Combining wallpaper in the bedroom: 135 photos of design ideas and combinations of interior elements

The most inexpensive, simple and effective way to create an unusual bedroom design is to use a combination of two types of wallpaper. There are many advantages to such a renovation - plenty of scope for creative imagination, the ability to change the decor every 2-3 years, and budget-friendly design. A bedroom interior with two types of wallpaper can be created for pennies, but looks expensive. This is an ideal solution for those who constantly move from one rented apartment to another. This solution is suitable for those who like to frequently change the environment, refreshing the interior of the room. This option is also useful for creatives who are happy to bring even the most daring ideas to life.

When combining two types of wallpaper, it is important to correctly combine colors and textures

Bedroom design with two types of wallpaper - why do you need combined apartment design? Who came up with the idea to combine different wallpapers is not known for certain. But the idea itself is simply great. It will help solve several problems at once, the most pressing of which are:

  1. Small dimensions. Wallpaper allows you to conditionally divide the space into parts, creating several zones in one room at once - for sleeping, relaxing, reading, working, receiving guests. This design technique is called zoning. It consists of highlighting areas of the room using materials of different textures or colors.
  2. Defects in construction work. Unfortunately, walls in houses can rarely boast of an ideal surface and clear geometric shapes. A combination of different colors or textures will help hide all roughness, unevenness, and other imperfections. A relief texture or large print copes best with this task.
  3. Imperfections of space. Extend a low ceiling, expand narrow rooms, make a room visually larger - all these options for adjusting the area can easily be implemented if you correctly combine fragments of different colors and textures. For example, the ceiling will immediately become visually higher by several centimeters if one part of the room is decorated with transverse stripes or a vertical pattern, and all other walls, including the ceiling, are made in white or pastel colors.
  4. Small financial opportunities. Everyone loves high quality repair products. They immediately transform simple housing into a work of design art. But not many people can afford such materials. Combining solves this problem. After all, with pieces from expensive rolls you can decorate not all the walls, but just one of them, or even make a panel out of pieces, highlighting the edges with molding. The remaining parts of the room can be sealed using other, cheaper materials. True, here you will need to carefully select the palette and texture so that the difference in price is not too striking.

A combination of wallpaper of the same color but different prints

Classic wallpaper combination

For the bedroom, classic models are wonderful and often applicable. A wonderful, classic combination of wallpaper for this room comes in the following types:

  1. Models with a colored base background and a discreet pattern. This could be a pattern that looks like gold, silver, or a pattern that differs by 1-2 tones from the base one. Wallpaper with a prominent pattern is called accent wallpaper. With this material it is possible to cover only one wall in the room or two, but no more. Often this wallpaper is used to decorate the wall behind the bed, where a person lies with his head.
  2. Classic style with a large pattern, also in gold or silver color, looks expensive. It is important to make the rest of the decoration of the room similar, otherwise there will be a discrepancy in design.
  3. Wallpaper with a contrasting pattern. Such material is perceived in a completely different way. The decoration of the bedroom, with the wallpaper presented earlier, is arranged in a harmonious manner. There is a big difference in classic wallpaper with a catchy pattern and a low-contrast look. Wallpaper with contrasting patterns adds details to the bedroom interior. When this is not taken into account, and more details are added - bed linen, curtains and other items, then confusion will occur. Such wallpaper should be used exclusively on a single wall.
  4. Tapestries for painting. Wallpaper is produced with a pattern that is noticeable in reality, but it cannot be determined from the photo.

How to choose the right combinations

A bedroom design with combined wallpaper will be beautiful only when the options are combined correctly. You cannot thoughtlessly collect inappropriate options that make the overall picture tasteless and tacky.

To correctly solve the problem, the basic component is determined. Usually these are plain canvases. There may be a design that will perfectly match the image on the companion.

As an addition, options with ornaments and patterns are usually used. They often play on the contrast of shades. No less attractive is the presence of full-fledged pictures, as on photo wallpapers. A good step would be to combine base and companion colors.

A universal solution is to use neutral instances as a base.

Modern type of wallpaper

In modern times, to create strict figures and patterns, it is practical to choose wallpaper. Black wallpaper with a non-highlighted or silver outline was borrowed from the classical direction. When you need to create the appearance of luxury, black is used in modern design.

Geometric shapes and broken patterns make an impression in modern bedroom decorations on matching wallpaper. This includes models with stripes and slight textures. The newest styles are based on minimalism. Therefore, wallpaper in neutral tones without a highlighted pattern will be an unusual option.

Panels and niches - modern breath or last century

A classic interior involves the use of large frames in the interior. Typically, frames are made from a molding consisting of plaster, wood, plastic or polyurethane.

The wall panel is decorated with an unusual pattern, bright texture or bright accent.

