Bedroom renovation: 120 photos of turning any designer’s imagination into reality

Almost anyone can carry out renovations in the bedroom competently and with their own hands. What is needed here is a competent approach, careful, consistent actions, a main idea and a plan for its implementation. Having all this, as well as at least a little experience, you can safely begin renovating your bedroom in a private house or apartment.

How to plan a bedroom renovation?

Initially, you need to choose a bed, choose a sleeping place and its location, near which there will be sockets and bedside tables.

You need to run a cable under the TV, also choosing a place for it.

Determine where the table will be located and how many sockets need to be made near it.

It is worth remembering that the bedroom is not a place for receiving guests, so the renovation needs to be approached especially carefully to make being in the room comfortable and cozy.

You can make any fantasy come true, the main thing is to approach this matter correctly.

Custom finish

Wooden panels. Natural wood is an excellent material.

It is not only beautiful, but also provides excellent heat and sound insulation. During processing, the wood is pickled and then waxed or varnished. This helps protect wood panels from erosion and, as a result, increase their service life, hygienic and aesthetic characteristics.

In addition, the “array smell” has a beneficial effect on both health and mood. Wood boiserie panels are produced by furniture factories and manufacturers of interior doors and partitions. You can order the production of wood panels in a carpentry workshop, but this is quite expensive.

Boiserie wall panels are designed not only for decorating offices and libraries. They are more than appropriate in the bedroom, where they can become a style-forming element of interior design.


This is a natural material made from the bark of the cork oak tree. It is not inferior to wood in terms of heat and sound insulation properties. But it is often cheaper and easier to install, since it is sold in the form of large-format slabs that are not difficult to mount on the wall.

Ceramic tiles. They are usually used on the walls of the kitchen or bathroom.

However, the latest developments masterfully imitate the texture of natural wood, fabric, and leather. “Fakes” are so perfect that even to the touch the illusion of “living” material, rather than cold stone, is preserved. These are hard to resist, especially considering how practical they are.

The surface of modern tiles so skillfully imitates “live”, “warm” textures that lining bedroom walls with this material these days does not look extravagant.

Brick/stone masonry.

It may look very nice, but is it too original for the bedroom? In any case, you shouldn’t make all four walls stone—one is enough. The other three should be as neutral as possible in order to highlight the beauty of the masonry.


Once upon a time they were used to cover walls everywhere.

Such coverings look very elegant and are excellent sound insulators. You can choose a piece from the collection of companion textiles and create the perfect composition with other draperies in the bedroom. The only disadvantage of such finishing is the high cost of both the material and its installation (you will have to invite specialists).

What else can you decorate your bedroom walls with?

Panels have firmly entered the world of modern interior design: gypsum, polyurethane or MDF, flat, textured, with a 3D effect - there are many variations, as well as shapes. That is why panels can be the very wall design option that will make your bedroom unique.

Soft panels - made of leather or fabric - deserve special attention. They will come in handy in the bedroom, the place where we relax and unwind. As a rule, they are used to decorate the head of the bed.

Another interesting idea with panels is to combine them with lighting. And the design of the room will immediately become more interesting, and the lighting scenarios in it will be more varied.

How to prepare for repairs?

Beautiful bedroom renovation requires special, but simple preparation, which any owner can do.

First of all, you need to choose a design project that will suit your tastes and preferences. At the design stage, it is necessary to carefully consider all the details.

After this, a list of working materials is compiled and it is decided what the repair budget will be.

Next, the room is prepared - furniture is removed from the bedroom, chandeliers and sockets are removed, old windows and doors are dismantled. If the doors are new, they must be protected with a special construction film.

The dismantling of old coverings begins - the floor is torn off, plaster is knocked off the walls, baseboards and baguettes are removed.

If necessary, the room can be redesigned.

Electrical wiring installation

Once you've gotten rid of all the old trim, it's time to replace the electrical wiring, if that's in your plans. You need to rely on the drawn up lighting plan in the bedroom and the location of equipment in it. You need to decide in advance what type of lighting will be used, whether sconces or floor lamps will be installed, and where it is best to place sockets. If you are careless and frivolous at this stage, then in the future you may encounter great inconvenience and, at a minimum, the constant need to use extension cords.

Elements of old electrical wiring in the wall must be insulated, and the new cable must be laid clearly along vertical and horizontal lines. It is better to lay the wiring in grooves, and then draw up a cable diagram - in the future it will be much easier to carry out any repair and construction work.

Which floor to choose for the bedroom?

Linoleum is a budget option that will suit everyone.

Self-leveling flooring is modern and interesting.

Cork flooring is pleasant to the touch and an environmentally friendly option.

Parquet is an expensive flooring that requires special care.

On the Internet you can find a lot of photos of bedroom renovations, where you can see the right solutions and interesting ideas.

Division of functional space

Distributing space in the bedroom is a very useful technique that helps structure the space.

It is especially good in small bedrooms, where you need to be extremely attentive to every square meter.

You can use screens to separate the workplace from the sleeping area.

You can also draw a line between functional areas using lighting and even color spots, as well as finishing.

If you can go from the bedroom to a balcony or loggia, then you need to boldly connect them.

A bedroom on a balcony is an interesting design solution for those who are not afraid to take risks.
Double bed Bruni 180×200 cm, brown


Double bed Bruni 180×200 cm, brown

102074 ₽

113416 ₽

How to avoid mistakes in bedroom renovation?

To ensure that the repair does not disappoint and brings only positive emotions, it is necessary to avoid common mistakes that are made during repair work.

It is best to abandon the mirror ceiling and the abundance of mirrors on the walls, as this will not bring a feeling of comfort;

A large amount of furniture will create a feeling of chaos;

Large amounts of decor should be avoided;

There is no need to use bright colors in the bedroom, as they do not promote relaxation and strain the eyes;

Large bulky chandeliers are no longer in fashion, so it’s better to avoid them too.

