Wallpaper for the kitchen - photo review of the best new designs from the catalog!

Plain wallpaper for the kitchen

This is a trend not only for 2022. Such wallpapers will always be popular. When choosing wallpaper that is allowed to be painted, you can change the color of the walls if necessary.

Beige and gray colors will suit any kitchen interior. Beige is a unique color. Suitable floor for all styles of kitchens. Small kitchens are enlarged. And how many shades does it have?

From the photo of the wallpaper in the kitchen, you can see how well plain wallpaper looks in various kitchens.

Combinations with different textures and materials

The idea is not new, but it seems to have received a remarkable rebirth in 2022. In one room, not only wallpapers of different tones are combined, but also a variety of materials. Most often, a vertical division of the wall into 2 parts is used: the top is covered with wallpaper, and the bottom is covered with tiles, decorative plaster, etc. Usually the separation is beautifully decorated with molding - for a more harmonious transition between materials.

Although in fact you can combine wallpaper in the kitchen in completely different ways. Read more in this article with examples and photos.

Textured wallpaper for the kitchen

These include wallpaper that looks like brick, stone or wood. It is best to make wallpaper with this pattern on one wall, and make the other walls a single color to match.

A room with such wallpaper immediately stands out. But such wallpapers also provide plenty of comfort.

Geometric abstractions

It’s hard to call wallpaper with geometric abstractions some kind of fresh design trend. Rather, it is a universal design that always works: no matter what size or layout your kitchen has.

A circle is also a geometric figure, if anything. Use wallpaper with this element if you have a small kitchen and get a modern interior even with 4-5 square meters of total area.

And here’s a real stylistic combo: geometric abstraction inscribed in a spectacular photo image with berries and fruits.

Green wallpaper for the kitchen

Wallpapers that mainly depict leaves and trees are very popular. If you also add a few pots with plants to the interior, it will look very organic.

  • Green is the color of calm and tranquility.
  • In such a kitchen only harmony and grace will prevail.
  • You won't want to leave this kitchen.
  • Kitchen furniture made of natural wood will match this wallpaper.

Eco style

You may not support environmental ideology or agree with it, but in the field of design, eco-style has long been firmly and confidently established - in 2020 and subsequent years, the “eco” theme will develop even more actively. So why not use its motifs for wallpaper design?

Moreover, if the kitchen interior is conducive to this: there are elements made of wood or stone, greenery is widely used to create a cozy homely atmosphere.

This can be wallpaper either with an imitation of some natural structure (for example, wood), or with the direct use of natural materials in the composition of the fibers.

Wallpaper with 3D effect

These wallpapers look very advantageous. It is best to decorate only one wall with such wallpaper. For example, a wall near a table with chairs.

If you want to make a renovation with wallpaper in 3D style, you should first look at the catalog of wallpaper for the kitchen.

Methods for covering the walls of a small kitchen

In the process of choosing suitable canvases, or after purchasing the finishing material, it is worth deciding on the method of pasting. Different ways of arranging paintings can transform the interior of the kitchen and make it unique. A designer, who is available in many branded stores of finishing materials, can help you cope with this task:

  1. The most common technique for obtaining a holistic interior is to focus attention on a specific area or wall. This effect can be achieved by combining two contrasting types of paintings - companions. At the same time, background wallpapers are mostly monochromatic, while accent wallpapers have a selected pattern or unusual texture.

    They are used to cover a surface free of furniture and accessories. Often this is the dining area. A few more photos of new combined wallpapers for the kitchen.

  2. The second option is a combination of wallpaper with another finishing material. In this case, the wallpaper is combined with paint, decorative plaster, PVC panels, ceramic tiles or liquid wallpaper. The arrangement of materials is at your discretion, but in a small room it is advisable to give preference to horizontal combination. It is not necessary to decorate the entire kitchen this way; it is enough to use this technique in one of the zones.

  3. For people who are not ready for bright walls, but want to brighten up a calm interior, canvases with a bright image or imitation of tiles, pasted in the apron area, will come to the rescue. To extend the service life of the surface, the material can be covered with heat-resistant glass or fire-resistant plastic.

    Here you can successfully use canvas with imitation of natural materials and textures. In the same way, you can isolate the wall near which the dining table is located.

  4. When choosing photo wallpapers or canvases with 3D printing, it is worth considering several nuances: a perspective image will visually expand the area, a bright picture will create the main accent, neutral shades will set the tone for the entire room.

