Green color in the interior: how to choose the most suitable finishing options

Photo: Do you adore nature, long walks in parks, fragrant lawns and lush tree crowns? This all seems to breathe green color, so popular in modern interiors. It is filled with harmony and tranquility, and can be used in any room and in any combination. Let's tell you more!

How green color looks in the interior

This color is considered the closest to nature, so its shades are often named after flowers or fruits: delicate pistachio, juicy lemon, deep forest, dark spruce and basil. The malachite shade, named after the natural mineral, is especially beautiful.

Emerald color in the bedroom Source

To make the right choice, you need to consider all possible options for using it for interior decoration.

Dark shades, natural or forest green

They are distinguished by their richness, depth, and repeat the color of algae, coniferous and herbaceous plants. They create bright accents and a certain atmosphere indoors, most often in a living room or office.

They look interesting in the bathroom and kitchen against the background of white sanitary ware and glass. Serve as a background when decorating spacious luxurious rooms.

Green color in the interior is combined with white, cream, beige, brown, yellow, orange, as well as lilac and soft blue.

Coffee table in an emerald interior Source

Briefly about the main thing

  1. The use of light green colors in the interior helps to visually enlarge the room, helps to relax and inspires creative exploration.
  2. The dark green palette often serves to place accents or is used as one of the zoning options. It can act as a basis for the background only in large, spacious rooms.
  3. Green color, due to its versatility, can be combined with various shades. When paired with neutral tones, it acts as an additional accent, and when paired with brighter tones, it acts as the leading color.
  4. When decorating a green interior, you should give preference to furniture made from natural wood to maintain the atmosphere of nature.
  5. Light furniture helps expand the space of the room and make it lighter; dark furniture is chosen to organize zoning and add rigor to the design.


This color conveys an atmosphere of luxury, brilliance, and fabulousness. Therefore, with its help they decorate an extravagant interior and create accents. It is important to choose beautiful textiles and glass for it. Emerald looks incredibly stylish with white, as well as any shades of black, purple, brown and natural wood.

Dark green sofa Source

Color, light and volume

When choosing colors, one cannot help but take into account the size of the room, as well as its lighting. After all, shades significantly affect our perception of space.

For small rooms it is better not to use dark shades (emerald, dark olive): they will visually reduce the space. If you are dreaming of green walls or cabinets, for a small room it is better to choose light olive or pastel colors.

Dark shades look good in living rooms with a large area. They help make the space more comfortable and avoid resemblance to a “state house” - a hospital or an airport. But keep in mind that decorating the living room in dark colors will give it a resemblance to a Victorian castle. If your goal is to create a friendly space for friends and family to relax, you may fail.

Think about what level of light would be comfortable for you in your living room. If you prefer to relax in dim light, then dark green walls will help create a pleasant twilight. And if you can’t live without bright sun and like bright rooms, it’s better to leave the main decoration white, off-white or light gray. Color can also be added in the form of bright accents.

pure green

It is a calm, homey color that makes any room happy and cheerful. In combination with blue, white, red or purple, it is perfect for creating sophisticated interiors.

Dishes and decorative elements of plant colors inside any room become the center of attention. A room with one or two walls painted green looks stylish. Doing more is not recommended, as it creates tension and fatigue.

The best option would be a combination of different shades of green in the interior, preferably contrasting ones. This design is diluted with several bright accessories.

Emerald and turquoise Source

Choose a neutral color scheme, for example, a combination with sand, beige, gray, brown.

If you choose strict lines, wallpaper or textile patterns, the green color will give the room a strict, even solemn look.

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior redevelopment.

Finishing options for a green bedroom

The success of the completed design is determined not only by the correct choice of color palette that matches the chosen style. Properly designed surfaces and materials appropriate for the intended purpose play an important role.

For example, when decorating a green bedroom, you should not use metal elements or plastic. At the same time, wood and stone look good in the interior.


A green interior requires the use of high quality wallpaper. For example, one or two walls can be covered with green wallpaper, which has a geometric pattern.

For the rest of the space, wallpaper with small prints is used or plain canvases are chosen. This method helps make the room visually larger.

When choosing, it is best to give preference to embossed and textured wallpaper.

You can also focus on the option of using photo wallpaper. For example, choose a forest, sea or mountain theme.

Landscapes depicting nature can improve your mood and create a special atmosphere in the bedroom. In addition, the wallpaper is successfully combined with green paint, which helps create a feeling of unity with nature in the room.


