Which wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy’s room: 41 photos of excellent children’s rooms with photo wallpaper

A children's room is a special space, the design of which has special requirements. It must be safe for the child. This also applies to the quality of finishing materials, so we will definitely consider different types of wallpaper from the point of view of the possibility of their use in the nursery. The next important point is aesthetics. You must remember: everything that surrounds a child contributes to his development. You will have to pay close attention to the choice of color and wallpaper design.

What should a boy's room be like?

Design of a teenager's room photo 2015: modern ideas, wallpaper
Before you start choosing wallpaper, you should figure out what the modern design of a room for a teenage boy should be and what is popular in 2015-2016. Having understood the main trends in the design of modern teenage rooms, you can begin choosing wallpaper.

What are the features of wallpaper for a teenage boy's room?

Fragility. It should be understood that adolescence is a fleeting period, and you are doing repairs not for a year, but, if possible, for a longer time. Therefore, you must be prepared for the fact that the child will want to express himself, therefore, you will have to do repairs, at least superficially, in a few years, when your son grows out of adolescence and he wants to decorate his room more seriously.

Room design for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper

Brightness and uniqueness. This is another factor to consider when designing a room for a teenager. The room should never be boring and monotonous. Try to make it as unique as possible so that it not only differs from other rooms, but is also rich and bright.

Completely bad taste. Many parents believe that a teenage boy’s room is necessarily ugly and tasteless. But it’s worth considering your son’s preferences. You shouldn’t go too far and force him to decorate the room the way you want. The child will outgrow this period, and you will ruin your relationship with him.

Photo wallpaper for a teenage boy's room

Let your child take part in creating the design and personal style, as he can add a touch of uniqueness on his own.

Decorating a modern children's room

The emphasis is on ecology and safety. In a children's room, plastered, absolutely smooth walls are ideal. Pale beige, milky and white colors are often used. One of the advantages of light walls is that the light reflected from them provides soft lighting, which is most comfortable for the eyes.

. One of the advantages of light walls is that the light reflected from them provides soft lighting, which is most comfortable for the eyes.

Photo wallpapers have come back into fashion, with a variety of subjects - from pastoral landscapes to deep space objects or comic book characters. The wall of a children's room can have a rather discreet decoration - planks in the color of wood or in the shade of the wall. They are placed either parallel or perpendicular to the floor, or diagonally. This allows you to achieve various decorative effects.

Selecting different wallpaper options

Today there is a wide variety of wallpaper on the market, and it would seem that it would not be difficult to choose them, but this is not easy to do for a boy’s room. The difficulty is manifested not only in the choice of color scheme and design, but also in who exactly from the family should select the wall decoration element: the parents or the child.

Room design with photo wallpaper for teenagers photo

Many parents believe that their child should not have his own opinion at the age of 14-15, so they allow themselves to make decisions even in such trifles as the choice of wallpaper for the walls of the room. You should still take into account the child’s opinions and listen to him. This is a chance to give him time to be independent and feel like an adult.

If you cannot allow your child to be so independent, you should familiarize yourself with what you should pay attention to, what the options are, and agree with the overall family decision on the best option.

Plain wallpaper. This option is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to make repairs every few years. A wall is a place for a teenager to express himself, but it doesn’t have to be done in a bright and appealing style, which over time can bore even a child.

Wallpaper for a teenage boy's room photo

The ideal option is wallpaper of the same color, and much-needed accents can be placed on other things: for example, it could be furniture, curtains or other decorative elements, pillows, bedspreads, carpet.

You can also glue posters of your favorite football players, actors or movie characters to a white wall. This option is budget-friendly and a win-win for those who know how changeable their child’s tastes are. Also, to ensure that the wallpaper in a children's room for teenage boys does not look boring, you can choose coverings with an unobtrusive but slightly contrasting pattern.

Geometric pattern. This option has already become almost a traditional design for teenage boys’ rooms. Using patterns of various shapes, you can create a unique style for the room, and despite the presence of patterns on the wallpaper, the room will look masculine.

Wallpaper for a children's room for teenage boys

Strip. A type of geometric wallpaper is stripes. This is a relatively neutral option that looks stylish. This design, even in black and white, suggests that it is also suitable for boys.

What wallpaper to choose for a teenage boy's room?

Advice! It is important to choose the right color for striped wallpaper. Here you can let your child choose his favorite shade.

Choosing a color

The color scheme is key when decorating a nursery. When choosing, you should take into account the child's character. If he is active, then the room should be in calm colors. And a calm boy will be activated by bright colors.

