Options for choosing corner walls in the living room interior

Decorating a living room is not an easy task. When furnishing a living room, you need to take into account its dimensions and style, design direction and lighting, the number of family members and their interests. All residents should feel comfortable and cozy, spacious and comfortable in the room where family meetings, dinners, holidays, and just evenings with relatives are held.

The corner wall will be an excellent choice for both a small living room and a spacious hall.

In modern living rooms, corner cabinet furniture is increasingly found: cabinets, shelving and chests of drawers. Let's get to know them better and try to understand why designers fell in love with this type of furniture so much, and how to fit it correctly into your apartment.

Pros and cons of corner walls in the living room interior

Modern corner walls in the living room are becoming more and more common. They can be found in large designer apartments, tiny Khrushchev buildings and modern studios. They decorate the room and store books, dishes, and things. The design of corner walls can be incredibly varied.

Corner furniture helps save space in the living room

Their advantages:

  1. Corner walls help save and optimize room space. This is invaluable for a small living room, where you need to try to save precious living space in every possible way. Such a wall can be quite narrow, but high and extensive, and most importantly, it will occupy a corner that is usually not used.
  2. In a large living room, a corner set will help to optimally use the space, make the most of it and create a feeling of coziness.
  3. Corner machines look beautiful and harmonize the space.
  4. They are extremely convenient: you can hide all the trash in closed drawers, place books and figurines on shelves, dishes behind glass doors, and put the TV in a special niche. Beautiful, comfortable and optimal!
  5. Corner walls save your budget. Making them or purchasing a ready-made model will cost less than purchasing a separate café, shelving unit, cabinet and table. Everything together is beautiful, harmonious and economical.

It is difficult to find any disadvantages in such furniture. The only negative is that if you select the furniture incorrectly, you will not guess the size or style, and over time this will become an inconvenience. But if you choose correctly and take into account all the nuances, it will be perfect, and not a single minus!

In addition to the style decision, it is also important to consider the overall color scheme of the living room interior

Manufacturing materials

The selection of material is an important point that influences the use of furniture. The main types of raw materials are wood, chipboard, MDF, metal, glass, plastic. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Tree. Only luxury models are made from solid wood. Also, the cost increases when using expensive varieties. In cheap furniture models it is used in small quantities, for example, for the frames of chairs or sofas. The material is highly durable and cannot harm health. If the product will be used for many years or there are small children in the family, then you should pay attention to solid wood options.
  2. The walls for the living room are most often made of laminated chipboard. This material is sawdust compressed and impregnated with an adhesive solution, covered with a laminating film. The advantage of this material is a wide selection of colors and textures, as well as relatively low cost. But in return you will have to sacrifice strength and durability. Laminated chipboard will never compare with solid wood in these parameters. Despite the fact that the material is covered with a thick film on the outside, it is quite possible that water will get inside. This leads to swelling of the sawdust and subsequent distortion and the appearance of bubbles. It is also necessary to remember that poor-quality impregnation can cause allergies.
  3. MDF is a medium density fiberboard. It is made from small chips, which allows the use of more environmentally friendly mixtures as a binder. This material also allows for interesting design solutions due to its flexibility. MDF has only one significant disadvantage - its high cost, due to the low prevalence of production in Russia.
  4. Metal. Rarely used to create an entire item. Exceptions are shelves, tables, cabinets. A more common application is the frame for upholstered furniture. Handles, closers, and hinges are also made of metal.
  5. Glass. One more additional material. Only, unlike metal and wood, it is always visible, because it is used as a decorative solution. Tabletops, doors, walls, and shelves are made from glass. A showcase can be made entirely from this material, the corner version of which is often used to display works of art or awards.
  6. Plastic. It is less common than all of the above options. Handles of inexpensive furniture and the tips of legs are made from this material so as not to scratch the floor. A modern corner wall may consist entirely of plastic. It produces inexpensive but stylish furniture, which attracts people. In addition, such products are relatively durable and are not subject to any external influences, including direct sunlight. Not every furniture store now offers something similar, so finding a suitable plastic set will be problematic.

Regardless of the specific material, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the overall quality of the product. It often happens that the wood used is of such dubious quality that it is better to choose chipboard or MDF, despite their shortcomings.





Functionality of corner walls

The modern corner living room is beautiful, it creates coziness, style and a feeling of being lived in, but most importantly, it is incredibly functional. Such a wall can accommodate everything in the house!