In a green bedroom, the most appropriate option would be to design a light ceiling. However, if desired, you can make it not just standard white, but choose different shades of green for finishing. For example, light green color will be a good basis for developing a bold design.

A ceiling of this shade will help stabilize the nervous system, create a feeling of comfort and inspire the search for new ideas.

If the room does not require such a bright transformation of the room, it is permissible to use a pistachio tone for the ceiling, which will help make the interior deeper and more expressive.

If you don’t want to experiment with shades of green, the ceiling can also be decorated in beige.

In addition, the selection of material for the ceiling depends on the style of the interior. For classic or Provence, a wooden surface or a plasterboard ceiling is suitable. Modern design will look good with a matte or glossy stretch ceiling with built-in spotlights.


Almost any floor finishing material is suitable for a green bedroom: parquet, laminate, carpet. A combination of shades of green and wooden textures looks good in the interior.

When decorating a bedroom on a modest budget, it is possible to use imitation wood, but it is best to give preference to natural materials. This will help preserve the charm of the interior and the atmosphere of nature.


This is the most popular shade for finishing. It is beautiful, pleasing to the eye, creates an atmosphere of warmth, comfort, and is associated with southern countries. It can be used in finishing any room for any purpose. This neutral shade never gets boring and is suitable for those who do not plan to do renovations often.

Any shade of green, cold blue, rich dark colors, and natural wood will suit it. By the way, simple wooden furniture painted olive looks stylish.

Interior in olive tones Source

General recommendations

  • If you don’t want to experiment and take risks, you should give preference to natural shades that will never go out of fashion and look really light and comfortable.
  • The easiest way to implement this color in decoration is painting, since wallpaper or other finishing materials do not always convey the tone that is needed.
  • Green will look authentic in styles such as Scandinavian, eco, classic, country, Provence, which put comfort and unity with nature in the first place.
  • To complement the “green” direction, it is recommended to use only natural materials for furniture and decor.
  • The same shade will look completely different in matte and glossy versions.

The green color itself is neutral and does not require special attention. Even the brightest, acidic tones do not look too aggressive and are easily “covered” by using additional shades.

Green color in the bathroom interior

A bathroom is rarely spacious and bright, so to decorate it you will need to use all light, cool shades. This visually pushes the walls apart. You shouldn’t do all the finishing in one color scheme: monochrome creates discomfort and even a feeling of pressure.

Green color in the bathroom Source

It is recommended to cover the lower part of the wall with tiles of a darker shade, finish the upper part of the wall with lighter shades, and cover the ceiling with white.

Rich bathroom color Source

If the bathroom is very small, the floor should also be light or have a contrasting finish.

Bathroom in muted colors Source

If the plumbing fixtures are white, then you can use dark shades of green, for example, malachite, emerald, sea green.

However, for a small bathroom, light green, pistachio, olive, marsh, and brownish-green are still better suited. They are combined with pastel tones, beige, tea, and the color of natural wood.

Light shades Source

You can make several accents in black and chocolate colors.

Green bathroom Source

Accessories and decor

Decor and accessories in the bedroom play an important role. With their help, you can correctly place accents and transform the interior. When selecting decorative elements and textiles, you should take into account the predominant shade of green.

The main accents can be original table lamps, wall and floor lamps, decorative pillows in different shades of green, bedspreads in appropriate shades, as well as curtains and curtains on the windows.

Do not overdo it with the amount of decor so as not to overload the interior of the room.

To decorate walls, it is better to use paintings with unobtrusive subjects, photographs, panels made from natural materials and painted in pastel colors. It is better to choose frames that contrast with the color of the walls.

A green bedroom will become more cozy and homely if there are fresh flowers, such as violets and orchids, on the windowsill or floor stands.

Green color in the living room interior

The living room is a multifunctional room where the family spends most of its time, so the design of this room needs to be carefully considered. The interior should be universal so that the owners can relax, meet guests, and watch TV.

Light green room Source

The combination of green in the living room interior with any other color looks beautiful, stylish, and elegant. Monochrome does not always look advantageous.

Even a small living room can become cozy and stylish if you decorate it with light shades of emerald or pistachio. Lime is suitable for those who are not afraid of bold decisions and bright interiors. Especially if you choose dark furniture and textiles.

One of the walls is painted green Source

A classic that gives the room the charm of spring freshness is the combination of white and green. It is advisable to add several elements of rich colors here.

If you paint the walls light green, it is recommended to install white upholstered furniture and paint the floor with sand paint. Add a few wicker armchairs and chairs - and you’ll get a living room in a fashionable eco-style, especially if you choose the appropriate textiles.

