Bedroom interior (200 photos): examples of original design and successful bedroom decoration in a modern style

When arranging a bedroom for young people, special attention should be paid to the bed and other decorative elements

The newlyweds' bedroom should be decorated in such a way that it looks stylish and modern, but at the same time there are notes of romanticism in it. When arranging a young couple’s bedroom, you need to choose a bed that should be spacious, comfortable, and fully consistent with the overall decor of the bedroom. If the bedroom is decorated in a classic, fusion or modern style, it is best to choose neutral shades.

How to create a beautiful bedroom interior?

Bedroom interior design ideas in modern living conditions are numerous and multifaceted. You can choose any option you like. To successfully implement a modern bedroom interior, it is recommended to use the basic rules of decoration.

  • Color combination in the bedroom interior. This moment is the most important. The color of the interior in the bedroom creates a favorable environment for a comfortable pastime. For example, the use of light colors in the decoration of a room has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state. White color helps relieve the stress of the working day and set you in a positive mood. An important point: furniture and wallpaper, floor and ceiling coverings should harmoniously complement the high-quality interior of the room.
  • It is not recommended to install a computer or electronic clock with too bright backlight in the bedroom. The interior of a bedroom in an apartment implies using the room as a place of rest and recuperation. It is better to choose photo frames or luminous paintings on the theme of wildlife for the room. For example, a picture with the sound of a waterfall.
  • There is no need to clutter the bedroom with pieces of furniture. Designers advise using only the most necessary household items in the interior. A properly furnished bedroom includes:
  • bedside tables or wardrobe with drawers;
  • hanging mirror on the wall or dressing table.

To create a unique interior in the bedroom, it is recommended to use high-quality materials. It is better to give preference to products made from environmentally friendly raw materials. This will avoid allergic reactions and harmful effects on the health of the occupants of the premises.

Ideas for a photo shoot at home


You can limit yourself to a traditional selfie in the mirror with a languid face, or you can come up with something more interesting and original. Play with the reflection, look for unexpected angles - let the mirror be not just a tool, but a full-fledged hero of your photo shoot. Take two mirrors and try to create an “infinity effect”. Or, if you are not afraid of signs, play with the shards of a broken mirror and try to make a selfie puzzle (just be careful!).

Photos in which the reflection of the camera or phone is not visible look interesting.

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Publication from Miniblogger Nastya in dii (@topolnitskaaa)

Home textiles

Firstly, if you're not happy with your home decor, a light, solid-colored sheet or curtain can be used as a stand-alone photo backdrop (don't forget to iron it properly!). Secondly, these simple household items can easily set the tone for the entire photo shoot. For example, you can take lace tulle and place it between the light source and the model’s face - curly shadows will fall beautifully on the face.

Beautiful materials can also be used to create the effect of depth in a photo. Have the photographer (or tripod) hold the sheet on one side and the model on the other. You can also just take something light and translucent in your hands, turn on good music on the speakers and shoot a video on your camera/phone - and dance. At a minimum, it will be fun, and at a maximum, you will get cool photos from the frames of your video.

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Publication from I WILL TEACH YOU TO FLY FOR A Penny ✈️ (@nezlobina.t)


Do you miss long walks and photo sessions in parks? Set up a park at home! Fresh bright flowers are rarely out of place on the set. They can be used as a simple decoration - they will make any photo brighter and more saturated.

On the other hand, you can use the plants a little more. For example, collecting a large bouquet is always a beautiful event, and therefore an excellent scenario for a photo shoot. Assorted flowers, ribbons everywhere, refreshing splashes... In general, the bouquet, along with the model, can become a key character in the photo. And, of course, flowers can be used as an element of makeup or clothing.

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Posted by Ginebra Cañas Toimil (@ginebracanas)

Food and drink

Remember the legendary photo shoot of Monica Bellucci with pasta? Can you guess what we're hinting at? It’s worth looking into the refrigerator and you will find not only a variety of props, but also unusual ideas.

Food can inspire a variety of photo shoots: cooking together with children, family dinner, breakfast in bed, tea ceremony... Items from kitchen cabinets can also be used as decoration - for example, scattering coffee beans on the floor or encrusting bright sprinkles into your makeup. Experiment!

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Posted by Chiara Ferragni ✨ (@chiaraferragni)


Candles can help add a cozy touch to your photos. It is also an additional light source that is very interesting to work with.

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Posted by BÁRBARA RODRIGUES (@barodriigues)


From styling your favorite old horror movies to a hot photo shoot in a wet T-shirt, all sorts of things can happen in the bathtub that are worthy of your camera lens. You can use a light satin shawl - it will look beautiful in the water.

Interesting pictures are obtained in opaque water: color it, for example, with dry milk. Add details: petals, candles, foam, sparkles - and the photos will immediately take on the right mood.

