DIY bedroom interior design with photos

Modern trends in room design, including bedroom design, are the absence of unnecessary things. The atmosphere is created thoughtfully and concisely, after placing all the furniture and accessories there is free space. This is not bad - there is no feeling that something is pressing on you, which contributes to proper rest. If the bedroom design is developed taking into account this trend, the result should be good in any case. If over time you feel that you are really missing something, you can always add the missing element.

DIY bedroom design - the main thing is to choose the style and color scheme

In order for the bedroom interior to look good, it is necessary to adhere to one style in the design. This makes it easier to decide on a color palette, choose furniture, textiles and accessories. The actual design of the bedroom can be anything, it’s just that the most popular at the moment are more laconic: modern style or modern, minimalism, hi-tech and oriental or Japanese. Young people choose to decorate their bedrooms in one of these keys. All of them are characterized by clear lines, the color design is often expressive, built on contrasting colors. Respectable people gravitate towards calmer and more comfortable interiors. This atmosphere is created using classic style, as well as Provence or Scandinavian. Creative people prefer more extravagant ones - loft, art deco.

Is it possible to design a bedroom with your own hands?

Why not? Designing a room's decoration is not as difficult as it seems. The presence of taste plus a little effort - and now an original interior is emerging. The lack of design experience will help compensate for numerous photos of the bedroom, which can be used as the basis for your own project.

Based on the photo, you can create your own bedroom design

Adjust the idea to the parameters of the room, select items suitable for the decor from furniture catalogs, and you can safely roll up your sleeves. So, where to start working on your bedroom design project?

Wall decoration

Designer photos of bedroom decor, in their works, show how many options there are for decorating walls. Ideas for execution will be suggested by your imagination.

For the walls, a single color or with an ornament is selected, and the surface is complemented with vinyl stickers. On a monochromatic background they can create an entire composition. And it’s enough to decorate wallpaper with flowers with voluminous butterflies. Framed paintings and series of photographs are always relevant.

To create a romantic atmosphere, you cannot do without drapery - canopies around the bed, or textiles above the headboard. Pictures and a mirror can be supplemented with LED strip. With the help of stencils and paints it is easy to create interesting designs and patterns on the surface of the walls.

Color selection

A combination of several aspects, including a harmoniously selected interior palette, helps make a room conducive to relaxation. What color scheme the bedroom design will be presented in largely depends on your personal vision of the intimacy of the atmosphere. And here neither fashion trends nor anyone’s opinions should have priority.

If you look at the bedroom design options in the photo, you will notice that beige is often used as the background color. Pastel in decor is certainly good, but is it relevant? What do other colors bring to the bedroom interior?

Cool colors in bedroom design

This is perhaps the most successful range of colors for decorating a room with such specific functionality. Finding yourself surrounded by a blue or light blue hue, a person involuntarily recalls seascapes. The gentle melody of splashing waves sounds in your ears. A wave of peace flows through the body. A similar color design for a bedroom interior can be safely implemented in sunny rooms with south-facing windows.

Cool colors for a bedroom with south-facing windows

For “northern” darkened rooms, turquoise and shades of delicate greenery are more suitable as a background. Pictures of bedrooms in this solution clearly demonstrate how life-like the environment is in them.

Beige tones in bedroom design

Spectrum of universal all-encompassing harmony. The only question is the dosage of its administration when renovating the bedroom. To please the newlyweds, beige is added in fragmentary form. The following can become its inclusions:

  • bedside rug;
  • cover;
  • pads;
  • small decorative elements.

Universal beige color in bedroom design

Look at the design of youth bedrooms in the photo - you will be surprised how wonderfully beige balances the rich background tones.

In the design project of a bedroom for an experienced couple, beige can also be given a leading role. To prevent the interior from becoming drained and faceless, it is filled with bright accessories.

Bright accents will complement the beige interior

Green paints in the bedroom

The spectrum is distinguished by an abundance of tones, but in our case preference should be given to a muted palette.

Green is an excellent color therapist. It is unobtrusive and pleasing to the eye. However, purely green bedrooms, photos of which can be found on the Internet, give rise to a not entirely favorable, rather even painful, feeling.

Pastel shades will extinguish the activity of green color

It sounds paradoxical, but it is a fact. An abundance of green will relax you to the point of complete exhaustion, and instead of proper rest, you will feel a sense of loss of strength. That is why it is recommended to dilute greenery in the bedroom interior with contrasting colors or dampen its activity with pastel inclusions.

