Wallpaper for the bedroom: rules for selection and design

assets/from_origin/upload/resize_cache/iblock/fb9/600_450_2/fb9be6a6f5e94bc64fc162190c3b0958.jpg From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of wallpaper for the bedroom
  • What types of wallpaper are suitable for the bedroom
  • Which wallpaper color to choose for the bedroom
  • How to choose wallpaper to suit your bedroom style
  • How to combine wallpaper in the bedroom
  • How to combine wallpaper with other interior items in the bedroom

How to finish the walls in a bedroom in Moscow with maximum convenience and at the same time save your budget? Wallpaper is best for this case. Thanks to a wide range of patterns and textures, you can choose wallpaper to suit any interior style. And their various combinations allow you to create unusual visual effects. Further in the article you will learn how to choose wallpaper for your bedroom so that it remains relevant for a long time and you like it for many years.

Features and benefits of wallpaper for the bedroom

Wallpaper is an ancient material used for wall decoration. The official version of their appearance is as follows: in 1645, Jean-Michel Papillon (he is considered the inventor of wallpaper) created a wooden block with which it was possible to make an unusual long-lasting pattern on paper. In fact, this method of decorating walls appeared much earlier: about 200 BC, the inhabitants of Ancient China began to cover their rooms with rice paper. Centuries later, in 1481, a French artist painted beautiful angels flying across the blue sky on wall paper. This wallpaper was intended for the chambers of King Louis XI; at that time it was a kind of fashionable trend among rich people.

Then wallpaper began to be used to decorate homes all over the Earth.

This material is multifunctional, it provides:

  1. Good breathability;
  2. Excellent tactile sensations;
  3. Excellent sound insulation (its level depends on the type of wallpaper);
  4. Possibility to carry out finishing on your own;
  5. Chic appearance of the finish for many years;
  6. The ability to choose any design or pattern, including photo printing;
  7. Elimination of uneven wall surfaces;
  8. Budgeting;
  9. Environmental friendliness of natural material.

Pay attention to the last parameter, it is this that allows you to use wallpaper for pasting the bedroom. You will sleep like a baby in a room decorated with a material that smells absolutely nothing and is not capable of causing allergies in humans. The varied design of wallpaper allows it to be used for all styles, from classic to more fashionable.

Expansion of space

Speaking about wallpaper for bedroom walls, one cannot fail to mention that this type of decoration should adjust the space and expand it. Usually the size and configuration of the bedroom is a given. Of course, in such conditions it is not always possible to improve the space; sometimes this is impossible for technical reasons, sometimes for financial reasons. However, with the help of wall coverings you can achieve the most amazing effects. You just need to choose them correctly.

So wallpaper for a small bedroom should be light, it is better to choose cool shades. Any bright warm colors, of course, create comfort in the room, but significantly reduce it.

Wallpaper with a horizontal pattern can expand the space. They can be used if the wall is not wide enough. Is the wallpaper pattern placed diagonally? You can shift the space while creating a sense of dynamism.

If the bedroom windows face south and the room is constantly hot, finishing materials in white, aquamarine, blue or cool green will create the illusion of coolness.

In order to visually divide the room into several zones, in addition to the main tone, you can use wallpaper in bright colors, which, of course, correspond to it. Often, when decorating a bedroom, a problem arises such as excessively high or low ceilings. In the first case, it is enough to cover the ceiling with the same wallpaper as the walls, and in the second it is recommended to use wallpaper with vertical stripes or a pattern.

It is important to take into account a number of other factors: psychological. So geometric patterns will help create the effect of confidence and stability. Wallpaper with floral patterns, images of flowers and trees will allow you to relax and give you peace of mind.

Types of wallpaper for the bedroom

Paper wallpaper

Wallpaper made of glossy or matte paper can be single-layer (simplex) or two-layer (duplex). Obviously, the former are an economical option, while the latter are stronger and practically do not deteriorate from mechanical stress.

However, both single-layer and double-layer wallpaper are short-lived. They are adversely affected by sunlight, moisture and dust. Thanks to their budget, you will have the opportunity to completely change the wallpaper for your bedroom in 2-3 years.

Using paper wallpaper is an easy and economical way to carry out cosmetic repairs in a rented apartment or dorm. They are ideal if you have a child who is sure to draw something on the walls. By the way, photo wallpapers are also of the paper type.

