Small bedroom in the house: how to create comfort in a small room (58 photos)

A small bedroom requires extra effort to make it comfortable and cozy. Its interior, like the design of a large bedroom, is of great importance. A person spends a third of his life sleeping. What he feels and sees in front of him affects the quality of his sleep.

Decorating a small bedroom

The ceiling in a small bedroom should not be massive, so it is necessary to abandon elaborate hanging structures when arranging the interior. A smooth, perfectly white surface will look decent. It is advisable to choose light shades for floors, a maximum of two similar tones. If you lay laminate or parquet diagonally, it will visually expand the boundaries of the room.

Decorating a small bedroom involves using a light shade on three walls, and a more saturated one on the fourth. You can stick a photo wallpaper with an outstanding perspective on one wall. Landscapes and city views are appropriate here. Wallpaper for a small bedroom with a pattern is not placed on the smallest wall in a narrow bedroom. To visually increase the space, you can use wallpaper for a small bedroom, the design of which will be with stripes.


It is problematic to allocate space for an office in an apartment; space does not always allow it. But everyone can organize a workplace. And the bedroom is not the worst option for this. Just take into account the depth of the table; the larger the area of ​​the room, the greater the depth of the table, but not less than 50 cm.

How to furnish a small bedroom

The interior of a small bedroom begins with highlighting the compositional center. The main piece of furniture should be the bed. Furniture for a small bedroom is arranged in such a way that there is space in the middle of the room. It is advisable not to leave a gap between the walls. Nightstands near the bed should be higher than the sleeping area.

In the color design of a small bedroom, it is not recommended to choose bright and aggressive shades for walls or furniture. It is enough to use a couple of matching colors. Light colors will look better. In Khrushchev they will visually increase the height of the ceilings. A clean white small bedroom looks uncomfortable.

In a small bedroom you need to use a minimal amount of decor. Both bulky and small parts are not appropriate. There can be only one bright accent in the room, but not in the center, but in the far corner to add perspective. If it has an elongated shape, it will visually elevate the ceiling in a small bedroom.

Textiles, furniture upholstery, curtains for a small bedroom cannot be chosen with large patterns. It is recommended to give preference to monotony and small, dim patterns.

Air conditioner

The issue of placing an air conditioner in the bedroom always causes controversy. Since experts consider it almost the main element of the interior, they suggest placing it directly at the head of the bed. But designers are not so loyal. They prefer to hide such devices. And the best place for its location is considered to be the space above the door or in the openings for laying electrics.

But be that as it may, the final word remains with the customer. And only he decides where the air conditioner will be located. And no matter how much designers and installers argue, they are unanimous on one thing - the air conditioner should not blow on a sleeping person. Consequently, the equipment is never installed opposite the bed, in order to avoid diseases.

How to arrange furniture in a small bedroom

The arrangement of furniture and layout in a small bedroom, regardless of the square or rectangular shape of the room, must comply with the following parameters:

  • The minimum passage width is 0.7-1 m.
  • The presence of straight passages and a minimum number of turns.
  • The distance from the bed in a small bedroom is 0.5 m in all directions.
  • If the sleeping place is parallel to the window, then the distance between them should be at least 0.8 m.

When choosing a bed in the interior of a bedroom in a small room, they are guided first by their preferences. The style of the room fades into the background. Bed parameters:
  • the length should be + 13 cm to the person’s height;
  • width + 20 cm to shoulder width;
  • height 40-60 cm.

If possible, the closet is taken outside the room if the bedroom is small, 10 sq. m. m. Otherwise, you need to purchase a wardrobe. Or you can buy 2 narrow wardrobes, place them at a distance from each other, and install a chest of drawers, a mirror or a bed in the middle in a small bedroom.


Many people place a TV or projector in the bedroom. This is not dictated by fashion or stylistic decisions. Everything is at your discretion. In order to combine quality - size - price, it is worth purchasing a soundbar.

How to arrange a small bedroom

A window is an important decorative element in a small bedroom. To decorate it, you can use light curtains made of taffeta, organza or muslin. Decorative textiles are appropriate in the bedroom, but in a small area they are used with caution.

A similar rule applies to all kinds of figurines, paintings and photographs. It is advisable to leave only 2-3 of your favorite or designer items on display to create a cozy small bedroom.

Decor and lighting

We have already mentioned that a lot of light is needed. Even for a small bedroom of 5 square meters, an ordinary ceiling chandelier is not enough.

  • Try not to block the natural light from the window with anything. If there is practically no sun in the bedroom, you can replace heavy blackout curtains with light curtains or abandon them altogether.
  • Artificial lighting will be needed at several points: bedside sconces, ceiling chandelier, lamps in the work or dressing area. Use white or slightly warm lamps to create a pleasant atmosphere.

