Children's bunk beds: photos of the most popular models from the 2022 catalog

When a second or third child is born, the question arises: where will they sleep? It’s good if the apartment is large enough, it is possible to equip everyone with not only a sleeping place, but also a personal “working” space. If you have to live in a standard “panel”, where there is always not enough space for a large family, then you should consider the option of purchasing a two-story bed.

A bunk bed in the interior is always a significant saving of space in small rooms, which can be used for other purposes. In the nursery, at least 70% of the entire room is allocated free space not occupied by furniture. For more information on how to choose the right configuration, manufacturing materials, and style of a two-story bed, see the text below.

What types of bunk beds can be distinguished?

The purpose of such beds is to rationally use the limited area of ​​the room and create sleeping places for children. Modern bunk models can be designed for several children, one child, a child and parents. Today there are the following options for bunk beds for children:

  • Standard classic bed , where there are two places to sleep, one of which is located above the other. These are just beds without additional attributes in the form of storage shelves, drawers, and cabinets. The disadvantage of such a bed in a small room is that it takes up a lot of space and is not very practical - it is just a place to sleep. However, if the area of ​​the room allows you to purchase this option, then you should not refuse it.

Children's room with standard bunk bed

  • Beds in which the sleeping places are also located one above the other , but at the same time there are steps in the form of retractable drawers for things and there is a place for storing bedding. This bed model is appropriate for small children's rooms; it captivates with its compactness and ability to rationally use the room.

Functional bunk bed with drawers

  • The next type is sleeping places in which the upper place is not located directly above the lower one, but to the left or right. The resulting niche may contain a cabinet, shelves, or an empty wall, which the owners themselves will fill at their discretion.

Bunk bed with wardrobe

  • Beds placed crosswise or perpendicularly. This option is both modern and very convenient: you can put a cabinet in the free space, hang shelves, or put a small table. A compact and interesting option for children is a transforming bed, in which the lower berth is pulled out at night and removed after sleep, freeing up space in the room.

Double bed with cross beds

Beds with two tiers for use by one child

There are several options for bunk beds with one sleeping place for children:

  • A bed of two tiers, where on the top is where the child sleeps, and below it is a large bed for the parents. This is an option for small apartments where children and parents live in one room. The space savings in such conditions are obvious. However, to ensure the safety of small children on the upper tier, it is advisable to install sides along the edges.

Bunk bed for a one-room apartment

  • The next option is a bunk bed with one sleeping place, which is located at the top. On the lower tier there is a child’s work area, with a desk, shelves and cabinets. Often such beds come complete with a small sports corner. There is a staircase, which can be either ordinary or in the form of steps from drawers.

Bunk bed for a children's room with a workplace

  • Another option is a place for the child to sleep at the top, a wardrobe, chest of drawers, drawers or shelves below. The working and writing area is located separately.

Bunk bed with wardrobe for children's room

Bunk beds for two children

Bunk beds designed for two children will help create two full-fledged sleeping places, using the minimum area of ​​the room. Typically, parents place older children upstairs, while younger children are assigned the safer ground floor. These bunk beds also come in several types:

Bunk bed for two children

  • Compact, classic option - two floors with parallel beds located above each other with a vertical staircase. The option is similar to the previous one, but the sleeping places are shifted either to the left or to the right of each other, and there are wardrobes or a staircase in the free space.

Bunk bed for two children with parallel beds

  • Perpendicular sleeping places, allowing you to compactly place a bed, a desk and a storage system for things in the children's room.

Bunk bed for two children with perpendicular sleeping arrangements

Bunk beds for parent and child

There may be several options here:

  • two tiers, the lower one in the form of a folding sofa, and the upper one is a child’s sleeping place;

Bunk bed for parents and child

  • a safer option for children: on top there is a large double bed for adults, below there is a full-fledged children's place.

Bunk bed with sleeping place for parents on top

These beds are suitable for small apartments, and the latter option is especially convenient for families in which the child is too small to sleep on the top tier. Such models can be found in many stores.

Transformable beds

Among bunk beds, it is necessary to highlight such an option as transforming beds:

Pull-out models in which the lower bed extends from the upper berth. This bed is compact and ideal for preschool children.

Transformable bunk bed for a children's room

Modern models in which an ordinary sofa turns into two high tiers with two sleeping places. Such transformable furniture can be found from some manufacturers. This unusual furniture option will be appreciated by teenagers, using a sofa during the day and sleeping places at night.

Transformable bunk bed

The main disadvantages of bunk beds for children

Despite the undeniable advantages, a bunk bed for children is not without its disadvantages. Many parents are concerned about the safety of a child who will sleep on the second tier. It is not recommended for children under 4 years of age to be on top, especially if the child is highly active.

