Curtains for a child's room for a girl - 60 photos of design ideas

Creating comfort in a children's room is a difficult task for parents. But the mood of the little resident of this space depends on how well everything is thought out. Here you should pay attention to every detail and window decoration as well. In our article we will talk about how to choose curtains for a girl’s nursery. And also about what types of curtains there are + photo selection.

What should be the curtains for a children's room?

The window design style must certainly match the entire surrounding environment. Curtains should not create disharmony in space. But if we are talking about a children's room, then they must also meet the following requirements:

  • natural fabrics are preferred. Synthetic materials can negatively affect the child’s health, especially if he suffers from allergic reactions;
  • curtains should be easy to care for so that it is not difficult to remove and wash them again. Therefore, fabrics that dry quickly and do not fade are recommended for a children's room. Pay attention to the resistance of the material to fading in the sun;
  • the material must be selected according to density in accordance with natural light. If there is not enough light coming from the windows, you should not curtain it with thick curtains, depriving the room of light. Lightweight fabrics will be the best option in this case;
  • An important role is played by the selection of color and texture of the material. The preferred tone is pastel.

Mistakes that are best avoided

Without recommendations from designers, parents often choose the wrong curtains for a girl. Here are the most common ones.

  • Accents on walls and curtains at the same time (use bright colors and decorations on only one element).
  • Buying dark curtains for a girl's room.
  • Multi-layer curtains in a small bedroom (they take up most of the space).


When choosing curtains for a children's room, natural materials such as linen and cotton remain the leaders. But mixed fabrics are considered the best option; a certain amount of synthetic fibers makes them more practical: they are less susceptible to color loss, are easier to wash and dry faster.

You should not rely on expensive material. Some children love to experiment and may well paint or cut them. It is more advisable to choose neutral and natural shades. Growing up, the girl will want to change the environment in her room and make curtains, for example, in a more daring solution.

For little princesses up to 6 years old

If your baby is still very tiny, you will probably try to decorate her room in a romantic style. This is an excellent choice for spacious and bright rooms. I want to hang the most elegant curtains on the window of such a nursery. If you like soft light pouring through them, opt for products in soft pink or warm peach tones, but you can choose any pastel shades. We have selected for you a selection of photos with ideas for curtains for a girl’s nursery.

Fans of bright colors can choose another original solution: decorate the window with multi-colored muslin curtains. Layering this translucent material will create amazing color effects and really transform a room.

Wide tiebacks or ribbons can be used as decorative elements for such curtains; they will allow you to easily adjust the illumination of the room. The main thing is to make sure that their edges are well secured.

Types of curtains

Next, look at the photos for examples of different types of curtains.


The classic window design option is the most popular for any room in the house. The children's room is no exception, where soft shades and simple designs most often reign. It is with them that curtains and flooring are combined without frills.

A room where there is not enough daylight can be decorated with tulle, of which there are many options. It can be classic white or beige.

For sunny rooms, combinations of tulle with thick curtains or complex three-layer options that shade the room are suitable.


The current trend is the use of roller blinds. They can be placed on the windows either independently or in combination with light curtains. Their designs and colors are so varied that it is not at all difficult to match them to your interior.

Roller blinds can be made with embossing, when the rays of the sun penetrating through it are projected onto the walls in the form of a pattern. By raising or lowering them during the day you can adjust the level of illumination in the room.


This type of curtain is a design that allows you to lower and raise the canvas to the desired height. They are practical, versatile and will fit perfectly into any room design.

Roman blinds are suitable for a little princess's room, thanks to their optimal length and ease of care. You can install a different material on the installed mechanism, both in color and texture, depending on the child’s preferences.

Short curtains

The most ideal option for parents of a baby, when the issue of safety and practicality comes first. Then short curtains are most preferable, for example, to the window sill or a little lower, which the baby cannot reach.

How much darkness do you need?

