Bathroom design 2022 (+400 real photos) interior ideas

Bathroom design in 2022, regardless of its size and shape, gravitates towards laconic and balanced design solutions. A beautiful, functional, well-thought-out design is simply bound to charm and delight. After all, it is from this room that our day begins and ends, it is here that we take care of our beauty, forget about unresolved problems, and receive a certain feeling of joy and pleasure. Therefore, it is very important to arrange a harmonious and functional bathroom space in 2022, taking into account not only modern design trends, but also your own preferences.

Which luxury bathroom furniture is best?

The choice of furniture for this type of bathroom also has its own characteristics. Elite and expensive furniture should be used here.

More attention is paid to arranging the washing area, but if the area is large enough, you can also place a cabinet for towels and cosmetics.

For a luxury bathroom, the most suitable would be the following:

  • All kinds of bright cabinets under the sink.
  • Built-in hanging drawers;
  • Large wicker basket;
  • Built-in shelves for cosmetics;
  • Dressing table.

And this is not far from the entire list of furniture that is suitable for an elite bathroom.

Here you can use everything that will make your stay in the bathroom more comfortable and also satisfy your needs.

About light and color

In principle, you cannot do without glass and it is always in trend. Sliding partitions successfully divide the room into transparent functional segments. The fragile material is involved in lighting, and can be part of furniture and paraphernalia. You can't go wrong if you purchase interior models with frosted or corrugated glass inserts.

Bathroom lighting is a separate paragraph. It is customary to make it at different levels to regulate mood and emotions. In addition to standard lighting, mirror light is used, and a “starry sky” or spot lighting system is placed on the floor.

The importance of color in bathroom design is a relative concept, but the harmony of the classics requires the inclusion of no more than 2-3 tones, and highlights and brightness will be provided by chrome sanitary ware and accents transferred to accessories. For example, against the background of a boiling white bathtub, wood furniture, a light gray marble countertop and yellow or emerald textile sets look natural.

Stereotypes are a thing of the past. New times require different standards and fresh ideas. Create for yourself a beautiful and cozy reality, different from the other.

Beautiful bathroom designs 2022-2023. Super ideas for arranging a bathroom in the best styles in the photo

We have outlined the main components of bathroom design, and now we offer to evaluate options and interesting ideas for bathroom interiors that deserve attention and implementation.

Kaleidoscopic scattering of mosaics

Glass mosaic is suitable for both full wall cladding and the design of the top border and columns. At the same time, it will become the dominant feature of fragments on the floor, creating decorative nuances on the façade of furniture or accessories. The reason for this demand was the unlimited decorative potential of the material.

In terms of design, it is possible to combine tesserae according to configuration, degree of transparency and external luster. The created fragments look equally gorgeous under artificial lighting and the rays of the sun. Reflection of glare will complicate perception under the LED track, and will make the glass transparent under the natural flow of light.

Even a small inclusion of squares in a monotonous space will “kill” the boring impression. To avoid tasteless variegation when decorating full-length walls, lean in favor of the monochrome version, eventually diluting the solid surface with colored inserts.

As confirmation of its popularity, it is worth recalling the mosaic interiors of the five-star Sheraton or the Versace Palace. Partially, the choice dilemma can be solved by product packaging. Perhaps these will be collections of mixes or color “stretches”, story panels, extraordinary borders with touches of silver or gold.

The rarest stones on Earth

Rarity is also an important characteristic on which the value of a gemstone depends. Thanks to this criterion alone, some pieces can cost a fortune.


The rare mineral eremeevite, named after Pavel Eremeev (a Russian geologist), has a light blue color and was therefore previously considered a type of aquamarine. It is mined only in Transbaikalia; varieties of other colors of this stone have already been found, but classic blue is valued higher.

The color of eremeevite varies from yellow and brownish to blue. Blue stones are valued higher


The rare mineral grandidierite, native to Sri Lanka and Madagascar, comes in different colors (from blue to green). No more than 20 specimens of such stones are known in the world. In terms of per carat, its value is estimated at more than 30 thousand dollars (more than 1.9 million rubles).

Grandidierite is the rarest stone on Earth, named after Alfred Grandidier, a scientist who studied Magascar


Deposits of rare padparadscha sapphires, all in Sri Lanka, have already been exhausted. Now they have learned to synthesize such stones by heating a corundum mixture. Therefore, a natural sapphire of this type costs 20–30 thousand dollars (1.3–1.9 million rubles) per 1 carat.

Padparadscha is a unique red sapphire, not found anywhere in nature today.


The green semi-precious stone jadeite, which in rare specimens resembles diamond, is much less common than non-precious jade, which is similar in origin and structure. A rare example is the imperial, an emerald green, translucent variety of jadeite that is worth more than a typical diamond from South Africa or Russia. In 2022, a monolith of jadeite with imperial inclusions was found at a mine in Burma. Thanks to them, the entire stone is worth 170 million dollars (11.1 billion rubles). But it’s not only the imperial that is valued. Ordinary high-quality transparent jadeite can also cost up to 20 thousand dollars (1.3 million rubles) per 1 carat.