Vinyl wallpapers

PVC wallpapers have a paper or textile base, on which there is a front layer containing plastic. The market offers smooth or embossed (silk-screen) vinyl wallpapers, foamed, glossy, matte or combined.

The main disadvantage of this type of wallpaper for the bedroom is that it contains synthetic resins, which means that the walls will not breathe, preventing moisture and air from passing through. In addition, for some time after pasting the room will not have a very pleasant smell of plastic. Therefore, before buying such wallpaper for your bedroom, think about it, because it should be well ventilated.

Despite the disadvantages, vinyl wallpaper still has more advantages: they are durable, aesthetic, have a long service life of 10 to 15 years, they can be repainted, washed, and have excellent soundproofing characteristics.

Non-woven wallpaper

They are a flexible two-layer fabric consisting of intertwined cellulose fibers. The texture of the material is microporous, so non-woven wallpaper is environmentally friendly and adheres well to almost any surface. Finishing a room with such wallpaper is quick and easy, since you only need to apply glue to the wall. You can choose non-woven wallpaper for the bedroom without vinyl coating, then they can be painted.

Textile wallpaper

Upholstering the walls in the bedroom with fabric is a non-standard design technique. However, do not forget that in this case it is necessary to vacuum the walls once every 1-2 months. Please note that dust accumulates faster on fluffy synthetics: velvet, felt, velor. The textile wallpaper for the bedroom available on the modern market, the photos of which are presented above, are made on a dense base, which ensures easy gluing of the material, but you must work with it carefully. If you apply too much glue to the wallpaper, it will be absorbed into the fabric, which will leave unsightly stains. Despite the shortcomings, textile wallpaper looks chic, providing increased noise insulation (if foam-lined wallpaper is used).

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Glass wallpaper

This material, made of fiberglass threads, looks translucent and is quite rigid, despite its small thickness. The service life of glass wallpaper can reach 30 years. Such wallpaper for a bedroom, photos of the interior of which are presented in the article, can be repainted up to 10 times, which means that updating the decoration of the room will not be difficult. Fiberglass is an environmentally friendly material (consists of quartz sand, clay, soda and silicates), which is an undoubted advantage of using such wallpaper.

Natural wallpaper

Planning on a high-quality finish that will last for many years? Opt for natural wallpaper for your bedroom. Cork, bamboo, jute, seaweed, even straw - this is what such fabrics are made from. They can be based on non-woven fabric or without any base at all. Natural wallpapers are not just environmentally friendly, they have excellent aesthetic characteristics.

Below we list the main advantages of natural wallpaper for the bedroom:

  • soft material gives unusual tactile sensations;
  • natural wallpaper is non-flammable;
  • repel dust;
  • You can use natural wallpaper to cover both smooth walls and convex (concave) surfaces;
  • long service life - more than 20 years.

The only significant disadvantage of such natural material is its high cost, so it will not suit you if you are planning to save on wallpaper for your bedroom. A square meter of such a canvas will cost you at least 500 rubles, so in order to cover the entire room, you will have to spend a lot of money. However, designers offer a solution: use natural wallpaper only for covering the framed part of the wall, and for the remaining surfaces you can buy inexpensive material.

Photo wallpaper

An excellent option for wall decoration is photo wallpaper, which has many advantages , including:

  • aesthetic appearance. Landscape, pattern, photograph - what will be depicted on the walls of your bedroom depends only on your imagination. Using photo wallpaper you can create a truly cozy and comfortable space;
  • extensive range, you can order individual photo wallpapers;
  • long period of use;
  • quick surface gluing;
  • moisture resistance;
  • using photo wallpaper you can divide the room into zones;
  • budget;
  • compliance with fire safety requirements;
  • are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, which means that the colors of the photo wallpaper will always be bright and saturated;
  • the possibility of applying varnish to photo wallpaper - such material practically does not need to be looked after.

As you can see, the aesthetic qualities of photo wallpaper will conquer even the most sophisticated buyer. However, this material also has disadvantages, for example:

  • the surface of the walls must be 100% smooth and even. Otherwise, the visual effect will not be achieved, and the service life of the photo wallpaper will be sharply reduced;
  • As mentioned earlier, decorating walls with photo wallpaper is quite easy. However, you will need full concentration on the process, patience and physical effort;
  • There may be low quality photo wallpapers on the market - they will come off over time;
  • take your choice of wallpaper design for your bedroom seriously - you don’t want to get tired of it after a while.