Sleeping in the dark supports the immune system. The hormone melatonin is synthesized only in the dark and is responsible for the sleep and activity cycle. If light enters a girl's window, melatonin levels drop by up to 50%.

Advice! To this end, consider an extra layer of black-up fabric. It dims the light by 99%, was created for hotels, but is also used in private homes. By the way, black-up fabrics hardly burn. Another way to keep light out is with roller shutters and blinds.

What curtains are suitable for a window with a balcony?

This type of window for any room is not easy to design, because you need to take into account not only the aesthetic aspect, but also the comfort when opening the balcony door. Long versions of two components are more appropriate here. They hide the bottom of the door and make it easy to open.

If you don’t use your balcony often, you can choose Roman or roller blinds.

The best fabrics for girls' windows

A girl’s room should certainly delight and inspire its owner. Heavy, deliberately expensive fabrics and dark, gloomy shades are completely unsuitable for light and airy interiors.

Artificial fabrics that cause allergies are not allowed. The best materials are eco-friendly and natural organza, delicate veils, taffeta, cotton, chintz. Pure linen, although environmentally impeccable, will cause mom a lot of trouble after washing, because this material is difficult to iron perfectly.

Colors and prints

The color of the curtains should be in harmony with the design of the room and match the preferences of the young housewife. It is better to choose shades depending on the location of the room: a warm color will help to brighten the northern side, and a cool color will “cool” the southern side a little.

Curtain KauffOrt “Kinder” - 1600 rub.

Designers advise focusing attention in the room on one or more details. Such an accent can be a bright curtain in a room where the rest of the details are painted in pale shades.

If the room is already bright enough, then the curtain should become almost invisible.

It is not uncommon to choose textiles with various prints. The canvases are decorated with butterflies, birds, cute animals, flowers, and geometric shapes.

Striped models, which are quite popular, are also suitable for growing girls.

Pay attention to the stripes of different textures. One sheet may contain inserts of material different in density and color from the main one. This will give a special atmosphere to the room. The patchwork technique has rightfully gained popularity for its effectiveness in interior decoration.

Workplace: how to organize?

The workplace is an important area in a teenager's room. It must be properly arranged. A comfortable table is installed so that the girl feels comfortable while doing her homework. Good lighting of the area is a must. Therefore, it is placed next to the window. When it is not possible to provide natural light, a lamp is placed on the desktop.

It is mandatory to have lockers in the design. They are used to store writing instruments and other trinkets. An excellent option is a classic desk. It has a large upper part and built-in drawers for storing notebooks, books, and pens. The hostess feels comfortable behind him.

The workplace is an important place in the room

When choosing furniture, do not forget about modern trends

At the same time, do not forget about fashion trends. The workplace allows you to combine stylish colors, interesting lamps, and original hangers. This will all highlight the modern interior of the room.

There are a lot of ideas for creating a room design for a girl in a modern style. This allows each representative of the fair sex to choose exactly the one that will meet her preference requirements. Her room takes on an extraordinary charm and cheerful atmosphere. It encourages relaxation, a good time, and meeting with friends.

See alsoChildren's room in Scandinavian style - a new fashion trend

Beautiful ideas

When choosing curtains for a nursery, do not overload the space. If flowers, peas, stars, etc. are scattered across the curtains, then the rest of the space should not contain prints.

The only exception is the repetition of the pattern on the bed linen or on one of the walls. It looks quite stylish.

In a neutral room, you can hang a photo curtain with a pattern, for example, from a girl’s favorite cartoon. This solution looks original, but as the child’s interests change, it may lose its relevance.

Any curtain, even the saddest in shape and color, can be enlivened by accessories. These can be any Velcro appliqués that can be easily moved, or elegant tiebacks. Brooches will help create draperies that will create a romantic atmosphere in the room.

Photo gallery

On our website there are photo ideas on how to furnish a girl’s room and choose curtains using her interests or any colors. Or you can make a bright accent on the curtains by choosing a modern style, unusual shape or material.


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