How to choose curtains for the bedroom: tips and current trends

Curtains in the bedroom are needed not only from a decorative point of view; they create a soft, cozy environment conducive to relaxation. Therefore, the answer to the question of which curtains to choose for the bedroom is so important; it is understandable why so much time is spent comparing fabrics, cuts and colors. The proposed material contains useful information about the types of curtains and their combination with interior objects and colors. It will help determine what type of window decoration is optimal in a particular case.

In the bedroom with an arched window Source

What do we expect from curtains

In the northern countries of Europe, the decor of living rooms without curtains is common and even preferred. This looks beautiful in some interior styles, but does not at all fit with our ideas about beauty and comfort, especially when it comes to the bedroom. Window textiles are valued not only for their decorative, but also practical qualities.

Along the way, it solves many problems: it protects the room from prying eyes, sunlight and night city lighting, and serves as a barrier to street dust and drafts. Much also depends on whether it is necessary to emphasize the window and thereby divert attention from the shortcomings of the interior, or to hide both the window and the view behind it. Therefore, the material and color for curtains are chosen with all responsibility, based not only on the color palette of the room, but also on the functionality.

With a touch of classics Source


This decorative option, such as a magnetic clip, is especially convenient. It attaches easily and holds well. Suitable for loose, lightweight material. Most often, magnets are made in round or shaped shapes.

Decorated with rhinestones and designs. Magnets are used as an independent element or are located at the ends of clamps made of cords or tapes.

Fabric selection

The way a room is protected from light influences the choice of fabrics, so the window design can turn into a rather complex composition. If a blackout system or blinds is installed on the window, the design and number of layers of curtains can be any. If curtains will independently screen the bedroom space from external irritants, you cannot do without a model with a second dense layer.

Contrast solution Source

For window decoration in the bedroom, both natural and synthetic and mixed fabrics are traditionally used. Supporters of natural materials point to their undoubted advantages: they are varied in texture and color palette, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic. The following options are popular:

  • Linen. It looks as natural as possible, which is valued in many styles, holds its shape well, and is able to breathe (regulate the microclimate). However, it wrinkles easily and is suitable for a limited number of styles.

Black and white checkered Source

  • Silk. It has a luxurious appearance and characteristic shine. The material is breathable, drapes beautifully and does not attract dust. Disadvantages include the high price and the need for delicate care; besides, silk fades in the sun.

Synthetic fabrics have enough disadvantages to be the least popular choice for bedroom decor. These include the ability to cause allergies, become deformed over time, and become electrified; We must not forget about poor air permeability.

Emphasis on the pattern Source

See also: Catalog of companies that specialize in interior remodeling and installation of windows and doors

At the same time, synthetics have important advantages: they hold their shape better, do not shrink when washed, and are reluctant to absorb dirt and foreign odors. Fabric production is improving, and many modern synthetic materials do not cause allergies, become more pleasant to the touch, and also produce much less dust than linen or cotton.

The golden mean can be considered an average option: materials in which two types of fibers are mixed in different proportions: natural (wool, linen, silk) and artificial (viscose, polyester). Mixed fabrics have a pleasant price/quality ratio, have a beautiful appearance and drape well, are practical and wear-resistant.

Combined curtains Source

When deciding how to choose the right curtains for the bedroom, it is useful, regardless of the design of the room, to use the following recommendations.

  • Eco-trends are reflected in room textiles. If you are close to the fashion for natural living, pay attention to curtains made of linen, silk or cotton. Whether discreet, plain or brightly patterned, they look great in the right environment.
  • If a relaxing environment is important to you, rely on soft, pleasant-to-touch textiles with a clearly visible texture (melange effect). Blends of silk, linen, organic cotton, and wool are suitable.
  • It is worth refusing to purchase pile fabrics for the bedroom. Velvet curtains are an excellent dust collector.

For balanced people Source

  • If the interior has a classic feel, patterned jacquard fabrics with sophisticated patterns are a good choice.
  • For minimalist interiors, a good solution would be dense (possibly mixed) fabrics that can form careless soft folds under the influence of their own weight.
  • For a bedroom in a romantic style (Provence, shabby chic), curtains made of light flowing material are suitable.

Warm interior Source

Harmony in the interior

Bedrooms are often decorated in light and calm colors. Bright and catchy colors are rarely used in the interior. The calm color scheme should be supported by curtains. Of course, options where the curtains are dark and non-staining are acceptable, but it is not recommended to highlight them too much, so as not to depress the person’s psyche and prevent relaxation. The discreet, elegant style of the products is perfect for any interior. If your bedroom turns out to be light, then you should maintain this, giving preference to white shades of curtains, as well as the lightness of their design, not overloaded with details.

In recent years, people are increasingly choosing to design their interiors in a certain style. In this case, the curtains are given the role of a secondary touch.

  1. If you decide to create a bedroom in a classic style, then products with a neutral design will be appropriate - simple lines, floral patterns, natural colors. Delicate floral patterns, tiebacks and other subtle design elements are always suitable for decoration.
  2. A bedroom in the style of classicism can be decorated with lambrequins in the shape of shells.
  3. For modern styles, it is not recommended to use heavily draped curtains, so it is better to give preference to straight options or with a slight bend.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the fabric; the appearance of the product and its wear resistance depend on it.