Making an inexpensive bedroom renovation is not so difficult - the main thing is to think everything through well and draw up an estimate that you will use throughout the entire period of the renovation work. Even if the budget is not large, you can make high-quality repairs by following the plan and adhering to the sequence of actions.

Design options

When considering options for wall decoration in the bedroom, you can pay special attention to a modern style with geometric shapes and lines. The design can be in the style of minimalism or hi-tech. Both of these solutions provide interesting pieces of furniture, for example, a floating bed or triangular bedside tables. Techno style is also among the most popular today. It has elements made of plastic and metal. You can complement the interior with geometric elements and unusual lighting fixtures.

Ceiling and wall in the same style

If you are still thinking about the question of how to decorate the walls in the bedroom, you can resort to a modern technique today - covering the ceiling and walls in the same style. In this case, as a rule, the same materials are used, and the style of the room can be absolutely anything.

You can paint individual elements in the room to match the wallpaper; these can be columns, arches and beams. This allows you to get a cohesive image that turns the room into something like an unusual box.

Eco style

Looking at the photos of interiors decorated in eco-style, you can feel like you are on the lawn. This atmosphere is perfect for a bedroom, because it is soothing and peaceful. The main emphasis is the color scheme. Green and brown are usually combined here. Therefore, wooden walls will come in handy. The main materials of this style should be highlighted:

Whatever you use to decorate the surfaces, you should think carefully about lighting. In this case it is usually made almost invisible. This technique is also very suitable for the bedroom, because there should not be much light here even in the evening.

Fresh press

When thinking about the question of how to decorate the walls in the bedroom, you can consider a rather bold solution for this room. One of the interior styles is called “fresh press”. It is based on a newspaper print. It can be contrasting black and white or imitating glossy magazines, which will allow you to diversify the look of the finish. But usually the color choice is reduced to a meager set of shades, which, however, does not make the room unattractive. The advantage of this approach is the possibility of independently producing interior items. This makes the room unique and reduces the cost of the renovation process.

Brick and stone masonry

This approach is always combined with the loft style. If you are not a fan of everything classic and conservative, then this decision to decorate the room will be successful. You can combine a separate brick wall with other styles, making an unusual accent and introducing a touch of freedom and self-expression.

Modern designers are so bold that they combine stonework even with the classic English style. The colors here can be very different - from red to artificially aged gray. You should not assume that such a design always looks sloppy and must necessarily be associated with a dark attic. If you decorate the room in light colors, complementing it with white brick or stone, you can make the atmosphere modern and cozy.

Soft walls made of eco-leather

Such interior elements seem to invite you to relax. They are often accentuated by lighting, which makes this wall design even more attractive. Cleaning such surfaces is reduced to using a damp rag, which simplifies the process and reduces its time.

If the walls are uneven, eco-leather panels will hide all defects, and there will be no need to additionally eliminate them before repair. This type of finish rarely extends the entire length of the wall. It is often installed only on a separate area or on one of the surfaces.

Glitter glass

Despite the emergence of new materials, glass will probably always remain relevant. In the bedroom, you can use it not only to decorate different surfaces, but also to install functional interior elements, for example, light partitions that almost hang in the air. Heating radiators are covered with glass, and on the surface of such decor there can be all kinds of designs, which are even printed according to the consumer’s sketches.

If you have chosen glass panels for the walls, their installation will be accompanied by the use of special fittings. Glue is not used here, because in this case the wall must be perfectly flat, which is completely impossible.

3D panels

Such cladding is offered in a wide variety of materials that can be used as a base. This:

All of these solutions are well suited to the operating conditions found in the bedroom. Gypsum products are good because they are non-toxic, tolerate temperature changes well and provide sound insulation. If desired, this finish can be painted several times, bringing new notes and accents to the space. When installing, you can achieve a seamless surface.

Niche walls made of plasterboard

Before you start decorating the walls in the bedroom, it is recommended to look at the photos, which will allow you to understand whether it is worth incorporating niche walls into the interior. It is most convenient to make them from plasterboard, which can bend if necessary to form curved surfaces.

Having designed a niche, you can hide communications in its frame, make it functional and paint it in the color of the interior. If necessary, such an element can zone the space, which is especially important if the bedroom is also a living room in a small apartment.

Bedroom renovation photo

Read here Bedroom interior: decorating wisely! Photo of beautiful and modern design

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Brick wall

Loft or interior in the spirit of a Parisian apartment?

Both of these trendy styles welcome the presence of a brick wall in the home. In the first case, it can be of a natural color and with a rough texture, in the second - painted white. For a small room, the second option will be more preferable.

If the house does not have brick walls, you can create a high-quality imitation - modern materials allow this.


If you want to turn your bedroom walls into an art object, then decorate them with painting. It can be calm, close in color to the “background”, or, on the contrary, contrast with it, attracting the eye.

It is better to entrust the creation of a drawing to a professional, although if you feel like a dormant artist within you, you can do it yourself. In the latter case, a stencil will be a good helper for you.

Ceiling selection

For finishing the ceiling, stretch ceilings or plasterboard finishing are often chosen. The latter option is especially popular due to the fact that in this way you can easily and inexpensively disguise defects and unevenness in the ceiling. Drywall helps hide wiring and other communications elements. The material is functional and can be used to create a beautiful ceiling design. For example, a multi-level ceiling is being performed.

Bedroom renovation: using drywall

Bedroom renovation: suspended ceiling

Stretch ceilings have many advantages. Plus, design ideas are virtually unlimited. You will receive any design, any shades and colors, with any image, etc. But you won’t be able to install a suspended ceiling yourself; only specialists can do this.

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