Beautiful and competent design of a small-sized kitchen may seem like a difficult task at first glance. With a little imagination and taking into account your wishes, you can choose a modern version of the material that will appeal to all family members.

It is worth remembering that a large number of bright colors and textures that are not compatible with each other can ruin the interior of a room decorated with even the most expensive materials. Tastefully selected materials can add sophistication and comfort to even a small kitchen with an area of ​​6 sq.m.

Priority types of wallpaper for the kitchen

Not every wallpaper is suitable for the kitchen. They should be not only beautiful, but also practical. They should not be afraid of water, grease, dirt, or high temperatures.

Most suitable for kitchen areas:

  1. Vinyl wallpapers. They repel water well. They can be cleaned with a dry or wet brush. With their help you can correct minor imperfections on the walls. They are durable, do not fade and are resistant to water. A wide variety of colors are available in construction stores. The design of wallpaper for walls can be monochromatic, with different patterns. These wallpapers can be similar to animal skin, brickwork and so on.
  2. Non-woven wallpaper. Convenient for gluing. This wallpaper can be washed. Some types of wallpaper can even be cleaned with a brush. Wallpaper will suit any kitchen interior. After all, there are such a huge number of colors with different textures on sale. These fights are suitable for bathrooms and hallways. In general, this is a universal wallpaper. They are suitable for any room in the house.
  3. Paintable wallpaper. They prefer those who love change, constantly change the interior of the apartment, and often make repairs.
  4. Glass wallpaper. Durable. They are not afraid of fire and water. They lend themselves well to painting. You can paint up to ten times. Moreover, these wallpapers are suitable for allergy sufferers. They do not release harmful substances into the air. The downside to them is that they are difficult to move away from the walls. If you want to change the interior, it will take effort to remove such wallpaper.
  5. Silkscreen printing. Their top layer is covered with silk threads, and the bottom is vinyl. They are smooth and shiny. This wallpaper can also be washed. They do not fade from the sun's rays.
  6. Liquid wallpaper. Applied to the wall in liquid form. You can make different patterns on them. They wash well and have good sound insulation. If you constantly hear noise behind the wall, then this is a great option.

Fashion trends 2022

If you want to choose more original wallpaper for the kitchen than canvases with flowers, then you should check out the new products for 2022. Here you can choose a finish in one design or use combined wallpaper for the interior.

  1. Scandinavian motifs are a popular trend over the past few years that many designers have been using. Canvases in this style are light colors or wallpaper with small geometric patterns, leaves, flowers and trees.
  2. Stone - with the help of such wallpaper you can easily imitate a stone surface or any other natural material.
  3. Patchwork tiles are the most unusual, interesting and vibrant trend of this year. This style is a patchwork mix of finishing materials of different textures and textures.
  4. Brick is ideal for interiors in loft, country, Provence or minimalist styles. You can choose from brick-like canvases in white, red, yellow and brown.
  5. Wooden boards - thanks to the relief vinyl layer, as well as sophisticated printing technology, you can copy not only the appearance of the surface, but also the texture of a natural or painted board.

Choosing wallpaper for the kitchen is not so difficult, especially when there are so many new products today. On our website you can see photos of interior design for 2022. The main thing is to pay attention to the pattern and color, because this is the first thing that catches your eye. And you should be especially careful when combining fabrics. Otherwise, the choice will depend on the functionality and quality of the finishing material.

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Prohibited wallpaper for the kitchen

  • You cannot use paper wallpaper in the kitchen. They cannot be washed or cleaned; the paint peels off quickly. They quickly lose their beautiful appearance. The repair will be in vain. We'll have to do the renovation again soon. No need to skimp on wallpaper.
  • Natural wallpaper. Such wallpapers include bamboo, fabric, cotton, wallpaper made from leaves and grass stems, and so on. Yes, of course, these wallpapers look simply gorgeous. But they quickly lose this beauty. And another renovation will not be far off.
  • Acrylic wallpaper. They get dirty quickly, and the dirt cannot be washed off with anything. Even the most expensive remedies don't help.

Choice of colors

Currently, design trends are so diverse that you can easily choose the most suitable style and color scheme. It is advisable to give preference to light, calm shades that create a cozy atmosphere.

The choice of colors is very important at the planning stage

Warm or cool shades: which is better?

When faced with the choice of which color scheme to give preference to, warm or cold, it is better to start from the orientation of the windows to the cardinal directions. If the room is dark and faces north, it is recommended to choose a warm color scheme of light shades. In sunny kitchens, you can wallpaper in cool shades, such as soft blue.