Purple in bedroom design

This color is a rare guest in bedroom decor. He is never in the background, but his fragmentary participation is quite welcome. Since the color is difficult to perceive and tends to awaken aggression, professionals suggest that those who create a bedroom design with their own hands initially combine it with white. Accent inclusions will immediately become more laconic, and the overall color scheme will receive the desired consensus.

Combine purple with white

White in the bedroom interior

The pictures of bedrooms in a snow-white design are mesmerizing. Color fills the space with purity and light, making the room more spacious. It can be introduced into the interior both basicly and locally, and the room can be designed in any design style.

White color will fill the room with cleanliness and light


Modern bedroom decor loves to draw attention to one of the walls. The easiest way to transform a surface is to use vinyl stickers. Among photo wallpapers, black and white images with a view of the city at night are in demand.

It is recommended to decorate the wall at the head of the bed. You can use a contrasting color of wallpaper or paint on the entire wall. For the remaining walls, it is advisable to choose calm, neutral tones.

Another way to decorate a wall is to install a built-in niche made of plasterboard, and lighting with adjustable lighting intensity can calm and relax.

Where to stop?

To make sure you really want to return to your bedroom again and again after renovation, actively use design ideas for its decoration.

Tip #1

Don't be afraid to use bright elements in your bedroom interior design. Global surfaces can be highlighted for accent zones or paint can be introduced in small splashes. This aspect completely depends on the size of the room. In small spaces, a couple of colorful paintings on the walls will be more adequately perceived than an expanded panel or fresco.

Bright accents will enliven the bedroom interior

Tip #2

Dark colors in bedroom design are not taboo! Give way to the brown spectrum and even charcoal tones, but on the condition that the finishing materials do not have glossy shiny surfaces. Find a photo of a bedroom decorated in a similar way and make sure that it looks really mesmerizing.

Bedroom design in charcoal blossoms is mesmerizing

Tip #3

Fashion is nothing, personal preference is everything! It is under this motto that a bedroom design project should be developed. A cheerful bachelor will most likely like authentic wall decoration, with imitation leather or exposed stonework. These materials will create an enticing environment. But an older woman will certainly feel more comfortable surrounded by silk-screen printing, which creates an atmosphere of graceful luxury.

Exposed brick wall creates an authentic setting

Tip #4

It will be useful for those who create a bedroom design with their own hands. Be sure to visualize a design of what you want to recreate in the space. Pick up a pencil and draw what you imagine the style of the space to be. Experiment with colors too. This is best done in computer mode. If you are satisfied with the 3D picture of the bedroom in the photo, then you can begin to implement your plans.

Visualize your bedroom project in a special program

Tip #5

If renovations in the bedroom are not yet in sight, and the unsightly mix of colors infuriates you, correct the situation with the help of light. Those areas where the effect of dirty shades has appeared should be equipped with decorative lighting.

Decorative lighting can transform the interior

You can go the other way and simply distract your eyes from the unfortunate bedroom background picture. Color accents, which are easiest to add with textiles, will help to do this.

Bright textiles will help you easily transform your bedroom interior

Simple decor

Before you start redesigning a room, you should start from a starting point. This will be the wall decor. The easiest way is to cover the wall with non-woven and vinyl wallpaper.

Wallpaper is a standard and universal option that is available to everyone. In addition, the cost of such a design will not be expensive. This type of coating is also easy to maintain; it can be used to level the covering of walls.

The wallpaper is quite durable and will definitely withstand impact and even some other physical impacts, such as scratches. There are washable wallpapers that will remain in their original form with minimal exposure to moisture. You can also paint them later or add additional decor.

Advantages of this decor:

  1. They are easy to use, even a person who has never done such a thing before can stick them on;
  2. Large assortment for every taste and budget;
  3. Some types can be dyed and changed color several times.

This is well suited for those who want to spend little money, but still get an interesting and high-quality result.

Bedroom design: choosing finishing materials

We decorate the walls

“Textile wallpaper works effectively in bedroom interior design”

Despite newfangled trends, wall decoration with wallpaper is still popular in the bedroom. A variety of textures, colors and designs allows you to choose the best decor option for the interior of any stylistic orientation.

