Study - light and a comfortable chair! We offer the top 10 best chairs for schoolchildren*

By the beginning of the school year, parents strive to provide their children with everything they need, including good furniture. A correspondent for the Minsk-Novosti agency offers to familiarize yourself with a selection of comfortable and beautiful chairs and armchairs that can be purchased at AksHome furniture showrooms. Both children and their parents will like them for their beauty and convenience.

A schoolchild must have his own chair; kitchen stools and dad’s computer chair do not count, because they force the child to take unnatural positions, which causes the spine to suffer and posture to deteriorate.

Types of chairs

Furniture manufacturers offer a large selection of products. Each model is endowed with individual characteristics and capabilities. Orthopedists recommend purchasing a classic chair with a simple design. It is better for elementary school students not to buy office-type swivel chairs.

A restless student will sit on it incorrectly, roll and spin, distracted from lessons.

Note! It is better to go shopping with your child so that he can appreciate the convenience of the seat. And parents were able to clearly select a model depending on the height and physique of the student.


A standard, simple shaped desk chair with a steel, wood or plastic frame and wood trim. It does not have an attractive appearance, but it is the most affordable option.

The child should be comfortable at the desk.

Additional adjustment functions are not provided in this model, so the dimensions of the piece of furniture should be selected in accordance with the individual parameters of the student.

"Growing Chair"

This model allows you to adjust the height of the product according to your height. May have a metal frame with a wooden or plastic seat. Reminiscent in appearance to a computer chair with adjustable seat height. Due to the transformation, this option will last for more than one year.

Growing chair – savings for parents.

The seat height should be adjusted as the child’s body size changes. This model has:

  • lifting mechanism;
  • an addition in the form of a footrest is possible;
  • hinges


It has a simple design, equipped with a reliable metal frame, wooden back and seat.


  • structural stability;
  • ease of operation;
  • affordable price.


  • it is impossible to adjust the height according to the child’s height;
  • no orthopedic back and footrest are provided;
  • it is uncomfortable for children to sit;
  • The product is selected strictly according to the student’s parameters and after a while requires replacement.

Classification of orthopedic chairs

This type of ergonomic product is indispensable for children who spend most of their time at a desk. The anatomical curve of the back maintains the correct position and relieves tension. There are special recesses on the seat that distribute the load.

The main task of the parent is to choose the right chair for the student.

The footrest guarantees the required position of the feet and ensures correct sitting at the table. Such designs are used to prevent diseases of the spine, correct poor posture, and help with pathological disorders of musculoskeletal function. The main disadvantage of such models is their high price.

Consider the rules of correct body position at the table.


It looks like an office chair, but has advantages. The curve of the backrest transforms to the shape of the spine, providing comfort and proper fit. Some models of orthopedic products are equipped with fasteners to secure the child in the correct position.

But these chairs are not recommended for long-term use. They are used if there are problems with the spine. Another type of classic chair is a model with a back divided into two parts. The horizontal division into two halves provides lumbar support and fixation of the shoulder blades.

The diagram shows how to sit on a chair correctly and how not to sit correctly.

The vertical placement of the two pieces wraps around the back, creating a corset-like fit. Their positions are adjustable, allowing you to customize the safest and most comfortable position.

Movable (balancing)

The seat of the movable chair is fixed to just one fulcrum. It can tilt slightly in any direction. While sitting on this chair, you need to establish balance by tensing different muscles of the body.

The chair should adapt to the person's back.

Promotes the development of the vestibular apparatus and joints. This type of design strengthens the back muscles, improves coordination and concentration.

A balancing chair disciplines the student and increases concentration on an important lesson.

With support on your knees

A chair of an unusual design, designed by an orthopedist. Many children, after sitting on a chair for a long time, go down to the edge to lean on their knees. Thanks to this design, the center of gravity moves forward. Adjustable for height, knees and proper fit.

Kneeling chairs are popular today.

