Ikea kitchens in the interior - 40 real photos of finished kitchens

Surely, you already have products from this legendary Swedish company at home. And if you are reading this material, you are also probably considering purchasing new ones. How about a whole kitchen? In the store itself, all the options seem so perfect, but very often they absolutely do not work in any particular interior. How, then, can you make a choice that you won’t regret later? We look through the catalog with you, talk about the best Ikea kitchens and show how they look in real photos in the interior. This will definitely help you decide!

Kitchen "Knoxhult"

Budget modular kitchen with thin countertops and melamine fronts. As people note in their reviews, it is perfectly complemented by various accessories and in the interior it looks much more expensive than the stated price.

Approximate price: 17,989 rubles for the gray version with dimensions 120x61x220 cm.

Attention: hereinafter prices are indicated at the time of project implementation. Check the exact current cost on the company's website.

Among the shortcomings is the impossibility of installing a dishwasher. However, sometimes this is still a solvable issue - see the photo below.

A good amount of depth in the lower cabinets makes this kitchen very spacious. Agree, this is a big plus for modest premises, from the area of ​​​​which you need to remove everything unnecessary.

We’ll also write down as a minus the impossibility of choosing the color of the countertop, since the floor modules already come with it, and the lack of closers on the doors.

Available in 4 colors:

  1. white;
  2. grey;
  3. wood-gray;
  4. white gloss.

The photo shows matte white Knoxhult. The project cost 14,950 rubles (note that the handles are purchased separately).

The glossy snow-white option is the most advantageous in terms of decorative potential. However, it is also the most expensive. This kitchen, for example, cost 42,000 rubles . But this is the total amount based on the purchase of all necessary accessories, including equipment.

Many people, at their own peril and risk, dismantle the complete tabletop and replace it with more interesting options.

Gray facades. Net expenses for the headset are 32,000 rubles.

Kitchen layout - the Swedish art of simplicity

The main feature of Swedish cuisine is the simple lines and functionality of each element. Convenience of the hostess, carefully thought out ergonomics. IKEA frame and modular collections can be placed in different ways on the available space.

Linear kitchen

All elements are lined up in a single line along one of the walls or in the middle of a spacious room. In this case, the distance from the sink to the refrigerator and stove should be 1.5 m or less. Ideally, the housewife can reach all three main elements without moving from her place or by taking one step.

Spread your arms out to the sides as wide as possible. Measure the distance between your fingertips. This will be the size of the most effective working area. The rest of the kitchen space can be given to cabinets and cupboards.

L-shaped kitchen

The L-shaped layout is convenient for small spaces. In this case, the sink can be located either in the corner of the set or on a straight section of the countertop. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of the working triangle.

The IKEA website contains a planner program in which you can design your kitchen using the company's cabinet furniture.

Use the arm's length rule when forming a work triangle. Extend your arms in front of you. This is the top. Ideally, there is a sink here. Spread your arms to the sides - this is the place for the refrigerator and stove. Of course, the shape and area of ​​the room make their own adjustments. However, try to adhere to the recommended distances.

U-shaped kitchen

The set, built in the shape of the letter “P”, allows you to make the most efficient use of every centimeter of available space. In this case, one of the walls can be dedicated to spacious Swedish-style buffets. They will fill your interior with comfort and light thanks to their characteristic lattice facades.

One of the sides of the set can be replaced with a built-in rack if the kitchen is located in a studio.

Island kitchen

An island is necessary in spacious rooms. It allows the housewife to cook while facing the guests and household members. In addition, it makes it possible to place the sink or stove in the center of the kitchen, shortening the path between the main elements.

Kitchen "Budbin"

One of the most popular options in the updated line of Ikea modular kitchens. The main feature is the attractive paneled facades made of fiberboard with a wide frame, which can easily be considered an appeal to classical motifs. They are extremely smooth and tactilely pleasant due to the matte varnish coating.

Available in three color variations:

  1. warm white;
  2. grey;
  3. rich dark green.

Approximate prices:

  • from 3,000 rubles for a wall cabinet;
  • from 3,850 rubles for a floor cabinet.

An important advantage of this model is that it belongs to the METHOD modular system. This allows you to choose a set for you exactly in the configuration that you need: you just need to enter all the necessary dimensions into the planner on the official website and mark the necessary modules - and the system will prepare a project for you with already calculated prices.