The walls can be different, but they usually include closed cabinets, open shelves, and niches. Manufacturers come up with various combinations: a wall with a wardrobe for clothes, with bookshelves, a niche for a TV or an aquarium, beautiful glass shelving, small and high shelves. This variety is very functional!

The photo shows a built-in wall-shelf for storing a home library

In different compartments you can store books and folders with documents, decor and photographs, memorable trinkets and indoor plants. If desired, you can store clothes, children's things, and toys in the closet. In a word, the functionality of corner walls is endless: it depends on the needs and needs of the residents themselves.

Types of corner walls

Thanks to the efforts of designers, corner modular furniture for the living room has an endless variety of varieties. In fact, such furniture combined all previously known types of furniture: wardrobes and cupboards, chests of drawers and chests of drawers, racks and shelves.

Manufacturers of modern furniture produce a huge number of wall options, among which it is not a problem to find a solution for your living room


Today, corner walls in a bedroom or living room are modern multifunctional complexes, multifunctional and versatile. The basis and center of such a corner ensemble can be a wardrobe: large or small, narrow or wide, double-leaf or with one sliding door.

The main element of such a furniture set is a spacious wardrobe, which can be supplemented with a wide variety of sections

The wardrobe itself can be either in the corner, which greatly complicates its design, or on one side of the corner: and on the other side there can be shelves and a rack. It’s beautiful and extremely convenient: clothes, decor, and various beauty items will be stored in one place.

Additional Information! Such modern cabinet furniture is multifunctional and can be placed not only in the living room, but also in the bedroom and even the hallway.

Display cabinets for dishes

Do you remember how cozy it was in childhood in every living room there was a large sideboard with elegant dishes that were taken out on major holidays? Keeping beautiful dishes in the living room closet is a wonderful tradition. This is both beautiful and functional: the dishes have a place in a special sideboard.

The undeniable advantage of the display wall is that it always looks light and does not weigh down the space.

Cabinet furniture for a modern living room with a spacious corner wardrobe and shelves can be an excellent solution for storing cutlery and glasses. In the main compartment behind the glass doors you can beautifully arrange not only dishes, but also porcelain figurines, family valuables, decor, and boxes. And on the adjacent shelves it is convenient to place small flowerpots with flowers, framed photographs, books, and candles.

And others

The most common types of corner cabinets in the living room are mixed, combined types. They may include a small transparent sideboard, a tall wardrobe, open shelves and shelving, and even a work or coffee table.

Combined models can be combined with a wide variety of elements that help increase the level of comfort and convenience of living

Sizes, combinations and designs are endlessly varied. And if you show your imagination, you can create a unique solution - create the required number of compartments and shelves, any width, height and dimensions.

Placement nuances

The best way to arrange furniture correctly is to draw up a plan in advance that will take into account the dimensions of the room and the available furnishings. In order not to make mistakes at the planning stage, you need to clearly understand how this or that type of structure is located. The placement of cabinet, modular and upholstered furniture has its own nuances:

  1. The sofa should not be placed against a short wall. This will make it look even shorter.
  2. The distance between individual elements in the case of upholstered furniture should not be less than 50-60 centimeters. Otherwise it will make it difficult to pass.
  3. Corner cabinet or modular furniture should not block light sources.
  4. If the complex provides a place for a TV, then placing it in front of the windows is unacceptable.

A properly zoned living room will have a pleasant effect. You can divide it into zones using the furniture itself. For example, many people use a sofa as a divider. Another option is to put up a beautiful screen. You can also do color separation. Different zones will have their own color style within one room.

Types of wall designs for living rooms

Walls for the living room are made according to different principles. For convenience, they are usually collapsible: after all, when moving or rearranging, such large furniture can become a real problem.

All furniture walls are divided according to the type of construction into modular, cabinet and built-in


The most modern type of furniture: a corner living room with a modular system. A modular corner cabinet consists of a main element - the corner cabinet itself (niche, shelf or rack of your choice). And the right and left parts consist of several modules that can be placed in any way, swapped, thus changing the appearance and functionality of the entire structure.

Separate sections can be easily swapped at your discretion or supplemented with other elements

Modular systems are very modern and convenient. And if you get tired of it, you can change everything!


Frame furniture is more monumental. It is assembled into a single structure, having a common main frame. You should choose such a wall very carefully, since it will be almost impossible to change or modify it.

Frame furniture is purchased to implement interiors created for a long time

This design is distinguished by high quality, durability and beautiful appearance. As a rule, frame walls look majestic and are made from the best materials.