Bedroom design examples

Types of wall coverings for the bedroom

The classic option is to decorate the bedroom walls with plain wallpaper or wallpaper of the same pattern. Harmonious, comfortable, stylish! Choose wallpaper of different materials to suit your taste: paper, non-woven, vinyl, textile, made from natural materials. The options are endless.

There is an opinion that the priority in the bedroom will always be wallpaper made from natural materials as the most environmentally friendly material. In fact, this is not entirely true. Modern wallpaper manufacturers comply with all necessary product quality standards. All wallpapers in our range “breathe”, and the choice of material depends largely on your visual or tactile preferences. For example, paper wallpaper in the bedroom is practical, since the bedroom is not a high-traffic area. But it is paper wallpaper that provides the richest variety of patterns and colors. The most authentic historical designs of unique beauty are reproduced on paper wallpaper.

If you want depth of color, we take non-woven wallpaper: it will be matte or with a slight, unobtrusive shine. Moreover, this material contains synthetic textile fibers and is coated with matte paints during production, so after installation, non-woven wallpaper covered in rich shades cannot be distinguished from a painted wall.

If tactile sensations are important, then you need textiles. Such wallpaper is definitely an excellent choice for those who understand modern fashion trends. Gone are the days when textile wallpapers were strictly classic; now the choice is huge. For example, matte suede wall coverings from Tissage Mahieu – Suede design.

Textile wallpaper from the Belgian brand Mahieu Santorini

Vinyl wallpaper is also still relevant. Thanks to their texture, they can imitate fabric, decorative textured strokes of paint, or the surface of wood.

Midbec Lyckebo Collection

Combining wallpaper in the bedroom

If you want variety, you can use wallpaper of two colors or different materials. The bedroom can be luxuriously decorated with two or more types of wallpaper. You can make an accent in the headboard, use a horizontal or vertical arrangement of the wallpaper pattern, and also use moldings to highlight the panel on the accent wall. Looks great!

Photos of wallpaper from the Jannelli&Volpi 451 Yumiko collection

A good choice is wallpaper from the Thibaut Heritage collection

Interesting combination of wallpapers from the JV Texture collection

Stylish wallpaper from the Casadeco brand Stone Collection

A win-win -

a combination of wallpaper of the same color scheme, but some of them will have a print pattern. To avoid differences in shades, choose wallpaper from the same collection from the same manufacturer. You will get the most accurate combination!

If the “native” companion background looks too simple, then you can use wallpaper from other collections, playing with shades and textures.

The photo shows an example of combined wallpaper for a bedroom from the Aquarelle Danehil collection

Tip: be careful when combining wallpaper of different materials, such as non-woven and paper. They have different thickness and structure. It is better to entrust the installation of such a combination to professionals.

Bedroom zoning

If your bedroom is combined with a living room, you can zone it with wallpaper. See how it was done by masters using wallpaper from the Midbec Solitar collection

Show your imagination and use the most unexpected decorative elements.

For example, you can create an “imaginary headboard” using an additional structure made of plasterboard.

The photo shows wall coverings from the Aquarelle Casa Merida collection

What color wallpaper to choose for the bedroom

When choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, remember that colors have different effects on the human psyche. For example, active red and orange are best used for decorating a kitchen or dining room. If your goal is to add warmth and light to a room located on the north side, choose cheerful yellow, light green, or delicate peach colors for decoration. Is your bedroom facing south, is it always hot in the room? Then it is better to choose wallpaper in blue-green tones. The use of monochrome design in colors such as white, gray, cream is not limited in any way. But you should be careful with dark shades: black, purple, chocolate, since these colors absorb light, narrow the space, creating the feeling of a dungeon in your bedroom.

  • White wallpaper.

A classic, time-tested solution is to use white wallpaper for the bedroom. White and its shades can emphasize the luxurious look of furniture, the aesthetics of paintings, photographs, catchy or delicate patterns and other decorative elements.

  • Gray wallpaper.

