Built-in hood for the kitchen - which one to choose? Pros and cons, installation and installation tips (120 photo ideas)

Any housewife will agree that a range hood is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Buying such a “friend” means saving yourself from unnecessary hassle and lengthy cleaning.

It allows you to maintain pristine cleanliness, because its main task is to remove polluted air, fat, and soot that appear during cooking.

A competent approach to choosing a hood

Buying a built-in hood for the kitchen that fully matches its size and the dimensions of the unit is not as simple as, for example, a TV. Here it will not be enough to have a rough idea of ​​which design is suitable and which one will need to be rejected.

It is also important to take into account a wide range of technical characteristics, installation and connection requirements, and the subtleties of adjusting operating modes.

It should be noted that studying these points will not take much time and in the future will allow you to clearly understand what exactly this unit is capable of and how it should be operated.

Compact and reliable built-in hoods are especially widespread today, and therefore it is their capabilities that it is advisable to study first.


The device operates as a ventilation type. It rids the air of by-products that arise during the combustion of products, as well as all foreign odors and deposits.

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There is also forced ventilation. The device is enclosed in a small case where there are buttons with which you can control this system.

Thus, hoods are divided into two types:

  • Recirculation. They work on the principles of neutralizing odors and fat through the use of filtration;
  • Flow type. It draws in air containing grease and other external particles, and then sends this air out through the vent.

The hood is placed on the ceiling, exactly above a gas or electric stove. There are models that are hidden in wall cabinets.

Wall-mounted hoods are manufactured in such a way that they fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen. Which air conditioner is best to choose in 2022 is up to you to decide, depending on the existing technical characteristics of the kitchen premises.

Much better than standard ventilation

It must be said that no alternatives to such a device can currently be found. A typical ventilation system opening onto the roof will, of course, create the necessary air circulation.

However, it will not adequately remove strong odors from meat and fish. But it is precisely these that need to be pumped out onto the street as soon as possible, which will only be possible with equipment specially created for this purpose.


The disadvantage of exhaust ventilation is considered to be the complexity of installation, since installation of an air duct is required. Another disadvantage is that the device produces quite a lot of noise during operation.

Also, for the effective functioning of the exhaust device, good draft is necessary, and if it is absent, the installation of a powerful ventilation system.

In addition, if the kitchen does not have a ready-made ventilation duct, then you will have to make a hole for it in the wall yourself.

A wide range of obvious advantages

A kitchen hood built into a cabinet has a number of positive and negative aspects. Their list greatly depends on how exactly a particular model is designed.

Among the main advantages of built-in hoods over analogues are the following:

  • The built-in hood is designed in such a way that only the part that pumps air masses into the ventilation duct is visible. More traditional classic and island hoods quite spoil the interior, as they clutter it with their massive wide bodies. On top of that, a considerable amount of space must be allocated for their placement, and the built-in modification is simply hidden behind the walls of the kitchen unit;
  • The working surface can be adjusted over a wide range of values. Thanks to the presence of retractable panels on modern models, the housewife can, at her discretion, expand or narrow the area of ​​the air duct;
  • Built-in modifications are increasingly equipped with several motors at once, which makes it possible to significantly speed up air pumping and make its circulation more intense. At the same time, it is possible to set the motors to autostart or turn them on from the control panel;
  • Horizontal built-in kitchen hoods of 60 cm with a ventilation outlet practically do not occupy scarce kitchen space, which is especially important for owners of small-sized apartments. This fact allows you to gain a lot of space for a convenient layout. At the same time, it becomes possible to choose a design option that requires spatial freedom and scope;
  • Built-in hoods are distinguished by an ingeniously simple design, which radically simplifies their operation, maintenance and repair. Once you install such a mechanism, you can forget about it for many years to come. It will not break down and require maintenance for five to ten years in a row;
  • In many cases, such devices are equipped with a special aluminum-based filter device. It collects most of the fat masses on its surface, thereby protecting the structure from clogging with food organic matter.

Fan power

A kitchen air conditioner contains one or two fans, powered by electric current. The performance of this device also depends on the power of the fans.

