Black bedroom - 74 photos of complete immersion in stylish relaxation

It's not often you see black in the bedroom. Since too dark causes not entirely correct associations.

But designers do not agree with this myth and increasingly recommend decorating rooms in black. It has many features.

The background perfectly highlights the decorative elements and makes them accentuated in the room.

The black tone fills the bedroom with mystery and uniqueness, the space radiates elegance and attracts the eyes of your guests.

For many, the color is reminiscent of mourning events, but if you approach the design correctly, the result will be simply unexpected and enchanting.

Black throughout the bedroom

This is a rather bold use of black. This solution is suitable for young guys or single men.

Judging by the interior of the room, you can determine the type of person, his character and habits. Such people are brave, mysterious and decisive in nature.

How to properly organize lighting

Lighting in a sleeping room with black color plays an important role. In such a bedroom there should be an order of magnitude more lighting points than in any other interior.

Depending on the additional colors used, warm or cool lighting can be used.

The design of a strict black bedroom dictates the use of several light sources of different strengths, rather than one chandelier shining in a single mode in the center of the room.


What can be applied:

  • spot ceiling lights;
  • LED strip lighting;
  • bedside sconces;
  • floor lamps;
  • pendant lamps;

Additionally, you need to take care of LED lighting. It should be laid along the entire perimeter of the ceiling or over one wall. If there are niches or shelves, then they can also be illuminated. The bedside area must be illuminated with sconces or floor lamps.


Of course, the window should be large, and preferably located on the sunny side. This is especially important if the bedroom has a black ceiling and flooring. Otherwise, the bedroom will look gloomy during the daytime.

Design ideas using black tone

Among all the styles, there are several trends in black.

  • Neo-Gothic.
  • A room for sorcerers or rock musicians.
  • Art Deco.

How to choose furniture

The choice of furniture directly depends on the overall stylistic design of the room.

You should pay attention to:

  • style of furniture;
  • color;
  • shape;
  • insertions or lack thereof;
  • Compliance of dimensions with the size of the bedroom.

It is not necessary that in a room with dark walls, pieces of furniture should also be black. Perhaps light or gray furniture will fit organically.

Neo-Gothic bedroom

The idea for the room was born from fashionable subcultures. For her, black is the ideal color and should be in everything.

Here you need to use different textures, including furniture items, textiles and decorative details.

The ideal combination would be a bedspread with a glossy effect and matte curtains with lace trim. Pillows made of velvet fabric and upholstery with ornaments will fit well.

Sorcerer's room

Outlandish decor and magical elements will emphasize the mystery of the bedroom. To make the room at least somewhat reminiscent of a relaxation room, artificial lights are created in it using lighting fixtures.

Choose materials for decoration in a neutral tone without images; in the future they will serve as a background for design details.

Let the bed be made of black wood, put fur on the floor, but only natural one. Add crystal or glass accents to your decor.

Design Features

Additional colors

A black and white bedroom is a spectacular design solution, but requires accuracy and careful attention to detail. One of the important points is the introduction of additional colors and shades.

What is it for? Firstly, to reduce excessive contrast, gamma sharpness. Secondly, to make the atmosphere larger, more interesting, more comfortable.

What shades should be included in the white-black palette? The most current options:

  • neutral tones (beige, light gray, light brown);
  • natural shades (wood, wicker accessories, non-ferrous metals, undyed natural textiles);
  • unobtrusive bright point accents;
  • pastel halftones;
  • deep dark colors.

Unusual interior design of a black and white bedroom with yellow accents

Color proportions

Another important point is the ratio of colors in the setting. In order not to be mistaken in this matter, it is best to follow the 60/30/10 rule: when 60% of the gamut is occupied by the main color, 30% by the auxiliary color, and the remaining 10% by accent tones.

When applying this rule in the design of a black and white bedroom interior, it is important to consider a number of factors:

1. Size of the room and level of natural light. So, when arranging a small and rather dark bedroom, it is logical to choose white as the main color - so that it visually appears larger and lighter.