Kitchen in soft blue tones

Bright accents: to be or not to be

The presence of bright, rich tones enlivens the room and refreshes the interior. The monotony of the situation is not interesting, but excessive brightness is also annoying. As a bright accent created with wallpaper, a combination of several wallpapers of different colors or decorating a free wall with photo wallpaper can be used.

A free wall can be decorated with photo wallpaper

Which drawing is better: large or small?

A large drawing visually reduces the space. Therefore, it should be used carefully - on fragments of walls or in cases where the kitchen has a large area and high ceilings. A small pattern, especially on a light background, on the contrary, “adds” space.

Large drawing increases space

Tips for choosing wallpaper

  1. If the color of the furniture is bright, then the wallpaper should be chosen in a neutral shade. And with a neutral facade, you can choose a bright color for the wallpaper in the kitchen. But the shade of the walls and the color of the furniture in the kitchen should not be bright. It won't look good at all. Neutral shades are allowed.
  2. Wallpaper with vertical lines makes the ceiling appear higher. And with horizontal lines, wallpaper expands the kitchen and reduces the size of the ceiling. The room increases in size if you paste wallpaper with small patterns.
  3. They should be tight. The higher the density of kitchen wallpaper, the more durable it is.
  4. Do not forget that the wallpaper must be light-resistant. Should not fade or turn yellow from exposure to sunlight. If this happens, the entire repair will have to be done again. Because such wallpaper will not look beautiful.
  5. It is preferable to choose wallpaper that is not afraid of moisture. Today you can see such a variety of washable wallpaper for the kitchen.
  6. When choosing wallpaper for painting, you need to choose one that can be repainted several times.
  7. When purchasing wallpaper in a store, you need to look at the markings on the wallpaper rolls. For example, a "wave" sign means they can be washed, while a "brush" sign means they can be brushed when cleaning.

The range of wallpaper in stores is simply huge. Such variety helps you choose the wallpaper of your dreams.

In the catalog of wallpaper for the kitchen you can see what properties the wallpaper you like has. Kitchen wallpaper should be washable, light-resistant, and friction-resistant.

Modern wallpaper ideas are simply amazing with their abundance of colors and patterns. Everyone can choose exactly what they like. After all, even the kitchen should be beautiful.

Brick wallpaper

It would seem that this format has long gone out of fashion, but in 2020 this idea has returned to trends and can be considered a modern design solution.

Most likely, in connection with the existing request for loft interiors. Many modern kitchens boast a substantial area, and are often combined with living rooms, and such wallpapers greatly emphasize the chosen design course.

Quite often used for finishing some local area. For example, an apron or a dining area. In the first case, you need to carefully look at the specification - the wallpaper must be washable so that water and grease can be washed off from it without any problems.

Photos of the best wallpaper for the kitchen

How to combine with furniture

Some general tips:

  1. 1 If you want to emphasize the beauty of glossy furniture facades, choose plain items in the catalog. Suitable palette: pastel, light blue, light gray, brown, with a soft, discreet pattern;
  2. 2 To attract attention to yourself, in order to push not very beautiful cabinets and chairs into the background, we buy decoration in bright colors (green, red, yellow, rich purple) with eye-catching decor;
  3. 3 If you want to tone down the obvious dominance of the furniture, choose a neutral environment with a wide stripe pattern. Alternating different shades, unequal width of stripes, and other interior design techniques will help to increase the emphasis on wallpaper.

In detail - how to choose the right wallpaper for the kitchen to suit the decor:

Furniture color: white Suitable combinations Focus on style: For traditional interiors - a calm palette (beige, blue, mustard, green). For modern designs - a play of contrasts based on bright lime, pink, turquoise, purple.

Furniture color: gray Suitable combinations Successful options are yellow, white, pink.

Furniture color: blue Suitable combinations Milky, beige colors in combination with orange and yellow print will help get rid of excessive coldness.

Furniture color: brown, including shade options - wood, up to dark wenge. Suitable combinations Any colors from a warm palette. Ideal: mustard, vanilla, olive, blue, turquoise, light blue.

Furniture color: beige, cream Suitable combinations White, green, brown, blue. Look good on blue and turquoise walls.

