How to choose classic curtains for the bedroom: material, color, texture, accessories

When an apartment is being decorated, every owner wants the result to be the ideal option. Much attention is paid to color, because it is it that can create a special atmosphere in a room. Convenient and comfortable furniture is selected, and decorative elements that make the interior individual and unique are not complete. But in order to complete the overall picture and achieve harmony, you need to pay maximum attention to the choice of curtains. They are the final and main element in the entire design of the room. Particular attention should be paid to such a room as the bedroom, because there you need to achieve an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. There are several options for what classic bedroom curtains will allow you to achieve the perfect result.

Curtains for the bedroom photo

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About classic curtains

At all times, classic style is appropriate in any room.
It provides many opportunities for realizing ideas. Photos of fashionable designs for 2016, new items in a classic style from famous designers, will help you choose curtains for the bedroom. Curtains can be single-layer or multi-layer, with or without a lambrequin, plain or multi-colored. The tulle can match the color of the curtain or differ by several tones. Curtains can be lush, large or laconic. Let's talk in more detail - what classic curtains for a bedroom should be! If the bedroom is decorated in a classic style, it will not lose its relevance after many years. Strict and expressive lines make it easy to fit in various decorative elements, so this style direction is considered universal. Over time, you can change a few details without having to undertake a major overhaul. And one of the easiest ways to update your interior design is to buy curtains for your bedroom.

Advice. If the room plays only the role of a bedroom, it is better to decorate it in calm, neutral colors. And if the bedroom also doubles as an office, you can add brighter accents.

Classic curtains in the loggia bedroom Classic curtains in the bedroom interior

Classic curtains for the bedroom

What color to choose for a small room?

In a small room, color plays a big role. It is worth considering the subtleties known to decorators and designers. They advise using calm, mostly pastel colors in the bedroom design. When a person has high blood pressure and often feels hot, it is better to decorate the bedroom in cool colors. And if your blood pressure is low and there is a frequent feeling of coolness, it is good to use warm pastel colors.

These recommendations are based on past experiments. Studies of visual perception of different colors have shown differences in subjective impressions. People felt the environment was 3 to 4 degrees warmer in rooms with red-orange colors than in rooms with blue-green walls.

Classic curtains for the bedroom: distinctive features

In the classical style, various color schemes are acceptable; elements of baroque or rococo may be present, but there are several unifying features.

Bedroom design in a classic style is characterized by:

  • Symmetry of elements
  • High quality materials
  • Color scheme corresponding to the purpose of the room

Classic style involves the use of expensive materials that look solid and luxurious. Materials such as handmade carvings, bronze, and solid wood are often used in the interior. Smooth lines, calm colors, massive furniture set the tone, and the curtains should match the overall theme. Such a room always looks rich, reminiscent of palace interiors.

Advice. Before you go to the store to buy curtains, decide what role they will play in the interior. If you choose a bright fabric with or without a pattern, it is better to keep the color of the walls dim, otherwise dissonance will be evident. When the fabric is of soft, calm shades, you can focus on the details - a painting, a lamp or a figurine.

An example of a classic interior

Light green bedroom curtains

Fabric selection

In a classic style, every detail is important. The type of fabric affects the appearance of the curtain. For example, light fabric is not suitable for sewing heavy curtains, but for drapery a fairly plastic material is selected. Important points when choosing textiles:

  • composition - here we need natural fibers with high-quality finishing
  • density - the appearance of the curtains depends on this
  • drapability
  • durability
  • washable or dry cleanable
  • color scheme and design style

High-quality fabric does not show through, the folds on it look elegant, and the material does not stretch out over time. When purchasing ready-made curtains or fabric for their manufacture, you need to touch the fabric material itself in the store.

It is recommended to choose a canvas that is evenly colored, with an even, neat pattern. If a pattern is printed, it should not consist of dots that are visible to the eye. Fabrics that electrify easily or feel unpleasant to the touch are most likely pure synthetics.

Classic curtains in a dark interior

A combination of classic and modern

When planning to make a frill or lambrequin with many folds, check how the future element drapes. Fold the fabric several times, imitating folds. After a detailed examination, it will become clear whether the material is suitable for making curtains. If the material turns out to be hard and unyielding, it may be useful as a straight curtain or Roman blind, which does not require rich decor, ruffles and frills.

