Painting the walls in the bedroom - the best options for combining colors in the bedroom interior (120 photo ideas)

The meaning of color in the interior

The right combination of colors is a whole science. Especially if the interior is designed to combine several shades at once. When choosing a palette, it is worth remembering that each color has a different effect on a person’s mood and well-being.

Gray color makes the bedroom interior strict and laconic.

Black is rarely used as the main color. More often used in an ensemble with other colors. If you decide to focus on black, choose glossy surfaces of furniture and textiles. Matte materials will make the room look like a crypt.

White color gives the bedroom a feeling of lightness and cleanliness. It is better to use warmer shades of white as the main color or complement the snow-white interior with colored details.

Orange tones and gives vigor. For the bedroom, it is better to combine it with calmer colors or use muted shades of orange.

Blue is great for the bedroom. This color is calming, but you should choose warmer shades for rooms with insufficient light.

Turquoise tone gives a feeling of cheerfulness and lightness.

Beige and pastel yellow colors make any bedroom sunny and cozy, which helps you calm down and fall asleep.

Grassy green shades soothe and rest the eyes.

Black and white story

If a white bedroom is too light for you, and a black one is too dark, try combining these two colors in one room. Such a game of contrasts will make the space more interesting and emphasize the strict forms of the furniture. The black and white palette is perfect for an Art Deco, classic style bedroom.

Author of the project: Elena Tokmacheva. The white interior looks respectable due to the use of high-quality materials, luxury furniture and light.

Author of the project: Elena Tokmacheva. The white interior looks respectable due to the use of high-quality materials, luxury furniture and light.

Project authors: Ivan and Veronika Komogortsev

Project authors: Ivan and Veronika Komogortsev

Project authors: Ivan and Veronika Komogortsev

Project authors: Ivan and Veronika Komogortsev

The luxurious stucco panel at the headboard gives a special sophistication to this bedroom. Refrain - molded ceiling cornices. The authors of the project are Ivan and Veronika Kolmogortsev.

The luxurious stucco panel at the headboard gives a special sophistication to this bedroom. Refrain - molded ceiling cornices. The authors of the project are Ivan and Veronika Kolmogortsev.

Why should you paint your walls?

If you're choosing between wallpaper and wall paint, there are at least a few reasons to choose paint:

  • Almost any surface can be painted. Paintable wallpaper, drywall, plaster, wood, brickwork and even bare concrete walls.
  • If the walls are prepared for painting in the bedroom, a radical change in the appearance of the room will take a couple of days.
  • Using paint, you can give absolutely any shade to the walls and apply a design. To do this, you can use stencils or give free rein to your imagination.

Application of prints

Fans of modern style in the interior often choose monochromatic solutions. However, it is quite possible to choose wallpaper with patterns. Using prints indoors complicates the task of interior design, because in this case it is necessary to think through the room down to the smallest detail. Geometric prints are very popular in modern bedrooms. Wallpaper can be decorated with cells, stripes or circles. These designs have not gone out of fashion for many years.

Many people choose wallpaper with floral prints. These can be flowers, leaves or plant branches. Textile details will help support this pattern. Fans of things with patterns should use plain furniture in neutral colors. Thanks to this, the room will not be colorful or cluttered.

What will you need to paint the walls?

To decoratively paint bedroom walls, in addition to the paint cans itself, you will need:

Rollers. They are much more convenient and faster to paint large walls than with brushes. You will need wide rollers with spare attachments. To paint walls near the ceiling, you need rollers with a long handle, and for the lower part - with a short handle. The denser and shorter the pile on the roller, the smoother the paint will lie on the surface.

Paint brushes. You can't do without brushes at all. With their help, they paint corners and those narrow places where the roller cannot reach. A brush with cone-shaped bristles is suitable for such purposes.

Masking tape. It is used to delimit the area to be painted. You can use it to cover the ceiling and floor plinths and divide the wall into even stripes if you plan to combine several colors.

Paint tray. It should be wider than the roller you are using and have a grooved bottom.

Additional container or jar. Useful for mixing or tinting paint.

Equipment for painting works

To independently repair the bedroom, after plastering, leveling and priming the surfaces, you can begin painting the walls.

For self-staining you will need:

  • Paint rollers for uniform painting of large areas;
  • Brushes for finishing corners, joints and other areas that cannot be painted with a roller;
  • Painting tape to create a straight, even line delimiting a certain part of the wall;
  • A paint tray that makes it easy to pick up with a roller;
  • Additional containers designed for mixing paints to create the desired color scheme.

Properly selected colors and high-quality painting of the walls will make the bedroom a cozy and attractive place in the house.