Warm air accumulates at the top of the room, which may be too heavy for the baby to breathe. This is especially true for very warm rooms. Therefore, it is necessary to properly and regularly ventilate the room.

Typically, an older child sleeps upstairs and a younger child sleeps downstairs.

The sleeping place on the upper tier is inconvenient for a small child to tidy up. This task will have to be carried out by parents. If there is a small age difference between the children, conflicts may arise regarding who will sleep upstairs. In this case, it is important to competently and fairly think through the system for distributing seats.

A double-decker bed is a heavy and bulky structure that is difficult to move to another place. In addition, a specific model is selected taking into account the selected location. It may not fit into another room if you move.

A solid structure made of high-quality material can last for many years, but it has a high cost, and this point is important to consider when choosing a product.

Most models of bunk beds are equipped with safety rails on the second floor

Design of bunk beds

“Consider the color scheme of the bed: girls prefer to choose pastel, light and warm colors, boys choose colder and darker colors”

When purchasing and choosing a bunk bed for a child, be sure to take into account the child’s opinion and wishes, his gender, age, and hobbies. It is necessary to make sure that the child will be comfortable on such a bed, he will not be afraid of heights and the bed will be safe.

A bunk bed should be comfortable for a child

Consider the color scheme of the bed: girls prefer to choose pastel, light and warm colors, boys choose colder and darker colors. In any case, it is worth asking your child this question: perhaps the girl is very active, emotional and dreams of bright, exciting colors. Why not make her dream come true?

Children's room with an original bunk bed in the form of a house

For boys, a bunk bed with a sports theme is preferable, embodying ideas from cartoons and movies in a more strict, simple version compared to girls’ beds.

Children's bunk bed for boys' room

If children are of different genders, it is better to choose neutral shades that will suit both of them.

Bunk bed for a children's room for a boy and a girl

When choosing the color of the bed, regardless of the gender of the child, consider how it will fit with the rest of the room’s furnishings. Contradictions in design are unacceptable - the bed must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

The bed should be in harmony with the overall style of the room

High-tech style

Bunk beds in a modern and popular high-tech style are the embodiment of rationality and functionality, as well as strict, laconic forms and clear geometry.

Children's bunk bed in high-tech style

Romantic style

Girls prefer bunk beds for children in a romantic style. Such beds have rounded elements, delicate colors, decor and a variety of accessories. Bedding and textiles are also in muted, warm colors.

Bunk bed for a girl in a romantic style

Eco style

Eco-style is also popular now, using natural materials that are environmentally friendly for children. This style will be relevant for both kids and teenagers.

Children's bunk bed in eco style


But a style such as minimalism is more suitable for older children, since a bed in this style will be small in size and there will be a lot of space for a play area. In order to place a wardrobe, shelves, racks and at the same time gain space, it is wise to use combined bunk beds or transformable beds. These options are advantageous in small children's rooms.

Children's bunk bed in minimalist style

How to properly arrange a children's area?

The design of a one-room apartment and a playground for a child inside it primarily depends on the age of the baby. For example, a separate room is not required for a baby: it is enough to place a crib next to the parents’ bed or sofa, a chest of drawers with a changing table, and leave some space for games when he grows up a little.

In order for a preschooler to feel comfortable in a one-room apartment, it is first of all important to arrange a play corner. The task of creating a work area is not worth it; you can get by with a small table and a chair according to the baby’s height.

Important! The playground for a small child should be as open as possible so that parents can watch him from any part of the one-room apartment.

In the photo there is a children's room in place of the kitchen

Materials used to make bunk beds

“The use of pine or beech wood is popular for making beds: it has proven itself to be durable, reliable and reasonable in cost.”

A children's bunk bed made of natural wood will fit perfectly into any style, from eco to pop art, for which the wood can be painted with bright colors.

Children's wooden bunk bed

For the manufacture of beds, the use of pine or beech wood is popular: it has proven itself to be durable, reliable and reasonable in cost, in comparison, for example, with oak. Wood is an environmentally friendly material that will last for many years.

Due to their environmental friendliness, wooden bunk beds are ideal for children's rooms.

When choosing, you should be careful, since manufacturers often use artificial materials instead of wood, and sellers “forget” to tell customers about this, thereby misleading them.

Bunk beds made of chipboard are attractive, but they are far from being so environmentally friendly: they contain formaldehyde, which will evaporate very slowly in the air and have a negative impact on health. When purchasing this option, you need to check with the sellers for a certificate that should indicate the level of formaldehyde in the product.

Children's bunk bed made of chipboard

It is difficult to choose a suitable metal bunk bed for a child’s room: the bed implies a modern style or minimalism, but it does not look very aesthetically pleasing. It should be noted that such a bed is reliable and durable, but at the same time quite heavy, and it will be difficult to assemble or disassemble it yourself.