The photo shows a small narrow bedroom

Since there is simply not enough space for works of art, the decor must be functional. The main decoration of the bedroom is textiles. Pillows, blankets, bedspreads, bedside rugs, curtains - choose according to your style and color palette.

Pictures or photo frames must be correlated with the size of the room. That is, instead of one large one, it is better to take 2-3 small ones.

Place vases or flower pots, figurines and other tabletop items only if there is free space. It is better to refuse floor accessories.

How to visually expand a small bedroom

Optical illusion techniques will allow you to increase the area, regardless of whether you need to renovate a small bedroom or not. Popular options include:

  • mirrors;
  • glass parts;
  • gloss;
  • setting up lighting.

You can use a wardrobe with a mirrored facade, a mirrored door or a mirror on the entire wall. The design of a small bedroom of 9 sq. m will fit perfectly and create the desired effect of several small mirrors that will visually hide the boundaries of the room. They are placed opposite the window so that the coming light makes the room more voluminous. Instead of mirrors, you can use tiles, stained glass and panels.

The visual lightness of glass will not create a cluttering effect in a small bedroom. As an idea for a small bedroom, you can use glass furniture elements - shelves, a table, etc.

For finishing walls and ceilings, if a small bedroom is 12 sq. m and less, you can use glossy paints. When working with gloss, the main thing is to choose calm bed colors. The surface must be perfectly smooth, as the shine reveals all the flaws.

The modern design of a small bedroom is rarely complete without glossy ceilings with proper lighting. When positioned correctly, it creates the impression of endless space.

What are the features of a 5*5 living room?

Let's look at these features in more detail. As we have already said above, the room is not easy to decorate, but there are still advantages.

If you decide to decorate the living room yourself, then first of all consult professional designers who will help you create an original and attractive look for the room.

I would like to note that it is possible to decorate a living room in a spacious and laconic way, but at the same time use objects and furniture that would be used when decorating a living room of enormous size.

Interested? Then let's look further.

Before you start decorating a guest room of 25 square meters. m, create a plan according to which you will go. In it, it is advisable to note all the design details that will fill the space of the room.

Furniture in the living room plays the most important role. There are two options for its placement - actually along the room and in the center of the living room itself.

What characterizes the living room?

  • Laconicism in the arrangement of furniture items. After all, it is in a square living room that furniture can be successfully arranged, compared to a rectangular one.
  • It is rational to completely fill one wall in such a room.
  • It is easy to finish the room, but this should be discussed with a specialist.

After all this, you will need to discuss all your plans with the whole family so that there are no questions or misunderstandings later.

Choosing a style for a small bedroom

The most popular small bedroom styles:

  • modern;
  • classical;
  • Provence;
  • loft;
  • minimalism;
  • Scandinavian.

The design of a small bedroom in a modern style combines clear lines, calm tones and the presence of only functional details. The lamps should be spotlights, the walls should be gray and white, and the floor should be in subdued colors. A small bedroom in a modern style is complemented by silk bed linens.

A classic-style bedroom borders on luxury. It combines stucco, pink and peach tones and a crystal chandelier. For a small bedroom, choose a headboard upholstered in white leather. Curtains are made of satin or velvet.

Pastel colors help to immerse yourself in the style of the southern part of France. For a small bedroom in Provence style, chintz fabrics are relevant. Hand-embroidered ornaments in the form of cages, flowers and polka dots are allowed. The furniture is simple, no frills.

A small loft-style bedroom is characterized by a lack of decoration, large windows and high ceilings. Brickwork can be placed on the walls, and a sleeping place without legs can be installed on the floor without finishing. The loft bedroom resembles a haven for a free artist.

Minimalist small bedroom design ideas are perfect for such a space. Smooth surfaces, lack of decoration and furniture with clear boundaries. A maximum of two color accents are allowed in the interior.

The coolness and transparency of Scandinavian style is reflected in various shades of white. A bedroom set for a small bedroom will look beautiful. This design is only appropriate in a warm climate in a room on the south side of the house.

Options for a small room without a window

Often the design of a small bedroom in a Khrushchev-era building has to be designed without natural light. A false window or glass partition can relieve the room from gloom.

The modern design of a small bedroom without a window is often complemented by a false window. To do this, a wooden frame is installed in the walls of a small bedroom, with parameters similar to a real window. You can fill it with photographs, a mirror, a landscape image, etc. For greater believability, use backlighting.

A small bedroom without a window looks good with a glass partition. She will divide the space into zones, while leaving it as a single whole. The pattern on the glass and the refraction of light will beautifully hide objects behind the partition.

When arranging a small bedroom, it is important that it is comfortable for the owners of the room to be in it. Following simple rules will help you achieve a comfortable atmosphere and stylish design.

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