Painted bathroom - overview of options for painting a bathroom (77 photos)

The walls in the bathroom can be decorated with tiles, mosaics, washable wallpaper, plastic panels, or paint. Painting walls in the bathroom is becoming increasingly widespread and popular due to the fact that this option is cheap and provides wide scope for the use of design, selection of colors, texture of the material, drawing a picture or an ornamental pattern.

Painted walls are one of the most economical options for finishing a bathroom.

Why you should paint your bathroom walls

The most convenient method of proving the benefits of painting bathroom walls is to refute some persistent stereotypes and misconceptions that have developed regarding this finishing treatment of interior surfaces.

The nuances of painting tiles on the floor

The preparation of the base is the same as when working with walls. A three to four layer coating is made. The first layer should dry for a day, the next ones can dry well in 6-12 hours. The corner farthest from the door is painted first; corner areas should be given special attention in order to cover the areas well.

It is necessary to varnish the floor so that it can withstand the loads exerted during operation. You will be able to walk on the painted floor in 3 days.

The first layer should dry for a day, the next ones can dry well in 6-12 hours.

Pros and cons of painted walls

Finishing a bathroom by painting has its own specific advantages and disadvantages.


  1. The material is cheap and accessible. When treating a bathroom with tiles and painting, the last method will be cheaper and more convenient.
  2. Simplicity and ease of use, ease of care. The coating is fairly uniform and easy to care for by periodically wiping the surface with a damp cloth or brush. It is not subject to significant contamination and is easy to wipe off.
  3. The finishing method by painting provides sufficient scope for the implementation of all kinds of design ideas. If you have a certain talent, you can paint full-fledged paintings and panels in the room, using various shades of the entire color palette, applying ornaments, patterns and thematic designs.
  4. The possibility of using specific and original decorative methods of painting, combining with other types of finishing: tiles, ceramic tiles, with elements and structures made of plastic, with other metal and ceramic materials.


  1. Less durability compared to tiles.
  2. Places constantly exposed to water: shower stalls, places near the sink, are not recommended to be painted.
  3. A painted surface is more susceptible to mechanical stress.

Updating tiles: technology for applying designs or patterns using a stencil

Patterns can significantly diversify the surface design. If there are no artistic abilities, then you can resort to drawing a picture using a stencil. The selected pattern is printed and transferred to cardboard or other dense material. The stencil is attached to the base with masking tape.

The tool for applying paint is either a foam rubber swab or aerosol paints.

If there are no artistic abilities, then you can resort to drawing a picture using a stencil.

Decorative painting methods

There are several ways to decoratively paint walls, allowing you to fully express your creative abilities and realize the most daring creative ideas.

  • Changing the surface texture by applying acrylic paint over glass wallpaper.

The embossed surface of glass wallpaper “withstands” several layers of paint without losing the design

The simplest and most convenient way. The pattern remains the same, but its texture and color scheme change. It looks interesting and unusual.

  • Painting over decorative plaster or combining them.

This method of wall decoration is ideal for decorating a bathroom in a classic style.

The combination of decorative plaster with coloring materials creates a unique, bright and harmonious ensemble. Most often, moisture-repellent plaster, which contains silicate, is used to create a bathroom interior. This type of plaster is durable and has a long service life: from 30 to 50 years; is completely unaffected by water and completely harmless to health. Plasters based on mineral compounds or acrylic materials are also used.

  • Decorative painting using masking tape.

Painting tape is used to limit individual areas that are painted in different colors. This coloring technique is suitable for creating both simple and complex geometric patterns.

This method allows you to apply various geometric lines: circles, squares, strict graphic patterns. The lines come out smooth and do not blur. It is done as follows: first we paint the surface, then, on the place where the line is supposed to be drawn, apply masking tape. On top of it, in an additional layer, paint of a different color or shade is applied. After it dries, the tape is removed. The transition of colors, depending on the style used, can be made sharp or smooth.

  • Decorative finishing of the bathroom using stencil painting also looks no less impressive.

The technology is very simple - first the wall is covered with a base layer of paint, and then the desired decorative pattern is applied through a stencil.

You can use store-bought or homemade stencils made of plastic or linoleum.

  • The use of paints with a relief texture of the material.

You can create any texture on relief paint using a hard brush.

Beautiful, durable, moisture and mechanical impact resistant material. An additional advantage of using this type of dye is that it helps level the surface. The disadvantage is a significantly higher cost. It is applied with special brushes or a paint roller, allowing you to create original, effective patterns and designs.

  • Other original ways.

Step-by-step instruction

Before starting work, you need to prepare the base so that the paint does not peel off later. It is advisable to first wash the old tiles with warm water and soap, and then degrease them with an alcohol composition. After this, let it dry, putty or sand it, and only then start preparing the paint. Two-component compositions must be mixed according to the instructions, adding a solvent or hardener.

Next, apply masking tape if you plan to apply several colors. The first layer is applied to the wall. After it dries, you can re-coat the walls. If you plan to apply a pattern or painting to the tile, one base coat is sufficient.

It is advisable not to use the bathroom until all work is completed, so as not to disturb the adhesion of the paint and the base with moisture.

What paints are suitable for finishing a bathroom?

Moisture resistance, vapor tightness, resistance to fungal diseases and mold, safety for life, compliance with the style of the interior - these are the main conditions that must be met when deciding what to paint the walls in the bathroom instead of tiles.

The most widespread are water-based dyes created on the basis of micropolymer compounds diluted with water. They are characterized by low cost, durability, resistance to moisture and temperature.

Among the “water-based” paints, the most common are latex acrylic paints, which have good resistance to water.