Successful wallpaper color schemes:

  • White ones with a small, unobtrusive pattern are well suited for a room for a newborn or a small child, where bright pieces of furniture will become a color accent.
  • Black and white and dark are an excellent solution for a room with good natural light. The right combination is important. The main focal point with a black and white image or pattern can be on one wall.
  • Greens have a calming effect. Option for newborns and children up to 5 years old.
  • Turquoise and mint - delicate and original will create a special atmosphere for a sensitive boy with a penchant for creativity.
  • Blue and shades of blue promote calmness and create a pleasant marine atmosphere.

Highlight in the interior

When creating a unique design, it is important to find a highlight that will become a rich accent and will support the style of wallpaper in a teenage boy’s room, as in the photo:

Room for a teenage boy with photo wallpaper

Advice! Don't turn your teenager's room into a theater stage, even if he has many interests.

For example, if a boy prefers to play the guitar, you can hang it on the wall, and the wallpaper itself can be plain, or posters or photo wallpapers of your favorite musical group can hang on the opposite wall.

Wallpaper for the room of a teenage boy 16 years old

If your child is involved in boxing or another sport and has awards, you should focus on this. Instead of a guitar, you can make a shelf that will decorate the teenager's awards and remind him that he has found an activity that he is better at than others.

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Boy 7 years old - how to please and not go wrong

Wallpaper for a boy's room should fully characterize this age. The child already has a point of view, an opinion. The child has hobbies and interests and is unlikely to like cars or airplanes.

Most people focus on studying, choosing a cover with numbers and letters. From a psychological point of view, wallpapers that depict nature and its inhabitants are suitable: dogs, cats, birds, wild animals. Drawings should not have catchy or complex patterns.

At this age, children are getting acquainted with the first basics of school and can become distracted. Wallpaper with stripes will help you concentrate - they will calm down an active boy after the gameplay. If the room belongs to two active children, then it is better to purchase washable wallpaper. Agree, it’s quite a practical and profitable option.

Photo wallpaper for a teenager’s room is a way to emphasize individuality

Today, thanks to the fact that technology is rapidly developing, such an element of wall decoration as photo wallpaper has appeared, which in 2015 again, after the triumph during the years of the USSR, is experiencing a surge in popularity. Previously, posters were common among teenagers, but young people still don’t mind decorating the entire free wall with the image of their idol.

Photo wallpaper on the wall is an ideal option for any children's room and a good way to decorate it with taste. You can order any image. Basically, all photo wallpapers are made to order, and on sale you can only find those with a neutral pattern, for example, with the image of flowers. Photo wallpapers are very easy to put up and easy to remove. Thus, you can easily change the design of a teenager’s room using photo wallpaper, especially if you choose self-adhesive canvases.

Design of a teenager's room with photo wallpaper

Advantages of photo wallpaper:

  • thanks to a wide selection of image themes, a teenager can express himself and choose what he likes;
  • Photo wallpapers can be replaced if they have lost their relevance . For example, in the case when a boy’s interests change with age. We also note that this is a budget option for changing the interior;
  • Photo wallpapers create an atmosphere of order . Since this option is a modern analogue of posters and photographs, it has a significant advantage: it keeps order on the wall. Posters are usually not hung in one copy, and when there are many of them, a feeling of chaos and disorder is created.

Room with photo wallpaper for a teenager photo
You should definitely pay attention to what your child likes. There are no boys without interests, and if your child has not decided what he likes, help him with this.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a number of reasons why the idea of ​​combining different types of wallpaper is not just interesting, but ingenious. The reasons for choosing a wallpaper combination can be the advantages of the finished result:

You have two children, but only one children's room, which is why the kids are deprived of their own corner? “Break” the room in half with wallpaper - this will create personal zones, and you will be able to please everyone’s tastes.

  • For relaxation you need pleasant, gentle tones, for work you need more strict solutions, but it’s better to play among bright highlights. What to choose for a nursery, in which even one child needs this entire palette at once? All together - divide the room into zones!
  • Is one of the walls crooked? Highlight the opposite wall with wallpaper - then all eyes will be directed to it.
  • Do you have any extra wallpaper left over from renovations in other rooms? Don't throw them away - use them in combination to create an unusual design.

You need to combine wallpaper at least so that the room does not look too banal. This is also a great solution if you can’t choose just one type of wallpaper. The only thing that could be called a disadvantage of combining is that not everyone will succeed, and the end result may be more disappointing than pleasing.

Wallpaper for various interior styles


If your son is 16 years old and you are choosing wallpaper for his room, you should start from interior styles that would be appropriate in a teenage boy’s room. Having chosen the right style, depending on the child’s preferences, it is worth buying the corresponding thematic images. Loft, high-tech and avant-garde are suitable for athletes and computer scientists:

For fans of oriental culture, an oriental, ethnic style is suitable:

For those who like to travel, African or maritime style will appeal to you:

Kitsch is suitable for creative individuals:

Of course, this list does not mean that a boy cannot have his own preferences, it will simply help him generate his own idea for decorating a room and selecting wallpaper.

