Painting walls in the interior: types, design, combinations, color choice, 300 real photos

Painting surfaces is not only the most economical finishing method, but also an opportunity to create a creative design in your home. To transform the interior, you don’t need to hire a team of workers; you can do the work yourself, and if you use your imagination, you can transform the house.

Benefits of technology

“Modern paints are environmentally friendly, so they are even suitable for painting walls in a nursery”

Painting the walls in a room is beneficial from all angles. This decor is aesthetic, practical, and inexpensive. A minimum of time is spent on decorating surfaces, and the finish will last for at least ten years, and will remain in almost its original form, despite the not always favorable microclimate in the room and regular washing. Examples of painting walls in an apartment speak for themselves. The wall surface looks perfect. The eye is not distracted by the joints that inevitably form when wallpapering.

Painting walls is aesthetic and practical

It is possible to experiment with colors. Modern paints are environmentally friendly, so they are even suitable for painting walls in a nursery. Last but not least is the fire safety of the coating. In general, there are all the prerequisites to give the technology a green light.

Experimenting on the computer

To avoid feelings of deep disappointment after the paints dry, interior design experts recommend first trying to model the idea on the computer. Using Photoshop and photographs, you can very accurately select the desired color. You can also find design programs online, which, among other things, contain instructions on the compatibility of different colors.

Related article: Nuances of choosing a laminate to wallpaper color: successful combinations of shades

Paints in interior style

Decorating a room often implies a stylistic direction. In this aspect, it is important not only to furnish and decorate it appropriately, but also to make the right background. The color scheme for painting the walls in a high-tech living room will be fundamentally different from the design of surfaces in the classics. In general, painted walls will satisfy the following requests:

  • minimalism;
  • modern;
  • country;
  • ethno;
  • pop art.

Painting walls for a minimalist interior

If minimalist trends involve the use of neutral colors, then modernism is ready for creativity. Here you can implement the most original ideas.

Art Nouveau style will allow you to realize the most original ideas

Rustic destinations prefer calm tones and colors of nature. Blues and greens, brown and gold are popular here.

Natural colors are appropriate for country style

If you look at examples of painting walls in an apartment with super-fashionable high-tech or techno, then a play of contrasts will catch your eye. You can’t do without a combination of white and black and the shine of silver metallic.

A game of contrasts in a high-tech interior

White, gray, sand and blue tones are intertwined in Greek and Italian style. Pop art will delight you with the neon pink, tenderness of light green and blue shades.

Neon colors pop art style


Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the surface. This is the most important stage, since the result depends on the quality of the preparatory work. This is especially true for the living room, where all the flaws are immediately evident.

Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  1. It is necessary to clean the surface of old coating, protruding pieces of cement and small irregularities.
    This can be done with a wide spatula, sequentially processing each area. Attention: If there are large chips, blockages or holes on the surface, they need to be additionally plastered.
  2. Priming the base. You will need a roller. To speed up the work, you can use a special construction sprayer.
  3. Lifting corners to give them visual evenness.
  4. Apply finishing polymer putty to the base in 2 layers. First, you need to apply the first one, wait until it dries completely, remove small bumps and irregularities with a spatula, and then proceed to apply the second layer. Read about how to putty and evenly paint walls here.
  5. Then you need to clean the putty surface with sandpaper (No. 150).
  6. Next, the surfaces are primed again, and fiberglass is glued on. The material hides any surface imperfections, protects against the appearance of microcracks, prevents the development of mold, and allows the walls to “breathe.”
  7. When the fiberglass has completely dried, you need to begin applying the final coating - superfinish putty (2 layers). Thanks to this material, the wall can be given a perfectly flat surface. An important condition for using superfinish putty is high-quality preparation of the base.
  8. The final stage is cleaning the surfaces with sandpaper No. 240. After sequentially performing all the described actions, you can begin applying paint.

Color illusions

Painting the walls in a room can completely change the atmosphere. It will no longer be perceived as something awkward. The same colors are intended to create the illusion of proportionality of space and add comfort to the atmosphere. Designers know many tricks of using them. So, in order to lift oppressive ceilings, they resort to horizontal combinations of colors when painting walls in the bedroom or living room. Two neutral shades of varying degrees of color saturation are selected. Darker paint is applied to the lower part of the wall surface, and lighter paint is applied to its upper zone.

