Wallpaper for a child's room: photos and features of choosing original, stylish wallpaper models for a child in a child's room

Wallpaper in a children's room is not only an important component of design, but also a factor influencing the child's mood and well-being. Modern manufacturers offer wallpaper with a wide variety of designs and patterns for children's rooms. They should be chosen based on the age and preferences of the child.

  • Children's

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Criteria for choosing wallpaper for a children's room

Age of the child (for infants - white or cream, for teenagers - colored),

  • Gender of the child (sea and mountains, ships and weapons are suitable for boys, princesses or flowers are suitable for girls),
  • Freedom of creativity (will it be possible to draw on wallpaper - to train the sense of touch, fine motor skills and preserve “masterpieces” as a memory),
  • Furnishings (taking into account the color and functionality of the furniture),
  • Number of children (thanks to the wallpaper, you can really delimit the space by “dividing” the walls),
  • Material (paper, vinyl, non-woven fabric, bamboo, cork, liquid wallpaper - made from stone chips and natural fibers, etc.),
  • Price.

Psychological aspect

You can trust the child himself to choose wallpaper for the nursery. Just don’t trust a momentary impulse - you need to talk and make it clear that his room is a personal space where he will have to live, so it’s better to make it cozy.

Also, don’t get discouraged or depressed if the room is covered in turtles or resembles a supermarket - its walls will be so brightly spotted.

Trust in a child is part of parental love. Embodied desires are an element of happiness. If he liked some specific wallpaper, and not a certain color/subject, this means a certain degree of comfort.

The psychological state of comfort after a nervous, stressful day is an important component of normal development. The child will not only enjoy being in his nursery, but also clean it and repair it.

Boy - teenager

Wallpaper sellers have noticed that in adolescence, boys decorate their rooms in a minimalist style, with a minimum of decor and details. Give your child the opportunity to express himself. He can cover the walls with posters of his favorite actors, musicians and change them every day, or at one point take pictures altogether.

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Try to decorate the room together, make it not only beautiful, but also convenient, comfortable; your mood and relaxation depend on the atmosphere.

Remember that the room is not the parents', but the child's. First of all, this is the space of a peasant, to whom guests and not only boys come. Wallpaper for a teenage boy is a characteristic of his inner world.

At any age, a child should feel like a master in a room where only his things are located, which he himself arranges in a way that is convenient and is always at hand. And even if you manage to make the perfect room and the baby remains happy, do not forget that the child grows, and his hobbies change with him.

The design of the space should change appearance along with the age of the boy. Agree that the repairs made for a 7-year-old son are not suitable for a 16-year-old teenager. Also, do not buy wallpaper to grow. Don't break the little man's personality. Children's wallpapers for kids, and for teenagers globes and posters.

When starting renovations, you can consult with psychologists on how to do better so that the child is satisfied and thanks you. Love children, they are vulnerable and defenseless. Make repairs with pleasure and listen to their opinion.

Wallpaper Fashion Trends 2022

What's trendy in the world of wallpaper today? Any of the listed things can be implemented in a children's room.

  • Solid pastel colors - gray, sand, mint, lilac,
  • Paper flowers,
  • Photo wallpaper,
  • Flowers on fabric (like trellises),
  • Children's loft (under brickwork),
  • Classic abstraction,
  • Geometric ornament,
  • Graffiti wallpaper is a real art house at home.

Wall design in a nursery for children under 12 years old: flowers, rainbows, balloons and more

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In the photo: Fashionable wallpaper in a marine style for a boy’s nursery

The last part of our article relates to the interior design of a nursery for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren. More contrasting colors, simpler yet positive prints and cheerful shades are used here.

Bedroom design project in green tones for two sisters

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In the photo: Beautiful green wallpaper in a nursery for two girls

A great example of multi-format wall decoration in the interior.

Landscape wallpaper in pastel shades for an inspiring little girl's nursery

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In the photo: Design project of a children's room for a baby

A very attractive finishing option for a girl’s room.

Photo-panel world map and built-in wardrobe in the bedroom for twins

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In the photo: Wallpaper with a world map for walls

A good option for photo wallpaper in a room for two boys.

Stylish children's room with an attached loggia and wallpaper with balloons

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In the photo: Beige wallpaper with balloons in a children's room

A great example of a complex design project with interesting wallpaper.

White children's room in Scandinavian style for three

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In the photo: Drawing of forest and wild animals in wallpaper design

The interior of a children's room with wallpaper can become especially atmospheric if you choose a single theme.

Bright interior with blue accents and architectural wallpaper

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In the photo: Fashionable interior of a children's room in white with blue accents

Children's wallpaper in the interior can be combined with wood-like moldings at the bottom of the wall.