And if you still need a cinematic reference, you can watch, for example, “American Beauty,” “A Nightmare on Elm Street,” or even “The Big Lebowski.”

During a photo shoot, be careful: contact with water may damage your camera or phone. If your device is not protected against this, do not immerse it in water. And if it gets splashed, quickly wipe it off, turn it off and set it aside until the phone or camera is completely dry.

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Posted by Adventuregirljess (@adventuregirljess)


Polaroids are a win-win if you have the right camera. You don't have to put any effort into getting a retro look. Just press a button and it's ready. After that, just take a photo of the card with your phone - and you already have a cool post for Instagram, which will most likely get a ton of likes (everyone loves Polaroids).

If you're willing to spend a little more time, you can get more creative. For example, replace some real detail in a secondary photo with a photo card:

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Posted by MORGY ?? CONTENT CREATOR (@morgylh)

In the same way, you can “sit” a person in a Polaroid photo on a sofa or, for example, fit him on a balcony. Games with perspective and two photographs in one are always interesting!

Water in a vessel

Another easy way to take a creative photo is to point the lens at your model through a glass container filled with water. Any glass, bottle or decanter will do. The point is to find an interesting angle and press the shutter button at the right moment. See how creative bloggers do it:

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Posted by Liza • Content Creator (@nameelza)


If you have a projector at home, you can also involve it in the photo shoot - you will get very cool and unique pictures. You can literally project anything onto the model: from a Renaissance painting to your favorite arthouse film, from the Louis Vuitton logo to Toulouse-Lautrec posters.

When working with a projector, it is important to find the right balance of light. If the lighting in the room is too bright, the image from the projector will be almost invisible. And if it is too dark, the model will “get lost” in the photo. We recommend shooting in semi-darkness and using reflectors to direct the light onto your model. Don't forget to turn off the flash on your camera - it will most likely ruin everything.

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Posted by ?ia |boston photographer (@miavictoriaphotography)

Game with light bulbs

Using additional lights and garlands in the frame is a great technique. Garlands, for example, help diversify the background, add coziness to the frame and make the whole picture brighter.

Additionally, pinpoint, low-intensity light sources in the background help achieve a beautiful, rich bokeh effect. A soft, defocused background looks more interesting when it contains additional light bulbs. This technique is usually used for festive street photo shoots during the New Year period. But that doesn’t mean it’s not suitable for summer home photos!

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Posted by Chiara Ferragni ✨ (@chiaraferragni)

Photo session on Facetime

Ready to try a new trend that was born during the quarantine era? Then video call a photographer you know – we’re sure you have at least three in your contact book. All you need to do is check if the Internet is working well, find the brightest place in the apartment and clean up in the background. And then all you have to do is listen to the instructions from the photographer!

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Posted by @angelcandices

Traveling with a washing machine

Another “quarantine” genre is nostalgic photographs with a washing machine door instead of an airplane window. It's easier to show than to explain:

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Posted by Chloe | Travel Adventures✈️ (@chloesbucketlists)

You can replace the silver drum with a picture of the Eiffel Tower or the peaks of the Himalayas either manually (print the picture and install it in the door) or using a photo editor.

Photo story with family or friends

A photo shoot with your family is a great way to have fun during self-isolation. You can choose whatever scenario you want: a pillow fight, watching a movie, or even spring cleaning. Arrange for photographers to take turns so that everyone gets into the frame.

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Posted by Vivian Monson (@_vivianmonson)

Makeup party

You will most likely wear at least minimal makeup before your photo shoot. But you can make makeup the main character of the event! Try on your favorite comic book character, dress up like a character from a cult movie, or parody your favorite movie. You can look for even more ideas on the channels of makeup artists on YouTube. For example, frequent issues with thematic makeup are regularly created by blogger Anastasia Shpagina.

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Posted by Margo Felicia (@margoldfish)

Party with pets

Invite your pet to a photo shoot and secure a record number of likes! To make it interesting not only for you, but also for your friend, prepare treats or toys for him. Well, since you are turning to the services of a guest star, then the attitude towards your pet should be “starry”: as an exception, you can let him into bed and arrange a photo shoot there (to make it as cute as possible).

For a photo shoot with pets, we advise you to choose simple and comfortable clothes that you won’t feel too sorry for if something happens. According to the experience of our Blog editors, cats love to hang their claws on the most expensive silk blouses, and dogs are not averse to chewing the tassels on their favorite shawl.

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Posted by RIANNE MEIJER ? (@rianne.meijer)

Small bedroom interior

The small size of the room for finishing is not a reason to refuse beautiful decoration. What are the secrets of successful interior design for a 12 sq.m. bedroom?