The transition from dark to light will visually raise the ceilings

Horizontally running color stripes will make the room wider, vertical stripes will make the room narrower and taller. Highlighting the projections and existing columns in the room with bright colors looks impressive. Saturated and aggressive colors that cannot be used as a background will be an excellent complement to the lower panels. The interior will only benefit from their measured presence in the painting of the walls in the apartment, because the finish will look original and uncluttered.

Horizontal stripes will make the room wider

The play of colors is in favor. It is permissible to paint the walls even with a rainbow, the main thing is that everything looks harmonious. These can be contrasting or smooth tonal transitions. In the first case, colors of diametrically opposite spectra are combined, in the second - close ones, for example, blue and mint. Modern examples of painting walls in an apartment show a tendency towards gradient application of colors, although you can also find extravagant contrast options in blue-red or orange-light green. With the correct selection of color ensemble, a favorable psychological microclimate will be created in the room, it will become spacious and inviting to stay.

Why is choosing the color of your rooms so important?

A lot depends on the color in the interior. Using different combinations of shades, you can visually correct design flaws, make rooms lighter or darker, more spacious or smaller, and even change your mood. And if you believe the Chinese art of Feng Shui, you can even influence your destiny...

So what is important to consider when color designing our apartment or house? Designers recommend starting the selection of room colors from large surfaces: ceilings, walls, doors, etc.

The standard option for the ceiling is to paint it white. As for the walls, a win-win solution would be to paint them in slightly darker half-tones of white. This decoration does not lose its relevance, as it allows you to advantageously emphasize all the advantages of the room. Plus, with such a room you won’t have any worries about choosing furniture: any wardrobe, chest of drawers, sofa and armchairs will fit here.

True, this finish has no other advantages. But it is full of minuses. And the most important of them is that such repairs are unremarkable. He has no personality. And for many owners it makes them bored.

The second disadvantage of standard finishing is the inability to either emphasize the advantages or hide the shortcomings of the room.

The most favorite design techniques are playing with light, color and texture. For example, to hide the shortcomings of a low ceiling, the walls and ceiling are painted the same light color - this makes it seem visually higher. If this is not enough, add vertical stripes on the walls and paintings on the ceiling. All these methods allow you to visually increase the height, while the ceiling remains the same.

Working with the visual perception of rooms can radically change the comfort in your home. So, wallpaper with a small pattern makes the room larger, while wallpaper with a large pattern makes it smaller. And if you cover one wall with wallpaper with a geometric pattern, and leave the others plain, the room will seem larger.

If you want, you can even enlarge the windows by hanging light curtains and painting them and the window sills with noticeable paint.

Computer fitting

Before you start painting the walls in your apartment, it’s a good idea to see what the final result of the idea might look like, especially if you plan to use several different tones. Virtual fitting will help you avoid mistakes and subsequent disappointments. An appropriate design program or banal Photoshop will help you play repairs on the monitor. You can create interesting compositions based on examples of painting walls in an apartment found on the Internet.

Computer fitting will help you avoid mistakes

When selecting components, you need to focus on the functional purpose of the room. The trend of the season “3 colors” will take root perfectly in the nursery, but you just need to adjust the composition of the palette to the age of the young owner. When combining bright colors, do not forget that the contrast of the combination will affect the visual perception of the space. The sharper it appears, the smaller the room will seem. You also need to be careful when painting the walls in the living room with a super-fashionable terracotta, purple, wine or plum shade. You need to remember that flashy colors have no place in the bedroom. There is a kingdom of calm spectrums that can induce relaxation. But the background of the kitchen and dining room can be made more cheerful. Here it is worth paying attention to sunny colors. Their cheerfulness is always very welcome in such interiors.

For the bedroom, choose colors from calm spectrums

Taking into account these recommendations, pre-paint the walls in the bedroom or any other room and evaluate what you see. Adjust the picture as you wish. See how harmonious it all will look when adding furniture. If you are satisfied with the result, then you can move on to real actions.

The program will allow you to adjust the picture at your discretion

"Aegean Teal" - Benjamin Moore's 2022 Interior Color of the Year

The American company Benjamin Moore offers to fill your home with cheerful, natural colors in the coming year. According to its experts, "Aegean Teal" , a calming combination of blue and green with gray, will take a key place in interiors. This beautiful and rich color is a great alternative to blue. In fact, it is much calmer and more versatile than it might seem at first glance. Looks beautiful on walls, cabinet fronts, kitchen furniture, entrance doors or bookshelves.

