteristics of the wallpaper.

So, the following material options are distinguished:

  • Paper - characterized by a cheap price and a variety of colors of wallpaper for the bedroom. The big disadvantage of such a canvas is its low quality;
  • Multilayer consists of several layers (duplex and triplex). Distinctive qualities are a massive pattern and a denser fabric structure. Also a budget option;
  • Non-woven - non-woven material. It is a conductor of moisture and air. Distinctive features include different paper densities and stretchy material. To work with such a canvas, smooth walls are required;
  • Vinyl wallpaper or premium class. They are characterized by an expensive price that fully pays for itself: excellent quality, cleaning effect, durability.

Color variety

Having decided on the composition of the wallpaper, you need to choose a color scheme. The color should also not stand out from the general style. However, the main function is to calm and relax at the end of the day. The preference for light shades for the bedroom is understandable, especially since they visually expand the space:

  • blue sky color;
  • green grass color;
  • cream tone.

The blue tone in the bedroom calms, pacifies, and helps to have a good rest. The room seems spacious, free, nothing restricts or oppresses. Green serves to calm the nerves and relieve stress, which is inevitable during the day. In a room with green wallpaper, negative emotions are replaced by positive ones, and your mood improves. Neutral light shades as well as cream tones in the bedroom are favorites. In addition to their calming effect, they are indispensable if you want to dilute the interior with bright and rich details.

TOP 4 colors that are not suitable for the bedroom

  • Red and orange. They cause irritability and lead to sleep disturbances. You won't be able to relax in such a bedroom.
  • Rich yellow is very invigorating. If the problem is that a person falls asleep easily, but has difficulty getting out of bed, then elements of this shade can be added to the bedroom.
  • The violet tone causes anxiety and evokes disturbing thoughts, so it is not appropriate in the bedroom.

The nuances of pasting walls

Regardless of the type of wallpaper, working with gluing involves performing the following functions: removing the old coating and surface repair of the walls (for long service life of the trellises).

The glue is selected according to the composition of the wallpaper.

  • For paper and multi-layer fabrics, the CMC adhesive composition is useful.
  • For vinyl there are special brands indicated on the canvas.
  • Non-woven wallpaper requires expensive and high-quality adhesive.

Creating a bedroom wisely

A good way to update your interior is to hang wallpaper

With the resurgence in popularity of wallpaper, many designers are coming up with new ideas and designs that transform the bedroom into an exceptional space. This is a quick way to change, improve decor, and create an elegant interior. Explore trendy bedroom design ideas from bold stripes, prints, delicate floral patterns to signature multi-faceted designs.

From everyday life to original projects

The way you design your bedroom determines how you sleep. The pattern and design with unusual surfaces and soothing colors create a relaxing atmosphere for this holiday destination. The colors used are not limited to cool or neutral shades.

We don’t limit ourselves to cool shades

More intense and warm colors have also been introduced into the boudoir. The wallpaper should match your own style, but still check out some design ideas for this room.

Wallpaper for the bedroom 2022

Time does not stand still. The fashion for certain vital things in human life is changing. And that means everything around us, including the design of wallpaper for the bedroom.

For those who want to always be on trend in bedroom wallpaper 2021, the options in the lower list are presented:

  • The geometric pattern represents a classic wallpaper option that will always be in fashion. The modern trend is patterns consisting of two or three colors. Moreover, a vertical pattern will help increase the height of the ceiling covering, a horizontal pattern will expand the room;
  • The murals feature tropical designs, flowers, animals and landscape options. The peculiarity of the canvas is its good quality with an optical illusion reminiscent of a fresco. Wallpaper will fit perfectly into small rooms, visually expanding the space;
  • The decorative pattern is represented by three components: Graphics, Floristics, Animalistics. Graphics are printed drawings with any storyline. Floristry is distinguished by the depiction of plants with a lack of realism. Animal art is an image of kitsch with the absence of gold and monograms, i.e. everything is sophisticated, like a classic.

Detailed elements of such wallpaper for the bedroom are presented in the photo in an open source.

Recommendations for choosing colors by cardinal directions

When choosing a color palette for wallpaper for the bedroom, it would be wise to focus on the cardinal directions and the degree of illumination of the room.