A rare variety of green jadeite - imperial

Blue tourmaline

Rare blue tourmalines are found in eastern Brazil. This is a rare type of stone, the price of 1 carat of which is equal to the price of diamonds.

A rare variety of blue tourmaline


The alexandrite stone was found and classified at the beginning of the 19th century. in the Russian Empire. A strange mineral changes color depending on the lighting. It was initially mistaken for an emerald due to its green-turquoise color, but it turned out to be much harder. The scientist, who examined the stone in daylight, was amazed in the evening - in the light of a candle, the stone shone with a red-violet color.

The find is named after the newborn heir to the throne of Russia (the future Emperor Alexander II). Soon deposits of these crystals were discovered in the Urals. Russia has become a monopolist in the export of alexandrites, which have become a legend among European jewelers thanks to:

  • excellent combination of hardness required for cutting;
  • amazing and changing colors.

Now 1 carat of alexandrite costs a little less than a carat of large and high-quality South African diamond.

Alexandrite, a color-changing gemstone, is highly prized in Europe

Ruby beryl

It is extremely rare to find ruby-colored beryls in the United States, which are called bixbites. So rare that their average cost is unclear; according to information from open sources, it reaches 10 thousand dollars (650 thousand rubles) per 1 carat.

Bixbite - ruby-colored beryl


Dark blue or gray benitoites from the USA are known from only one deposit in California. There are no more than 10 stones in the world.

Benitoite is one of the rarest minerals in the world, the price of which is increasing from year to year.


Pink powdertite is a mineral from Canada, from the mine of the Poudret family, which sells the stones at private auctions. Their price began to become clear only after similar examples were found in Burma. For 1 carat you have to pay about 4 thousand dollars (261 thousand rubles).

Rare pink powdertite from a mine in Canada

Garnet chameleon

Garnet is a widespread mineral that belongs to the group of gemstones of the second row, has a dark blue variety that can change its color when the light changes from blue to red. Having properties similar to Russian alexandrite (even rarer), it costs a little less.

A rare blue variety of garnet that changes color to dark red

The rarest precious minerals and their deposits

Rare minerals are those that are not often found in nature. Most of them became known to man relatively recently and for some time were mistaken for other previously known gems.

Below is a list of the most unusual gems with photos:

  • Padparadscha. The gem is classified as a type of sapphire. This extraordinary crystal shimmers in shades of 3 colors – red, orange and pink. Some experts classify specimens with two colors as padparadscha, but this classification is not popular. Samples of standard colors are mined only in Sri Lanka.
  • Musgravit. The name comes from the name of the mountain range near which it was first found. It was discovered in 1967 near the Musgrave Mountains in Australia. Later, stone deposits were also discovered in Tanzania, Greenland, Antarctica, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. However, only crystals from Australia and Sri Lanka are suitable for jewelry making. The stone is transparent, colors range from light green to purple tones. The most valuable are completely green and purple specimens. Currently, only 14 workable samples have been recorded.
  • Tanzanite. Many researchers classify this stone as semi-precious. However, due to limited reserves and rarity, it was relegated to the category of precious minerals. Tanzanite has an unusual color that changes depending on the lighting. The crystals have a deep blue color, varying to violet and greenish. The gem is mined only in Tanzania. Its reserves will last for a maximum of 15–20 years.
  • Grandidierite. It has beautiful blue and green shades. Depending on the lighting, it can change color to white. No large specimens have been found to date. The largest mineral is 0.29 carats. Stone deposits are located in Sri Lanka. Crystals can be seen in some collectors' possessions. There are about 20 processed specimens, but experts say that only 8 of them have all the characteristics of the breed.
  • Painite. Discovered in 1950 in Burma. It is a mineral of organic origin. It is a translucent orange-red stone. Currently, about 30 high-quality samples have been found.
  • Benitoite. A beautiful transparent crystal of rich blue color, capable of fluorescing under ultraviolet light. Crystal mining is carried out only in California (USA). Most often, the specimens found have natural defects, so only a few are suitable for processing.
  • Poudretteitis. It was discovered at the end of the twentieth century, but since 2005 new specimens have not been discovered anywhere in the world. The gem deposit is located in Canada. These are colorless or pinkish crystals that turn bright pink or purple after processing.
  • Serendibit. Found in blue and yellow shades. Some specimens are very dark, almost black. Uncut samples are opaque, but after cutting they become shiny and transparent. Found only in Sri Lanka.

What types of gems are there?