The model assumes both the presence of a backrest and its absence. The product allows you to sit without curving your spine. The load on the back is reduced, moving to the buttocks and knees due to the support platform. The chair is recommended for hyperactive children with absent-minded concentration.

There are many benefits of using such a chair.

This position improves hip circulation and prevents displacement of internal organs. Before purchasing such a design, you should consult your doctor. It is contraindicated for some diseases.

With adjustable backrest and armrests

Some models have the function of adjusting the backrest and armrests. The ability to adjust the degree of backrest tilt allows you to adjust the seat to the physiological characteristics of the child, reducing tension in the spine and lumbar region.

This helps relieve stress during exercise and provides quality relaxation when resting.

A height-adjustable orthopedic chair for schoolchildren allows you to set the desired distance from the seat to the floor and the position of the backrest so that there is no need to lean towards the table. The armrests are designed for convenience during activities that do not involve working with your hands (reading, watching videos).

A chair for a schoolchild must have special height adjusters.

For primary school students, it is not recommended to purchase a model with armrests. If the child begins to lean on the armrests, relaxing the muscles, the back will be left without proper support and will take on a curved shape. This model is suitable for teenagers, especially if they work at a computer desk.

Note! Correct posture when working at a desk involves placing your hands on the tabletop and the absence of additional support points in the form of armrests.

Review of manufacturers

Among the rich assortment of manufacturers, there are several time-tested companies whose products are in particular demand among customers.

Herman Miller

The German manufacturer, one of the leading developers of high-quality orthopedic chairs, surprises fans with quality and manufacturability. The company's orthopedic chairs are ergonomic and have a Kinemat tilt mechanism, allowing synchronous movement, customizable individually for the user.

Thanks to patented technologies, the brand's designs provide support for the spine in the lumbar and sacral areas, filling the free space between the back of the chair and the owner's back. Moreover, the support is equally maximum in any position of the user’s body.


The South Korean manufacturer produces a wide range of new generation orthopedic chairs for different ages. The brand is quite popular and successful, taking an active position in its segment. The designs are based on the revolutionary idea of ​​flexible three-dimensional back support with a 50% spinal unloading system. The company's chairs have the ability to ensure constant contact between the back of the chair and the person's back, following any changes in the user's movements.


Orthopedic chair models of the brand have all the necessary types of adjustments, adding maximum comfort to the structures. They are equipped with built-in head restraints and have a tension adjustment system that monitors the wearer's weight. In addition to excellent functionality and orthopedic effect, the models have natural leather upholstery. The back and seat made of genuine leather add a special status to the products and simplify the care of the piece of furniture.

Kulik System

The Italian manufacturer is developing models with its own spinal rehabilitation technology. The brand's designs are ergonomic; they provide for the repetition of the natural anatomical curves of the body, correcting the correct position of the spine without self-control.

The company's chairs are correctional models. They return the user's body to its natural position due to the even distribution of the load.

Functions of orthopedic chairs

A category of chairs recommended for the prevention of spinal diseases and intended for schoolchildren with impaired skeletal bone function. It is designed so that during application certain muscle groups are involved.

To ensure that long hours of work at a desk do not affect the child’s health, the furniture must be appropriate for his height and age.

Such a chair keeps the direction and angle of the back in the most safe position for posture. The main task of the seat is to ensure the adoption of a posture that is safe for health. A properly selected orthopedic chair performs the following functions:

  • relieves muscle tension, making the child less tired;
  • maintains posture, preventing the development of pathological changes in the skeleton;
  • strengthens muscle and connective tissues;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • increases concentration, efficiency, perseverance;
  • reduces body fatigue;
  • ensure that the eyes are at the required distance from the notebooks, reducing the risk of vision impairment.

Taking into account many nuances, you will be able to purchase a comfortable chair that preserves your health.