Minimalist interior design of a black and white bedroom in light colors

2. Stylistics. In a Scandi bedroom, for example, the formulas “primary white + auxiliary neutral tones + accent black” or “primary white + auxiliary black + bright accents” will look harmonious. But in the loft style, you can turn to the option “main black + auxiliary neutral tones + white accents.” For Art Deco, a combination of “primary black + auxiliary white + dotted inclusions of neutral tones” would be successful.

3. Desired mood. The sleeping area presupposes a certain freedom in choosing the light and shadow balance, and the mood of the interior is a completely individual matter. Some people like airy, light, bright rooms, while others prefer a more boudoir atmosphere. Some people want to fall asleep and wake up surrounded by neutral shades, while others want to add dynamic bright accents to their decor.

Stylish interior design of a black and white bedroom with furniture in a natural wood tone

4. Suitable contrast level. A point that is partly related to style, but largely based on individual preferences. If you like sharp contrasts and expressive interiors, it makes sense to give charcoal black and white a leading position in the palette. Moreover: in this case, you can completely abandon the auxiliary shades and move away from the 60/30/10 formula, replacing it, for example, with 60/40 or 70/30.

In a room with normal levels of natural light, the 50/50 option will give the strongest contrast. And the weakest can be obtained by generously diluting the black and white combination with other colors and shades (both bright and neutral), as well as using a significant gap in the volumes of these tones (for example, a lot of white - and literally a little black).

To understand what level of contrast is closest to you, the easiest way is to look at a selection of photos of bedrooms in white and black colors.

Stylish contrasting interior design of a black and white bedroom

Style selection

Bedroom design in black and white is a winning move for many areas. But for some styles this palette is most typical, among them:

Styles Recommendations
1. Modern A bedroom in this style requires a not too obvious contrast: it is best to introduce neutral tones, natural textures into the b/w palette, and add one or more bright accents.
2. Classic, neoclassical For these styles, a good move would be to introduce rich black and white through textiles, decor, and accessories. Or, alternatively, through finishing.
3. Minimalist One of the few areas that can visually soften even a fairly strong contrast in a black and white environment.
4. High-tech The white and black palette in such rooms is complemented with metallic accents and unexpected futuristic textures. A mix of high-tech and eco-style is relevant - then the introduction of natural textures (wood, stone) and living greenery as a bright accent will be justified.
5. Scandinavian For Scandi interiors, it is better to choose a black and white palette that is softer in contrast. But scandi minimalism and scandi loft will tolerate a sharper palette.
6. Art Deco, Baroque Both directions welcome the dominance of coal-black in the setting, while Art Deco is also loyal to expressive contrasts.
7. Rococo Requires softening the b/w contrast and adding neutral tones.
8. Loft The style is characterized by a significant predominance of one of the colors of the contrasting pair (either white or black), an abundance of textures and the introduction of additional color accents.
9. Modern, retro, vintage Although these styles are not particularly characterized by high-contrast white and black interiors, they may well be a good choice for black and white sleeping areas. Black and white photos as decor, as well as textiles with classic black and white prints (checks, polka dots, houndstooth) will look especially organic in such directions.

Minimalist interior design of a black and white bedroom in the Scandinavian loft style

Classic interior design of a black and white bedroom interspersed with beige


Chest of drawers black and white Kristal


White chest of drawers Reina


Chest of drawers white Solea

Decoration and furnishings

When choosing decoration and furniture for bedrooms in black and white tones, designers most often follow one of the following paths:

  • neutral finishes (for example, beige wallpaper and light wooden floors) and black and white furniture;
  • harmonious mixing of furniture and decoration in black and white (requires high skill, often accompanied by the introduction of neutral tones and bright accents);
  • contrasting divisions (for example, white trim and deep black furniture or white walls, black floors and neutral wood furniture).

Of course, there are many other options for black and white bedroom designs.