A voluminous and eye-catching design detail attracts attention. An excellent use of panels in the interior would be an emphasis on family photos or a bright part at the head of the bed.

Something similar effect can be achieved using drywall. Using it, plasterboard niches are made; they can be located near the bed, along the perimeter of the room.

A bright accent is created inside the niche. Accordingly, the overall style of the room is obtained.

Where to start combining wallpaper

Nowadays, few people cover their entire bedroom with wallpaper. Ideas for combining wallpaper include the following models: accent rolls and background rolls. Dark ones with a bright, noticeable pattern are used as accent colors. Manufacturers take into account new trends and produce sets of wallpaper that are already selected for pasting within the boundaries of one room.

This is a good option without the risk that they won’t fit. In such sets you can distinguish between accent and background wallpapers, but sometimes they differ only in color. Materials with greater saturation are considered accent samples. Sometimes sets contain different colors of the same saturation.

This characteristic makes it possible to choose two different colors for the bedroom and combine them without thinking about compatibility. Good wallpaper compatibility depends on color brightness.

Shade the shortcomings, reveal the advantages

Knowing how to combine wallpaper in the bedroom, you can easily turn a disadvantage of a room into an advantage. For example, by combining the differences in the canvases, heating risers, irregularities, protrusions and niches are masked.

Thanks to neutral paints, defects become less noticeable. Intense shades, on the contrary, attract attention. Proper design will set accents, helping to achieve the desired result.

Combination options

There are incredibly many options for combining wallpaper in the bedroom. And with the flight of people’s imagination, even more of them will appear. It is customary to combine colors, tones, monograms, patterns and designs of wallpaper or to combine different textures within the boundaries of the same color:

  • color spectrum. Spectrum means a combination of 1-3 shades. The first example, it is recommended to decorate one wall in a single color, take beige, it, changing 2-3 colors, flows into dark chocolate. The second option is to paint all the walls in the room in different shades of the same color, the transformation can be from gray to black. The color transition should smoothly move into another;
  • balance. The root of this method is the combination of complex types of wallpaper with a unique pattern and simple products of a single color, the shade of which matches the color of the pattern of complex wallpaper;
  • union of opposites. Using this method, you will be able to decorate a room well for young people. Also, combining wallpaper of highlighting shades is done according to the color wheel. So that such a union is not reflected psychologically, you should not decorate rooms in bright colors that are opposite to each other. One color can become an accent color, while the rest complement the overall look;
  • game of textures. To emphasize the texture of the wallpaper, it is recommended to renovate the room in a single color. In this way, you will be able to carry out your plans and make a highlight on the embossing.

Playing with space dimensions

It’s rare to get a room with the ideal size and proportions. Often the bedroom space turns out to be too small or non-standard in shape. With the right approach to design, it is easy to visually adjust the existing territory.

The following solutions are popular:

  • Vertical stripes “raise” the ceiling;
  • Horizontal lines contribute to the feeling of increased area;
  • A dark wall next to a light one has a beneficial effect on the size of the room and corrects irregular shapes.

In all cases, it is important to use photo wallpaper in combination with monochromatic options. The main thing is to choose the right picture.

With the help of a successful image, the corrective power of design can easily be doubled.

Combined wallpaper design

Many different options for combining wallpaper have been developed. Before mixing wallpaper from different sets, you need to think about the following: do the models fit together well? Which bedroom wall should I choose suitable models for?

  1. A frequently used technique is to highlight the bedside area with wallpaper behind the bed. If the wall behind the bed is small and the bedroom is shaped like a rectangle, then highlighting it is not the best solution. This includes a situation in which the wall behind the bed is loaded with elements: paintings, sconces, a towering and colorful headboard.
  2. The second way is to highlight a less cluttered wall. Using this combination technique, wallpaper often ends up on the wall on the side of the bed, because this wall is often less busy.
  3. The third method is the wall immediately behind the smart TV. The contrast of the wall will rival that of the TV, so it's not the best option for combining wallpaper. The design of combined wallpaper includes combining trellises on the wall. Alternatively, you can divide them into frames or longitudinal stripes.


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The combination of different textures in the design allows you to make the combination of two types of wallpaper barely noticeable. This option is suitable if you want to keep the classic look of the bedroom, but add a little zest to it. Smooth and textured wallpapers are best combined, and the latter should have a clear location: in a niche, in an area on the wall, on one of the walls. You can also take finishes with different textures, but combining them is more difficult.


Wallpaper is made from paper, vinyl, fiberglass, etc. Each material has its own characteristics. You can try to combine two types of wallpaper in one room. But most designers agree that implementing such an idea is difficult. This requires a certain professionalism and skills: at a minimum, it is difficult to combine paper and vinyl trim. But you can try.