Calm gray shades of wallpaper are the best choice for decorating a bedroom in high-tech, modern, minimalism or loft style. A combination of gray wallpaper with black, dark blue furniture and laconic lines will help create a brutal interior for a man. Combine a light glossy surface with silver curls - the bedroom decoration for a luxurious lady is ready. Catchy yellow, pink, green accents against a background of gray wallpaper are the ideal solution for a young couple’s bedroom.

  • Blue wallpaper.

Sky and water shades are soothing, which means wallpaper for the bedroom, the photo, the design of which is presented above, is an excellent solution. Combine blue wallpaper with white, grey, cream, purple or dark brown. You can also combine this color finish with photo wallpaper.

  • Black wallpaper.

An ultra-modern trend is to use black wallpaper for the bedroom. But before purchasing material of this color, make sure that the size of the room allows solutions in dark colors that visually make the room smaller. If the dimensions of your bedroom are impressive, black wallpaper will make the space luxurious and presentable. Even if the room is large, it is recommended to use black wallpaper to decorate one wall, for example, at the head of the bed. This way you will ensure the correct zoning of the space, and black will not be the first color you see immediately after waking up.

  • Green wallpaper.

Do you know the most favorite color of designers and psychologists? That's right, green. Such a joyful and calm color scheme improves your well-being: in a green bedroom you can relax after a hard day and get a positive charge in the morning. Choose plain green wallpaper for the bedroom, or canvases with the most delicate flowers: pinkish peonies, light violets or any other floral pattern.

  • Pink wallpaper.

The current trend is the use of pink wallpaper, which, by the way, has always been popular. This trend is explained by the fact that representatives of the fair sex often choose pink to design a relaxation area in an apartment. You can choose any pink wallpaper for your bedroom, from light pink to a dusty shade.

  • Red wallpaper.

Most designers are inclined to believe that red should not be used to decorate the recreation area. The fact is that this shade has a stimulating effect on the human psyche, activates thought processes, and causes aggression. If you have insomnia, then red wallpaper for your bedroom is definitely not what you need. Fortunately, some shades of red are perfectly acceptable for bedroom decoration. For example, wine or brown wallpaper tones will create a luxurious interior in a classic style. Combine this wallpaper with chic furniture made of natural wood, and you will get a comfortable and cozy bedroom.

  • Lilac and purple wallpaper.

When asked whether or not it is worth using lilac and violet shades to decorate a living space, psychologists cannot give an exact answer, since these colors are considered cold. Saturated dark shades will create a feeling of unease. The solution is to choose light lavender and pastel colors from this color palette.

  • Beige wallpaper.

Do you like calm, laconic design? Surely beige wallpaper for the bedroom will suit you. This shade not only has a relaxing effect on a person, but also helps to think creatively. Do you think that with this color the decoration will seem boring? Combine colors, such as beige and black. Do not use excessive repetition of dark shades, otherwise the room will look gloomy. Beige and golden colors combine perfectly. With this finish, your bedroom will look most advantageous, shimmering under the rays of sunlight.

  • Brown wallpaper.

This shade is best suited for large rooms. You can decorate such a finish in a dark color with the help of light furniture and well-arranged bright lighting.

  • Yellow wallpaper.

What associations does the color yellow evoke? Most often it is a feeling of happiness and positivity. Waking up in such a bedroom every day, you will certainly feel light and cheerful. By combining yellow with beige or white, you can create an extraordinary bedroom design. Very often, yellow shades are used to decorate rooms in resorts and health resorts, because this color simultaneously relieves anxiety and charges you with energy for the whole day.

Choosing a color for the bedroom interior

As a rule, psychologists advise choosing pastel colors or muted beige, blue, green, gray and their many variations for the bedroom. Typically, designers advise not to combine colors that are at different “poles” of the color spectrum, or to choose flashy red, rich purple, or deep blue. After all, we usually relax in the bedroom.

However, there are no strict rules; the main thing is your taste and color preferences. Legendary American designer Dorothy Draper said that “bedrooms should be very cozy and express your personal preferences in every way... Of all the rooms in the house, the bedroom should be completely YOURS.”

Examples of cardinal color preferences:

Wall coverings JWall, Glance collection


Let's get creative and find other interesting color solutions.

