Features of the interior of a burgundy kitchen (40 real photos)

The juicy color of a ripe cherry, according to psychologists, is able to charge a person with its energy and at the same time demonstrate the stability and sustainability of the surrounding world; after all, it is close to exciting red and, at the same time, to noble burgundy.

Dark cherry facades harmonize well with white countertops

Therefore, a cherry-colored kitchen interior is a solution that can change a person’s mood in the morning and charge him with vigor for the whole day.

Burgundy color: associations, features, psychological aspects

Mixed berries, grapes, pomegranate, cherries, wine - burgundy color evokes associations with all this. It is tasty, juicy and ideal for creating a beautiful and cozy kitchen interior.

Photo from source: pinterest.ru

A burgundy kitchen interior in the shade of burgundy is the simplest embodiment of this color, which will take on the role of not only the basis of the composition, but also the main interior accent.

Photo from source: mykaleidoscope.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 1017/1A white crushed ice

Comfort and audacity are two, at first glance, incompatible qualities, but they are surprisingly united by burgundy color. Due to the fact that it contains red notes, it is quite active, just slightly aggressive. And brown notes neutralize this effect and make the color cozy. Burgundy always becomes the center of attraction, giving the room additional elegance, beauty and luxury. It's no wonder that Bordeaux cuisine always remains in trend!

Photo from source: behance.net

The visual depth of burgundy shades means that they should be used with caution in small kitchens. Otherwise, there is a high risk of making the room feel overloaded. Therefore, it is better to focus on creating bright burgundy accents. Against a background of light colors, such details will look especially emotional and dynamic. And creating a neutral background will help make the space visually wider.

Photo from source: idei.club

Tabletop “Cedar” 811/1 Metallic

The strong energy of burgundy color contributes to the fact that it is chosen by powerful individuals who radiate self-confidence. At the same time, it has a calming, calming effect. A burgundy kitchen is a space that surrounds you with comfort and coziness. It's fun to spend time here.

Solid canvas or veneer

Many people mistakenly believe that an interior door must be made of solid wood, and this is the only indicator of real quality. However, the cost of such a finished product can be so high that in pursuit of prestige one can incur significant material losses. Doors (cherry color) in the veneer version are not inferior in quality to their more expensive counterparts.

The durability and extreme density of the material allows the owner to not think about buying a new canvas for a long time. A special processing technology ensures an extraordinary smoothness of the door and the absence of unaesthetic seams. The photo shows a dark luxury cherry door made from eco-veneer.

If a beautiful multi-layer cladding in Malaga or Oxford color is subject to mechanical damage, using wax it can be restored to its original appearance.

About the advantages and disadvantages of burgundy

The interior of a burgundy kitchen has its pros and cons.

The pluses are that this color looks very expressive, original, expensive, elegant, and festive. And at the same time, it has a calming, calming effect.

If we consider burgundy from a practical point of view, then here you can find a plus - dirt is not as clearly visible on burgundy as on light colors. This is a non-staining and practical color. A very good choice for decorating a kitchen space!

Photo from source: hunker.com

Tabletop “Cedar” 8237/PT Marble fresco

Let's look at the shortcomings. Since burgundy is more of a dark shade, visually a room decorated in this color seems smaller than it actually is. That is, it is better not to use it in small kitchens. But the details will be quite appropriate. At the same time, it is important not to combine them with other similar dark shades, so as not to make the space too gloomy. After all, in this case, you are unlikely to be comfortable in it.

Photo from source: almode.ru

Design features in monochrome colors

If you do not want to combine many shades in your interior, then you should understand the peculiarities of creating an interior in a monochrome palette. Do not think that with this design all elements will be made in the same color. This is ugly and far from the concept of style, but you can still create the illusion of a stylish monochrome interior in burgundy tones.

First of all, think about the shade of the kitchen set itself and its texture. The surface of the facades can have a different texture: be smooth and glossy, imitate wood or resemble other natural materials. After that, think about the design of the walls, floor and ceiling. If the latter can remain white (this will not contradict the principles of monochrome in the interior), then for the floor and walls it is better to choose shades from the same color palette.

Refer to the color map and you can easily select successful combinations. If the kitchen set is a rich burgundy color, then the walls and floor should be neutral. For example, the wallpaper on the walls can be done in dirty pink tones, and the tiles on the floor have only veins with the desired shade. This will allow you not to turn the kitchen into one big burgundy spot, but to create a unique author’s project with interesting details and solutions.

Textiles can play a big role. There shouldn’t be too much of it, but you shouldn’t neglect it in the kitchen either. Curtains and chair upholstery decorated in the same color scheme will help create a unified image. At the same time, their shade can match the color of the headset or be contrasting.

In monochrome interiors, much attention is paid to textures, since it will not be possible to diversify it with bold and unexpected contrasts. Also, do not forget to think through all the smallest details.

The final appearance of your kitchen will depend on the selection of fittings, decorative elements, and accessories (that are in plain sight).

Rules for creating a burgundy kitchen

To make a kitchen design in burgundy color truly harmonious and tasty, you must follow the following rules:

1) a kitchen set with glossy facades will help make the ceilings visually higher;

Photo from source: skidkom.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 811/1 Metallic

2) use burgundy color to a minimum if the kitchen is small in area. Actively dilute the space with light warm shades - milky, cream, caramel;

Photo from source: akuhnja.com

Tabletop “Cedar” 1110/S White

3) the best color duets of burgundy are obtained with white, creamy light blue, gray;

Photo from source: metkon-perm.ru

4) textiles made of silk, velvet, leather, elements made of plastic, glass - the most suitable decor options;

Photo from source: pinterest.ru

5) both burgundy matte and glossy kitchens are appropriate here. The former contribute to the creation of a strict interior, and the latter - a more luxurious one;

Photo from source: casavogue.globo.com

Tabletop “Cedar” 921/1 Kungur Marble

6) curtains are one of the most important decorative elements in a space that should not be forgotten. They can take on the role of a burgundy accent in the interior;

Photo from source: severdv.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 5142/Mn White Moon

7) in the same room, along with burgundy, you should not use pink, yellow and bright green shades, as such combinations will cause irritation.

