Lighting in the hallway: how to properly, beautifully and stylishly illuminate light and dark hallways

Features of the hallway layout

Most often, hallways are deprived of natural light, and there is not enough light from the windows of neighboring rooms. Layout features also play a big role in organizing hallway lighting: rooms can be small and square or narrow and long. In any case, the lighting should be sufficient and comfortable.

Proper lighting in the hallway solves several problems:

  1. Provides comfort to residents and guests of the house so that they can conveniently clean themselves up in front of the mirror.
  2. It is an integral part of the interior and more than compensates for the shortcomings of the room. Designers use a variety of modifications of lamps in order to visually enlarge a small space, expand the walls of a narrow corridor, and make the ceilings higher. For these purposes, in addition to lamps, the right shades of furniture and walls are selected, giving preference to light glossy surfaces.
  3. Zones the room with a spacious hallway, separating the space at the front door from the rest, on which you can place an armchair with a waiting table, a chest of drawers, and a closet for storing seasonal clothes.
  4. Accentuates certain areas, for example, the space around the mirror or the dressing room.

In hallways, soft yellow or cool white light is usually used. It is better to focus on one option so as not to disturb the harmony in the lighting scheme.

No. 7. What else needs to be considered?

The issue of hallway lighting must be approached responsibly, and in order to organize a comfortable and harmonious space, it is better to think in advance about the layout of each lamp and switch, and even better, to depict all this on paper along with a plan for the arrangement of pieces of furniture.

Although the hallway in most cases does not have its own windows, sunlight can penetrate into it from neighboring rooms . To take advantage of this opportunity, you can refuse, for example, the door to the living room or kitchen, designing the doorway in the form of an arch. You can use all-glass doors or door leaves with glass inserts.

Lights with a motion sensor will help you save on energy bills , which will light up only when there are people in the hallway. The advantages are noticeable to the naked eye: there is no need to look for a switch in the dark, and it will be impossible to forget to turn off the light. Such automation today does not cost much, so it is available to almost everyone.

Lighting fixtures for the hallway

As a rule, you can select several suitable lighting options in the hallway using various modifications of lighting fixtures. The final choice depends on the overall interior design, decorating style and preferences of the homeowners.


A suspended ceiling chandelier as the main light source is a traditional approach to hallway lighting:

  • a compact chandelier in a palace style will decorate the classic interior of the hallway;
  • round or square lampshades, unusual geometric shapes of the ceiling chandelier are suitable for interiors in the style of minimalism, loft, scandi;
  • High-tech chandeliers themselves look like works of modern art and are an excellent element of lighting in a medium-sized hallway.

If the choice fell on a chandelier of an original design, of an unusual shape, then the ceiling should not draw attention to itself: it is enough to paint it with semi-matte paint or install a tension structure with a matte surface.

Illuminated mirror – good mood for the whole day

A mirror reflects a specific moment in time and space. How you see yourself in it before leaving the house is how you will feel for most of the day. Therefore, it is important that you like the reflection and create a positive mood. Leave a cosmetic mirror that shows the slightest imperfections of the skin and a bright directional light for the bathroom.


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Unusual metal sconce

A flat ceiling light will not give a three-dimensional living reflection, which is why it is so important that there are several different lamps in the hallway, selected taking into account each other. The combination of diffused light from above, directed from a sconce on the wall and the use of neutral-colored light bulbs guarantees eye-pleasing lighting and reflection that does not look like a pale imitation of the original.

Design of large mirrors for the hallway

it is important to consider the placement of lamps at the stage of rough repairs in order to connect the wiring to the location of the future sconce above the wall mirror. Exposed wires on the walls will not fit into every interior style.


For lighting in a hallway with suspended ceilings, recessed spotlights are best suited, especially since modern industry offers an incredible selection of a wide variety of, sometimes bizarre, configurations in gold, silver, bronze, chrome, nickel, and crystal.

If the ceiling is matte, the light should be directed downwards, and if the tension structure has a glossy surface, then you can choose movable models of spotlights: they will emphasize the specularity of the ceiling.

Spot models are often combined with a chandelier: an original lampshade in the center of the ceiling and laconic spotlights around the chandelier or along the walls - adequate lighting for a medium-sized hallway. Overhead point models are mounted on a regular concrete ceiling or wall.