Designs and models

In order for curtains to become a harmonious element of bedroom decor, the choice of design and model must be based on the style of the room. According to the method of opening the design, curtains are divided into two groups:

  • Sliding. A traditional option suitable for any style. We especially love it in classic design, where curtains take on a particularly luxurious look with impressive draperies and lambrequins. In modern styles, an alternative will be a design discovery of recent years - a combination of three layers of fabric. Depending on the idea, materials are selected to match or contrast.

Sliding curtains Source

  • Lifting. These, usually short, models equipped with a lifting mechanism are convenient, varied and functional. The Roman blind, which forms picturesque horizontal folds, is popular. Roller blinds (roller blinds) can also be installed in the bedroom. Fabrics can be chosen at any level of light transmission, but the length should fall 10 cm below the window sill.

In a modern interior Source

Which option to choose?

If you follow the tips that apply to choosing curtains for the bedroom, you can create a unique style for the room. It will be cozy here, and your vacation will become truly real. Thanks to the successful selection of textile design, you can place all the accents in the interior.

Textiles should be selected in accordance with the interior design:

  • The classic style involves the presence of curtains and tulle; sometimes you can get by with a curtain made of a plain material in a rich color.
  • Roller blinds or Roman blinds are suitable for the Art Nouveau style.
  • Baroque involves the use of French curtains.
  • Italian products made from noble fabrics are suitable for Provence.

In addition to matching the interior design, you should choose the right textiles in relation to functional use:

  • If the apartment is located on the first floor of the building, then it is better to buy curtains that will tightly close the bedroom from prying eyes. If the windows face the sunny side, it is also better to give preference to curtains or thick curtains.
  • If the room has a large area, then the excess space can be compensated for by heavy curtains with thick drapery. So, textiles will fill the space. In a small room it is better to use functional curtains that are combined with light tulle.
  • The choice will depend on the height of the ceilings, or more precisely on the installed cornice. If the cornice is hidden or mounted, this will give up a few centimeters of height for textiles and visually increase the height of the ceiling.
  • In rooms where luxurious design solutions are not expected, you can use rolled or even Roman textile designs. You can use shortened versions.

It is important to correctly correlate all the parameters of the room and its location. If you take into account all the nuances, the selected option will be the ideal solution for the room. But besides all this, you should also think about who will use the bedroom.

Color and decor: modern ideas and design principles

The fashion for simplifying life and a rational approach to design is also reflected in the bedroom interior. Stylish trends in the room for sleeping and relaxing are simple shapes, calm colors and light textiles with tactile texture.

There are several ways to choose curtains for the bedroom; Designers' advice agrees on only one thing: intricately cut curtains, with large tassels and tiebacks, fringes and lambrequins are becoming a thing of the past. The same applies to massive cornices: their place is taken by lightweight structures.

In calm colors Source


Tiebacks hold the fabric in place to give it an interesting shape. As a rule, the details repeat the color and texture of the finished curtains. Elements are decorated with braid or tassels.

Designers are ready to offer several original solutions. Thus, tiebacks in the form of several narrow leather belts will look unusual.

Thick ropes with nautical knots will look unique on thick linen curtains. Another unusual option is forged elements with elaborate curves. It is recommended to attach decorative elements to the wall at a height of about 90 cm from the floor.

Briefly about the main thing

Window decor is a familiar and practical accessory, without which the bedroom interior looks incomplete. In addition to aesthetics, curtains have other functions, so the material and color should be chosen with care.

Both natural and artificial materials can be used to sew curtains, but the best choice in many cases is mixed fabrics. They combine the qualities of the original fibers, which reconciles price and quality in an acceptable proportion.

The choice of curtain design also depends on the style of the bedroom. Sliding curtains are more versatile and suitable for all styles. Lifting models are appropriate in modern rooms, although more decorative options (for example, French) are used in the design of a classic bedroom.

Modern trends in color selection focus on beige and muted natural shades. They should be combined with the surrounding decor, but not merge with it.

Hairpin holders

Externally, the accessory resembles a regular hair clip, but of a different size. Round, square or oval shapes are decorated with bright fabric, lace or rhinestones.

Secure the holders with sticks. The hairpin will decorate the delicate material of the curtains - airy organza and tulle. The materials used to make decor are wood, plastic, metal and even plaster.

A variant of the hairpin is the Japanese kanzashi. The main emphasis here is on decor. Three-dimensional flowers with lurex and multi-colored beads are attached to the holder. On curtains, kanzashi looks unusual, fabulous.


They have an interesting appearance, look very neat, thanks to which they fit perfectly into different interior styles. The canvas rises and falls easily. Roller blinds attract attention with their simplicity, ease of use and beautiful appearance.


The top of the curtain for the pipe cornice is sewn in the form of a pocket. The drawstring is suitable for styles such as baroque or classic. The top of the curtains looks like a long narrow flounce.

It will look great in a girl's bedroom decorated like a princess's room.

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