  • The emphasis should be on visually increasing the space of the room. You can achieve this goal using wallpaper with vertical patterns. Also, the use of a minimal set of furniture and household appliances in the room will give space to the bedroom.
  • The use of wooden materials in decorating the interior of a small bedroom will add coziness to the room. Wood will also be an excellent decorative option that will keep the room warm.
  • It is recommended to dilute the gray interior of the bedroom by applying decorations on the wall in the form of gilded decor. You can also opt for photo wallpaper.

Stylish bedroom for a married couple: design

The bedroom is a place for sleep and relaxation, so its arrangement must be approached with special responsibility. The bedroom for a married couple requires even more attention, because it is necessary to maintain a romantic and reverent relationship for a long time.

For a young couple's bedroom, furniture made from natural wood is most suitable, because in this way it is quite possible to bring a touch of romanticism and naturalness to the room. The flooring in the matrimonial bedroom is best made of dark-colored carpet, because this will make you feel very comfortable when moving around the bedroom. You can place original accessories in the bedroom, and it is also quite possible to place a large number of wedding photographs, because they will remind you of the happiest moments in life.

The bedroom is the main rest room, so it should have a calming and cozy atmosphere.

A bedroom for a married couple can be made in absolutely any style, in particular such as:

  • Classical;
  • Minimalist;
  • Village;
  • Eastern;
  • High tech.

This room is intended for two, so the preferences of both spouses must be taken into account so that both feel very comfortable. The classic style is characterized by exquisite decorative carvings or forged elements. If it is made in a rustic or ethnic style, then mainly natural materials are used for finishing. The minimalist style is characterized by a minimum amount of furniture and decorative elements.

A bedroom made in an oriental style, which is characterized by the presence of bright original elements, a canopy and many decorative elements, looks very interesting. The high-tech style contains chrome-plated furniture elements, glass and untreated surfaces.

Finishing materials, furniture and other decorative elements are selected in accordance with the selected style. When arranging a bedroom for a married couple, you need to remember that this room should not have too much furniture, but it should be combined with other interior items.

Bedroom interior in an apartment

It is no secret that residents of apartment buildings often have combined premises. The interior of a bedroom in an apartment is usually a fenced off area within the living room.

This is true for one-room apartments or studio apartments. In creating such an environment, you need to adhere to certain rules.

  • It is recommended to fence off the sleeping area in the living room with a curtain or partition. This layout will allow you to create a special sleeping place where you can isolate yourself even if there are guests in the living room.
  • For hospitable hosts who constantly host guests, it is best to replace the standard bed with a folding sofa or armchair. The advantage of such a structure is its instant transformation. There is also a huge saving of living space in the apartment.

Bedroom for adults: features of room arrangement

The bedroom for newlyweds is a place where they can spend their free time together, rest and relax. Therefore, the interior of the newlyweds’ bedroom should be designed in such a way that the young couple can feel comfortable, free and at ease. The interiors of bedrooms for adults can be very different, it all depends on your own preferences.

It’s easy to decorate a stylish and modern bedroom, the main thing is to choose the right furniture and decorative items

To make the bedroom look interesting and original, you need to adhere to certain rules, namely:

  • There must be a competent combination of colors;
  • A plain, light interior can be diluted with bright accents;
  • You need to set the correct lighting.

Bedroom interior in a private house

Every person dreams of their own country house. In it you can take a break from the bustle of the city, calm your psyche in rural silence.

After purchasing the coveted property, the owner is faced with the question: how to decorate the new home with maximum comfort? Designers advise the following.

  1. It is best to place the bedroom on that half of the house where the sun is not reflected in the morning at the moment of sunrise. The ideal place for the room would be the second floor. A huge advantage of the layout of a private house is the ability to allocate space for rooms, based on the owner’s own preferences.
  2. The color of the interior in the bedroom of your own home is selected according to your own taste. However, you need to keep in mind that bright colors will not allow you to relax and get complete comfort. Therefore, to create conditions for good sleep, it is better to decorate the bedroom in a monochromatic style.
  3. The furniture should be in clear harmony with the general background of the room. Materials for finishing should be chosen that are environmentally friendly. For example, wooden components will create a unique forest aroma in the room.
  4. It is recommended to place the bed in the center of the room. Bedside tables should be placed around the main piece of bedroom interior.
  5. Floors are best finished with laminate. You can also lay a warm rug around the bed.

How to arrange a photo shoot at home and what you need for it

Assemble the Equipment

A good photo shoot at home can be done with either a professional camera or a phone. Choose the device with which you feel more confident and understand how the self-timer works on it.

For solo photo shoots, you will need a tripod (for example, this one). It would be better if it was full-size with adjustable height. But you can get by with a small one for a couple of hundred rubles. If you have a smartwatch, check that it can communicate with the camera. On the Apple Watch screen, for example, you can check how you will look in the photo and press the shutter button.