Eco-style Source

For those who like a more austere interior, it is recommended to add various shades of gray to the green and white palette. For example, the floor can be finished in gray. A gray-green interior without white looks very beautiful, but a little monotonous. Therefore, you can choose several bright (orange or yellow) accessories to go with it.

Emerald and blue will look organic in the living room interior, but to create a complete design you will need to add natural wood. This could be wooden floors or furniture or other accessories. You can add a little beige, gray, white colors.

Bright combination Source

The combination with chocolate looks very stylish, even luxurious. This spectacular duet will suit any stylistic decision.

The green color harmonizes perfectly with the glass. You can purchase glass shelves, a coffee table, furniture with glass doors, and decorative elements.

Interior with green elements Source

To update the interior, you just need to change the upholstery of sofas and armchairs: make it green, and to complete the picture, buy the same curtains and lampshades for lamps. For a more expensive interior, you will need to add golden or bright lemon colors.

The living room, decorated with muted shades of green together with pearl or sand, looks very elegant.

Gray, brown and green in the living room interior Source

Creating a beautiful interior requires certain knowledge, even skill, especially when working with such a complex color as green. Incorrectly selected shades and combinations can negate even the best design ideas, and instead of a comfortable, beautiful room, you will end up with a room in which the residents of the house will feel uncomfortable and awkward.

What bedroom style is green suitable for?

Green color is known for its versatility in the interior, thanks to which it fits seamlessly into various styles.

When decorating an apartment, you should adhere to one style direction, but the bedroom, being the most secluded and intimate place, can become a space for experimentation, in which the use of extraordinary design solutions is permissible.

The choice of the appropriate style depends on the characteristics of the room (location, level of illumination, area), the character of the owner and individual preferences.


This style is characterized by lightness and a tendency towards naturalness, thanks to which green will fit perfectly into the bedroom interior. Shades of green in a room will look appropriate not only on furniture and textiles, but also when decorating walls and ceilings.

When choosing Provence, the style becomes harmonious and complete thanks to floral patterns, artificially aged furniture, bouquets of flowers, which are presented in the form of decor or patterns on wallpaper.


This direction allows you to make the bedroom laconic and spacious, while at the same time adding tranquility to it.

Expert opinion

Irina Klimova

I am 29 years old. I'm an interior designer. I love my profession and have been doing this activity for more than 8 years. About 100 projects have been implemented. I provide professional advice.

To decorate a minimalist interior, you need to use muted colors like gray, brown or white, which will look good with the main green palette of khaki, mint, malachite or olive.

Also in minimalism, preference is given to natural shades like marsh. To create a harmonious interior in green tones, the use of indoor plants is allowed.

Modern style

In modern style, the main emphasis is on conciseness and symmetry. To create an appropriate stylization of a green interior, you can dilute strict interiors with unusual deep colors: gray-green or coniferous.

In a modern style, excessive use of bright colors is not allowed, and green shades should be used to locally highlight a certain area or to place accents in a room to diversify the interior.

Classic style

Classic is characterized by luxury and sophistication. In such an interior, the noble green color will look very appropriate, especially against the background of wooden furniture and brown shades that can set off the depth of green.

The main tone in a classic interior can be olive, pistachio or another shade that visually resembles natural vegetation.

In the classical style, as well as in neoclassicism, muted colors are used, which are well combined with light textiles, large furniture and voluminous curtains.

In such a bedroom there are no contrasting textures and an abundance of bright colors. In the first place - traditionality, comfort and elegance of the environment.

The room itself should look elegant, but not pretentious, for which you can use light and warm colors, for example, warm pistachio or pastel grass.

Scandinavian style

To create an interior in a Scandinavian style, you should choose the most “natural” colors that match the color of natural vegetation. For example, you can choose an olive tone, which has a positive effect on the psyche, creating an atmosphere of relaxation.

Brighter colors like lemon green, turquoise and mint also look elegant in the Scandinavian style. A classic option is to decorate a bedroom in white and green tones.

Eco style

Green color is an ideal option for decorating bedrooms in eco style. Its peculiarity is the use of natural materials aimed at creating the most simple and natural atmosphere.

A room with a similar style is always spacious and fresh. To maintain the harmony of the interior, use herbal shades or emerald green. These tones of green will help recreate the appropriate natural atmosphere in the bedroom.