When planning to purchase tulle curtains, determine what role they will serve. Should the fabric cover your cozy corner as much as possible from prying eyes, or are you going to admire the landscape through it? Mesh tulle is not very popular now; smooth fabrics are more suitable. The material should not resemble lace.

On a note. Dark, bright, large-patterned curtains are not suitable for small rooms. It’s great if the fabric of the curtains is in harmony with the bedspreads, furniture covers or bed linen.

If the bedroom is small

It is quite difficult for an ignorant person to choose the right curtain design for a small bedroom. Here you need to not only remember the desired style, quality and beauty of the material. It is imperative to take into account a number of factors that influence the perception of the interior as a whole:

  • take into account the ratio of the size of the window, the size of the room with the height of the room;
  • what are curtains for? If this is just an accent, style support, translucent curtains are preferable. But when they want to protect the room from prying eyes, or from the sun, or from a lantern burning nearby, it is better to choose dense fabrics of a dark shade;
  • The orientation of the room to the cardinal points will also suggest the right choice. You should not buy dark shades of curtains for northern windows;
  • the chosen design of curtains for the bedroom should not “eat up” the space, but visually expand it and create a feeling of air in the room;
  • you will have to abandon excessive pomp - too lush folds, coattails, hangings. It is better to choose a rigid type of lambrequin and buy curtains made of light fabric to go with it;
  • You can decorate the curtains with original, embroidered tiebacks. Here luxury does not interfere with space.

The photo shows a curtain design for a small bedroom.

New shapes and volumes – trends for 2016

In the new season, elongated curtains are in fashion, which not only hide heating radiators and window sills, but also cover part of the floor. You need to add ten to fifteen centimeters to the height of the curtain to the floor. Curtains of this length have pastel, soothing colors. Shortened models are of little use for the classic style. But the curtains characteristic of this trend with many decorative draperies can only reach the window sill. Such curtains are the predecessors of modern blinds. Various modifications of models with folds can be found under the names French, London and Austrian.

Accentuating with light and accessories in a classic bedroom

Curtains for the bedroom: classics come in different forms

Curtains for the bedroom in warm colors

Multilayer curtains

Several canvases of similar shades are selected, fixed in several layers. If one of them is secured with a pick-up, an interesting effect is obtained. Colors include shades of lilac, lilac, cream, and mint.

In recent years, there has been a tendency for minimalism to influence various style trends. Therefore, even traditional design has become more ascetic. Curtains made of linen, cotton and other similar materials are used in the classic version, with draperies and tucks.

How to hang and how to decorate

When decorating the interior with curtains, the question arises: at what height is it best to place the curtain rods - high near the ceiling or right above the window? The most correct thing is to be as close to the ceiling as possible, even if the window size is small. This technique visually increases the height of the ceilings, and the textile composition has a completed look. There are modern models of cornices that have ceiling mounting.

For lovers of bright rooms, designers recommend using light, plain curtains made of cotton, linen and silk. The combination of light color and natural texture visually expands the room, bringing into the space a feeling of cleanliness, lightness and airiness.

To avoid interfering with the light from the window, you can hang blinds or thick roller blinds directly on it.

It is recommended to decorate textile decorations with tiebacks made from curtain material. Curtains for a classic bedroom look original and impressive:

  • massive brushes on a twisted cord;
  • fringe or braid;
  • braided cord;
  • bead decoration.

New colors and textures – new for 2016

Another fashion trend is two- or three-color curtains. Fabrics of different colors are combined in one panel. For example, the main panels are bluish, and in the center, that is, where the middle of the window is, lilac inserts are sewn vertically. Another variation is an analogue of a curtain with a lining. The option is burgundy fabric on one side, and on the other the same color, but with a milky floral pattern in a palace style.

Fashion trend of the classic style: two or three-color curtains Curtains for the bedroom in a classic style

New from the world of high technology – blackout style fabric. It is quite thin and light, but at the same time completely blocks out light from the street. An option for those who want to concentrate and have privacy in the bedroom. The curtain can be either black, silver or other metallic shades. Such a curtain does not attract unnecessary attention, and paintings or figurines will become a bright accent in the bedroom. The canvas is plain, black or gray, it may have a golden or silver horizontal stripe.

Natural shades are trending. Fashion for everything eco-friendly. The colors of cream, butter, beige, brownish, light gray, pale pink are at the peak of popularity. Curtains of such dim shades can be given any intricate shape - draperies, lambrequins, ties, ruffles, gathers and so on will present the palace style in a new interpretation.