During a photo shoot, reflectors and additional light may come in handy - prepare them in advance. Table lamps can be used as additional lighting. It is better if the lamps are movable: the light can be directed not directly at the model, but at the wall, so that the light becomes diffused. You can make your own reflectors by stretching foil onto a flat surface. Quick instructions can be found in this video:

Prepare the space

Choose the most photogenic spot in your apartment, decorate it and make sure there is enough light in the room.

Open the curtains and position yourself close to the window - if you're lucky, you won't need to use additional lighting at all. But don’t overdo it: if the sun’s rays fall directly on the model, the photo may be overexposed. It’s better to wait for softer lighting or cover the window with translucent tulle.

Prepare yourself

Choose an image for your photo shoot. It is best to choose comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement - especially if you find it difficult to relax. On the other hand, a home photo shoot may be almost the only reason to try on a crazy crimson jacket or play with a boa forgotten on the far shelf in the closet.

In makeup this time, it is better to avoid moisturizing foundations and other products that can give the skin an oily shine. It is better to use powders or light creams that will help achieve a matte effect.

Find “your” poses. Spin in front of the mirror and determine which side of you you like best. Include facial expressions: smile, raise your eyebrows in surprise, grimace. It's more fun to do all this with music. The point of this exercise is not only to learn how to pose, but also to relax and begin to enjoy the process.

Well, the main tip for a photo shoot at home is to have fun! After all, the main idea here is to have fun and have a good time. And you're unlikely to get good pictures if you take them in a bad mood.

Don't be afraid to go it alone. On the one hand, it’s more difficult for one: you have to constantly run to the camera and check the result. On the other hand, being alone is the easiest way to relax and behave naturally. After all, in the end, we are not embarrassed by the camera, but by the person behind it.

Wallpaper in the interior

Decorating your walls with beautiful materials is an important step towards creating a beautiful environment. It is recommended to buy wallpaper in the bedroom interior only after a thorough analysis of the color scheme of the room.


  • Stretch ceilings in the bedroom (150 photos of new products): modern design, types, sizes, materials, with and without lighting
  • The height of the TV in the bedroom: instructions for beginners on how to make the correct calculations with your own hands (real examples)
  • Bedroom design with a balcony - 130 photos of modern ideas for combining, planning, zoning and interior decoration

It is better to purchase the material in light shades. Paper wallpaper should not be oversaturated with decorative patterns. Designers advise buying striped wallpaper, as this texture will visually increase the size of the room. You can opt for photo wallpaper. They will give the bedroom a spirit of magic or the effect of presence (forest theme).


The flooring of a private house, of course, will be natural boards, parquet, and cork. Laminate is suitable for inexpensive finishing.

We recommend reading:
  • Beautiful bedrooms - 120 photos of the best ideas, trends and new designs for bedrooms
  • Lamps for the bedroom - uses, combinations and stylish lighting ideas. 125 photos of modern lighting design ideas

  • Blue bedroom - 105 photos and video master class on how to decorate a bedroom in blue tones

A fluffy carpet will gently complete the decoration of the bedroom. In addition, it is so pleasant to step on it in the morning, and in the evening it gives tired legs a pleasant relaxation.

Furniture for bedroom interior

Everyday items should be practical and multifunctional. This is due to the small space of the room. When installing furniture in the bedroom, you need to follow the recommendations.

  1. The bed will fit into the interior of the room more compactly if you choose a model without legs. It is better to place it in the center of the room or against one of the walls in the corner.
  2. You need to choose a cabinet with a large number of drawers and shelves. A good option would be to use wall-mounted furniture. This will save space and place all the necessary household items.
  3. Additional pieces of furniture (armchair, chair) must be compact in size and in a suitable color.
  4. It is best to hang a mirror above the bed in the form of a vertical strip. You can also install it in wardrobe doors.

Lighting in the bedroom interior

To give the room a complete look, you need to install lighting fixtures. The standard option would be to place one chandelier with many bright lamps in the center of the ceiling.

It is recommended to buy a lamp with several backlight modes: bright light for the waking period, and dim lighting used before going to bed.

An excellent design solution would be to create spot color zones in the bedroom. You can install sconces and lamps along the walls near the bed.

Lighting, decor

Properly selected lamps will add additional comfort. Most often they use a chandelier, sconces near the bed and the ladies' table.

Lighting should be consistent with the basic style of the room, as well as textiles (pillows, bed linen, curtains).

Small bright spots can dilute the cool tones of the finish, but you should not overload the room with a large number of such elements. These are, after all, recreational facilities.

The decor should also be chosen carefully. This could be flowers, a small vase, an antique or modern floor lamp, or mirrors.

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