Design project of a bedroom with a corner workplace for a boy

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In the photo: Striped wallpaper in a boy’s nursery

Wallpaper for a children's room can be of different formats, for example, with an accent panel and a more neutral pattern on other walls.

Design project of a nursery for a girl: in yellow shades with a landscape theme

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In the photo: Designer wallpaper in the nursery

Children's wallpaper in this interior looks very atmospheric.

The main thing for children is safety

To choose wallpaper that will not harm your baby’s health, you need to pay attention to the quality of the materials and their properties. Conventionally, there are 3 levels of wallpaper security.

Accordingly, their price will increase.

  1. The wallpaper is made from natural materials, does not have a specific pungent odor and is inexpensive;
  2. Wallpaper with water-repellent properties and breathability;
  3. Wallpaper that is resistant to ultraviolet radiation and mechanical damage.

You should exclude all-foam vinyl, which crumbles easily, as well as textiles, which collect dust and require frequent cleaning. If the room faces the sunny side, it is better to hang light wallpaper - dark ones will quickly fade.

Designer wallpaper for a children's bedroom: the most beautiful options

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In the photo: Renovation of a children's room with beautiful pink wallpaper

Wallpaper for a children's room in modern projects is almost always accent wallpaper. This means that they play a big role in the overall impression of the room. Wallpaper combinations are also popular: the main panel on the main wall and more neutral and simple wallpaper on the remaining walls. This creates a sense of perspective, such as landscape or geometric. Children's wallpaper can be especially inspiring and mesmerizing, so be sure to invite your child to collaborate on the design.

Bright interior with dark accent wallpaper in the style of an enchanted forest

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In the photo: Turnkey apartment renovation with an interesting nursery design

Children's wallpaper in the interior can be a real work of art. Look at the photo of the designer bedroom renovation above.

White children's bedroom in neoclassical style with blue wallpaper

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In the photo: Beautiful white wallpaper with a blue pattern in a children's room

The interior of a children's room with wallpaper in the visualization above looks especially charming.

A fashionable option for modern wall decoration with a geometric pattern with an ombre effect

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In the photo: Stylish wallpaper with a geometric pattern in the nursery

Wallpaper for a children's room can be more modern, for example, with a geometric pattern and an unusual ombre effect.

Tropical wallpaper in a pink and white bedroom for a girl

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In the photo: Pink wallpaper for the children's room: with a tropical pattern and birds

Tropical print wallpaper for kids is all the rage right now.

Wallpaper styles suitable for children's rooms

The nursery is no exception for a true home design genius. It can be designed in the style:

  • Classic;
  • Loft, or Scandinavian,
  • Provence,
  • Hi-tech or techno (for teenagers),
  • Minimalism.

Popular topics

Wallpaper images in the form of bears, owls, and kittens will always remain relevant for children; flowers and plants. It is worth mentioning the marine theme and space. Disney cartoon characters are required, as well as others - Shrek, Madagascar.

Unusual effects can be obtained if you use fluorescent wallpaper, which in the dark will emit a light glow accumulated from daylight and replace a night light.

Famous world manufacturers of children's wallpaper

  • Grandeco Jack N Rose Junior. Characterized by discreet colors, small dot patterns, calm blue-gray tones that imitate natural and artificial textures.
  • York. More suitable for girls - they depict bright spots in the form of butterflies and candies. Unusual details - rain of hearts or elephants shooting fountains from their trunks.
  • Marburg. Plain wallpapers are typical, with stars instead of polka dots or iridescent longitudinal stripes.
  • Esprit Home. Presents the Kids series, dedicated to flowers and flora, jungle animals, including birds and butterflies. Cheerful pastel colors will liven up the room.
  • Aura. A purely American approach to production: children's wallpaper can feature implausible animals, with enlarged heads or elongated legs, stylized steam locomotives and ships.
  • Andrea Rossi Kids Land. The manufacturer from Italy will delight you with romantic rainbows and constellations.
  • Franz Lutece. The wallpaper is more reminiscent of children's coloring books, with drawn outlines of shapes and empty interior space.
  • Hygge Wall. Produces wallpaper with a picture of a world map, stylized for children, with signed oceans, with figures of animals placed in accordance with their habitat.
  • Harlequin. Grassy landscapes with flowers and hiding foxes are a characteristic pattern.

Wallpapers for girls: stripes, polka dots, paintable, beige, cotton and others

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In the photo: Pink wallpaper with a pattern of a flowering forest in a children's room

Children's wallpaper in a girl's interior is often particularly atmospheric, light, full of detailed elements and decor. Sometimes watercolor painting is used, in other styles the effect of oil painting is used. Wallpaper in the Chinoiserie style (silk, imitating Chinese traditional painting) is equally popular. The interior of a children's room with wallpaper can be especially mesmerizing. A perfect example of this is the pink bedroom design project for a girl above. Wallpaper for a child's room should be selected at the very beginning of the project, as it is the most important design element (if it is not plain or neutral).