The actual water-based paints used can be divided into several types:

  • silicate;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone;
  • chlorinated rubber;
  • alkyd;
  • oil

Silicone mixtures are at the top of the ranking of the most expensive paints. They are a type of vapor-permeable composition, therefore almost ideal for “damp” walls

Not all of these types are recommended for use. It is most preferable to use water-based acrylic and silicone paints for baths, which, when evaporated, form a durable, moisture-resistant and bactericidal protective film on the surface. They dry quickly and do not have a strong odor. They contain no toxic materials.

Any paint must be thoroughly mixed before use.

Alkyd enamel

This type of paint can be used not only for the bathroom, but also for exterior or interior work. The main disadvantage is the strong odor during application and drying, since the solvent is white spirit. Domestic alkyd enamels are often toxic, so you need to work in a ventilated area and, better yet, wear a gas mask. The composition may also include a filler (very finely ground stone chips or sand), a pigment to give color, and there may be antibacterial or antiseptic additives.

Advantages of alkyd enamels:

  • High film strength.
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.
  • Short drying time.
  • Low price.
  • Good adhesion.
  • Does not turn yellow or crack.
  • Wide temperature range of application.

When choosing, it is better to opt for imported products. The price differs significantly, but so does the quality. The most important thing is that imported alkyd enamel smells much less and is definitely non-toxic.

Alkyd enamel - not bad for everyone, but has a strong “smell”

The disadvantages have mostly already been stated: odor and toxicity, but there are also some unpleasant aspects:

  • The surface coated with alkyd paint does not allow air and steam to pass through, so the ventilation system in the bathroom must be effective.
  • To prevent fungus from appearing in the bathroom, preliminary protection of the base is necessary.

Alkyd enamel has two forms of release: standard - in cans, and also in aerosols. Aerosols are more versatile - they can be applied to any surface, they are also easier to paint hard-to-reach places, but they are more expensive.

Choice of color and gloss

The main factors when choosing a matte or glossy finish are: the size of the room and the design of the furnishings, the possibility of its harmonious combination with the style.

Matte coating

Matte gloss is most often used when painting walls in spacious rooms. It is less bright, but more versatile. Smoothes and blurs the outlines of the bathroom, makes the room more comfortable and helps to visually reduce it. Matte walls go well with classic interior styles, pastel colors and smooth lines.

Matte bathroom walls in French Provence style

Applying a matte gloss coating to the walls allows you to hide unevenness and various surface defects.

Glossy surface

It looks more impressive, but even small wall irregularities, stains and stains are especially noticeable with gloss. A room with a glossy shine requires much more effort to maintain it in decent condition. Ideally harmonizes with such interior styles as: modern, minimalism, expressionist movements. It is appropriate to use glossy paints in rooms with large mirror surfaces.

Gloss on the walls will correct the shortcomings of the room and make the bathroom space visually larger

Glossy paints are less susceptible to mechanical stress compared to matte ones.

Color spectrum

When deciding what and how to paint the walls in the bathroom, the choice of color is extremely important, since its influence on the psychosomatic state of a person is undeniable.

When decorating a bath, the most common colors are those associated with the sea and sea waves: various shades of blue and green. This color promotes peace and has a calming, relaxing effect.

The pleasant turquoise color of the walls will remind you of vacation and relaxation at sea

Green coloring of the walls will bring freshness and summer mood to the interior

If the room is small, designers recommend using colors in a light spectrum, as they expand its visual perception. But you should not use exclusively white colors - this may lead to not entirely pleasant associations. White color - must be diluted with warmer and gentler shades or combined with bright decorative elements.

White is a universal color for decorating a small bathroom

The red and white combination will appeal to lovers of a bright and rich interior.

Contrasting colors are often used in the interior of spacious bathrooms. This technique is used to give greater emphasis to individual elements of the room, to highlight and delimit zonal boundaries. A shower stall in an aggressive color scheme looks impressive against a wall painted in calm, pastel colors.

Different colors can be used to zoning space or emphasizing individual functional areas

Depending on the style, it is permissible to use dark colors, even black, but at the same time, it is necessary to strictly maintain proportions.

In a fairly spacious bathroom, gray walls look good, against which white plumbing stands out.

Matte or glossy surface

In the photo with various ideas for bathroom design for painting you can find glossy or matte finishes. The choice largely depends on the style of the interior or the size of the room.

Gloss is well suited for modern interior styles; this coating is especially impressive in hi-tech or minimalism. Shiny surfaces are also appropriate in small spaces, making the space brighter and wider. And if you add mirrors and distribute the light correctly, the effect will only intensify. Gloss makes stains, stains, and dust easier to see; such a bathroom will require more careful maintenance.

Matte walls are often chosen for the design of spacious rooms. Such decor looks more relaxed, visually reducing the dimensions, making the interior more comfortable. Matte paint can hide minor defects that are clearly visible in gloss. This design is more appropriate for classics, Provence, eco-style, Mediterranean style, etc.

Paints that are not recommended for painting in the bathroom

  1. Do not use emulsions containing PVA in rooms with high humidity! When interacting with water, this material becomes unsafe for the body.
  2. It is not recommended to decorate a bathroom using oil paints. They have a persistent, unpleasant odor that does not disappear for a long time. They take a long time to dry and are very susceptible to cracking.
  3. It is also not recommended to use alkyd enamels. Despite their visual appeal, alkyd enamels have a specific, persistent odor.

The bathroom is one of those rooms on which you should not skimp on decoration.


Comments (3)

  1. Svetlana May 22, 2022 at 04:03 pm

    What paint do you like?


  2. Natalya May 27, 2022 at 04:50 pm

    I painted a bathtub a year ago with dulux paint and was very pleased. The paint is lump-free and dries quickly. Besides, it can also be washed, it’s totally cool.


      Evdokia December 12, 2022 at 7:56 am

      thanks for the advice

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