Combining wallpaper in the interior: rules, secrets, real photos, examples of a successful combination when decorating the interior

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The perception of the interior of the hall - the key room in the home - is largely determined by the type of wall decoration, so during the renovation process you should not neglect the rules for choosing and combining wallpaper.

Many options for their combinations allow you to give the space an original look, make it cozy, comfortable and atmospheric, while spending a minimum amount of financial resources.

Ways to combine wallpaper

Vertical stripes – using vertical stripes on the walls you can increase the space. Additionally, you can increase the size of the ceiling. An excellent combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes will work out if you choose wallpaper from the same manufacturer and the same type.

This way your room will look aristocratic. As for the color palette, it is allowed to use similar colors or completely opposite ones.

  • Horizontal stripes - this type of stripes can expand the volume of a room. But there is one drawback - such wallpaper can narrow the space even more and it will begin to seem to you that a low ceiling has suddenly appeared in the room.
  • A halved division of the wall - visually, this scheme looks like this: the upper part can be painted in any color, but in 2022 the most fashionable color is vintage (small flowers, with thin stems), and the lower part in bed colors.
  • Emphasis on only one wall - used to bring the room closer or give it a square shape (works only if the room is long and elongated). Typically, such a wall is covered with photo wallpaper to match the main tone of the walls or the opposite one. For example, if the main color is pink, then the accent wall is designed in similar shades. By the way, a fun fact is that the accent wall is considered to be the first wall you see when you open the door of the room. However, many interior designers refute this claim.

Decorating walls with photo wallpapers – the use of photo wallpapers is quite popular these days. You can create your own custom design or choose from existing ones.

Vertical combination method

This combination of wallpaper is most often used in the living room. This method gained popularity due to its simplicity of execution, because it is very easy to “fit” a vertical strip into the interior. At the same time, it will take a little time to stick the canvas itself. It is best to use proven color combinations. The most versatile is white in combination with black. You can take shades of these colors, namely pastel, brown, gray and others.

Drawing option is allowed. But it will look better on an accent strip. The use of contrasts will help create an interior in a strict and sophisticated style. It is important to consider the width of the stripes. In the case of sharply opposite colors, they should be the same. But if the wallpaper has similar shades, it would be better to make less bright stripes, twice as saturated.

How to combine wallpaper correctly

First, determine what type of room your room is: narrow, spacious, wide, dark, light - all this directly affects the correct combination of colors.

  • Area of ​​the room - pay attention to the scale of the space in the room. Since the use of dark shades would be inappropriate in a small room, on the contrary, the use of pastel colors would be more significant.
  • The location of the room - the success of choosing colors directly depends on this point. If your room faces north, compensate for the lack of sun with bright, warm colors; if it faces south, cool colors will help you bring freshness to the room.

Dividing a room into areas

If it is necessary to zoning a room, many people choose combined wallpaper for the hall of their home. Since the living room is traditionally the largest room, there is room to show your imagination. A universal technique is to separate the eating area from the rest area. To do this, you need to choose the right combination of colors.

Related article: Painting walls: choosing a color (+30 photos)

The dining area is a place where it should be comfortable to eat. This means there should be no distractions. Tones with cold notes will be most suitable here. They will be able to create the right atmosphere. For relaxation, you should choose more comfortable, inviting colors, because in this zone a person should feel relaxed. Warm shades of pleasant, delicate colors will be beneficial.

Regarding textures, you can play with them too. You should not layer many different wallpapers; it will be enough to choose a plain material and a structural fabric.

The first step should start with choosing a background. In the interior of the living room, this is the most important indicator. Starting from the background, it’s worth planning the remaining elements. Thus, plain wallpaper with a smooth finish can complement embossed fabrics. It is better to use patterns and prints as decorative elements. This option of combining wallpaper was fashionable in 2022, but is still popular today.

During the renovation process, you should take into account not only the design of the wallpaper, but also other things. The combination should include walls, furniture, curtains, small parts, and household appliances.