In any case, there is room for options: for example, the height of wall cabinets ranges from 40 to 100 cm. In addition, it is possible to choose original glass doors with bindings - they not only make the design aesthetic, but also expand the space if the kitchen is not boasts a solid timing.

Despite the classic design in general, the Budbin kitchen from Ikea also looks great in less traditional interiors.

An example of classic white facades “Budbin” in a 220 cm set. With a wooden tabletop “Ekbakken” under dark oak it looks so harmonious that you literally fall in love with this kitchen at a glance.

The gray color is also attractive and, as you can see, fits perfectly into the Art Nouveau style.

Interesting assembly with white facades. The total amount of the project is about 162 thousand rubles.

Choosing the best kitchens from Ikea

If you look at the 2022 Ikea kitchen catalog, each customer will be able to choose an interesting solution based on the style of the house or apartment, color and material. But in order for the choice to be truly high-quality, you should remember that there are several factors by which a good manufacturer is immediately visible.

  1. The first is to determine quality. This sign is visible even visually, if, of course, there is an opportunity to look at samples of materials, as well as the furniture display itself. From the first time you can see how high-quality the decorative processing, edges, fittings and joints are, as well as the complexity of execution.
  2. The second is the competence of the craftsmen. A good furniture maker will always be able to explain those points that relate to design, materials and production.
  3. The third is the attentiveness of the craftsmen to the measurements themselves. Many customers turn to manufacturers, indicating measurements that they made themselves. But a good specialist will take them into account only for a preliminary estimate of the cost of the order. A real master will take measurements on his own, and they are done twice - first for the project, and then for control. The second time, the professional will coordinate the project with the customer, check all the angles, turns, and slopes of the walls, record all the numbers exactly, the match will be down to the millimeter.
  4. The fourth is independent production.

Kitchen "Bodarp"

A practical kitchen for those who are bearers of environmental ideology. And just for everyone who loves and appreciates eco-style and welcomes furniture for modern interiors.

A distinctive feature of the set is that all components are made from recycled materials. This includes film for facades - it is obtained from plastic bottles.

Approximate prices:

  • from 2,800 rubles for a wall cabinet;
  • from 3,700 rubles for a floor cabinet.

Graceful gray-green facades ideally meet all the standards of modern eco-style. You can complement the interior with plants and further emphasize the nature-friendly nature of the interior design.

Advantages and features of IKEA

  • certified and high-quality products;
  • the ability to independently assemble a headset of the required size for both small and large rooms;
  • fast online design from scratch using the website designer;
  • beautiful design of classic and modern styles;
  • production from MDF coated with high-quality veneer;
  • wide range of fastenings;
  • mostly standard sizes (the width of the modules is generally 60 cm).

A feature of modern kitchen sets is their typicality, “recognizability”. Mass production of modules based on ready-made designs leads to the fact that most models are very similar in appearance. And the fashion for Scandinavian motifs, minimalism and the popularity of light shades in design leaves no choice at all for those who love multi-colors. What should someone who wants a unique and inimitable interior do? The options may be the following:

1. Alternation of light and contrasting, bright facades.

2. A bright set on a neutral background.

3. Unusual and interesting apron.

4. Creative wall decoration.

5. Colorful decor.

Kitchen "Vokstorp"

A stylish kitchen with integrated rounded handles, which is increasingly appearing in modern interiors designed for minimalism.

The refusal of excessive detail is compensated by the ideal smoothness of lines and shapes. This set will fit perfectly into even the smallest room and will give the space endless comfort.

The following colors and textures of facades are available:

  • white matte;
  • light beige gloss;
  • grey;
  • brown walnut.

Since the kitchen is of a modular type, you can combine different compartments and, accordingly, combine colors of different intensities. Which is exactly what people do.

Note that the maximum height of the cabinet is 120 cm. Impressive!

Approximate prices:

  • from 2,900 rubles for a wall cabinet;
  • from 3,700 rubles for a floor cabinet.

The final cost directly depends on the configuration. For example, a 1.8-meter option with cabinets up to 60 cm high will cost about 60 thousand rubles .

Light beige gloss looks very cool in combination with lighting. A kind of intimate minimalism, famously overcoming all stylistic conventions.