Selection of two types of wallpaper

Wall decoration plays a major role in the color spectrum of the entire house and it is enough that the color of a single type of wallpaper is reflected in the interior, for example on furniture upholstery, ceiling or floor coverings, door design, objects. Let's look at examples:

  • cold colors are: orange, yellow, red, and warm colors are purple, green. Combining warm and cold colors does not suit different properties. Therefore, they should be combined with calm tones or finished with an exclusively warm or cold color temperature;
  • It is not recommended to decorate walls with several types of wallpaper in saturated colors. When bright and rich colors dominate in the design of one type, then in another it is better to choose a neutral palette. The same applies to finishing with a pattern or embossing. With them, you should choose models with a “non-flashy” design;
  • A slight deviation from the planned color can spoil the overall appearance. If you decide to decorate a room with two types of trellises, it is better to purchase them in one store. Comparing samples of materials will allow you to avoid making mistakes in the selection;
  • In an effort to save money, sometimes people try to fit wallpaper of different prices into one room. But such a union does not look attractive. If you don’t have a lot of money, then you can combine two budget options, brightening up their simplicity with interesting colors.

Wallpaper for the bedroom: varieties, pros, cons

The time when stores only had ordinary paper wallpaper of two or three types at their disposal is long gone. Today, the finishing materials market tests customers’ strength with a huge range for every taste. But choosing the right wallpaper for your room will not be difficult if you know about its types, as well as their pros and cons.

Bedroom decoration begins with choosing wallpaper


The oldest variety. The fashion for paper design in China has existed since rice paper was invented there. Europe adopted this tradition more than two centuries ago.

There are two types of paper wallpaper:

  1. Simplex. Wallpaper in one layer. They are inexpensive, but their disadvantage is that they are short-lived.
  2. Duplex. Several layers are applied to them. Moreover, the top coating, in addition to being decorative, also performs some practical role. It can protect against excess moisture or light.

Paper wallpaper with diamonds will create a festive atmosphere

They can be different in texture:

  • Smooth. Most often, this is ordinary wallpaper in one layer with a printed pattern.
  • Structural. This option is used mainly when the top layer is intended for painting. The three-dimensional design is applied using special paint and a stencil. Convex motifs resemble the relief that remains after textured plaster.
  • Embossed. This is the duplex variety. That is, they have two layers, one of which serves as the base. A three-dimensional pattern is applied to the other. This is done using a special printing method. For it, special embossing forms filled with paint are used. The print is in relief.

The walls in the nursery are covered with two types of paper wallpaper


Short service life. They fade easily, become clogged with dust, and quickly lose their visual appeal.


Affordable price, which allows for repairs every 2-3 years. Thanks to this, the interior always looks neat and does not become boring with monotony.


The bottom layer - the base can be made of paper or non-woven fabric. A vinyl layer (full name – polyvinyl chloride) is applied on top of it. It not only decorates the surface, making it embossed. It protects the outside from environmental influences. Compared to paper counterparts, they wear out more slowly. After all, they are practically not afraid of such “little things in life” as pollution, sunlight, and mechanical stress.

Vinyl wallpaper comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns.

Vinyl wallpaper comes in two types:

  1. No embossing. Their base is foamed vinyl. There is no embossing on them, but due to the fluffy texture they get an interesting structure. It successfully masks all defects and unevenness of the plaster.
  2. Embossed. The design is applied to the surface using the hot stamping method.

The second group is divided into several varieties:

  • Silkscreen printing. The top layer is glossy, with a shiny structure. Suitable only for smooth surfaces, without any flaws.
  • Compact vinyl. A texture that replicates rough materials such as brick or stone.
  • Chemical embossing. A very durable vinyl subtype, a leader among finishing materials in terms of wear resistance.

The pattern of vinyl wallpaper in the sleeping area is matched to the tone of the bed linen, and the wall with windows is covered with wallpaper to match the curtains


They are expensive. The PVC layer immediately after repair emits a chemical odor, which, however, disappears over time. Vinyl creates an airtight film that traps air and moisture exchange.


Long service life - up to 10-15 years. The ability to change the bedroom interior several times by repainting the pasted surfaces in different colors. High decorative qualities, as well as sound protection. Vinyl coating allows for wet cleaning, sometimes with the use of detergents.


Their basis is non-woven fabric. This material is considered one of the environmentally friendly. Its structure is similar to paper, made of cellulose with the addition of a small amount of fibers of chemical origin. Its main advantage is easy gluing. All you need to do is apply glue to the walls, then apply wallpaper to them. The reverse side of the fabric is not treated with glue. There may be embossing on the top.

Non-woven wallpaper does not fade over time, preserving the freshness of renovation for a long time


Translucent texture. Remains of paint or stains may be visible through it. Therefore, before repairs, the walls must be plain and thoroughly cleaned.