Preparing walls for painting

Before plastering the walls for painting or gluing the appropriate wallpaper on them, you need to do the following:

  • Completely remove any coverings from the walls. This applies to old plaster and wallpaper. The walls should remain “bare”.
  • Before painting the walls, the bedroom must be thoroughly cleaned, dried and ventilated. Dust on the walls can form clumps and be visible under the paint layer.
  • All unevenness must be smoothed out using plaster.
  • Apply 2-3 coats of latex primer to the walls. It will increase adhesion and the paint will adhere better to the walls.
  • After each coat of plaster or primer is applied, leave the room to dry for at least a day.
  • Before starting work, apply masking tape to the ceiling and floor plinths.
  • If you are mixing or tinting paint, dilute enough material to cover the entire desired area. It will be very difficult to get exactly the same color again.
  • Apply the paint with a roller from top to bottom, and then horizontally, so that the paint lays more tightly on the wall.

How to choose paint

There are many types of paint available on the market now. Water-based paint is best suited for painting walls in a bedroom interior. It can be acrylic or acrylic-latex based.

This paint has several undeniable advantages:

  • High drying speed;
  • Safety for humans and the environment;
  • Neutral odor;
  • Air permeability;
  • Resistant to moisture and mechanical stress.

When choosing a dye, it is important to consider that after drying, its tone will become a little lighter.

Features of selection

When choosing the color scheme of a room, you should take into account its size and purpose.


For a small room, you should choose white shades that help visually enlarge the space. However, it is not at all necessary to give preference to beige shades or ivory. Any pastel colors will help visually expand the room. If you want to use dark colors in the interior, this technique should be used only on one wall or its fragment. This will help avoid overloading the interior and visually reducing the room.

When decorating a small room, you should use a combination of white and blue colors. This combination will complement the interior of a bedroom of any size. If you want to make the room more interesting, you should use rich details. This could be a multi-colored bedspread or bright curtains. For small bedrooms, a combination of white and rich details is perfect. It could be a yellow carpet or emerald textiles.


When decorating a child's bedroom, it is worth taking into account the development of the child's nervous system. The most suitable shades for a child include the following:

  1. Green – provides comfort and refreshes the room. This shade even contributes to the development of the baby’s intelligence and improves his memory.
  2. Yellow is considered a positive color that easily lifts your spirits. This shade is suitable for shy or anxious children. If the baby is active, it is permissible to paint only 1-2 walls yellow or use bright curtains.
  3. Blue and cyan - these tones have a calming effect. They should be chosen for excitable children who often experience fears or have a tendency to hysterics.

Types of paint

In addition to the above, paints on other bases are used for painting walls:

Oil paints. Made from drying oil. This paint has a specific smell and takes a long time to dry. After drying it gives a dense glossy finish. The surface does not breathe under a layer of oil paint, so the paint may crack and fall off over time. Nowadays it is more often used for painting metal surfaces.

Enamel paint is made from varnish. Durable paint that dries within 24 hours. Has a specific smell. For better adhesion to the wall, it is necessary that there are roughness on the surface.

Glue. To make it, mix starch and hot water in one container until thickened, glue and water in a second container, and paint in a third. Then all three emulsions are mixed and applied to the walls. The coating is environmentally friendly, but requires some skill to use.


A good mood and positive attitude are guaranteed for those who have bright sunny colors in the room. Yellow will be a great color for the bedroom. It will bring optimism, vitality, joy.

It can be used on walls to make the interior light and airy. It is used more often for small spaces. Yellow elements have a positive effect on the human psyche.


There are many options for painting walls. We suggest using the following sequence, which is followed by professional painters:

  • Use a brush to paint the interior and exterior corners of the bedroom. Start at the window side and work towards the exit.
  • Using a brush, paint the areas that the roller cannot reach (joints between walls and baseboards, areas behind radiators and along doorways).
  • After putting paint on the roller, be sure to remove excess paint by rolling it over a special ledge in the tray.
  • Paint large areas of walls with a roller.

Useful tips

Dilute the color in white paint to the entire required volume. This way you will avoid multi-colored walls.

Plain walls look boring and faceless. Paint the bedroom walls in two colors. One of the walls can be made an accent, and the rest can be painted in lighter and calmer shades.

Choose the color of the bedroom walls to paint depending on the lighting in the bedroom. For a southern bedroom, you can choose cool shades, but if the windows face north, paint the walls in warm colors.

Apply the paint in three strokes. The first is vertical, the second is horizontal, the third is cruciform.

Coloring ideas

In the photo of painting the walls in the bedroom there is often a combination of several colors. When choosing color options for the bedroom, you need to take into account the wishes of the owners, the architectural features of the room, and the existing furniture. Most often you can find these types of wall painting:

Horizontal division of walls. The parts can be divided equally or the bottom part can be 2/3 narrower than the top. The border can be left as is or decorated with a border.

Colored inserts. To do this, paint the wall in a neutral color. Then markings are made using molding, and the inside is painted with a more saturated color.

Striped walls. The stripes can have any direction. The main thing is that they are not too narrow. Stripes of the same color, but of varying degrees of saturation, look noble.

Accent. If you want to add some freshness to your bedroom, choose a central wall and paint it a bright color. This technique is often used by designers.

Pink shades

If you are choosing which wallpaper color to choose for a bedroom with a romantic mood, take a closer look at a variety of pink tones - from pearlescent pink to crimson. A rich and juicy raspberry tone will give a feeling of luxury; warm smoky shades will help make the interior more “fresh” and modern. They can be present in textured materials - velvet, suede or cashmere.