And others

Corner walls can consist of separate blocks, which even come on wheels for greater lightness and mobility. They can be collapsible, like a construction set, or integral.

Custom-made built-in walls allow you to make the best use of the corner space of the living room

The wall can be completely open - consist only of niches and shelves, or completely closed. In the center (corner) there can be a tall cabinet or a corner pencil case, a niche for a large TV. The entire wall can be of the same height level or have different height levels. In a word, there are many options, and the imagination of the creators of modern cabinet furniture has no limits at all.

Features and Benefits

One of the main features of corner living room furniture is its versatility. Regardless of the size of the room, this solution will look stylish and organic. This is achieved thanks to the following qualities:

  1. Arranging a space that is usually empty. Properly filled corners in the house create a special coziness and eliminate the feeling of insufficiency of something.
  2. Saving on repairs. A corner living room will help hide uneven walls, and this is important for residents of old Soviet-built buildings.
  3. Corner cabinets have a large capacity. If the size of the room allows, then this way you can save on the pantry.
  4. Flexibility. You can fill the corner with any type of furniture, be it upholstered for large rooms or modular for small ones.

The downside is that you won’t be able to save money with this purchase. Due to the rather complex design, the cost of such furniture is higher.

Corner walls to suit any style of living room interior

The beauty of cabinet corner furniture lies not only in its versatility and convenience, but also in the fact that it is universal and fits absolutely any interior! It doesn’t matter if your hotel is modern, modest or luxurious, minimalist or rustic. A corner cabinet with shelves would fit perfectly!

The photo shows a modular furniture set in a combination of gray color and natural wood finish. This wall will fit perfectly into a loft interior.

Classic style

The classic style is characterized by luxury, so you need a massive, large wall made of natural wood with carvings and beautiful, elaborate fittings. Let there be more doors, drawers, shelves: more of everything. The wall should be high, almost to the ceiling.

Classic style furniture has sophistication and unique elegance

There may be luxurious dishes and sets behind glass walls with stained glass windows, shelves filled with books and candelabra, flowers and porcelain. And behind closed doors you can store clothes and other things hidden from view. More luxury!

Modern style

A modern living room needs a simple, lightweight wall with maximum functionality. It can be made of natural wood or a more budget-friendly, but equally beautiful and durable material (chipboard or MDF). The wall may include a sideboard, shelving, a pencil case or a wardrobe.

Models designed in a modern style are characterized by strict geometric shapes and facades with a minimum of decor.

On one side you can make a desk or a niche for a TV, on the other - shelves and cabinets. A tall, narrow corner cabinet for storing things will fit in the center. You can install small lamps right in the shelves and don’t forget to dilute it all with decor, live plants and cute little things.


A cute “rustic” white cabinet, carved doors, and a tea set behind glass, waiting for a tea party. On the shelves are books, candles in romantic candlesticks, vintage dolls and porcelain figurines.

For a Provencal interior, choose simple models made of natural wood or MDF in pastel colors.

You can curtain a couple of niches with colorful curtains with lace or fringe. Place a lamp with a lampshade on one of the shelves, don’t forget about framed photographs. Plump chests of drawers, doors, everything is round and touching, a little rustic and cozy. Both comfortable and very stylish!

And others

If you have a minimalist style, a laconic, narrow cabinet of a single color, metal or plastic, without excessive decor - but very simple and functional - will do. A wall cabinet and open shelving with decor will suit the Scandinavian interior.

The photo shows a hanging wall in a minimalist style, equipped with a rotating panel for a TV.

The corner wardrobe is suitable for any interior style. The main thing is to choose the right material, texture and color, and choose a shape and design that will clearly fall into the chosen style direction.

Tips for choosing

When considering a particular design, it is important to decide whether the corner pieces of furniture will set the style of the room. If yes, then you can choose any option you like, and then select the rest to suit it. Otherwise, it’s worth narrowing your choice to models that suit your style.

Next, but no less important, are the sizes. Too large pieces of furniture will make a small room even smaller visually. In addition, there will be no room for free movement. If we are talking about a large space, then you can arrange a living room with a corner wardrobe.

It is important to pay attention to the materials. If there are children in the house, it is better to give preference to solid wood furniture. If this is not possible, a cabinet or living room wall made of laminated chipboard or MDF should be made of high-quality non-toxic material with formaldehyde emission class E0. Such raw materials are considered completely safe.