Metal bunk bed in the interior of a children's room

When choosing such a bed, take care first of all about the safety of children: the corners must be processed, rounded, and sharp parts and fasteners must not protrude. Still, this is one of the most unsafe types of beds.

Health Importance

A two-story bed helps equip the room with the first sports equipment: a mini wall bars, a climbing rope, a low horizontal bar or even a slide - this seemingly small and inconspicuous corner of a young athlete will make the child much stronger and stronger over the years.

Design for recreation, development and sports

A slide between two tiers of a children's bunk bed is a great way for a quick and fun slide

The rope ladder between the tiers of the bed is not just a decorative element, but also a significant contribution to the health of children

Comfortable bed with a minimalist ladder

Sleep and exercise - what could be better for your child's health?

Convenience and safety

You can choose many beautiful, visually attractive options for bunk beds that suit the interior and design of the room, but we must not forget about the most important thing - the convenience and safety of the baby.

What should you consider when purchasing?

  • 190 (180) x 90 cm is the optimal bed size for children. Smaller sizes, of course, can be chosen, but in this case it is necessary to understand that in a few years such a bed will simply be too small for the child.

Children's room with standard size bunk bed

  • Strength is one of the important conditions. Children are active and mobile, and on the upper tier they can not only sleep, but also play, jump, and climb several at a time. Before purchasing, make sure that the bed does not sway or wobble and will withstand daily loads.

Make sure the bed is durable before purchasing

  • Beautiful and comfortable. In the store, see for yourself how comfortable the beds are: you can sit on the bed and even lie down on it. If you are comfortable and convenient, then this option deserves attention. Pay special attention to the presence of protective sides on the upper tier, which protect the child from falling down at night. The sides should not be less than 25 cm, and it is also very desirable to have handrails on the upper floor.

The sides will protect the child from falling

The most important requirement for any household items in the room is their safety for children. For bunk beds, this condition should come to the fore. What do you need to consider?

  • Age restrictions. Children from 6 years old sleep on the upper tier; for younger ages, for safety reasons, it is better to consider other bed options.
  • A reliable, flat, stable staircase, with non-slip steps, securely fastened and ideally with railings.

Choose bunk beds with a stable, gently sloping ladder

  • Distance between beds. Both children and adults should be able to sit comfortably; no one should touch the ceiling with their head.
  • The top floor should also be optimal in height, especially if the nursery has low ceilings. The child should get up and down from the top tier and make the bed without inconvenience.

The second floor should not be located too close to the ceiling

  • The bed must be assembled firmly and steadily, the legs must be securely on the floor, and all elements must be secured and tightly tightened.
  • Durability that can be tested in a store by an adult. To do this, you need to climb onto the top tier and swing slightly. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Durable bunk bed made of natural wood

  • Bed mobility. When choosing, preference is given to structures that can be quickly assembled and disassembled. This will allow you to change sleeping arrangements in the future as the children grow older.

Sleeping places

The last and most important point in choosing a bed is the selection of a sleeping place. It depends on him how comfortable the sleep will be.


Bed sizes are standardized:

  • for children under 3 years of age the bed has dimensions of 120x60 cm;
  • for preschoolers over 3 years old, the length of the bed is 140-150 cm with a width of up to 70 cm;
  • younger schoolchildren sleep on beds measuring 150-170x70-80 cm;
  • teenagers move to adult beds: 180-190x80-90 cm.

You can buy furniture with a small margin (10-20 cm), because children grow very quickly. A slight excess of length will not cause psychological discomfort.

Types of mattress bases

Bed bases must meet several requirements. So, the distance between floors should be about 1 m. This will allow the person sleeping on the lower tier to sit down freely and not hit their head on the upper bed. The first floor can be located at a height from the floor from 30 cm (for kids) to 50 cm (for teenagers). There should also be at least 90 cm from the mattress from the top tier to the ceiling.

There are 2 types of bases: slatted, that is, consisting of individual planks, or flat, made from a single piece of chipboard, wood or other material. The first is considered more hygienic, because it allows air to circulate in the mattress and also has better shock-absorbing properties.


Mattresses for bunk beds must be purchased separately. They are selected to match the size of the beds. You can choose an anatomical or orthopedic mattress. The first ones follow the shape of the body: the hips and shoulders sink into them, and the back and legs are supported in a comfortable position. Orthopedic ones are purchased if the spine requires more rigid support.

A properly selected bunk bed will last for many years. This is a practical purchase that will allow you to rationally use space in the children's room.

Photo gallery - children's rooms with bunk beds


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