The disadvantages include the questionable quality of the countertop: cuts, damage, and various stains may accompany you throughout the entire period of use of the kitchen.

U-shaped layout

This layout method is used when it is necessary to place the maximum number of household appliances and storage spaces, taking into account window openings. Both open shelves and standard kitchen cabinets can act as hanging modules.

This is especially beneficial in large square-shaped kitchens, since this arrangement of modules leaves a lot of space in the middle of the room.

You can distribute it at your discretion - leave it for free movement or organize a dining area if there is no separate room for this purpose.

Kitchen "Kungsbacka"

Another Ikea kitchen made from recycled materials. The 45-degree chamfer at the top and bottom perfectly emphasizes the horizontal geometry of the headset.

The deep anthracite color harmonizes optimally with the matte surface of the facades. Focusing on the right lines and shapes helps create an impeccably stylish furniture outline.

Of course, the specificity of color implies the competent use of “Kungbakki” in the interior: these are kitchens from 10 sq. meters, made according to the standards of Scandinavian minimalism.

You can use contrasting countertops or lower cabinets with a completely different color temperature.

Wooden work surfaces look simply gorgeous when combined. even a small room acquires a solid scale and respectability.

Approximate prices:

  • from 3,550 rubles for a hanging cabinet;
  • from 3,700 rubles for a floor cabinet.

Dark headsets require lighting adapted to them. Take this fact into account when planning your interior with a Kungbakka kitchen from Ikea.

The main disadvantage: difficult surface care. Fingerprints are clearly visible in the dark, as are other stains, so stock up on cleaning products and rags—you’ll have to clean them often.

The photo shows an example of an IKEA Kungbakka kitchen for 95 thousand rubles.

Advantages of Ikea furniture

Despite the main advantage in the production of branded products, the company ensures that all materials for the manufacture of furniture, additional modules and accessories are environmentally friendly.

An important factor is the interchangeability of modules. This means that if you want to make any changes to the headset, there will be no problems.

The variety of modules will allow you to change any detail or individual element of the kitchen without losing the previous layout.

And the ability to combine different styles and colors will help you create a truly original design, and at an affordable cost.

The release of the new line did not affect the quality of the product, its technical characteristics and service life. Therefore, Ikea kitchens of 2020 can be used both in houses with large dimensions, non-standard-shaped rooms, and cramped apartments, saving space due to the functionality of the modules.

Kitchen "Hitarp"

If sterile modern interiors are alien to you, then it makes sense to take a closer look at this particular series. Of all the Ikea kitchen lines, it is perhaps best suited to fans of traditional design and rich artistic detail. And also for those who love country and Provence.

A distinctive feature of the snow-white matte facades is the symmetrical vertical grooves that make up a slender, expressive pattern in the room.

Approximate prices:

  • from 3,050 rubles for a hanging cabinet;
  • from 5,150 rubles for a floor cabinet.

The series actively uses glass doors. This makes the contents of your cabinets a direct part of the interior. Everything is in the best country traditions.

Belonging to the METHOD modular system allows you to inventively approach the combination of compartments and use solutions from other lines.

With the help of the Hitarp kitchen, it is possible to create that very easily recognizable and sincere atmosphere of a cozy house in the village.

Facade design

  • Without handles with closers . Such facades are easy to maintain and look stylish. They fit perfectly into modern, hi-tech, minimalism. At the same time, the door closers operate rather abruptly and loosen the fastening of the doors.
  • Smooth fronts with handles . A good solution is to equip it with a soft closing function. The closers work, but they gently slow down the door, preventing it from hitting the cabinet body.
  • Panels . It’s easy to change from modern to Provence. It is enough to change the facades and choose models with panels.
  • Glass . IKEA creates a special atmosphere with interior cabinet lighting. In this case, glass facades look great. If, in addition to glass, you add traditional Scandinavian weave, you will get cozy and beautiful sets. In such a kitchen, reading essays about Carlson will be especially enjoyable for both you and your children.

Features of the loft style

The loft style owes its enormous popularity, especially among residents of megacities, to the feeling of spaciousness and, at the same time, functionality. Some furniture products in this style can be viewed here. For city residents, this approach has become something completely unusual. So, what is a loft anyway?