Light green in a muted design

Grass in the morning fog, spruce needles touched by the first frosts. Serene shades that give some feeling of coolness. The predominance of green will help relieve stress and cope with unpleasant impressions of the past day.

Wallpaper Sandberg Family 2

Intelligent Blue

For some it will be too bright. Others will find it muted. But in any case, such blue will set the general mood in the bedroom interior, making it original and unique. In addition, the delicate blue color visually enlarges the space.

Photo of wallpaper for the bedroom from the Magnolia Home Contract collection

Gray, very calm gray

Gray has long been considered one of the classic colors in the interior. By itself, it may seem boring and uninteresting. But shades of gray are an excellent backdrop for bright accents. With their help, you can implement almost any decorative idea.

Gray wallpaper in the bedroom: Hohenberger Slow Living collection

Texam ID wall coverings

Lemon sherbet

This color has nothing to do with vulgar neon. It will definitely appeal to those who experience chronic fatigue. With bright but delicate shades of lemon, a surge of strength will not take long to arrive. In addition, invigorating yellow will definitely appeal to those who have difficulty waking up in the morning.

Wallpaper Thibaut Imperial Garden

Delicate pink

Pink, cream and other soft colors are perfect for a ladies' bedroom. They have a pleasant calming effect, and can always be added to the mood with bright accessories.

Wallpaper Casadeco Edison

Advice: find out if your spouse is a supporter of pink shades. The pattern on the wallpaper, the shape of the bed and the prints on the bed linen should appeal to both!

Midbec Mary Isobel WP Collection

Dark shades

Dark shades such as chocolate, blue or even black will add additional mood to the bedroom, help you relax, and give rest to your soul and eyes.

Wall coverings Tissage Mahieu Canyon

Wallpaper for the bedroom with a pattern

Canvases with patterns are included in a separate group. Many buyers prefer this kind of wallpaper for the bedroom - with an extraordinary pattern. You need to decorate a bedroom for a man, then choose checkered or striped wallpaper. It is recommended to cover the wall next to which the bed is located with canvases with this pattern. For a classic or art deco style, geometric patterns, animals, and plants are ideal. You should choose wallpaper for the bedroom with embossing that imitates luxurious fabrics: velvet, corduroy. Using this finish, you can turn your sleeping area into a comfortable area where you can truly relax.

Floral wallpapers are the most commonly used. Such canvases remain in trend for many years, thanks to the inexhaustible magic of beautiful delicate flowers. If you want a calm and discreet finish, choose wallpaper with small flowers. Please note that the design consists of a maximum of three colors. Most often, wallpaper with floral patterns can be found in country style, Provence: beautiful wild flowers on a green background.

Are you looking for wallpaper for your bedroom in a modern style? Opt for floral wallpaper with chic peonies or roses. Moreover, you can use both photo wallpaper and canvases with an abstract floral pattern. When choosing photo wallpapers, it is recommended to place them on one wall, covering the rest with plain colors. In the second case, you can wallpaper the entire room, of course, if the color scheme is subtle enough.

Beautiful, eye-catching wallpaper for a bedroom with a floral pattern is an excellent solution if a woman will live in the room. For a man's bedroom, striped or checkered wallpaper is more suitable. Using a pattern with a vertical stripe of contrasting colors will visually make the room elongated. Checkered wallpaper is appropriate for creating an interior in an English or Scottish style.

No less common are wallpapers with monograms, the patterns on which are repeated according to the chosen pattern. Such canvases can be in both classical and modern themes, so they will fit perfectly into the interior of any style. You just have to follow the advice: large monograms look better in large rooms, since a large pattern makes the room visually smaller. Also consider how well wallpaper with monograms for the bedroom will harmonize with the decor. Here, too, adhere to the rule: extraordinary and eye-catching furniture will look advantageous against the backdrop of calm wallpaper with monograms and vice versa.

Interior in detail

It is necessary that all accessories, wall and floor coverings and other items in the interior are combined.

Textiles can be either light or bright. Dark floors help to stretch the boundaries of the room in height.

Start experimenting, and then spring with its purity and tenderness will reign in the rooms of your house forever. Please your household with fresh design solutions.

How to choose wallpaper for a bedroom in a particular style

Obviously, unity of style can be achieved only if the wall decoration is in harmony with the interior design of the room. The color and texture of the selected wallpaper for the bedroom should ideally match the furniture, textiles, windows and doors.

