Spring freshness all year round: pistachio color in the interior

The soft, pleasing color of pistachio or pistachio has become an absolute trend. It got its name in honor of slightly unripe fresh nuts. A warm spring shade is created by mixing yellow and blue-green paint. If ocher or terracotta color predominates, the shade will be more dense.

Interesting! The closest neighbors of pistachio in the color palette are light green (predominantly yellow) and mint (predominantly rich green).

Pistachios have many shades: from light green to greenish-brown. These tones are loved by designers, they do not lend themselves to discoloration and are excellent companions, because they are combined with most tones.

Benefits of pistachio color:

  • Stable even when lighting changes, does not discolor and does not affect neighboring shades.
  • It is a dynamic, warm color that is pleasing to the human eye. According to Feng Shui skill, it symbolizes growth and progress. There is no aggressiveness or excessive intrusiveness in him.
  • Versatile. Suitable for decorating different rooms. Pistachio would be appropriate in a living room or children’s room, as well as in the interior of a cafe or dance club.
  • Has a mild sedative effect on the nervous system. It is believed that in a room decorated in pistachio tones, productivity and a positive attitude remain longer.
  • Pistachio blossom is a peaceful neighbor. There will never be too much of it, it does not “eat up” other tones.

Advice! For rooms with insufficient lighting, choose light and bright shades of pistachio. For well-lit rooms, you can choose brown-green tones.

Interior styles

  • Minimalism. Pistachio adds lightness to the interior; it will be an excellent backdrop for minimalist furniture. Try to avoid very dark surfaces - they go worse with pistachio.

  • Mediterranean. This style is favored by bright colors. Yellow, orange, blue form a wonderful tandem with pistachio. The use of various prints is allowed, and good lighting will help highlight the advantages of the room.

  • Eco style. Pistachio is a soft natural shade that goes well with the same natural tones - yellow, brown, green and others. The main thing is not to overdo it with details. By the way, you can also experiment with textures: wicker items made of wicker, straw, and wood products will find their rightful place.

  • Classic. Here pistachio plays the role of an additional shade. In combination with light shades it can visually expand the space, and with dark shades it can correct shortcomings. Most often this color is used in textiles or an accent wall.

  • Provence. Pistachio will go well with soft pink, lilac, blue, and gray. Complete the interior with floral motifs, wicker or artificially aged furniture - and a piece of France will settle in your home.

  • High tech. Pistachio can go well with plastic and chrome elements. Most often it is used to decorate the kitchen - the facades of cabinets are made of pistachio. However, it is quite appropriate in the living room or bedroom.

Advice! The accentual use of pistachio color is acceptable for pop art, eclectic, and contemporary styles. This shade should account for no more than 20% of the total space.

Features and impact on humans

Pistachio color in the interior is one of the few warm undertones of green.
It’s easy to guess that it got its name in honor of the “lucky nuts” - pistachios. Like the color scheme of the nuts themselves, shades of pistachio color vary from light to dark, and can go warmer or cooler. But all these variations still have a common feature: a yellow undertone. After all, to get a natural color, you should mix 5 parts green and 3 parts yellow.

Varieties of shades:

  • Light pistachio color. It is obtained by adding 20-30% white color to standard paint. Pale pistachio color is suitable as a background and can be used in decoration and furniture.
  • Dark pistachio color. The same 20-30% is added to the main one, but in black color. The deep tone is ideal for accents, textiles, and accessories.
  • Gray pistachio color. Too much gray can look dirty, but when combined harmoniously, the result is a pleasant cool undertone.
  • Yellow-pistachio. Warm, sunny, pleasant shade. The ratio of ingredients is approximately 5:5. Ideal as a replacement for green in northern rooms.
  • Green-pistachio. The latest representative of the palette: the ratio here is not 5:3, but 7-8:3. It is somewhat reminiscent of the color of green tea, perfectly soothing and relaxing.

Pictured are shade options

The interior in pistachio tones turns out neutral, promotes relaxation and stress relief. Even too much color will not look too much, so it is acceptable to create a monochrome design using different shades.

Basic recommendations for interior design

  • Wall surfaces. Use pistachio color for decoration only if the set is made in a contrasting color. Green shades have a bad tendency to blend into each other, so try to play with contrasts.

  • Floor and ceiling. It is better to make them calm and neutral - white, beige, gray, ivory are quite suitable. Pistachio can be used accentually: for example, if multi-level ceilings are planned, small elements can be kept in greenish tones. It is common to use warm colors and natural materials - bamboo, parquet, laminate, boards will look great! Ceramic tiles are used less frequently.

  • Furniture. Pistachio furniture will set the tone for the entire interior. In the meantime, stick to the general concept. Try to select materials according to the style: for high-tech, glass and plastic are important, for classics - wood and forged elements. The background can be plain pastel or bright.

  • Accessories. If pistachio is used accentually, stylization is indispensable. Household appliances fit into any style, but beautiful textiles or interior elements need to be duplicated. For example, choose curtains and sofa cushions of a similar shade or with a similar print.