Area and shape of the room

Dimensions, configuration of rooms, presence of niches, projections - everything matters. What to choose – a few recommendations:

  • The less space, the lighter the surfaces;
  • Small patterns are suitable for small rooms;
  • For spacious interiors – any colors, and to get rid of the feeling of officialness, we use a combination of shades. Saturated colors, large patterns, and ornaments are acceptable;
  • A narrow, elongated room will become visually wider if you use light rolls for long walls and dark rolls for short ones;
  • Square room - any colors. It is advisable to make an accent wall.

When the room area is no more than 9 square meters. m:

  • Dark - yes, you can, if you make one wall (the far one) black, brown, dark gray, the rest of the surfaces and the ceiling are white, pastel;
  • Black and brown baseboards, trims, and doors make the light interior more contrasting;
  • A small pattern on the walls will increase the space;
  • For the “small kitchen” – high ceiling (“well”) option, a combined finish is suitable. It is advisable to divide horizontally into several color fields, for example, make the top and bottom darker, the middle lighter. You can highlight the “apron” area - use the same material a few brighter tones, always with a small pattern - the room will look visually wider;
  • An accent wall with a large landscape will help to enliven the room. Use photo wallpapers, panels.

Which ones are better to choose for a spacious kitchen:

  • Large drawing;
  • Saturated color – bright or deep;
  • The same texture, but different shades - for zoning the room: make the dining area light, the cooking area dark;
  • Take one background as a basis and create a brighter decor like a panel on it;
  • A dark finish has a light multi-level ceiling, and vice versa.

Similar tips apply to studio apartments, where the dining area is combined with the living room and hallway.

Choice for light and dark kitchens

If the windows face the shady side, improvise - artificially create an abundance of sunlight in the room. The choice in favor of yellow, orange, golden, and cream colored surfaces is encouraged. A light palette and a lot of glossy decor will replace bright sunny colors when it is necessary to adhere to strict classical canons.

What wallpaper to choose for a bright kitchen with south-facing windows:

  • Cold palette colors: rich blue, deep green, and other options that can add more frosty freshness look great;
  • When using “cold” shades, it is necessary to set the lighting correctly;
  • Avoid bright colors: excessive importunity is tiring. Luscious surface finishes will be damaged by ultraviolet radiation.

Tips for choosing a pattern

What the drawing will be like is a matter of taste. It is better if your own interest coincides with the recommendations of professionals. The basic rules for choosing decor are:

  1. 1 A large drawing makes the room visually smaller;
  2. 2 A small pattern will visually expand the interior;
  3. 3 Strict geometry - stripes, ornaments, checks, like on Scottish kilts - will create the effect of unlimited space;
  4. 4 Vertical pattern on the surface: will make the ceiling higher;
  5. 5 Horizontal ornament in the interior: works to expand, “takes away” height;
  6. 6 Diagonal: will make the room dynamic, alive;
  7. 7 Textured surfaces - look impressive due to the play of light and penumbra.

More interesting design options are obtained using proven combination techniques. The most common:

  • Vertical/horizontal zoning;
  • Accentuating one wall;
  • Performing inserts;
  • Gluing bright patches as decoration;
  • The use of two or three types of materials of different shades with the same pattern;
  • Gluing panels and finished frescoes.

Natural wallpaper - how relevant

Materials created by nature are highly valued by designers. With their help, it is easier to get away from the city noise, immerse yourself in an atmosphere of relaxation, and create a healthy microclimate in the interior. Use brown, yellow and other colors found in nature. Choose textures like quartz, papyrus, bamboo, silk, velvet. They lift your spirits and stimulate your appetite.

How profitable is it to decorate the interior with wallpaper inspired by natural materials?


— Health safety. Can be used in apartments where allergy sufferers live. — Durable, do not fade in the sun. — There are varieties that are easy to care for - clean, wash, dust off. — Ideally combined with furniture, parquet, laminate, textiles.


— Absorb odors: thorough ventilation of the room will help to avoid this. - They deteriorate from exposure to animal claws - which is typical for any decoration. — They are expensive: but given the durability of the material, the repair will pay for itself several times over.

If you don’t know which eco-style wallpaper to choose, we recommend buying wood finishes. There is no need to abandon the idea because of their lack of practicality. There are proven ways to extend its service life. Please note:

  1. 1 Bright wallpaper will not fade or swell from high humidity if you use, for example, an air conditioner with a drying option;
  2. 2 Prepare the surfaces carefully: the canvases will lie firmly on a high-quality primer;
  3. 3 Prepare special scissors for metal before gluing, since dense textured tapes imitating stone or wood are difficult to cut with ordinary tools.