Paper wallpaper, despite its cheapness and environmental friendliness, is rarely chosen as a finishing material. This is more of a temporary solution, although their bedroom design in the photo looks quite decent. The problem is that the material is short-lived and prone to fading quickly.

Non-woven wallpaper is resistant to fading and abrasion

Non-woven types are a completely different matter. They are easy to stick and incredibly beautiful. Their service life is long. Excellent resistance to fading and abrasion.

Textile wallpaper will look impressive in bedroom interior design. In addition to being pleasant to the touch and visually aesthetic, they can improve sound insulation and thermal insulation in a room.

Textile wallpaper will help improve sound insulation

Another interesting move is photo wallpaper. With their help, they create unusual interior solutions. Most often they appear in modern improvisations of a bedroom environment and where correction of the perception of space is required. Look through the catalog of photos of a bedroom with similar solutions. Perhaps some of the ideas will interest you too.

Photo wallpaper for an unusual bedroom design

It is quite acceptable to paint or decoratively plaster bedroom walls with special compounds. In the first case, preference should be given to matte acrylic and water-based paints. There are no restrictions on plaster compositions. Any interpretation of them can be used in the bedroom design.

When creating interiors with a claim to exclusivity, the following can be used as wall decoration:

  • cork cloth;
  • decorative rock;
  • wooden panels;
  • expensive fabric.

Original wall decoration with wooden panels

Finishing the floors

Although the load on the floor in the bedroom is not too great, nevertheless, it should be finished with high-quality materials that are pleasant to the touch. Parquet, laminate, and carpet are relevant in the design of a bedroom. You can lay down a cork floor. The material has excellent insulating characteristics, is easy to clean, and antistatic.

Cork flooring has excellent insulating properties

We decorate the ceiling

If in the rest of the house the ceiling space rarely comes into our field of vision, then in the bedroom everything is different. The ceiling is the first thing we see when we wake up. Naturally, the sight of cracked white plaster is unlikely to put you in a good mood, so you need to pay special attention to the design of the bedroom ceiling.

What can you use? Of course, my favorite wallpaper. Under their stripes, irregularities will be reliably hidden. Cracks will not appear on them. They are not difficult to stick on yourself.

Wallpapering the ceiling

A great idea for finishing a bedroom ceiling is to place a photo on its surface. Printing can be done on tension film.

Any design can be applied to a suspended ceiling

An alternative to the photo solution is artistic painting. Against the background of the ceiling surface, one of the ornamental elements found in other interior details will look great.

Artistic painting of the ceiling


Bedrooms look great with wallpapered wallpaper or plastered ceilings. Modern rooms are perfectly complemented by tensile structures, allowing you to create a finish without seams or loose fabrics.

Most often, matte and satin fabrics are used, giving the room the additional charm of a soft texture.

Glossy surfaces are used much less frequently. Although they give the bedroom more space, they are too original a decoration that is not suitable for all people.

Bedroom design project

“When designing a bedroom with your own hands, take white as a basis”

The interpretation of room space that is fashionable today is focused on minimalism, but not ascetic and cold as in high-tech, but cozy and filled with comfort. The photo of such a bedroom clearly shows how well art objects and everyday functional things, laconic forms and unusual decorative elements are combined in the interior.

Surrounded by natural tones, it all looks quite impressive. When designing your bedroom with your own hands, use white as a base. This will create the right mood and make it easier to select furniture.

When designing a bedroom, use white as a basis.

Now it is possible to design a recreation room in any way; you just need to take into account the dimensions and features of the room layout.

Design of a bedroom with a balcony

The balcony can play a big role in shaping the interior of the bedroom. Due to its area, it will be possible to significantly expand the room space and provide it with an almost panoramic window. In the added zone you can place a work corner or arrange a resting place. A dressing table would fit perfectly there. Look for what the design of such bedrooms might look like in the photo.

You can expand the bedroom area with a balcony

Of particular interest are the options where the balcony part is used as a sleeping place. It looks really extraordinary, but a bedroom renovation project with such a redevelopment has its drawbacks. First of all, these are issues of thermal insulation. Sleeping in a cold corner is unlikely to be comfortable.

Sleeping place on the balcony

The second and important point is the issue of strength. Typically, balconies are not designed to be furnished with heavy objects, therefore, before reconstructing the area, you should consult whether the game is worth the candle?