The trend of recent years is combinations of different types of curtains. For example, French or Roman with curtains. An interesting combination of floor-length Austrian curtains with drapes.

Classic curtains for the bedroom: yellow shades

Classic curtains for the bedroom with a pattern

Contrasting colors combined with large abstract or geometric patterns are in fashion. For example, a large black and white checkered pattern.

Decorative elements

Strict curtains will sparkle in a new way if you complement them with grabbers and beads or metal magnetic holders. Lambrequins occupy a special place in decoration. Outwardly, they resemble fabric borders with draperies, fringe or embroidery. If you don’t want to use a lot of folds or combine several types of fabric, use one thick curtain with a lambrequin. By purchasing brushes and beautiful ties, you can create a fashionable ensemble without the help of a designer. In addition, such a curtain is easy to wash and iron. The trend in recent years is to fill the living space with light from the street. Increasingly, heavy curtains in homes are being replaced with light, flowing fabrics that let in sunlight. Tulle, just like heavy curtains, can be selected by color and create complex compositions from draperies.

Advice. For a classic-style bedroom, traditional curtains with pintucks are suitable. A harmonious addition to the curtains will be stylish interceptions with original tassels. A well-chosen cornice will add a fresh note to the formation of style.

An example of a classic interior

Curtains for the bedroom on the floor

Types of classic cornices and fastenings to them

An important role is played not only by the material, but also by the appearance of the cornice, as well as the strength of fastening the curtains to it.

  • Baguette cornices are best suited to the classic style. The fasteners are not visible behind the bar, which makes the window look complete. The baguette can be plastic with imitation of forging or wood, smooth or carved.

  • Tubular cornices can be single-level or two-level, decorated with finials at the edges and made to a specific size.

The photo shows an interior with a wooden tubular cornice, on which there are translucent curtains with a floral print and garters. Here is a classic in simplicity and elegance.

  • Profile cornices are convenient for decorating bay windows or corners. Mounts both on the wall and on the ceiling. Made from profile aluminum.

  • A forged cornice will attract attention, so curtains should be simple. This cornice is suitable for heavy fabrics. The best method of fastening would be eyelets and rings.

  • Wooden cornices can be ceiling, wall, tubular and baguette. The natural shade of wood will fit into the classic interior of any room.

The photo shows a wooden baguette in a classic style design, from which weightless tulle and smooth pastel-colored curtains fall.

Curtains can be attached to the curtain rod in different ways, depending on the weight of the fabric and the style of the room.

  • Eyelet fastening is suitable for a modern classic style. This is a fastening method in which rings are sewn into the curtain fabric; it is more suitable for curtains.

  • When attached to rings, the fabric is fixed on hooks, and the rings are strung on a tubular cornice.

  • Classic curtains with ties look original and varied due to different tying methods (bows and different types of knots). In addition, the color of the ties may differ from the color of the curtains.

  • Fabric loops, like eyelets, are threaded onto the cornice. The width of the loops and their number depend on the weight of the curtains. The loops can be on clips, in the form of braids, or sewn to the fabric.

  • The drawstring hides the top of the cornice due to the high frill. This fastening is suitable for niche windows, tubular cornices, and cafe curtains. When moving, you will hear a slight rustling of the fabric, and not the knocking of rings on the cornice.

  • Curtains with braid look simple and elegant due to the frequent small folds that are formed due to the tightening of the laces to the desired limit. For lush drapery, fabric should be 2 times the size of the window.

Classic style with ethnic and country elements

It is easy to add additional color to a room in a classic style by transforming it into Baroque, Provence or Oriental style.

The Baroque style will bring the atmosphere of palaces into the room. Airy organza and heavy curtains made of velvet or silk look chic and expensive. Flounces, tassels, lambrequins and tiebacks are necessary in such a bedroom. To top it off, decorate the curtains with flowers.

Arabic style is characterized by bright, contrasting colors. Here a lilac curtain can be combined with pink tulle or a combination of dark brown and white can be used. Usually decorated with gold tassels and fringe. A new element in the style of oriental palaces is a quilted lambrequin in the color of the curtains. The fabric chosen is shiny, like satin.

Advice. In 2016, forged decorative elements came into fashion. Use them to create atmosphere. This could be a curtain rod or a curtain rod.

Conservative people prefer the classic style. But this season you can approach this direction from different points. Use the classic shape of curtains and technological fabric or, conversely, use traditional textiles in a new interpretation.

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