The loft style is distinguished by high ceilings and large windows, through which a very large amount of light, and natural light, enters the room. Maximum free space, brick and concrete finishing using metal and aged wood. All this together is a loft.

Non-standard option: lamp with many lamps

Blue kitchens in the interior. Photo

Blue curtains in the kitchen

Plain elegant textiles are suitable for a window in the dining room or if the kitchen is connected to the living room. In an ordinary kitchen, you should hang curtains with stripes, checks, patterns and flowers with blue splashes.

Not sure if blue is the color for you? Alternatively, you can use turquoise shades. Turquoise kitchens in the interior can also look very advantageous.

Frames and examples of layouts

This is the basis or background of the future METHOD kitchen.

The bottom row is represented by modules with a height of 80 cm or tall cabinets from 140 cm. Let's look at examples of what options there may be with real photos in the interior.

  • There are both linear and angular ones, which, accordingly, allow you to create a kitchen with a linear, angular, U-shaped layout.

Corner kitchen METHOD “Budbin” in the interior “Sevedal”. Corner module – with a rotating section. Linear kitchen "Budbin"

  • Cabinets with shelves, with one or 2 doors (including under the sink).
  • Modules with drawers (including under the sink). Retractable mechanism - Maximera (more expensive) or Forvara (cheaper).
  • 80 cm modules for built-in appliances: hob, oven, dishwasher.
  • Tall storage case with shelves, drawers behind the door, 208 cm high.
  • Tall cabinet for built-in appliances: ovens, microwaves.

Glossy “Ringult” with built-in appliances
The upper row of METHOD kitchens is represented by cabinets with a height of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 cm. There are also corner modules for the appropriate kitchen layout.

Wall-mounted units can be equipped with shelves, drawers or both. Doors can be solid, glass or open.

"Ringult" glossy gray kitchen IKEA "Budbin"

The frames are available in 2 options - white and black. They can be covered with a decorative panel or strip of the desired color by selecting the appropriate one in the corresponding section of the website “Overlay panels and strips”.

There are open cabinets and separate METHOD modules for storing wine and other items, for example, beautiful jars of spices, cookbooks, etc. These are available in the “Vadholma” and “Tutemo” series in the color of natural wood or in white and black.

Kitchen METHOD with open shelves

This may also be interesting: Review of kitchen chairs from IKEA.

Module sizes

As part of this system, the company produces modules of several possible sizes:

  • width: 20, 40, 60, 80 cm;
  • frame height 80 or from 140 cm (pencil cases, sideboards and tall cabinets for built-in appliances)
  • depth: 61-62 cm and 38-40 cm.

Standardization of IKEA furniture sizes is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the METHOD system.

On the one hand, standard parameters allow you to assemble the headset yourself by selecting modules of the desired type and functionality.

On the other hand, the system does not take into account the design features of the premises.

Small kitchen with U-shaped set METHOD (gray facades “Budbin”)

Despite its shortcomings, the IKEA METHOD system still remains one of the most popular among buyers. A wide range of sizes allows you to assemble a set that will suit most kitchens in apartments or private houses. This meets the main principle - universality.

Kitchen IKEA METHOD “Ringult” (glossy) in a Khrushchev apartment

Another important principle is practicality, which is expressed in the ability to quickly and easily replace the necessary elements - frame, plank, cornice, etc. This is convenient and practical in case of damage to individual parts or if you want to inexpensively and without unnecessary hassle update the kitchen interior that has become boring over the years.

The METHOD kitchen can be composed of several functional and additional parts:

  • frames of floor and wall cabinets;
  • facades;
  • table top;
  • plinths and legs;
  • overlay panels, strips, cornices.

For a series of videos on how to assemble a METHOD kitchen from IKEA with your own hands, see below:

  1. Assembly of frames (in 2 parts):
  1. Installation of the countertop (part 3):
  1. Installation of cornices, plinths, panels (part 4):
  1. Installation of sink, siphon, mixer (part 5):

Blue apron in the kitchen

A blue apron is an interesting idea because blue evokes a feeling of cleanliness. By decorating a fragment of a wall, you can visually expand the space. Please note that against a blue background, food loses its appetizing value. Elements of yellow, red or orange colors will help correct the situation.

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