Bedroom with dressing room

Pictures of bedrooms with a dressing room create a sensation among the female audience. The beauty of such projects is that such a combination can be implemented not only on large areas. Open storage systems fit perfectly into the design of a bedroom of very modest proportions. You can allocate a corner, niche, space along the wall for a dressing room, adequately placing rails and shelves in it.

Open storage systems are also suitable for small bedrooms

Look at the photo of the bedroom where the dressing room is hidden behind the curtains. Curtains are present here not only as a partition. They also fulfill a decorative mission, creating additional comfort.

The dressing room can be hidden with curtains

In large areas, it is worth building a full-scale dressing room in glass and plasterboard, presenting it as a room within a room.

Bedroom with fireplace

This element will bring special warmth and comfort to the bedroom interior. A fireplace will make her atmosphere romantic, no matter whether it is a working model or just an artistic imitation. How you can beat the appearance of a false fireplace in the bedroom will be shown in the photo.

A false fireplace will make the atmosphere in the bedroom romantic


The limited square meters in our housing leads to the fact that we have to allocate space in the recreation room for a work corner. This option is convenient because it guarantees work in silence, but in terms of bedroom interior design, difficulties will arise. The room space will need to be clearly zoned, and in such a way that the furnishing elements of the working part do not fall into the field of view of those in the sleeping area, and vice versa. Practical bedroom design options will be suggested by the photo.

Organization of a workplace in the bedroom

The work area can be placed in a niche. There is enough space for a table with an armchair and several shelves. In very tiny rooms, where there is no room even for a computer desk of the simplest design, a window sill is used. It will become a completely comfortable surface for placing a laptop. The issue of excessive illumination is easily solved with blinds or Roman shades.

The window sill is a very comfortable surface to work on.

Bedspread and pillows are another way to decorate a relaxation room

Bedding isn't everything. To transform a room, you also need to take care of matching bedspread and pillows that will decorate both the room and the bed. You can decorate only part of the bed with a bedspread. Decorative pillows should match it. Make reference to the style, color and pattern.

In autumn and winter, dark colors are in fashion - bottle green, dark blue and soft, warm fabrics. Therefore, the blanket can be knitted. Mixing different materials looks interesting. The bed can be covered with a thick cotton bedspread, but you can also choose fluffy, silk, frilly, crochet, linen, flannel, or satin. This is not about selecting textiles perfectly according to color, since shades and patterns do not have to match each other on each pillow. It is important to create a cozy space for relaxation, a place where you forget about your problems.

Bedroom Design Styles

The bedroom is an intimate zone that bears a specific load, so making its interior correspond to the assigned tasks is extremely important. The quality of sleep determines how fully your strength will be restored, what your well-being and mood will be. For proper rest, it is extremely important to keep the bedroom design in a style that is dear to your heart.

Choosing from a variety of interior solutions exactly the one that will be the closest and most harmonious is sometimes not so easy. There may not be enough space to implement some ideas, or funds for others, but among the pictures of bedrooms there will always be universal interiors that can solve problems in a comprehensive manner.

Classic motives

The design of a classic bedroom is always chic. This implies the presence of wooden, high-quality furniture in natural colors in all respects. The set includes: a bed with a rich headboard, a chest of drawers, a wardrobe and bedside tables. The background of the room is made neutral, the atmosphere is cozy and calming.

Classic bedroom design

The classic bedroom interior does not tolerate asceticism either in the setting or in the decor, so feel free to introduce everything that seems appropriate to you. You can add color to the decor with cute pillows, an expensive carpet, paintings, and simply bouquets of bright flowers placed in stylish vases.

The design of a classic bedroom can be easily recreated with your own hands. It is enough to successfully choose a combination of finishing materials for walls, textiles and bed linen.

If possible, be sure to organize overhead lighting by installing a beautiful chandelier design. To give your bedroom design a more boudoir feel, you can add an inlaid dressing table to the decor.

A dressing table will give a more boudoir look to the bedroom.

It’s great when there is a niche in the layout of the room. This space can be occupied by an armchair, bureau or mini-sofa. Thoughtful lighting will make the place suitable for creativity, reading, and work. See how bedrooms with this layout can look in the photo.