Upholstery materials

The upholstery of the chair must have the following properties:

  • hypoallergenic;
  • tactile comfort;
  • ease of cleaning.

The upholstery material will determine how long the chair will retain its attractive appearance.

It is convenient to use removable covers that can be washed in a machine.

  • Eco-leather upholstery.
    These children's student chairs are very comfortable and pleasant to the touch, resistant to stains and easy to clean. However, over time, the top part of the coating loses its integrity, and the aesthetic qualities are greatly reduced. Eco-leather upholstery can have a wide variety of colors
  • Textile.
    A more budget-friendly upholstery option that leaves room for design solutions. If you want to make a durable purchase, then you can choose a chair with a colorful textile covering, on which minor dirt will be invisible. The main thing is that the child likes the upholstery of the chair

How to determine the correct body position on a chair

Proper placement of the student at the study table reduces the load on the spinal column and makes the learning process comfortable and effective. Basic rules for the position of a sitting child in relation to the table and floor:

  • your knees should be bent at a right angle and your feet should be completely flat on the floor;
  • the edges of the seat should not touch the inside of the bend of the leg at the knee joint;
  • the top of the chair back should be located at the level of the middle of the shoulder blades;
  • the back should be straight, without bending forward or backward;
  • The elbow bend should be 90°;
  • The optimal distance between the edge of the table top and the chest is 8 - 10 cm.

The chair has no back and forces the back muscles to constantly work.


Height is one of the most important parameters, since a growing body will constantly confront the chair with the urgent task of matching its height. If you make the wrong choice, then very soon the child will have to buy a new piece of furniture.

Here are the typical parameters for a schoolchild’s height and chair back height. Choose the right table for them so that the workplace fully meets the needs of the child’s body.

  • For a schoolchild 1.1-1.2 meters tall, we take a chair 30 cm high, the table should be 50 cm.
  • If a child is 1.2-1.3 meters tall, respectively – 34 cm, 57 cm.
  • Height 1.3-1.4 m – 37 cm and 62 cm.
  • Height 1.4-1.5 m – 40 and 67 cm.
  • If the child is taller than 1.5 m – 45 cm and 70 cm.

Take a chair with a special mechanism so that you can always adjust the height of the chair to the height of the child.

Tips for choosing based on the child's age

The human skeleton is formed before the age of 16-18. Until this time, fragile bones grow and are easily deformed. You can't buy a chair to grow into. A seat that is too large and a high back will not be able to provide support for a fragile spine. The student should sit comfortably at the table here and now.

A little schoolboy needs a certain desk.

Orthopedists do not recommend purchasing a swivel chair with wheels or with armrests for children under the age of 14 years. Such designs are suitable for teenagers working at a computer.

Choose a chair according to the person’s height.

The height of the chair should be selected according to height. For a student with a height of 110-120 cm, you should choose a product 30-32 cm (from floor to seat). For a teenager 160-162 cm, a chair 40-42 cm is suitable. The legs of the person sitting are bent at the knees at a right angle.

Additional Information! If a child in a “sitting” position does not reach his feet to the floor, then it is necessary to purchase a special footrest. Some models are equipped with a built-in foot platform.


The chair must be structurally sound. Frames made of metal tubes or profiles are considered the most durable. If the piece of furniture is on wheels, then you should choose the option with 5 supports. It is the most stable.

The quality of a chair depends on the materials from which it is made.


To avoid falls and injuries, the design of the product must be strong so that over time the chair does not wobble and cause a fall. Upholstery should be chosen from hypoallergenic materials (viscose, natural cotton). At the same time, it must be breathable and able to absorb moisture.

Choose the most comfortable chair.

Leather chairs are not comfortable for daily use. In summer they cause excessive sweating. If there are wooden elements of the product, they must be processed with high quality, without delamination or cracks.

A chair on wheels must have locks so that it does not roll away during classes. There are 2 types of stopper:

  • automatic operates independently when a load weighing more than 30 kg;
  • mechanical - if necessary, parents fix the chair themselves.