Modern style

Smooth plain wallpaper for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style is the best solution of all. Use glossy wallpaper in light shades if you want to add airiness and visually expand the space. At the same time, matte wallpaper will allow you to create a comfortable relaxation area. In a modern design style, you can use laconic monochrome drawings, graphics, and abstractions. Important advice: such wallpaper should play the role of an accent, and not a continuous covering of all walls.

Classic style

The classical style effectively intertwines the majesty of antiquity and the luxury of the Renaissance. Have you dreamed of a royal bedroom all your life? It is better to do it using wallpaper in light warm shades: creamy, cream, ivory, light beige. You can combine such wallpaper with floral patterns of golden or silver color, relief imitating plaster stucco, as well as with soft leather.


Perhaps the romanticism of the south of France is close to you? Then pastel colors: light gray, soft pink, mint, lilac, milky will be the ideal background for small floral prints. Are you afraid that your room will look boring? Just combine patterned and plain wallpapers. The right textiles will make your bedroom complete.

Scandinavian style

You can get the effect of frosty Northern European freshness using natural winter shades: snow-white, sparkling silver, translucent blue, light gray, light green. Add coziness with wallpaper for the bedroom, the texture of which is similar to bleached linen or light, untreated wood in a cool shade.

General selection rules

Determining the color when choosing wallpaper can be difficult, but you can rely on generally accepted rules. To decorate your bedroom, you should not choose bright colors; give preference to muted shades. After all, a place to relax should be peaceful, not annoying.

Wallpaper should be in harmony with the furniture in the room . It also takes into account where the windows of the room face. For southern rooms you can choose cooler shades, for northern rooms - warmer ones.

If the walls in the room are uneven, it is important to choose a pattern. A small print or diagonal will visually hide this flaw.

Light wallpaper will visually enlarge a small room.

To combine materials, you need to learn how to combine colors:

  • Some colors don't go together at all, like red and green. But shades of the same color will look advantageous (blue and cyan).
  • Saturated, juicy ones need to be complemented with dim ones: it can be beige, which sets off many dark tones well.
  • In the bedroom you can successfully combine cold shades (blue and white) or cold and warm (green and yellow).

We invite you to watch a video on how to choose the right wallpaper:

How to combine wallpaper for a bedroom

By combining similar-colored wallpapers and patterned canvases, you can make the design of the room unusual, with a variety of visual effects. Properly executed wall decoration with wallpaper is a guarantee of a comfortable, but far from boring sleeping space. You can combine wallpaper in different ways: vertically, horizontally, geometrically, or by creating inserts and niches.

  • Vertical.

Such wallpapers are also presented in a variety of options: alternating stripes from bottom to top, white and black, matte and glossy, plain and patterned. You can also design individual walls and partial partitions in different ways. Using vertical accents, you will visually make the room taller.

Below we list the most successful ways to combine wallpaper for a bedroom:

  1. Symmetrical: place two contrasting dark stripes opposite each other;
  2. Asymmetrical: one wide contrasting stripe is located opposite two or three thin stripes;
  3. Transition between shades: one wall is decorated with wallpaper alone, and the second wall is covered with a vertical combination, when a transition is made from wide stripes to thin ones, the third and fourth walls are of a different color.
  • Horizontal.

Thanks to this combination, you can create spectacular borders that visually expand the space. Narrow areas will appear wider if you use contrasting and horizontal lines.

When combining wallpaper horizontally for a bedroom, there are proven combinations and divisions:

  1. We cover one third of the wall below with striped wallpaper, and the upper part with plain wallpaper;
  2. We cover the bottom two-thirds of the wall with wallpaper with a large pattern, the narrow top of the wall is plain;
  3. One third of the wall below is made of wallpaper with a small pattern, the top is made of large monograms that match the style.
  • Geometric.

Even this non-standard method is suitable for the bedroom: wallpapering occurs at broken angles. As a result, you get an extraordinary interior design. Use the applique technique: attach your favorite paper fragments to the base trim.

  • Insert.

An insert is a stand-out fragment, the shape of which is limited only by your imagination. We make a frame for it, which can be plaster, polyurethane, metal, wood or painted.

  • Niche.