Nisha is a great place for creativity and work

The finishing touch to the classic decoration will be curtains matched in unison with the general background or, on the contrary, contrasting with it. It is the beauty of their drapery that will fill the room with soothing comfort.

Correctly selected curtains will fill the room with comfort

Bedroom design in modern style

This decision is always relevant. The bedroom interior appears in muted natural tones. The priority is brown, blue, beige, gray and white paints.

A bedroom in Art Nouveau style is always relevant

A distinctive feature of the stylish environment is the absolute smoothness of the lines. If you look at the design of modern bedrooms in the photo, you can see that some projects even provide free-form doorways. This technique gives maximum harmony to the atmosphere. All this interior splendor dissolves in the muted light emitted by local lighting fixtures with matte shades and darkened lampshades.

Dim light with local lighting fixtures

The modesty of the furnishings and environmental friendliness of the style are emphasized by natural finishes. To renovate the bedroom you will need marble, wood, glass, stone.

The simplicity of the color scheme is more than compensated for by the decor. There are almost countless options for interior design with lamps, textiles, and some small elements.

Scandinavian style bedroom

The interior, leaning towards minimalism, is incredibly cozy. Perhaps this is precisely why these bedroom design solutions are at the peak of popularity today.

There are no difficulties in implementing the theme. The main thing is to adhere to naturalness in decoration and adequacy in furnishings. The walls are most often covered with wood. Ceramic tiles or imitation stone are laid on the floor. Beams are used in the decoration of the ceiling.

Scandinavian style bedroom design

The practicality of the bedroom furnishings will be clearly visible in her photo. It’s good when bulky cabinets are replaced by open storage systems, and other pieces of furniture are distinguished by maximum functionality.

A durable wooden bed should have a pull-out tray where you can store bedding or things. She can even have a rich headboard, which will act as a decorative element in the bedroom interior design.

The headboard of the bed acts as a decorative element in the interior

Since the Scandinavian style involves an abundance of light, the window area is not draped with heavy fabrics. It is decorated with light translucent curtains to only slightly muffle and diffuse the light flow coming from the window.

A completely different approach to organizing evening lighting. It should fill the atmosphere of the room with notes of celebration and create a good mood in it, so it’s worth working on the design of bedroom lamps with your own hands. For example, small lanterns arranged in garlands can illuminate the space.

The windows are decorated with light airy curtains

Bedroom with an English twist

The constant elegance of the interior in the English style deserves a standing ovation. This is one of the few areas where innovations have not found worthy application. Look at the photo of the bedroom of a modern Briton. Aren't they recognizable features? Characteristic muted tones. Walls in moldings and panels. Luxurious parquet floors. Attractive quality wooden furniture. Rich textiles.

Luxurious bedroom design in English style

The main compositional element of the bedroom design is a massive bed with an impressive headboard. What makes it cozy is a blanket thrown over it instead of a bedspread and decorative pillows laid out.

What else attracts English bedroom photos is the beauty of the fireplace portals. The fireplace in British homes is always active. Its task is not only to create an appropriate emotional background, but also to actually heat the room.

The hearth in the English interior is always active

If installing a working fireplace requires large-scale renovations in the bedroom or is not feasible at all, feel free to replace the structure with electric analogues or even opt for a false fireplace. The latter, of course, is completely useless in practical terms, but in decorative terms it will fulfill its mission in full.

Looking at pictures of bedrooms, you can’t help but notice the lighting features. Twilight reigns in such interiors. The light emission is soft and very similar to the flickering of candles. There are no LED lights. Light sources are exclusively sconces, bedside lamps, floor lamps.

Lighting in the bedroom is provided by wall lamps and sconces

There are many accessories involved in the design of a bedroom. You can see paintings on the walls, flower pots on the chest of drawers, and an exhibition of antiques on the mantelpiece. All these little things together make the atmosphere cozy in English.


Ideas for decorating a bedroom in a classic style involve the use of materials such as:

  • exquisite parquet or parquet boards;
  • wood;
  • laminate;
  • natural linoleum;
  • cozy plug.

Modern styles can boast of using an original self-leveling floor that can recreate any texture: stone, sand, wood. Unusual drawings will help to recreate a forest edge, the seabed, a light river flowing through mossy boulders.