Green color in the interior of a nursery

The plant color scheme is suitable for both boys and girls, and the age of the child does not play a special role. Light green or pistachio look natural in both a baby’s room and a growing high school student’s room.

Light bluish-green shades are suitable for small children. For active, restless children, it is better to choose an olive or other soft shade.

You can paint the wall at the head of the bed or at least part of the wall with emerald paint.

If the walls are painted green, then the room will need to be diversified with orange, pink, yellow or blue elements. These can be ottomans, pillows, curtains.

The playing area can be made more vibrant by using various shades of green with the addition of bright contrasts.

Original children's room for a girl Source

Variety of shades

However, green is not as simple as it might seem. It has many shades, each of which has its own characteristics and has a certain effect on the human psyche. Thus, dark green and emerald stimulate thought processes, improve attention and memory. This is ideal for a study, living room or library. The noble and restrained olive color will also find its place here, filling the room with majestic tranquility.

Juicy light green and liqueur chartreuse have a positive effect on the child’s psyche and relieve visual stress. Bright and dynamic, these colors fill rooms with cheerfulness and optimism.

Calming pistachio will add tenderness and harmony to any room from the bedroom to the living room, completely neutralizing emotional overload.

Turquoise and aquamarine represent cool freshness and vast expanses of the sea. Balancing between the blue and green spectrum, they add special charm and sophistication to any interior.

It is thanks to such a rich variety of color nuances that green shades are so in demand among designers all over the world.

Green in the kitchen interior

The green color in the kitchen interior promotes a calm, leisurely meal and evokes associations with summer. Therefore, a kitchen decorated in different shades of green can become a place for communication for the whole family.

Cozy kitchen with green tulle Source

You can make green the main color and paint the walls with it or choose furniture with such a facade. In this case, it is advisable to focus on calm, soft shades, especially if the kitchen is used as a dining room. These are malachite, pistachio, blue-green, green tea and apple colors.

Green tiles on the kitchen floor Source

At the same time, the floor, ceiling, and tabletop should be neutral, although greenery goes well with blue, red, and sometimes with brighter yellow and orange. Brown and black colors look beautiful. To this combination add elements of neutral shades: white, gray, beige or several bright items.

Black kitchen with green wallpaper Source

If green is chosen as an additional color in the interior, then it is enough to use it in some details and places. For example, white walls and ceilings can be diversified with an emerald or light green countertop and apron. You can add a few details to them in other parts of the kitchen.

Kitchen interior design Source

If the kitchen is decorated with wood, then you can diversify it with green, for example, paint the work area with it, add several accessories of the same shade.

Corner kitchen with windows Source

The white and green kitchen looks beautiful. White color creates a feeling of lightness, light, and spaciousness. If you add gray to this combination, then this interior will correspond to the classic style.

Kitchen in Provence style Source

For those who love peace and coolness, green in the interior is combined with gray. This is suitable for lovers of modern design, such as minimalism or hi-tech.

Green kitchen in the interior Source

Even a monochrome version of a natural interior looks stylish and elegant in the kitchen.

Curtains in the green living room

When choosing curtains for a green living room, focus on its size and, above all, height.
It is also important to remember the degree of illumination and the style of interior design. If the room is not spacious, then buy curtains in light green shades, without any special frills, but for large spaces you can take lush, dense curtains in richer tones. However, all of the above is not an axiom. These are just design tips. After all, the creation of each decor requires a strictly individual approach. To create the integrity of perception and give harmony to the atmosphere, complement the green curtains with similar chair covers, matching pillows and other textiles.

green curtains in the classic style of the living room interior

Green in the bedroom interior

You should not decorate the bedroom with too dark shades, this can cause sleep disturbance and nervousness. It is better to stick to a bright interior. In modern design, shades such as lime, pistachio and light green are used as a complement to the main background.

Room in green tones Source

A small bedroom can be covered with wallpaper in light green shades. For the “country” style, wallpaper with vertical stripes in soft olive and natural green is suitable.

For a bedroom in high-tech and modern style, bright colors are used. To make the bedroom look more calm, it is best to decorate only one wall with green.

High-tech design Source

The combination of cold green with white, yellow, and peach looks beautiful.

Modern room design Source

Blue-green and sea green look sophisticated and stylish when combined with sand, white and pastel colors.

You can combine green with blue in the interior, but one of them should dominate, and the second should be used as accents.

The combination of greenery with cream, beige, linen, and gold looks elegant. You should avoid red and purple in a bedroom decorated with green.