Environmental friendliness. They do not stretch under the influence of glue, so there is no risk of severe shrinkage after drying. Easy to use, can be repainted several times.


One of the most popular repair materials recently. It's all about sustainability. There is not an ounce of chemistry in them. The raw materials for their production are taken from nature itself. They can be divided into three groups:

  1. Vegetable. The basis for them can be plants with an interesting texture - sisal, flax, papyrus, jute.
  2. Made from natural wood. The beauty of the wood grain of trees such as bamboo, palm, and cork is used here.
  3. Made from textiles. Fabric is an excellent material for decoration. Most often, silk, flock, and velor are used. Tufted wallpaper, which is somewhat reminiscent of carpets, looks original. They have practical value - they are able to save heat.

Textile wallpaper is highly environmentally friendly


Difficult care. Natural materials, like sponges, absorb odors and dust. Therefore, they have to be cleaned or washed regularly. Sometimes the disadvantage can be the high price.


One hundred percent environmentally friendly. Throughout their service life they do not cause harm to health and the environment.

Decorating an accent wall with bamboo wallpaper

In addition to those listed, there are many other types: glass wallpaper, liquid wallpaper, metallized wallpaper, photo wallpaper, leather wallpaper, stone wallpaper, linkcrust wallpaper.

Background colors to combine

To combine wallpaper of two colors, the base includes universal basic colors - white and gray, which are combined with different bright palettes of colors.

If you take a non-white color as a basis, then you need to look at the compatibility table. For example, the background color is white, and the accent color can be purple, yellow, or red.

Ideal choice

Today, the fashion trend in design is shades of gray. They also often resort to beige, which is considered universal. It combines perfectly with warm and cold colors.

Brown and pleasant chocolate in a spacious, well-lit room cannot be compared with any other colors. Blue and turquoise are especially suitable for them.

The combination of wallpaper for the bedroom is the best solution to achieve harmony. By choosing a surface and a varied palette of colors, it is given a certain style - “modern”, “high-tech”, “country”, “Provence” and others.

Several identical canvases, differing by 2-4 tones, create an amazing combination of light and shadow and unobtrusively divide the space.

Unusual design using highlighting

The special beauty of the decoration in the bedroom will be created by a well-chosen combination of two types of wallpaper with different textures of related tones of the same color: sky and blue, green and light green, chocolate and beige tones.

In this situation, the main plane of the walls in the room is made smooth and light, and the space above the head of the bed is highlighted with clearer and darker wallpaper rolls.

The design is breathtakingly executed, where the accent fabric is glued to the top, smoothly transitioning into the ceiling area. This decoration allows you to make the bedroom more comfortable and separate. Non-woven trellises will serve as an insert.

They can perfectly decorate the ceiling, matching the expensive plaster, and after a while they can be repainted in a different color, refreshing the interior.

Fashion trends

The main trends in the world of bedroom interior design are simplicity, relaxation atmosphere, sophistication and comfort. The main design option is pastel colors.

Experts suggest decorating sleeping areas using natural motifs with accents using photo wallpaper. Imitations of brickwork, concrete and wood are also not losing ground.

Another new product of the season is a black and white graphic print that creates rigor and conservatism. Panel elements serve as additional decoration.

The geometric pattern is increasingly gaining momentum and is the accent of a monotonous room. The use of metallic effect creates an atmosphere of glamor and luxury.

The next hit is the use of gold-plated wallpaper. Such a pattern fits perfectly into the interior, setting the mood of romanticism.

Illustrative examples can be seen in the photo gallery below.

The use of combined wallpaper occupies a special place in the interior design of a bedroom. The method of using two types of wallpaper is popular among techniques for decorating a relaxation zone. Following the rules for combining the materials used will allow you to achieve impressive results.

Dark furniture

If the furniture is made in warm natural colors, it is advisable to select warm shades and colors of wallpaper for wall decoration. Stylists consider pasting walls with beige, sand, and salad trellises to be good options.

Depending on the style direction chosen for the design of the sleeping space, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. Let us analyze the features of those style trends that are currently considered in demand in the world of interior fashion.

Useful tips

When choosing ideas for combining wallpaper, you need to build on the advice of professionals, avoiding the most common mistakes in choosing.

Useful tips on combining and choosing shades will help you achieve stunning results.

  • When combining, it is not recommended to use more than three colors, the same applies to patterns.
  • To make the room more expressive, large prints are used.
  • If the windows face north, it is better to choose warm shades; if the windows face south, you can opt for cool tones.
  • Wallpaper with a small pattern will make a small room visually larger.
  • When choosing wallpaper to combine, it is best to choose types from the same manufacturer or from the same collection.
  • When three colors are used, the bedroom textiles should be one of these colors.
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