Mounting options

Both the coverage area and the reliability of operation of the equipment itself will depend on the installation location and method of fastening artificial lighting devices.

Depending on the installation location, mounting options are divided into:

  • ceiling lamps;
  • wall sconces;
  • floor;
  • mounted in furniture.

In addition, all corridor lighting devices can have a suspended mounting method, surface-mounted or built-in. Please note that long oversized lampshades hanging from the ceiling or lagging behind the wall should take into account the height and width of the room so that they do not interfere with your free movement around it.

According to the method of fastening, all corridor lighting devices are divided into:

  • fixed with dowels;
  • bracket mounted;
  • pasted on double-sided tape.

The first two methods are suitable for surfaces made of durable hard material. For gluing, the main criterion is the ability of the surface to adhere to the glue.


Among the modern and convenient types of lighting fixtures for illuminating the ceiling in the hallway, spots occupy a special place.

Rotating lamps on a busbar or rod have not gone out of fashion for many years. Two, three or more lamps on a rod will provide the amount of light that is required in the hallway.

For spacious rooms, entire track systems with a laconic and at the same time elegant high-tech design are installed. Track systems are placed not only on the ceiling, but also on the wall.

The advantage of rotating spots is that they make it easy to adjust the lighting area. Thanks to the fashionable and at the same time universal design in the loft style, lamps that look like mini-spotlights have gained wide popularity among designers and consumers.

How to visually change the proportions of a corridor

An effective way to change the proportions of a hallway is vertical stripes. They give the interior elegance and lightness, and also “lengthen” it. This will look good where the ceiling is lowered or the arrangement has a touch of sophistication.

For this reason, vertical lines often emphasize a glamorous, vintage or retro style. In turn, horizontal stripes optically expand the surfaces and increase the depth. When used on a shorter wall, they are the perfect tool for masking imperfections in a narrow room or long hallway.

Small and wide stripes are an extremely decorative element, so it is best to choose them on one, maximum two walls, and reduce the contrast with pastel, harmonizing or monochrome colors. This will prevent the decor from becoming overwhelming while highlighting surfaces and turning them into eye-catching features.


Colors affect more than just mood. In addition to their decorative and psychological function, they also effectively cope with complex surfaces, such as a narrow hallway, a small area, a high or low ceiling.

Choosing the right tone and its application in a certain plane will be a panacea for internal ailments. Light colors will optically enlarge a small corridor, dark colors will add depth, and stripes will expand the wall, lower or raise the ceiling. Using the designers' recommendations, you can enjoy the cozy interiors of small corridors.

Wall sconces

How to make lighting in the hallway also a decorative element? Use sconces! Wall lamps with original geometry or rectangular versions with light directed both up and down will be an excellent functional decoration for a modern hallway.

Paired sconces are traditionally placed on either side of the mirror, and if you choose lamps of an unusual design in the high-tech style, then this is no longer just lighting, but a tribute to modern technologies in the interior of the house.

Norms and requirements

Despite moving quickly along the corridor, the lack of light can cause a number of inconveniences, as well as its excessive intensity. In this matter, the easiest way is to navigate through adjacent rooms so that a single space is created without sharp changes and contrast.

A number of other rules should also be noted:

  • In accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1/ and SP 52.13330.2011, the illumination level in the corridor must be at least 50 Lux. And in places of increased visual load - at least 300 Lux.
  • Based on clause 6.6.31 of the PUE, switches for switching lighting devices should be placed at a height of 0.8 to 1.7 m relative to the floor.
  • According to clause 7.1.51 of the PUE, the switch must be located on the side of the door handle at the entrance. However, if, in addition to the main lighting in the corridor, other local lighting is used, their switches can be installed in the appropriate zones.
  • In accordance with clause 1.7.51 of the PUE, all conductive elements of the luminaire design in normal operation must be connected to protective grounding.
  • The location of lighting devices should be as safe as possible so that a person in the room does not catch them.

Examples of lighting organization

The most difficult in terms of lighting are small hallways and narrow corridors.

Narrow hallway

You should approach lighting in a narrow hallway creatively. On the ceiling, you can place spotlights along the walls in a checkerboard pattern or create an asymmetrical composition with them. It is recommended to place sconces on a free wall, and hang modern paintings between them.

Photos of lighting in the hallway with different decor and design demonstrate the wealth of choice and options.

Photo of lighting in the hallway

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