In order not to make mistakes when choosing the appropriate distribution of black and white, the easiest way is to design a neutral background - and introduce colors gradually.

Stylish interior design of a black and white bedroom in neoclassical style

Windows and doors

Other basic furnishings can also help to place b/w accents in the bedroom: doors, windows, window sills, slopes. At the same time, they can both serve as eye-catching details (a dark door on a light background will look quite impressive) and harmoniously complement the interior design of a bedroom (for example, a room with black and white furniture).


Windows and doors can also help introduce a pop of color into a B&W scheme. Just imagine: a sunny yellow door against a background of black and white wallpaper. Expressive and original move.


One of the most win-win options is a combination of black and white finishing with a bedroom set in neutral colors. And also the opposite situation: a basic background - and a white and black bed, wardrobes, chests of drawers, nightstands. These two scenarios provide a certain flexibility - and allow you to carefully introduce accents and adjust the level of contrast using textiles and decor.

But, of course, any other scenarios are possible: b/w finishing with b/w furniture, charcoal-black finishing with white furniture, bright furniture on a white-black background, and so on.

Original interior design of a black and white bedroom with a dark green textured bed


Domino bed


Mickey Mouse Bed


Petals Queen Bed


Textiles are an important point in the design of a bedroom. It will not only add comfort and texture, but will also help correct possible design mistakes.

So, if you overdid it with the introduction of rich black and boiling white into the decor - and want to reduce the contrast, decorate the bed using neutral tones and soft textures. If, on the contrary, black and white are somewhat lost against the general background, choose textiles in these colors.

Cozy black and white bedroom interior design


Textiles will help complement the black and white palette with bright accents - and easily and quickly change the mood of the interior. For example, hang playful pink curtains in a black and white bedroom - and not a trace of the former severity will remain.

Decor for a black and white bedroom

Depending on the chosen style, the decor for a white and black bedroom can be paintings, figurines, sculptures, vases, posters and much more. Functional decor is especially relevant: original wall shelves, organizers, boxes, designer lamps. For some styles (art deco, baroque), bohemian decor will come in handy - paintings in massive frames, art objects.

Original interior design of a black and white bedroom with hints of Art Deco


Decorative accessories do not have to be chosen in white or black: they can easily be made in neutral or bright shades.


Lighting plays an important role in the decor of a white and black room - and directly affects the level of contrast. So, soft, diffused light will help reduce contrast, while hard, cold light, on the contrary, will enhance it. Otherwise, for the interior of a bedroom in white and black colors (and the photo below demonstrates this), the same recommendations apply as for any others:

  • think over lighting scenarios;
  • provide many different light sources (main light, local light, cabinet lighting, decorative lighting);
  • focus on the light temperature that is comfortable for you;
  • remember that dark corners visually eat up space.

Stylish textured interior design of a black and white bedroom in Scandi style

A place for a rock musician to relax

In this bedroom, decor and patterns are no longer appropriate. The decoration is carried out in a restrained manner - decor with metal parts is perfect.

Designers advise combining black with cool tones or silver with platinum.

  • Beautiful furniture from
  • How to make a design project for a room in the program - Interior Design 3D
  • The main advantages of designer furniture from Italy

You should not use a variety of textures; surfaces should have a matte, aged effect or gloss.

On large surfaces, black is a must, but for the rest, a metallic and silver palette is suitable.


Let's start with the benefits of black walls in the bedroom:

  1. Further interior design is simplified. Compared to bed shades, black is more universal. You can easily fit into the bedroom: paintings, flowers, furniture and other interior items of different colors.
  2. Great background. On black walls, mismatched interior items look noticeably better than against the background of bed shades.

Important! If you wish, you can replace decoration items and they will go well together. Because black is neutral.

  1. Creates a suitable environment. Black combined with red creates an intimate atmosphere. This is an excellent condition for couples in love.

Related article: New Year in vintage style: fill your apartment with romance!

With the right shade of black, you can create a unique interior; you should not focus on deep black.

Photo of a black bedroom

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