Select by material

The surface of the walls in a room where there is a sink, gas stove, oven, and sometimes a water heater must be well protected from moisture, soot, and odors. Which wallpaper to choose based on quality? – At the top of the list are the following characteristics:

  1. 1 Ability to repel water: see moisture-resistant, washable varieties. The former can withstand regular wet cleaning. The latter do not deteriorate if you use detergents and not rough abrasives;
  2. 2 High light resistance: the ability to repel ultraviolet radiation, not to lose attractiveness after many years of use;
  3. 3 Vapor permeability: these dry quickly and create a favorable microclimate;
  4. 4 As an option - thick wallpaper for painting: choose varieties that are suitable for repeated finishing.

The designers of our Cheap Furniture online store will help you choose the kitchen to match the color of your wallpaper.

The presence of certain special properties of a product is demonstrated by labeling. Moisture-resistant options o. The “wave and brush” sign indicates high mechanical strength. But not all types have high performance characteristics:

  1. 1 Paper: not a suitable choice. Thin fabric breaks quickly and cannot be cleaned wet. The only plus is the low price. In about a year or two, new repairs will have to be made;
  2. 2 Textile (based on silk, linen, cotton): rare wood, exotic grasses, bamboo. They look impressive, are relatively moisture resistant, but absorb smoke and the smell of food. Suitable if additional protective measures are taken;
  3. 3 Silk-screen printing: moisture-resistant, light-resistant. Durable, withstand small mechanical loads. They have high density. Amazingly beautiful decor with gilding for kitchen walls;
  4. 4 Acrylic: leaders in decorative properties. They can be embossed, corrugated, with large or small patterns. These are better to choose for the living room, bedroom, especially if they are white or light-colored materials;
  5. 5 Vinyl: resistant to moisture, ultraviolet radiation. Due to the high density and large thickness, minor defects on the walls are hidden. To update your interior more often, buy paintable vinyl;
  6. 6 Non-woven: the best choice for the kitchen. They are easy to glue. The base stretches and does not tear. Easy to adjust joints. They do not swell with glue. Hides defects.

Photo wallpaper in the kitchen

Until recently, photo wallpaper in the kitchen was considered almost a sign of bad taste. Now buyers choose them, if not every other, then every third. When choosing designs, colors, and ornaments, the same rules apply as for ordinary materials.

This is definitely not paper, but vinyl or non-woven fabric. When choosing sizes, consider the shape, area of ​​the room, or a separate wall. The main thing is to choose the right image. Our catalog, the recommendations outlined earlier and the video material presented below will help with this.


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Toile and graphics

What other wallpapers are considered fashionable in 2022 for the kitchen? Undoubtedly, the toile and graphics. These prints come from the fashion world and are unlikely to leave the market in the next few seasons.

The toile, whose full French name is Toile de Jouy, is a natural cotton fabric with a printed pattern. It is made in two colors. Traditionally, pastoral and classical scenes were depicted on the fabric. However, in today's version it can be any paintings, even animals and plants.

Examples of wallpaper in different colors

Wallpapers are most often found in patterns. In the kitchen, food-related motifs are good, such as coffee cups, colorful fruits and vegetables, and bread. It is worth playing with colors - the appetite is stimulated by red, so you can decorate the wall with rich wallpaper above the table. If the kitchen also has a dining area, remember greens are the color that makes dishes look good. In turn, brown and beige make the room cozy. If you have a white kitchen, you will find dark wallpaper in this combination to be stunning. When you have a lot of colorful equipment, choose pastel wallpaper. 3D wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular, representing, for example, seascapes or a fruit market, spices.

Gray wallpaper in the kitchen

Gray wallpaper is an original alternative to smooth walls. Gray brings out coolness and elegance in a modern interior. This finish fits perfectly into rooms that are furnished in modern, Scandinavian, eco and urban styles, as well as classic. In a word, gray color suits almost any style.

Light gray wallpaper in a small room

A common mistake is placing wallpaper with a very dark shade on the walls. This solution only looks good in rooms with a large area and a number of windows to increase the flow of natural sunlight. In small rooms you can choose one of two options:

  • The first is gray wallpaper with light shades, like platinum and steel will be ideal. To avoid boredom in the room, the equipment and furniture should be bright. A black or wood kitchen set with a natural color and accessories in shades of orange, purple and red are ideal. Jewelry with yellow color will also look good.

  • The second is to insert gray wallpaper from a dark shade on only one of the walls. It is best to choose a large surface that will not be covered by furniture. In this case, the remaining walls should be painted white or ivory. On the wall where the gray wallpaper is glued, you can hang several photographs framed by a frame and plants. Furniture in dark chocolate, wenge or mahogany will suit a room decorated in this color.