Selection of a set of furniture for the bedroom interior

“Excessive minimalism in the decor will make the bedroom design look like a waiting room”

The central element of a bedroom interior is almost always the bed. Its dimensions must adequately correlate with the stylistic decision and space parameters. In spacious rooms, in addition to the bed, there may be a sofa of any modification or a deep chair. This will add coziness to the bedroom design. When deciding what exactly to furnish the interior with, rely on the size of the room. If it is quite large, then do not leave its area empty.

A soft sofa will add comfort to your bedroom design

Excessive minimalism in the decor will make the bedroom design look like a waiting room. To furnish such apartments, it is good to use dark furniture in deep, rich colors and languid shapes.

With small spaces everything is standard. The furnishings are made up of light, simple furniture of simple designs and shapes, added in a strictly measured volume, characteristic of minimalism.

Light, laconic furniture does not overload the space of a small bedroom

To save space, transformable furniture can be included in the bedroom design. In this case, the bed will lose its relevance as an accent piece. Typically, such solutions are resorted to in arranging the interior of a bedroom-office or other combined areas. The sleeping place here is hidden in a podium or transformed into a closet. This allows you to have free space during the daytime, necessary for work or receiving guests.

The bed transforms into a wardrobe

When choosing furniture, focus not only on its beauty - do not forget about the environmental aspect. Ideally, give preference to solid wood.

Window decoration

Window decoration is the final touch, without which the entire design will seem incomplete. For the bedroom, it is recommended to use thick, light-proof fabrics; the material should ensure comfortable sleep. In small rooms, heavy fabrics can be replaced with roller blinds, and transparent, airy tulle will complete the look.

The textiles on the windows can be easily changed to a different color, depending on the mood of the residents and the season. The non-labor-intensive process instantly transforms the interior.

When decorating windows, you should consider their size and shape. Classic floor-length fabrics are suitable for spacious bedrooms.

To decorate a small bedroom, curtains are selected up to the window sill or slightly below. Curtains can be simple without frills or complemented with ruffles and lambrequins.

Textiles on the windows and beds should be chosen in the same style; the set will look like it is from the same collection, and this will help avoid the feeling of clutter.

Decorative nuances

What is the most fun part of a bedroom design to work on with your own hands? Naturally, over the finishing touches - interior decor. The modern vision of the latter’s furnishings does not come down to the mere presence of a bed and a wardrobe. The bedroom should have various little things that decorate the space and create a pleasant psychological microclimate.

And again they will tell you how to make the bedroom environment comfortable, with a photo of it.

The easiest way to get the desired effect is by laying stylish bedding from the 3D series. In the women's version, floral motifs will be good, while men would rather prefer a geometric print. Linen can be plain, but in bright colors. The pattern from the bed linen can be repeated in other details:

  • on the bedside rug;
  • on curtains;
  • on the canvas decorating the wall.

Properly selected bed linen will give the interior a finished look

There is no need to create a cacophony of ornaments. Don't mix thematically opposing patterns together.

The quality of the curtains will affect the perception of the bedroom design. Try to hang not just tulle, but beautifully draped curtains made of textured fabric and the room will instantly seem like royal chambers. A simple lambrequin that looks like a flat piece of fabric with or without a print that suits the overall theme will fit perfectly into minimalist bedroom pictures. It will successfully complement evenly hanging curtains and make the entire composition stylish.

High-quality and beautiful curtains influence the perception of bedroom design

A rare but incredibly attractive option for bedroom design in our homes is the canopy. It can be full-fledged, with frame fastening to bed posts, or improvised, with fixation to the ceiling, or, alternatively, to the wall.

It is often recommended to make a bed headboard a decorative element. If the existing model is unremarkable, it’s time to get involved in the bedroom design with your own hands and paint the headboard with paints or decorate it in another original way.

You can make an original bed headboard with your own hands

Lighting structures should be used to decorate the environment. In stylistic interiors, a forged chandelier or a vintage table lamp will do this perfectly. In modern bedroom interior design, it is better to use an LED garland, which can be placed, for example, along the head of the bed. A touch of intimacy is added with different-sized candles and floor lighting.

Rare restored items add special chic to the bedroom environment. You can use two old stools as bedside tables, and use a chest instead of a chest of drawers.

An old stool can make a great nightstand

Don’t forget to include posters, works of art, favorite photos and just trinkets into the design of a bedroom with a corresponding theme. Their presence is a guarantee of comfort.

Photo gallery - bedroom design

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