"Aegean Teal" in 2022 can be used alone or in combination with other colors. Experts have developed a consistent shade palette that matches perfectly with Aegean Teal. The set is dominated by cheerful sunny shades, reminiscent of the warmth of the family hearth. Ripening fruits on the windowsill, warm and soft blankets, rays of the sun looking through the window. These small elements of everyday life inspired a unique palette that inspires peace and hope.

What to work with

The range of paints and varnishes is wide and choosing the right option can be difficult. To paint walls in an apartment, you need to purchase only those types that are intended for interior work. It's good if the paint is water-based. In this case, it will not be overpowered by a suffocating odor, and repairs will be possible even in winter. The category of safe compositions for painting walls in a room, in addition to water-based paint, includes:

  • silicone;
  • latex;
  • acrylic;
  • polyvinyl acetate.

Water-based paint has almost no odor

If you decide to make your own paint of the desired shade using a tint, then correctly calculate the consumption and mix the composition at once for the entire surface. It will not be possible to obtain another portion of the composition with the same degree of color saturation at home, and over a large area even the slightest deviation in shade will be a disaster. Everything will have to be repainted.


The name of this method speaks for itself. It involves applying various figured images. To make work easier, a stencil is used. You can make it yourself or purchase a ready-made tool at a hardware store.

Painting the walls in the living room

Making a monochromatic background in the living room is not a problem, but in this case you won’t have to dream about a unique setting. If you want something stunning, consider using two or even more shades in your room decor. Examples of fashionable painting of walls in an apartment can be found on the Internet.

Painting the walls in the living room

Take a closer look at the pictures and you will probably notice that the professionals did not randomly apply paint to the wall surface. There is a clear pattern here. Designers really highlight specific functional areas of the living room with different shades.

Highlighting the functional area with color

It is very good if there are niches in the layout of the room. When painting the walls in the room, they are decorated in rich colors, while the main surfaces remain in calm and light colors. The interior acquires an attractive depth. The following combinations look absolutely beneficial:

1.​ Light yellow and rich.

2.​ Coffee with cream.

3. Beige and brown.

Beige-brown wall paint

There is no point in complicating compositions and splitting them into small colored fragments. This can be perceived in pop art. It will certainly be interesting to hold a party surrounded by mosaic decor, but it will be difficult to stay in such a living room for a long time. In addition, mosaic painting of the walls in the room will narrow the space and make it more compact. For spacious living rooms this may not be bad, but for small ones it is completely unacceptable. If it is necessary to adjust the visual perception of the situation, it is better to provide for the correct alternation of color stripes when painting the walls in the apartment. Some combinations can erase boundaries and add depth to the interior, while others, on the contrary, make uncomfortable spaces more compact and comfortable.

Colored stripes will add depth to the living room interior

Don't forget to use the ability of paints to definitely influence people, helping them to tune into the right mood. A small area designated for relaxation should be surrounded by sand or apricot-colored walls.

Take a look at examples of painting walls in an apartment. A living room with white walls will always look fresh and elegant. It seems spacious and the atmosphere is light. You can add expressiveness to the decor by introducing yellow and red accents. Lilac, violet and peach shades will bring notes of romance. No less impressive are examples of painting walls in an apartment, where representatives of the pink spectrum are used in combination with white.

The white walls are diluted with red accents

As companions to burgundy, you should take gray and black paints. Gray tones will perfectly complement light green walls. A white and blue duet can create a radiant atmosphere. A white and black contrasting background will make your living room stylish and sophisticated.

Radiant atmosphere of a white and blue living room

Painting the walls in the bedroom

Is your imagination not drawing anything suitable for wall decoration? Analyze the location of window openings in the room and the degree of illumination of its area. If this is a sunny and, in general, spacious room, you can forget about conventions and go for an experiment. Combine the incongruous:

1.​ Black and white.

2. Scarlet and purple.

3.​ Rich orange and brown.

Rich orange wall color in the bedroom

Any combination for painting walls in a room can become relevant. You need to dilute the harshness of impressions with furniture. If the background is dark, light textiles and furniture with the same light upholstery should appear in the setting.