Possibility of combination with other materials

In fact, wallpaper is a universal material for home renovations. Can combine various materials with wallpaper. Let's take a look at the basic material options:

  • Paint – wallpaper goes well with painted walls. If this proposal does not suit you, you can use wallpaper specifically for painting.
  • Decorative stone - stone is usually combined in corners or on some accent walls. This type of combination is popular in hallways and living rooms.
  • Brick is a material used to create a more brutal interior. The color scheme is selected exclusively to suit your room interior.
  • Panel - this element of wall decoration goes well with wallpaper. Panels are used to create classic and modern styles.
  • Plaster – since ancient times, the first layer of repair was plaster, but nowadays it has become a decorative element.
  • Tiles - this material is used mainly in bathrooms to protect wallpaper from moisture. Wet areas are tiled, and the rest of the wall is covered with wallpaper.

Using the horizon

Often designers combine wallpaper in the living room using horizontal stripes. This method is more complex and should be implemented with caution. But the result will be worth it. This wallpaper design is best suited for a room in a classic style. The ideal option would be to complement them with wooden trim in the form of panels.

The most common way to get a good combination is to use a combination of wallpaper in the living room in the form of a light top and a dark bottom. Creating an interior with contrasting colors is difficult. Most often they resort to combining different shades of the same tone.

In order to hide the junction of two canvases, you can stick a special tape on it or cover it with a border.

The procedure for placing wallpaper on the walls is also not easy, since here you need to be able to accurately calculate the length of the stripes and take into account the joints, especially if one of the coverings has a pattern. It is better to entrust such work to professionals who will quickly and efficiently finish the room. In addition, this will avoid damage to materials and unnecessary expenses.

Related article: Modern interior with patchwork wallpaper (+35 photos)

Errors in wallpaper combinations

In fact, wallpaper is considered the easiest material to renovate, however, one wrong move or combination can radically change the final picture.

Let's look at the main mistakes in combining wallpapers:

  • A pile of furniture along an accent wall - it is strictly forbidden to fill such places with furniture, especially large cabinets. It's better to make do with small chests of drawers. If this is a bedroom, the accent wall is placed either at the head of the bed or opposite the bed.
  • Poor coloring of the room - pay attention to the scale of the room's space. Since the use of dark shades would be inappropriate in a small room, on the contrary, the use of pastel colors would be more significant. You should not resort to using many colors, as there will be a clutter of colors.
  • Patterns on long walls in a narrow room are a grave mistake. Under no circumstances apply patterns to long walls in a narrow room, as the room will seem even narrower. It is better to apply the pattern on small walls, and disguise long ones with light shades to visually lengthen the space.

Stripes on wallpaper - focus on horizontal and vertical stripes.
  • Carefully evaluate your space. Vertical stripes tend to increase space.
  • Additionally, you can increase the size of the ceiling.
  • An excellent combination of wallpaper with vertical stripes will work out if you choose wallpaper from the same manufacturer and the same type.
  • While horizontal stripes work to expand the volume of the room.

But there is one drawback - such wallpaper can narrow the space even more and it will begin to seem to you that a low ceiling has suddenly appeared in the room.

Fashionable ideas for the living room

For those who want to create not just a cozy place in the house, but also remove all reminders of 2022, you should adhere to the latest trends in the interior. The main ones are:

  • patterns, ornaments that came from 2022;
  • embroidery, textile wallpaper;
  • relief walls;
  • floral prints;
  • combining matte canvases with embossed ones.

The most interesting thing is that it is recommended to combine all these elements. In 2022, this combination technique is considered risky. From 2022, the method of focusing attention on one of the walls has become a new trend. This allows you to manipulate both the size of the room and its design.

When using trendy design options, you need to take into account the overall style of the room. There are often cases when one element of furniture destroyed the entire image.

On the video: options for combining wallpaper.

The best wallpaper manufacturers

In order to choose the right wallpaper, study the market and make a choice only in favor of time-tested manufacturers:

  • ELITIS - France.
  • UGEPA - France.
  • YORK - USA.
  • KHROMA - Belgium.
  • PALETTE – Russia.
  • ELYSIUM – Russia.

Photo of combined wallpaper in the interior

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