Lilac children's room with a mirrored wardrobe for a teenage girl

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In the photo: Beautiful children's room with designer renovation in 2022

Beautiful interior in pastel colors with beige and white furniture.

Powder pink interior with a large bed and boudoir area

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In the photo: Inspiring gray wallpaper with pink flowers

Such an elegant and glamorous interior in pastel shades will appeal to a teenage girl.

Light beige and white interior with a closet-house for a schoolgirl

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In the photo: Atmospheric interior with beige wallpaper in a children's room for a girl

A traditional option for decorating and furnishing a girl’s room.

Fashionable interior with wallpaper with palm leaves under the ceiling and beautiful trim moldings

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In the photo: Design project for a children's room in lilac color

In this design project, not only the wallpaper deserves special attention, but also the custom-designed built-in furniture.

Combinations of wallpaper and moldings in the interior of a children's room in the English style

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In the photo: Sitchik wallpaper in a children's room for a girl

And this interior looks very complex and traditional in European style.

Atmospheric green children's wallpaper for the pianist girl's bedroom

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In the photo: Green wallpaper with a beautiful pattern for a children's bedroom

A chic version of the bedroom interior with emerald wallpaper with white flowers.

Variety of choices

Children's wallpaper can be purchased ready-made or made to order. The following are chosen as a source of inspiration:

  • Famous landscapes of Shishkin, Levitan, Kuindzhi or their collages,
  • Wrappers from famous candies - “Bear in the North”, “Mask”, etc.,
  • Heroes of fairy tales and cartoons - Spider-Man, Harry Potter, etc.,
  • Children’s favorite places and means of transportation are mountains and waterfalls, bicycles and hot air balloons,
  • Unusual textures - plush, felt, cobblestones, drops on glass).

Photo wallpapers depicting dolphins in the water, a fountain with splashes, seagulls soaring in the sky or pink flamingos look impressive and evoke wonderful dreams of distant countries and travel.

Wallpapers for boys: blue, turquoise, space, checkered, brick, geometry and others

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In the photo: Decoration of a luxury apartment. Stylish beige wallpaper for painting in a children's room for a boy

Children's wallpaper for boys usually features a blue, blue or green palette. While pink, red and yellow tones remain traditional for girls. Wallpaper for a boy's children's room is often neutral, without a pattern. Like, for example, the paintable beige wallpaper in the renovation photo above. There are also large prints with a special theme and spectacular photo wallpapers. We will show various examples of such design options in the design projects below.

Light green interior with balloons on the walls

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In the photo: Design project of a children's bedroom for a boy

An excellent solution in the form of photo wallpaper in the format of a fragmentarily colored sketch for decorating a bright interior.

Gray-blue interior in the theme of sea voyages with neoclassical decoration

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In the photo: Blue bedroom interior for a child

A fashionable nursery for growing up with a traditional European interior. Furniture in dark blue gloss is especially impressive.

Cozy bedroom with white furniture and an attached and insulated loggia with heated floors

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In the photo: Brown liquid wallpaper for a children's room

A stylish example with liquid wallpaper for wall decoration.

Bright interior for a boy: in a marine style with space-themed wallpaper

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In the photo: Space-themed wallpaper for a boy’s nursery

A completely traditional solution for the interior design of a nursery for a boy.

Children's bedroom for a sporty boy with varied interests

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In the photo: Bedroom design project for an active schoolboy boy

A popular finishing option with prints and photo wallpapers.

Inappropriate options and details

A children's room is not so much a place for experiments as a reflection of the child's soul. You shouldn't make it purely white or completely black. There is no need for sharp contrasts - blue with red, yellow with purple, etc.

Dark tones are too serious and gloomy - brown, dark green. It is better to choose cheerful colors and patterns to improve your mood and foster a sense of enjoyment of today.

Room size, zoning, wallpaper design

For the most part, the size of children's rooms is very small, not exceeding 10 m2. But even a very spacious room can be easily destroyed by ineptly using:

  • Background colors are too dark;
  • Wallpaper with a bright print and a variety of large details.

Whatever the size of the children's room, neutral and calm light shades will look much more appropriate.

If you want to make an accent wall, then it would be quite appropriate in the sitting area or above the bed. For example, a panorama of the starry sky in the sleeping area or, conversely, a looped three-dimensional drawing where the child is playing.

Bright details should definitely be avoided in a student’s room, because they will interfere with concentration on lessons.

Photos of new wallpapers for the children's room

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