Chairs made of genuine leather look luxurious.

Important! When choosing a seat for a primary school student, you should give preference to a model with rounded edges of the elements so that the vessels on the legs are not pinched.


It is better to choose the upholstery of armchairs and chairs from non-staining natural fabrics that are easy to clean. Furniture options with removable covers are welcome. They must be made of durable and high-quality fabric that can withstand many washing cycles.

During prolonged sitting in a large soft chair, the child's spine bends incorrectly.


A curved position of the spine will lead to incorrect formation of posture, and as a consequence to circulatory disorders, back pain and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. The child should be able to sit comfortably. You should not buy a product for growth; it is better to purchase a model that is height-adjustable.

If your child has problems with posture or eyes, you should purchase such a chair.

The seat should not be too soft, otherwise it will sink. A chair for a schoolchild must be chosen from certified manufacturers; it must not only be comfortable, but also made from high-quality and safe materials.

A large assortment of chairs will help you choose the right one for yourself.

A rich assortment allows you to choose a model with which the child will feel as comfortable as possible, instinctively encouraging him to take the desired position when sitting. Properly selected furniture for classes will ensure not only comfortable and productive learning, but also maintain health and correct posture.

The best chairs for a first grader: rating

If you're looking for a good chair or chair for a first grader, check out the following top-rated products.


The brand specializes only in children's furniture. The orthopedic model FUNDESK SST6 costs about 11 thousand rubles. The two-part backrest ensures correct positioning of the spine and is adjustable in height and depth. The model has well-thought-out casters - due to their rubber coating, the chair cannot be ridden when someone is sitting on it. The downside is that the footrest is not very comfortable.

TetChair Kiddy

A beautiful and bright chair at a reasonable price (from 3,000 rubles). Presented in rich, rich colors, due to which it can become the accent of a student’s room. The crosspiece with 6 wheels guarantees maximum stability. The chair is made of quality materials. It has only one drawback - during the assembly process it is necessary to apply force.

Nowy Style Ministyle

The highlight of this chair is the variety of prints on the upholstery - there are both girly, boyish, and neutral. The seat and back are soft and have a slightly concave, comfortable, ergonomic shape. There are no armrests - according to the manufacturer, this should teach the child to keep his back straight. Height and backrest are adjustable. The downside is rough plastic. The price is about 2,400 rubles.

Bureaucrat KD-2

The chair is quite large and has a reinforced structure, which does not make it any less comfortable. The rigid and slightly curved back is aimed at supporting the lower back. The height and depth adjustments are somewhat unusual, but well thought out. However, the seat will need to be tightened, otherwise it may fall down. The price starts from 7,800 rubles.

Kulik System Fly

This is an expensive (about 37 thousand rubles) and very worthy model. It is distinguished by a futuristic appearance. In addition to design, emphasis is placed on ergonomics. The product is filled with elastomer - a soft filler that perfectly retains its shape. It is noted that even after several years of use, the parts of the chair do not become loose or creak.

Chairman 696

Not a bad budget chair (about RUR 3,000). The chair can be adjusted to fit any chair. The fabric is fastened securely. There are armrests, but they are a little hard. The cross is very reliable and durable. The downside is that the chair is not designed for large people.

Expert opinion

Korzhavin Daniil Dmitrievich

Designer of stylish home furniture

In addition to the general rules, everything is determined by the personal and financial capabilities of the parents. It is important not to skimp on a children's chair, since the wrong furniture can not only discourage a child from studying, but also provoke scoliosis and other abnormalities.

You should choose a model together with your future student. Let him take part in the choice, determine the design that he likes best, because aesthetic parameters are very important for children.

Chair options for a schoolchild in the photo

Photos of the interior of a children's room with a desk chair

For a better idea when choosing a child chair for lessons, you can familiarize yourself with photos of rooms where there are different models.

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