The dark color of the walls is diluted by light furniture

A completely different approach is needed for a small, dark bedroom. Here a soft light background is created, which can be enlivened with bright accent accessories. Add mystery to the atmosphere by organizing unusual evening lighting. By and large, a bedroom should have individuality in its interior and be designed to suit the needs of those who will sleep in it.

Light walls will visually enlarge a small bedroom

Bachelor's pad

A free man is an object of female hunting. Sophisticated heartthrobs are more likely to choose dark, perhaps even black, tones for painting the walls in the bedroom. Additional shades will help to avoid the gloominess of the situation. Thus, representatives of the gray spectrum are often added to black. Beige furniture will balance the color scales. And naturally, we should not forget about the classic companion of black when painting walls in an apartment - white. This couple is stunningly elegant.

Men's bedroom in gray and white

Strokes of red will add passionate notes and show that the owner knows how to take a lot from life. A colorful interior will be created by a duet of red and white. Shocking ladies will like the unusual, but very extravagant combination of the red spectrum with shades of blue and yellow.

Marital nest

If in the newlyweds’ bedroom you can still play with a riot of colors, then for an experienced couple this is inappropriate. The heads of the family, tired during the day, want peace and tranquility, so painting the walls in the bedroom is often done in pastel colors or soft shades of green, sky blue and yellow.

Cozy bedroom in pastel colors

The furnishings are also chosen to match the walls. If you want to somewhat intensify the energy flows, you can add bright accents in bedspreads, pillows, bedside rugs, in general, in anything that is easy to change.

Bedroom for the elderly

In old age, people tend to spend many hours in the bedroom, even during the day, so the approach to painting the walls in the room should be taking this feature into account. In such interiors as nowhere else, the psychology of color comes first. Look at examples of painting walls in an apartment. You will not find a single contrasting solution. Everywhere exclusively natural colors. Perhaps irritating factors are just a figment of our imagination, but the fact that the red spectrum increases blood pressure has been officially proven. In any case, the bedroom of old people is not the place to test the accuracy of generally known facts.

Painting walls in a bedroom for the elderly

Gradient and ombre

Gradient coloring, or ombre, as it is also called, is very popular. This is a smooth transition from a light shade to a darker one or from one color to another.

Painting the walls in the nursery

“The color of painting the walls in a room can correct children’s behavior”

The age of the owner of the apartment will tell you what color the interior of the child’s room should be. Kids prefer cheerful colors, but a schoolchild will be annoyed by them. Here you will need calm green or rich blue shades. However, today designers suggest looking at the choice of background solution from a somewhat unusual angle and taking childhood shortcomings as a basis. The color of painting the walls in a room can correct children's behavior.

Blue nursery for schoolchildren

The red spectrum activates a sedentary child, making him more energetic and bolder. Representatives of yellow will contribute to the development of perseverance, teach the fidget to concentrate, and instill self-confidence. Joyful orange colors will relieve the fear of loneliness, improve your mood, and stimulate your appetite.

The yellow color of the walls promotes the development of perseverance

The blue spectrum in dosed doses when painting the walls of a room will help calm a hyperactive child. Green tones are also great at combating the whims and fears of children. Purple walls fill the space with mysticism and magic, creating a fabulous atmosphere.

Green tones perfectly combat children's whims

The abundance of saturated colors in the design of the room can unbalance the atmosphere, so it is recommended to paint the walls in the nursery in zones. The place for bright colors in this case will be in the play corner. It is not necessary to make the entire surface richly colorful. It is enough to make a bright applique, stencil drawing, or hand-painted painting on a pastel background. A couple of a fiery red Chanterelle and a sunny glowing Kolobok will look great on a beige background. Highlight the sleeping area with calm shades that encourage calm and relaxation. This effect is produced by the entire pastel range.

Children's room in pastel colors with bright accents

In teenagers' bedrooms today, you can most often find minimalist interiors, so calm background solutions are a priority. The walls in the room are painted in grey-green, beige, grey, delicate peach or apricot tones, paired with white.

Painting walls gray for a teens bedroom


This technique does not require special tools or extensive experience. Immediately after painting, while the material has not yet set, you need to take a sheet of paper or a plastic bag, crumple it and blot the entire area of ​​the wall with it. To get a more interesting design, it is recommended to press the product with a spade onto the previous print. For this process, it is better to choose thick paints that dry for a long time in order to have time to treat the entire surface.

Photo gallery – painting the walls in the apartment

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