When choosing furniture, it is worth assessing the quality of the product. All fittings must be securely fastened and the structure must not wobble. Burrs or unevenness on the surface are not acceptable.

Components of corner walls for the living room

The beauty of modern corner walls is that they can include any number of different components. What interior designers come up with!

With niche for TV

Very convenient, and also beautiful! You no longer have to think about where to put the TV. A niche for it can be the central element of the set: it can be in the corner in the center, with cabinets and shelves on the sides. You can do it differently: in the center there is a corner cabinet, and on the right or left there is a niche with a TV. You can (and should) easily place shelves for decor or books above it. Comfortable, beautiful and very modern.

The photo shows an example of placing a TV in a corner wall, lined with veneer to match the wall decoration

With computer desk

An excellent solution for both a small living room and a large spacious room. If the corner wall continues with a computer desk, a feeling of unity and harmony of space is created. It's very convenient and beautiful! And above the table there can be shelves for everything that should be at hand. A few light sources and a little decor, and the whole ensemble will look simply amazing!

A wall with a computer desk allows you to create a work area in the living room

And others

The niche can be not only for a TV, but also for a large aquarium or for a stereo system. Or you can put a large decorative element in a large niche: an antique gramophone, a typewriter.

The photo shows an interesting version of the wall built around a decorative fireplace

You can add a mirrored door to the wall: a mirror will not only be useful in the living room, it will also visually increase the space of the room.

Think about functionality: what should be in the living room for your personal convenience? Books or a computer, music or an easel for drawing? Based on your personal needs and complete the wall at your discretion, it will be unique.

Basic principles for creating a corner living room

The tasks in such interiors can be very different, but in structure they are all similar.

Having a catchy, specially designed corner in the living room implies creating an asymmetrical composition - and this is what the key principles that should be followed are based on.

Principle 1: do only one “active” corner

This is the first and most important rule to follow. It is important to follow it in order to maintain balance in creating an asymmetrical living room. Asymmetry as a technique in the interior is often used, but it requires attention to detail and does not tolerate overload.

Even one non-standardly designed corner out of four is already a lot. It is visible, and this corner object will immediately catch the eye - be it a cabinet, mirror or table.

And if there are 2 or more such corners, the shape of the room will be even more distorted - and the effect will be unpredictable. Our consciousness is accustomed to perceiving rooms as squares and rectangles, so any deviation will be perceived as something strange and incorrect. One “active” corner can bring a room into a shape that is ideal for perception. And two such angles will completely violate the whole concept.

Another thing is initially asymmetrical living rooms of complex shape. Here you can break any rules if there is a single design idea that “welds” all creative ideas into the overall picture.

Principle 2: make the interior of the corner living room as mobile as possible

When the emphasis is placed only on a certain corner, the interior looks interesting; this should not be the only possible option for arranging furniture. To prevent the decor from becoming boring, it is very useful to use modular furniture: it allows you to slightly change the interior at any time, while maintaining the main composition.

This rule applies to all living room design options, not just corner ones. Even if it seems to you that you have found the very best type of furniture arrangement, do not get hung up on it, because you always need to leave “room for maneuver.”

Principle 3: leave “air” between pieces of furniture

The desire to save space often leads to the fact that all the furniture is placed close to each other - this looks rather heavy and visually makes the living room much smaller than it actually is.

First of all, this applies to corner living rooms. A “cut” corner, even just one, already eats up space a little. And if you also place furniture in the room along the walls, without gaps, you will end up with a cramped room in which any idea is lost.

Photos of interesting living room designs with corner walls

And finally, the main advice: when you have almost decided what your wall in the living room should look like, open the images and look through the photos. They will help you take a broader look at the variety of furniture sets and walls and choose which style to give preference to.

The photo shows a corner model with shelves and cabinets for storing dishes

The photo shows a built-in structure with a niche for a TV and space for a fireplace

The photo shows a stylish model with black facades, which look very impressive against the background of white wall decoration

For a living room decorated in dark colors, it is better to choose a light model

A wall with hanging pencil cases will fit well into the modern interior of a living room

The design is also chosen individually

The interior of a corner living room always looks organic, except for those minor cases when the living room is incredibly small and the wall is large in size.

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The corner wall is the most spacious element of the interior with its compact dimensions. For a small living room, there is no better option.

It’s not so easy to choose a corner wardrobe, but if you take our advice into account and look at the photo of the corner living room, then you will be able to choose exactly the piece of furniture that will satisfy all your individual needs.

Photo of corner walls in the living room

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