Green wallpaper in the kitchen - a little spring in the interior

Green has enormous power of location. This color adds energy and at the same time introduces calm and harmony. You can choose from different shades, from pastel mint through luscious lime to warmer olive colors. The easiest way to quickly transform your interior using these colors is classic green wallpaper. They can be in one selected shade or combine several of them, for example through a striped design. It is worth remembering that vertical stripes optically enlarge a small kitchen interior; they can be used to decorate the entire room or just a selected wall, even the ceiling.

What colors look best on a green background?

First of all, white, yellow, pink powdery and silver metallic shades. Thus, green wallpaper in the kitchen provides excellent layout options. Greenery lovers can also choose furniture in this color. Different textures and patterns combined with greenery are an easy way to avoid monotony. Green wallpaper allows you to get an eclectic composition that successfully combines classic with modernity, combined with white plaster or paneling, furniture in the Provencal style or the Ludwig style. Modern interiors with green wallpaper should contain stainless steel accessories and furniture, such as a metal table with a glass top.

Advice! It is worth remembering that greenery enhances antique furniture. Therefore, it is advisable to install a massive oak dining table against the background of green wallpaper.

What design styles do greenery favor?

Green is a color of many possibilities, so depending on the shade, you can introduce it into any scheme. However, it looks exceptionally well in some layout styles.

An English style interior looks good with dark green. The reason is simple: against this background, old wooden furniture seems the most beautiful. It's worth choosing green wallpaper covered in fancy patterns, and then enhancing the decorative effect with an antique rug.

Modern style will love the rich shade of lime, mint or lime, which comes in an interesting color play with grays and metallics. Therefore, if a modern interior seems a little monotonous, green wallpaper quickly solves this problem. However, it is worth maintaining moderation - it is enough to cover one or two walls. The rest may be gray or white.

Brown wallpaper in the kitchen

Brown wallpaper is an ingenious way to warm up your kitchen interior. Because, contrary to popular belief, this coloring is not boring at all, but very warm and calming. Brown has many interesting shades that suit almost any arrangement. Brown can be successfully used in industrial, rustic, oriental or boho styles, as well as in elegant classic, eclectic or vintage fashion. Most homes have furniture in a natural wood color, and bronze on the walls is perfect for them. When combined with gold, brown acquires a nobility, this combination will be chosen by lovers of glamor and extravagance, as well as timeless classics and the still popular art deco. Brown with turquoise is a combination extremely popular in Eastern countries. A beautiful effect is achieved by the brown color of the wallpaper adjacent to the white kitchen unit.

Black wallpaper in the kitchen

Black wallpaper is a unique design, and nothing optically shortens a room like it. A dark wall is ideal for a long, narrow interior. However, it is worth remembering that in order to achieve the illusion of a shorter room, only one front wall should be covered. Another important aspect is the quality of the wallpaper. It is best to choose a matte product with a vinyl structure, as, thanks to the appropriate coating, it is more rigid and durable than traditional paper wallpaper. The lack of shine also has its advantage. The matte black version is definitely more stylish and easier to clean.

Black and white combinations - current preferences

Black and white stripes are a response to fashion trends. In a small room that you want to give the effect of a “higher ceiling,” it is best to paste vertical stripes. A tall, spacious interior will become more comfortable if the same pattern appears on the walls, but in a horizontal version.

Checkerboard - if abstraction is close to you, choose this print. However, this idea is much bolder than the classic black wallpaper. To avoid the grotesque effect of Alice in Wonderland, choose small black and white drawings. In the kitchen, a chessboard-style wainscoting would be ideal.

Rich wallpaper in bright colors

The pop art style loves plastic products and bright colors. Orange wallpaper will bring great optimism to the interior. This will be the ideal backdrop for plastic furniture and comfortable futuristic chairs at the bar counter or round table.

Red wallpaper fits into dynamic modern interiors. They feel best in the company of minimalist glossy lacquered furniture. The duller red, in burgundy and scarlet, is associated with the elegance of the palace.

Yellow wallpaper in a soft, pastel tone will be the ideal backdrop for an interior decorated in Provençal style. Yellow walls will lead everyone to the famous sunny region of France, Provence.

Silver wallpaper should be in an interior decorated with a more modern style called “American Glamour”. This arrangement is dominated by three colors: white, black and silver.

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