Project author: Alena Yarashevich

Project author: Alena Yarashevich

The bright color of a flamingo's plumage may seem a little naive for use in an adult bedroom, but pairing it with sophisticated porcelain gray shades will create a very cozy atmosphere. For textiles, designers advise using delicate colors of orchids and dark purple. Coral is traditionally considered a feminine color, but it is also perfect for a marital bedroom. It is better to combine it with neutral and cool beige shades. Smoky blue can be used for furniture pieces such as a sofa or chaise lounge.

Project author: Katerina Sizova

Project author: Katerina Sizova

Project author: Nina Ivanenko

Project author: Nina Ivanenko

Two-tone bedroom

If you are looking for a bedroom wall painting idea, consider a two-tone color scheme. There are three principles for combining two colors in the interior:

  • Degrade - a combination of two shades of the same color;
  • Related colors. For example, combinations of black and white, orange and yellow, blue and light blue.
  • Contrasting combinations. You need to choose both colors of the same temperature.

The best colors to combine with other colors are grey, white, beige and yellow.

According to feng shui

According to ancient Chinese teachings, it is not recommended to choose bold colors for the bedroom or use synthetic materials in the interior. It is better to stick to pastel-colored finishes. You can use bright accent details, but there should not be many of them.

How to choose a color

There are several win-win options:

  • Any color in pastel shades;
  • Classic options (beige, gray, brown);
  • Delicate shades of a cold palette (lavender, turquoise, pistachio);
  • Golden tones (mustard, peach, beige);
  • White color in combination with any other.

You should avoid too dark colors, purple tones and overly bright colors when decorating your bedroom. These colors will not allow your eyes and nervous system to fully rest.


If the owners of the apartment have already decided what color the bedroom should be, then it is worth carefully working out all the details. A lot depends on them. An unsuccessful combination can ruin the whole look. Many people consider the green tone boring. If you choose the right shade, you can get a cozy interior.

The universal color is suitable for any style direction; you just need to take into account the features of the room when decorating. Pistachio, olive or mint shades are used for finishing vertical surfaces.

Do not overload the recreation area with a large number of tones, or choose too bright options.

Selecting combinations

Having decided whether you want to see a monochrome color or a combination of tones, it is worth considering several factors:

  • Bedroom dimensions. For small rooms, it is imperative to use light shades that will make the room visually larger.
  • The new wall color should match the existing floor and ceiling.
  • The cool or warm tone of the walls should correspond to the level of natural light during the day.
  • Dark colors visually bring the walls closer, while light colors move them away. Using this technique, you can visually balance an elongated room.


When renovating a house, you should ask in advance how to choose the color of the walls for the bedroom. The comfort of the home and the general perception of the room depend on this. The area for relaxation of soul and body can be bright and bold.

Modern designers offer many interesting projects. An elegant solution in purple tones will fill the surrounding space with magic.

Complex and strong color has a special energy. It encourages creativity and makes the room beautiful. Its emotional perception depends on the chosen shade.

Color and style

Each interior style has its own color combinations. To make the interior look harmonious, it is better to adhere to these traditions:

  • For Provence, milky, blue and light pink colors are used;
  • Natural style loves shades of green and brown;
  • For baroque it is better to choose pastel colors;
  • A classic interior requires white;
  • High-tech loves black, white, gray and red;
  • Minimalism welcomes black and white;
  • Country means brown and shades of sand color.


Complex colors are associated with wood and earth. It sets you up for relaxation in an amazing way. Brown color is suitable for a bedroom according to psychology. If you paint the walls in this tone, it will promote concentration. Surrounded by brown elements, a person feels safe.

There are about 200 shades of brown. Chocolate walls with golden elements will be an exquisite combination. Walnut will give style and nobility. It is better to dilute the caramel shade with a hint of vanilla. Another popular solution would be coffee with milk.

Design ideas

Designers offer ready-made solutions that will look great in almost any bedroom.

One of the walls is painted dark brown. White or off-white furniture is placed on the wall.

Bright stripes, spots or prints on a neutral gray wall. Paintings and posters in bright colors can be used as accents.

A minimalist design in pure white will help to visually enlarge a small bedroom. The accent can be a bright floral picture above the headboard or a bright bedspread on the bed.

To diversify monochrome walls, you can paste not even, but embossed wallpaper before painting.

Painting the walls is the easiest and most modern way to transform your bedroom. If you choose the right combination of colors and quality materials, you can easily update your bedroom on your own.


To make a beautiful interior, you should first consider a photo of the color scheme of the bedroom. This will help you find the best option for your apartment.

The blue tone is associated with the expanses of heaven, light winds and the sea. Artists and poets love it. It calms and stabilizes blood pressure. Blue shades are often chosen by dreamers and optimists.

With the help of correctly selected combinations, it will be possible to achieve a positive impact on the emotional state of the residents of an apartment or house. The blue tone helps to visually expand the space and will help you relax before bed.

Photo of painting the walls in the bedroom

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