If the windows face north, northwest, northeast, it is better to give preference to warm warming shades:

  • light pink,
  • beige,
  • sandy,
  • peach,
  • golden,
  • tea rose.

By adding light and warmth, they have a beneficial effect on the psyche and relieve stress.

If photo wallpaper is used, it is better to choose a calm summer landscape, a sunlit forest, or a waterfall in tropical greenery.


Cool shades of wallpaper would be appropriate here:

  • sky blue,
  • pearl gray,
  • soft green,
  • lavender,
  • silver,
  • snow-white.

Cool, fresh colors calm and reduce tension in a bedroom located on the rays of the south side, helping you fall asleep faster.


For a bedroom illuminated by the evening sun, tones that promote relaxation and comfort are suitable. Soft shades of the following colors are suitable:

  • red,
  • pink,
  • beige,
  • chocolate.


The bedroom is brightly lit by the sun even at dawn, which contributes to a quick awakening in an excellent mood. In the evenings it gets dark early, creating a special relaxing atmosphere. An excellent solution is wallpaper in the following tones:

  • light green,
  • turquoise,
  • blue,
  • smoky gray
  • silver.

They will go well with mountain and sea landscapes, jungles at sunset, and images of the underwater world on photo wallpapers.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

A small room requires its own nuances in style. But this is all solvable.

When choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom, consider the following recommendations:

  • Purchasing wallpaper with vertical and horizontal stripes would be the best solution. Visually increase the area of ​​the room;
  • The room will appear wider due to light wallpaper;
  • Photo wallpaper with a receding road will enlarge the bedroom, giving excellent style;
  • If there is no window in the bedroom, photo wallpaper with an image of an open window is used;

The dormitory, located on the north side, is covered exclusively with warm shades of wallpaper.

Bedroom Decoration Styles

When choosing wallpaper for the bedroom, you should take into account the design style of the room. As a rule, designers resort to calm options: classicism, romanticism, “rural chic”, minimalism.

Wallpaper can match the overall design of the space or softly set it off, or even contrast.

Recommended wallpaper types:

  • Paper;
  • Textile;
  • Vinyl;
  • From non-woven fabric;
  • Natural.

It is advisable to avoid heavy dark shades, which make it difficult to wake up in the morning (black, brown, purple), and bright rich colors (lemon, red, green), which make it difficult to calm down before bed.

The pattern on the walls may be completely absent or small, not distracting. If you need the presence of large monograms, you can choose wallpaper with patterns that almost match the main color with smooth lines and transitions.

When choosing the optimal type of wallpaper for a bedroom, the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the owner of the room in order to turn the space into a cozy place to relax.

Wallpaper color

Designers recommend choosing trellises for a dark bedroom in the following shades: sand, sky blue, light gray, cream.

The following colors are suitable for a light bedchamber:

  • Blue,
  • Grey,
  • White and mint.

All these color schemes will give the bedroom coziness and fill it with warmth.

The influence of furniture on the choice of wallpaper

The color scheme of wall coverings and pieces of furniture should be combined.

  1. Furniture is white, gray, beige. It’s easy to choose wallpaper, as these are universal shades. It must be remembered that the tone of the wall and the bed or closet should be different so that against the general background they do not merge into a single whole.
  2. Furniture in dark colors. In this case, the wall covering should be bright. Avoid strong polarity.
  3. Brown furniture. Beige, golden, blue wallpaper is appropriate here. Shades of pink and burgundy will fit well. Green would also work.
  4. Multi-colored furniture. This is where pastel shades come to the rescue when decorating the walls. You can combine wallpaper by gluing decorative items similar in color to the furniture to certain areas.

Note! To create a pleasant environment in the bedroom, you need to select wallpaper and furniture so that they highlight the advantages of each of them. When the walls serve as the basis, they should stand out against the background of neutral-light furniture.


Wallpaper design in a small room is not the least important. The most important thing is that the pattern complements the interior of the bedroom and does not make it visually smaller. According to experts, the best design solution would be elements such as:

  • The same type of wallpaper with a small pattern;
  • Three-dimensional image on one of the walls of the bedroom;
  • Horizontal stripes and patterns for rooms with high ceilings;
  • Plain wallpaper fabric. But! If there are additional accessories in the bedroom.