Green in textile elements Source


Pure green is used extremely rarely to create modern interiors. Therefore, many tones and combinations are used that will convey the mood and advantages of the chosen style.

Dark green

Also called forest. This category includes all tones and halftones that are associated with forest, taiga, coniferous trees, and swamps. The most natural and noble category, rich in natural strength and energy. The colors are rich, strong, and go well with natural wood. It is recommended to add lilac, beige and dark blue notes. This category also includes a deep emerald shade.


An elegant and stylish solution that does not contrast too much with other tones, but complements them well. The palette may seem a little monotonous and overly calm, but in fact, it is intended for relaxation. Such refined rigor is well suited for the hallway, hall, dining room, and the design of any workspace. Additionally, you can buy vintage posters, photographs in strict frames, and hand-drawn paintings to decorate the composition.

Light green

Lime, light green, olive, pistachio and other light colors are universal and can be used for any interior and exterior of the room. Green colors will add freshness to the room, and lime will lower its “temperature” if the windows face south.

As for terracotta, olive and other soft shades, they will be an excellent solution for decorating walls using decorative plaster and wallpaper. But mint invigorates, gives freshness and energy, develops creativity, so it is perfect for a nursery, bedroom, living room.

Green and blue

Living room interior design in green tones Source
If you use a light background and light shades with them, the interior becomes fresh. To mute the brightness of the colors, add a little black and brown. This makes the room more calm.

Chandelier for a teenager's room Source

In modern design, blue and pistachio are most often found.

Pistachio color: combination in the interior Source of fabricoptom.rf

Kiwi with light blue also looks sophisticated and stylish.

Green and blue: a good combination Source

If fairly dark shades of blue, green and cyan are used, white accents are required, otherwise the interior will become gloomy. This could be furniture, accessories, curtains.

Green can be represented by indoor plants, and blue can be used to decorate the walls or use blue accessories.

Living room interior Source Beige and pistachio colors in the interior Source

Furniture selection

It has already been said above what green walls are combined with in the interior, so there are no restrictions when choosing furniture. This applies not only to color schemes, but also to materials: products can be made of wood, plastic, metal, glass and other things. Of course, it is important to maintain balance in everything.

Don't be afraid to experiment. A huge green palette allows you to choose the perfect shade for any room, so that a designer sofa, purple bathroom, chest of drawers with a floral print or a wrought-iron table look appropriate and stylish. Creating a visual design project will help you think through the details in advance and check “working” combinations.

Color combination

Rich green in interior elements Source
Green is often used to create accents on a beige background. This is a very cozy and beautiful combination, it is easy to work with and create decor in almost any style.

Brown and green looks very elegant and suits any style.

Gray together with green creates a calm, relaxing atmosphere; it is used for the bedroom or living room.

Dark green sofa in the interior Source

Orange and green make the room bright and cheerful. Orange is used only as an accent.

Bright combination: green with orange Source

Yellow looks very beautiful and bright, especially if you choose a light green shade for it. Suitable for bathroom or kitchen.

Pink looks very elegant and delicate if you choose the lightest shades.

Combination of pink and green colors Source

Red and green are used very carefully, usually as an accent. This could be a drawing on the wall, a piece of furniture.

Wine-colored sofa on a green background Source

The blue-green combination looks a little boring, so white, gray, and cream are added to it. Turquoise and green look especially beautiful.

Green goes harmoniously with blue-violet. This interior looks original, contrasting, stylish.

Combination of green with deep blue Source

Green living room - pros and cons

Despite the fact that in the design of the living room the green color is used with caution for some reason, any demonstration of it looks very harmonious in the interior. However, like any other shade, green has its advantages and disadvantages, which you should definitely be aware of. So, the positive features of the green color palette include its beneficial effect on the human nervous system and the ability to level out any anxiety and tension, especially when it comes to deep shades.

Green relieves fatigue and pacifies, which directly strengthens relationships between family members. You will forever forget about mood swings and the desire to enter into conflict. And most importantly, green looks great in the design of a living room of any size.

As for the shortcomings of the palette, we should note a somewhat excessive relaxation, which in some cases can even lead to apathy, therefore, in order to avoid such nuances, brighter or contrasting accents should be used in the interior.

Another not very pleasant fact is the negative impact of color on the physical and psychological impact of people with nervous system disorders, namely, an excess of green can lead to loss of energy. Well, to complete the characteristics of the green range, one should also take into account the fact that, despite the fact that green has proven itself well in many style solutions, it is still not suitable for modern interior variations. In this case, it is recommended to dilute the main color with various color additions.

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