If there is a niche in the room, then you can focus attention on it using wallpaper. Create finishes of different textures and colors. Photo wallpaper, imitation brickwork, a glossy insert with patterns or a matte plain color are well suited for a niche.

Wallpaper for a large bedroom

There are fewer problems with decorating a large bedroom. But here there are several points that it is better not to forget about.

It is always interesting to zone a space that is too large, separating the sleeping area directly, for example, from a dressing room or work area. It is not necessary to install plasterboard partitions for this. You can use light screens or tall plants. Wallpaper will also help with this. Zones can be distinguished by different colors or textures.

Wall coverings Carl Robinson 17 Loft

It is better to avoid using very small prints. In a large space they will remain invisible.

Midbec Solitar Collection 41002

If the ceiling height is insufficient, it is better not to glue the wallpaper until it meets the ceiling tiles. Leave a white stripe 10–15 cm wide or decorate it with a molded cornice.

Sandber Collection ARV_Karolina

Otherwise, the recommendations remain general. They brighten the room with white; yellow, beige, and light shades of brown will help make it warmer.

How to zone a bedroom with wallpaper

Using wallpaper in contrasting shades, you can differentiate between different neighboring zones. In the bedroom-living room, as well as in the children's room, it is often possible to divide the room into functional zones only through wallpaper. Professional designers advise not to create too many zones in the bedroom. For example, let there be a desk in the nursery, and a dressing room in the bedroom for adults. There are often cases when it is the sleeping area that is subject to zoning. To implement this technique, you need to combine wallpaper with rich colors and neutral ones.

The bedside area is separated using patterned canvases and photo wallpapers with large format printing. To highlight a vanity area or closet, simply choose patterned wallpaper that matches the base color. This way you will create a single space, divided into several functional areas.

Zoning in a children's room is necessary when:

  • brother and sister live in the room;
  • The room needs to combine a sleeping area, a work area, and a play area.

For the first situation, we take contrasting wallpaper, which must be combined using a plasterboard partition: this way the transition will not be visually striking. In the second situation, we use wallpaper in bright colors to highlight the work and play areas, and for the recreation area we use plain fabrics. When dividing a bedroom into zones, pay attention to its shape and area. If the room is narrow (as is usually the case in Khrushchev-era buildings), take the design seriously, otherwise the bedroom will look like a long endless corridor. Wallpaper for it should be contrasting. When the room is rectangular in shape, we use light-colored wallpaper for the long walls, and dark wallpaper for the remaining walls. Dark wallpaper will attract the eye: visually the room will look more harmonious.

When zoning a narrow bedroom, the main difficulty is that several zones must be placed in a small space. For this purpose, you will need two types of wallpaper for the bedroom. Near the work area we cover a small wall with dark patterns and a neutral light wall to decorate the sleeping area. There is another way of zoning when three types of wallpaper are used. We use the main color to decorate the main space, paint the recreation area with the second color, and the work area with the third color. Plastic panels or borders can be installed as delimiters.

In a square bedroom, it is easiest to divide into zones, of course, provided that the main principles are followed. For example, it is important to zone a room so that the unity of space is not disturbed, otherwise in a square bedroom it will be very noticeable.

Therefore, if you decide to decorate the work area with light wallpaper and the relaxation area with blue wallpaper, you need to combine them using accessories. For example, in the work area, place suitable blue pillows on the chair, while in the sleeping area, let there be light-colored curtains.

General interior decorating tips

ADVICE. The bedroom is a temple of relaxation. If you treat this room this way, you will be able to make it cozy, comfortable, and beautiful. Also, it will be a pleasure to maintain order in it.

If desired, the owners can use other types - it all depends on what kind of interior will be created in the end.

In large rooms, you can try to create a LOFT style, which goes well with liquid wallpaper under decorative plaster.

In small spaces it is better to choose light and uniform tones of paper and vinyl wallpaper. This approach will allow you to use the space as effectively as possible and create a beautiful visual.

ADVICE. When choosing the color and pattern of future wallpaper, you should rely on other interior items: floor, curtains, bed, wardrobe(s), windows, bedside tables, etc. Everything together should be in pleasant harmony, and not create an imbalance.

Even when choosing wallpaper for a bedroom in light colors, you should pay attention to the entire interior of the future bedroom.

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