Photo wallpaper in the bedroom interior

Photo wallpaper is a special decorative element that can radically change the perception of the interior. Experts advise choosing images for the bedroom that will match the style concept and color palette.

Avoid dynamic pictures showing a bustling city, roads or high-rise buildings - they will not allow you to fully relax and unwind. It is better to give preference to calmer motifs, for example, images of flowers, landscapes or favorite animals.

Small bedroom design: 85 beautiful ideas (photos)

Bedroom with two wallpapers

A new direction in modern room design is a bedroom with two wallpapers. Here you don’t have to hire a specialist, because you have the opportunity to bring your own completely unusual ideas to life.

  • There are many advantages from such modeling. One of the main ones is the individuality of the room, perhaps even one that no one will decide on except a certain subject.
  • Having a one-room apartment, it is easy to create areas for the bedroom and spending time by dividing the room with two types of wallpaper.
  • At the same time, the comfort and individual requirements of the owner will be clearly expressed.

The use of such an interior solution will help hide defects in the premises (low ceiling, narrow room). And focus on certain places in the bedroom. For example, a “women’s corner” or a rocking chair with a vintage table for relaxing with a book.

Non-woven wallpaper

Such canvases, made from cellulose fibers, have the properties necessary for decorating bedroom walls:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • breathability;
  • durability.

Non-woven wallpaper perfectly masks uneven walls, with the exception of especially large cracks and bulges, does not tear when the house shrinks, and can be easily removed if necessary. Paintable wallpaper can withstand multi-layer painting.

Wallpaper combination

Combining wallpaper in the bedroom is a very interesting process. Which also requires some knowledge of the composition and characteristics of trellises.

When choosing a material, you need to consider these aspects:

  • Textile trellises are expensive. They are dust collectors. Requires careful care;
  • Fiberglass wallpaper will help hide uneven walls due to its considerable weight. They are a universal option. Such wallpaper can be painted many times. This will not change the quality;
  • Non-woven wallpaper can only be painted with latex several times, otherwise the structure may be damaged. Requires careful handling due to the softness of the material;
  • Pressed vinyl fabric is not damaged. Simulates the effect of silk-screen printing;
  • Foamed vinyl wallpaper has a convex surface. They require careful handling;
  • Liquid fabric. Acts as sound insulation. Insulates walls. The drawing is made at the request of the customer;
  • Paper trellises. Meet all environmental standards. Requires only wet care using a cloth;
  • The stereoscopic canvas has an optical illusion effect. These materials depict arches, doors and windows.

Each bedroom, even the smallest one, can be decorated with wallpaper so that it is not inferior in comfort and design to a large room.

To do this, you just need to study the types of wallpaper and their characteristics. And then you are guaranteed an interesting bedroom design.

Which wall covering material to choose

Modern designers have presented many options for decorating bedroom walls, from practical to sophisticated.

You can apply today's fashionable trends in decoration:

  • Decorative plaster,
  • Liquid wallpaper,
  • Paint the walls.

Wallpaper is considered a common and affordable decorative wall covering. The bedroom is the most suitable room where you can use wallpaper. Wallpaper for the bedroom interior, its pattern and texture will make the room cozy, and the humidity, which this decorative material is afraid of, is minimal in the bedroom.

The variety of prints and types of wallpaper for any budget, as well as ease of use, allow wallpaper not to lose its relevance in the interiors of bedrooms.

Photo wallpaper for the bedroom

Zoning space using wallpaper

It often happens that the bedroom is not a separate room, but part, for example, of the living room. In this case, it is necessary to distinguish between the sleeping area and the common room. You can, of course, build a wall from plasterboard or foam blocks, but such a structure will “eat up” a lot of space.

The best option would be a movable partition or rack.

If the size of the room does not allow you to use these methods, then you can divide the functional areas using the color of the walls. In fact, the room will remain single, but visually these are now two different zones. You can also hang wallpaper in one area and use paint or textured plaster in another.

Recently, it has become fashionable to highlight the bed in the bedroom. As a rule, to do this, glue a strip of wallpaper the width of the bed from the headboard or on two opposite walls. In this case, the wallpaper is chosen in such a color that there is a clear contrast with the rest of the walls of the room.

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