Interior for a young man’s room and color scheme

Designers often recommend decorating a young man’s personal space in neutral colors, since with their help it is much easier to emphasize the rigor and restraint of a man’s interior. Unfortunately, this approach leads to the creation of a dull and monotonous design. Add some expression and dynamics to your interior with bright colors and contrasts.

A guy’s room is at the same time a bedroom, a living room and an office, so the decor should promote a positive attitude and at the same time be original.

Use bright colors in the interior of a young man’s room in small quantities in order to highlight the transition from one zone to another or to place accents. Recently, different colors are increasingly used for wall decoration, because with their help you can correct the shortcomings of the room and highlight functional areas.

Try to make the sleeping area in warm colors so that the atmosphere in it is conducive to relaxation.

Bright colors in the work area will stimulate activity, while neutral colors are ideal for arranging storage space.

If you decide to use bright shades, then remember that only one wall can be painted in a saturated color, otherwise the room will be visually significantly smaller.

How to furnish a young man's room with furniture

In men's interiors, comfort and functionality are especially valued. When choosing furniture, give preference to roomy and simple designs that will fit perfectly into any interior.

First, decide on the furniture for the sleeping area: sofa or bed? After that, you can go to the study area and pick up a desk or computer desk.

Cabinets and shelves should not take up a lot of free space, because a guy most often has few things.

Start arranging furniture by choosing a place for a bed or sofa. In most cases, the sleeping area is located near a window or near a wall. Bedside tables may not be used in a guy's room.

In order for the work area to be naturally illuminated most of the time, it is located near the window. When designing a guy’s room, it is very important to arrange the work area as efficiently as possible and at the same time make sure that it does not clutter the interior.

When decorating the interior of a young man’s room, taste, character and age are taken into account. A teenage boy wants to be more different from others and thinks little about the practicality of the interior, while a mature young man values ​​functionality.

What type of wallpaper will be optimal

Currently there is a wide range of wallpapers. However, not every material is suitable for a children's room. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, it is worth considering popular options.

For painting

The main advantage of this finishing material is that the color of the walls can be changed up to 6-8 times. The material not only creates an interesting relief, but also provides scope for design imagination. In addition, paintable wallpaper is characterized by increased strength and moisture resistance. For your child, you can choose a plain material or with a pattern.


Natural wallpaper is also called vegetable wallpaper. Most often they are made from:

  • bamboo;
  • jute fibers;
  • some types of seaweed;
  • papyrus;
  • reeds;
  • flax;
  • velvet;
  • leaves;
  • silks.

This is the most environmentally friendly material for finishing a room. It gives the interior a natural and aesthetic look. In addition, it has the ability to absorb noise.


The wallpaper has a two-layer structure. The bottom layer is a paper backing, and the top layer is textile. To create the fabric layer, cotton, silk, linen, jute and felt are mainly used.

These materials absorb dust and odors and are therefore difficult to clean. But despite this, they decorate the interior, making it expensive and aesthetically pleasing. It is best to choose them for a teenage boy. A small child can inadvertently damage the walls.

The choice of finishing material depends on the age of the child


Vinyl wallpaper is not suitable for children's rooms. They do not allow air to pass through and contain chemicals. However, they can be used in places where the child is more active. For example, in the gaming area or at the table. In this case, if a child stains the walls, the stains can be easily removed.


This material is suitable for rooms with slight uneven walls. Non-woven wallpaper hides the imperfections of the room, as it is highly dense. At the same time, they are quite strong and wear-resistant.

For finishing, 2 types are mainly used:

  • Non-woven wallpaper. They are completely made of this material. They have several layers, can be smooth or with relief. Suitable for painting.
  • On a non-woven basis. Consist of two layers. The first is paper, and the second is textile or vinyl. In some cases they are suitable for painting.

Children's room in Scandinavian style

Washable wallpaper for drawing

This option is suitable for talented children. This can be wallpaper with a blackboard effect, in the form of a coloring book or a marker canvas. They not only decorate the room, but also develop the child's abilities.

Most often, this finish is chosen for young children. It can be used in play or study areas.

Liquid - can be painted

Liquid wallpaper resembles decorative plaster. They allow you to create any pattern or relief on the walls. Moreover, they can be painted several times. Cotton liquid wallpaper is best suited for a children's room. They are made from natural materials, have a soft texture and are environmentally friendly.

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