Precious stones have a high price, which is fully justified by their unique beauty, amazing hardness, durability and delightful transparent color, which becomes much better after cutting. In addition, the more difficult it is to obtain a mineral, the higher its cost. This is the main reason for the name “precious”; the name “jewelry stone” often becomes synonymous with such minerals, which indicates their use in products made of precious metals (gold and silver). There are many gradations of stones, some are invariably recognized as precious, others can be classified as a specific grade or class of precious stones. All precious stones, as has already become clear, are in turn divided into varieties and classes. The 1st class of the 1st grade includes precious stones that are officially recognized as such:

  1. Diamond is the most expensive and durable gemstone, completely transparent. A cut diamond is commonly called a diamond.
  2. Ruby is a red corundum (aluminum oxide).
  3. Blue sapphire is another variety of corundum, but it is not easy to find in the blue shade, which is why it belongs to precious stones.
  4. Emerald is a less hard green stone.
  5. Alexandrite is the least valued stone among the most precious stones; it is often classified as a semi-precious stone, but is officially classified as jewelry and expensive.

Separately, they highlight unique and high-quality amber, as well as natural pearls. Both stones of organic origin are officially recognized as precious.

All subsequent stones are conventionally divided into groups, but are not recognized by law as precious. However, the 2nd class of the 1st grade includes:

  1. Demantoid;
  2. Opal black;
  3. Sapphire in other colors (not blue);
  4. Chrysoberyl;
  5. Spinel black;
  6. Euclase.

Representatives of the 2nd grade and 3rd class are:

  1. Aquamarine;
  2. Opal is white or fire;
  3. Rhodolite;
  4. Topaz;
  5. Tourmaline red;
  6. Spinel in various colors (except black).

4th grade is represented by:

  1. Beryl;
  2. Tourmaline of other colors (not red);
  3. Chrysolite;
  4. Chrysoprase;
  5. Zircon.

Stones from grades 2 to 4 are usually called “semi-precious”.

Expensive high-level finishing of premises

The following materials are used for finishing luxury bathtubs:

  • natural stone (marble, granite, onyx, quartz);
  • glass with a sandblasted pattern (it can be used in any style bathroom for partitions and shower doors);
  • designer ceramic tiles;
  • processed wood - beams and boards (mainly for country);
  • artistic painting;
  • glass mosaic with gold foil.

In expensive premises, several textures are used at once. For example, in a classic interior they combine matte and glossy surfaces, and for a bathroom in an authentic loft style - wood and concrete.

Since large bathrooms are well ventilated, the choice of materials for wall decoration is unlimited.

But you cannot, wanting to demonstrate eliteness, use all expensive materials for decoration at once. This will overload the room.

Gold and glitter in the bathroom.

Spider web fabric: the most expensive in the world

In 2009, a unique item was exhibited at the American Museum of Natural History in New York - a cape dress made entirely from the threads of orb-weaving spiders.
It was the result of a joint project between Simon Pearce, a British art historian specializing in textiles, and Nicholas Godley, his American business partner. The work took five years to complete and cost more than £300,000 (approximately $395,820).

The spiders whose threads Pearce and Godley used to make their fabric are known as orb weavers (Nephila inaurata). Only the females of this species produce silk, which they weave into webs. An interesting feature: the web of orb weavers glows in the sun.

To make one dress required the labor of a million spiders, as well as 80 people whom Pierce and Godley hired as assistants. The result of their joint efforts was the only one in the world, the thinnest and lightest golden dress made of spider silk. It is currently in the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, valued at $500,000, and is not for sale.

Malachite Box"

The source of inspiration for the craftsmen who made this plumbing miracle was the most beautiful semi-precious mineral - Turkish malachite. As you can easily see, this stone is significantly more expensive than the amethyst mentioned above. And, of course, gold legs to boot - they harmonize so well with the fresh emerald color.

For such plumbing you will have to pay approximately 222 thousand dollars.

Golden font

This tank is made of pure gold, commissioned by the Kominato Hotel. They say that this precious font weighing 87 kg has become an excellent marketing technique - only VIP guests of the hotel have the privilege of taking water procedures in gold. However, for the safety of the bath (it turns out that there are too many people who want to soak in it), it can be used for no more than 2 hours a day.

The bath itself costs 990 thousand dollars.

Dollar 1804

Nearly 20,000 silver dollars were minted in 1804, but with the previous year's dies, so they all bore the date "1803." Then the issue of dollars of this denomination was stopped for 30 years.

In 1834, they made several sets as gifts for Asian rulers, which included all the coins used in the United States. When minting, the events of 30 years ago were not taken into account, so the date “1804” was on the dollar coin - a total of 8 pieces were issued, one was included in the collection of the US Mint.

One of the coins was presented to King Rama III of Siam, and his brother-heir gave the entire set to the Englishwoman Anna Leonwens.

In 2001, an anonymous collector sold the coin for $4 million.

In 1858-1860, Theodor Eckfeldt minted another series of 1804 dollars, but the illegal coins were destroyed. Only 7 of them have survived.

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