Typically, modern models can produce a capacity of 180 to 700 cubic meters of air per hour. Fans operate at 2 or 4 speeds.

What to consider when choosing

There are, of course, some inconveniences associated with installing such a device. They cannot be considered significant shortcomings, but they should definitely be taken into account when choosing a model in a store. For example, some sizes of such equipment may be too large for a particular headset.

However, in most cases, choosing the appropriate dimensions will not be at all difficult. The fact is that today, development engineers of such systems initially proceed from the standard sizes of kitchens and the furniture produced for them.

That is why it will not be at all difficult to find a hood with suitable parameters, including

  • 50 cm;
  • 60 cm;
  • 80 cm;
  • 90 cm.

In many cases, the manufacturer puts on the market a wide range of modifications that differ only in their size.

Housing material

The latter is made from different materials. It could be:


Such products have the lowest cost. The top is covered with moisture-resistant enamel. The advantage is aesthetics. Disadvantages - the tendency of the enamel to become cloudy over time, low resistance to mechanical influences.

Strained glass

Advantages: financial accessibility and visual attractiveness. The negative aspects are the laboriousness of care and the need to carry it out systematically.

Stainless steel

The most expensive models. Pros: light weight, no need for painstaking care, reliability, elegance and style.

Multiple mounting options

A hood that is built into the countertop costs slightly more than other options. However, its installation is not as simple as its analogues. The advantageous aspect of this system is its silent operation. Odor removal with this installation occurs with one hundred percent efficiency.

For small apartments, a fully built-in hood is most suitable. This is where anyone who can’t decide for a long time which is better to choose a built-in hood should opt for.

Almost its entire structure is placed in a cabinet, while the working part protrudes from it as an almost invisible plate. Many models of this type are mounted directly into the ceiling, but this option is not suitable in high kitchens, since the hood simply cannot fully pump out food odors.

Control Panel

Control panels for kitchen hoods for ventilation are divided into two types:

  • Push-button. The optimal choice for older people.
  • Sensory. This is a convenient solution for young people. They are equipped with special sensors that automatically change the operating mode of the hood.

Telescopic installation options

Telescopic hoods occupy a special place among such structures. Their advantages include:

  • Higher power than conventional dome options;
  • Wider air capture area;
  • Possibility to use a work panel that can be easily stored in a cabinet;
  • One hundred percent compatibility with any interior.

What types of ventilation ducts are there?

The box may have modest dimensions and take up little space. Or have a large size, which causes a lot of inconvenience. It is important that the structure cannot be dismantled for safety reasons. The box can be located in a corner or at the entrance. Most of them are rectangular in shape.

The presence of such a detail confuses many people, because it does not allow the use of headsets created for a standard layout and the implementation of many ideas.

The design of a kitchen with a ventilation duct requires a special approach and a non-standard solution to the problem of an unsuccessful layout.

See also Original design techniques for a kitchen with a window, photo.

Features of developing a kitchen design with a ventilation duct

The design of a kitchen with a ventilation duct requires taking into account the layout of the room. Draw the project on paper. This will help identify problem areas, complete them, and eliminate controversial nuances. Remember safety. So, when located next to a gas stove box, vinyl siding will not be suitable for finishing. Otherwise, the risk of fire will increase. If there is a sink nearby, discard the wallpaper.

Some boxes have small dimensions: less than sixty centimeters in width and depth.

Others cause a lot of inconvenience, since the huge size of the structure attracts attention.

See alsoKitchen design 13 square meters

Extension of the box for a false fireplace

One of the finishing options is the implementation of a false fireplace. This is one of the simpler but more beautiful solutions to the problem. In other cases, it will be necessary to expand the space to create an additional approach. A false fireplace will add coziness and warmth to the atmosphere of the kitchen.

There are a number of other ways that a ventilation duct can become a useful element.

This is not only an excellent disguise, but also a very beautiful solution that enlivens and ennobles the interior.

See alsoHow to decorate a kitchen interior in Japanese style

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