Natural materials

Lovers of naturalness highly value muted green interior backgrounds. They are ideal for placing:

  • wooden, bamboo panels;
  • stone;
  • leather, fur;
  • jute, rattan, cork coverings;
  • reed, reed fabric.

Olive and pistachio colors perfectly complement natural wallpapers, plasters, sisal, siagrass, and coconut fiber coatings. Combinations of walls painted in a golden-green shade and floral wallpaper made from arrowroot, nettle, and golden flower look beautiful.

To decorate a bathroom with natural materials, use pistachio-golden or olive-colored ceramic tiles. Against its background, bathtubs, sinks, and functional furniture made of oak, teak, and cypress wood are placed.

In the kitchen you can successfully “play” with white. Against the background of a golden-green hue, it will look aged.

If you use brown or gray natural cladding, as well as furniture and accessories decorated in Provence style, you will get a charming country corner.

Combination of pistachio color with others

Popular colors Interior style A comment
White, beige Classic, Eco, Loft Both bright and pale tones of pistachio are suitable for these shades.
Grey High-tech, Modern, Loft Focus on shiny surfaces and textured textures
Brown Classic, Eco, Provence Natural combination, try to choose light shades of pistachio
Yellow orange Mediterranean, Country, Oriental If you are using a dark shade of pistachio, set it off with bright accents
Turquoise, blue, aquamarine Mediterranean, Moroccan, Maritime Pistachio goes well with most marine-themed colors
Peach Classic, Provence, Country Contrasting inserts and moldings will help differentiate surfaces
Fuchsia Pop Art, Modern, Art Deco A very bright and stylish combination. Try to let the pistachio color dominate, then the interior will be less flashy
Pale blue Against its background, pistachio will seem dirty
Swamp green Brings a mood of gloom and gloom to the room
Bright green The delicate pistachio color will simply get lost against its background.

Important! Be careful with very dark tones. Be sure to use a third shade, otherwise the interior will be gloomy and oppressive.

Interior decor

If finishing materials and furniture create the mood, then decorative items make the room truly stylish.

In domestic interior decor stores, the easiest way to find these items is in golden-green color:

  • creative clocks, mirrors;
  • different-sized panels for photographs;
  • caskets, baskets, boxes;
  • vases, bottles;
  • flower stands, flowerpots;
  • figurines, candlesticks;
  • aroma lamps;
  • pillows, bolsters;
  • pedestals, racks, consoles;
  • fireplace portals, boxes.

Things will be worse with the search for bookends and mannequins. You will have to take these untinted and paint them yourself.

Today, the most fashionable pistachio-colored interior decor is considered to be huge Cameroonian hats made of dyed feathers and the so-called solar mirrors.

If you have the opportunity to spend a lot of money, the best interior decoration in green tones can be dishes made of onyx or jade. A handmade golden-green stained glass screen will bring special beauty to any living space.

Use in interior decoration

Finishing materials in such a “self-sufficient tone” are not used so often. The rule you need to know is that pistachio walls can only be used for large areas.

Pistachio walls can only be used for large areas.

Ceiling, floor and walls

Patterned materials should not be chosen for walls; the richness of the shade should be used as the only effect. You can lay a shag carpet on the floor; walking on it will be associated with grass. Only small details can be identified on the ceiling.

You can lay a shag carpet on the floor; walking on it will be associated with grass.

Psychologists' opinion

The popularity of pistachio color is explained by the fact that this shade neutralizes anxiety, pacifies and is a symbol of safety and reliability. This is confirmed by professional psychologists. And those who live in the “pistachio environment” cannot but agree with this.

Pure pistachio shade is a panacea for irritation and anger, it smoothes out negative emotions and can even put you to sleep.

Among the golden-green walls, people of all ages display qualities such as friendliness and openness. However, if there is a dissonance of compatibility in such an interior, the color can set a person in an anxious mood, cause a melancholy mood and increase suspicion and apathy.

Research by scientists confirms that all shades of green have the ability to actively control the nervous system and have a positive effect on all subsystems of the body (heart, blood vessels, lymph, immunity). Psychologists believe that well-chosen colors in the interior create an area of ​​absolute relaxation and comfort.

Such different walls

People began to use paints in emerald and light green shades for interior decoration quite a long time ago. Among them were both absolutely harmless specimens and deadly ones, more than half consisting of arsenic.

Today, having chosen a golden-green tone, the walls of the room can be decorated using:

  • textile, paper, liquid, vinyl, non-woven or glass wallpaper;
  • alkyd, oil, water-dispersion paints;
  • stone, wood, bamboo panels;
  • coverings made of reed, reed, rattan, jute, cork.

It is better to use pistachio-colored wallpaper in plain colors or decorated with white, yellow-golden patterns. For the kitchen and living room, it is permissible to use photo wallpaper with a suitable color palette.

Contrary to the standard idea that pistachio wallpaper is unacceptable in the bathroom, like any other, however, their washable non-woven samples are actively used to cover rooms with high humidity in many American and European homes.

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