What wallpaper is suitable for Cherry Oxford furniture?

When purchasing a set of Oxford cherry color, you want it to match the shade of the wallpaper. There are several winning colors that can highlight furniture.

It is recommended to give preference to wallpaper in light shades and pastel colors. It can be walnut, milky, golden, creamy in color.

In addition, cherry shades combine perfectly with the color:

  • brown;
  • chocolate;
  • vanilla;
  • copper;
  • bronze;
  • hazelnut;
  • honey;
  • pink
  • Bordeaux;
  • monsoon;
  • aqua;
  • citric.

You can also prefer wallpaper in a beige and milky palette, gray and sand. The main thing is to choose the right combination so that the colors do not merge, but complement each other.

You should not combine cherry color with red, coral or orange wallpaper. This will make the room tasteless, too provocative.

About the variety of shades of burgundy

Burgundy color is very versatile. All its shades can be divided into four conditional groups:

1) classic burgundy - a shade that combines red and brown;

Photo from source: doremi27.ru

2) garnet - a shade that is particularly rich and bright. Looks great with contrasting shades, especially in combination with white;

Photo from source: catherineasquithgallery.com

3) ripe cherry - the most saturated and dark tone of the entire palette;

Photo from source: dailysabah.com

4) deep carmine - this shade contains bluish notes, due to which it is colder.

Photo from source: pinterest.ru

Color combination in the kitchen interior: burgundy +

Burgundy-colored kitchens, photos of which are presented in this article in a wide variety, sometimes amaze with the variety of color combinations that can look very good in them. Let's list the main ones.


A white and burgundy kitchen is an excellent option for those who want to visually make the space wider and give it lightness and airiness. The white color in this case favorably emphasizes the richness, depth and versatility of burgundy.

You can use colors in the interior in different ways. It could be a completely burgundy kitchen against white walls, as in the photo.

Photo from source: akuhnja.com

Tabletop “Cedar” 7025/Q Giallo Marble

Or the kitchen - white top, burgundy bottom. Or vice versa.

Photo from source: live-design.ru

Tabletop “Cedar”946/1 Castillo dark

In this case, sets with a countertop that imitates white marble will look especially harmonious.

This combination can be found not only in classic interiors, but also in high-tech kitchens.

Photo from source: womanadvice.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 2238/S Breccia light

Details will help diversify the interior and create a different mood - from modest or solemn to funny.


Burgundy + black is a duet with which you need to be especially careful, because a black and burgundy kitchen, if overdone, can look too gloomy. In addition, such a range will visually reduce the area of ​​space, which will not be at all beneficial for those who have a kitchen that is already small.

To prevent such a development of events, use white and burgundy as the dominant shades in percentage terms, and leave black to a minimum.

A good example is a burgundy kitchen with a black countertop. It looks very luxurious and very elegant.

Photo from source: dionell.rf

Tabletop “Cedar” 1207/BR Diamond dark graphite


The combination of burgundy and gray is a special level of sophistication. After all, a burgundy and gray kitchen always looks very aristocratic. And if you decide to use both of these colors as your main colors, choose the lightest shade of gray, almost bordering on white. An abundance of other light details in the interior will also not be superfluous.

Photo from source: shefkuhni.by

Tabletop “Cedar” 1017/1A white crushed ice

A dark burgundy kitchen, in which there are dark gray colors, should be decorated according to the same principle as black and burgundy. That is, dilute the space as much as possible with light shades.

Photo from source: almode.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 2338/S Lunar metal


A burgundy and beige kitchen always looks especially warm and gentle. You can safely make both colors the main ones and not be afraid to overdo it.

Photo from source: 123cabinetry.com

Tabletop “Cedar” 2032/M Rigoletto light

Burgundy and milk cuisine is the most successful solution. It is better to choose warm shades of beige, since when using cold ones there is a risk that they will “kill” all the charm of burgundy.

The inclusion of such green shades as muted olive, green tea, light green into these interiors will look very original and at the same time quite calm.

Photo from source: ital-moscow.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 2236/S Semolina beige


Such bright colors in a duet with burgundy look very original. But it is very important to use them wisely so that it does not look tasteless. An excellent solution is to dilute the interior with beige and present orange in minimal accents. Their role can be played by a painting, a dish set, a vase, kitchen textiles, etc.

Photo from source: media.360.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 4032/S Porphyry

Burgundy kitchen in the interior: photos of successful combinations

To make the façade of a burgundy kitchen look harmonious in the kitchen interior, you can supplement it with the following elements:

1. Kitchen apron

Photo from source: dev.buyx.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 111/1 White

The work area, decorated in deep wine shades, is suitable for large kitchens. If the area is not too large, it is better to use a mosaic in which burgundy tiles are mixed with white ones.

Finishing the apron using natural materials such as wood and stone will add special luxury to the design.

Photo from source: pinterest.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 2075/FL Oak Kera

The exposed brickwork protected by a transparent skin will also look original.

Photo from source: jkuhnya.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 1205/BR Diamond light gray

The latter can be used independently, being colored, with a print, etc. This option will fit into the kitchen space in any case, regardless of the area of ​​the room.

Photo from source: odincovo.legkomarket.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 9022/S Whitened Oak

2. Curtains

The use of draperies is appropriate here. Curtains with hooks made of thick fabric will add special luxury to the kitchen. It is important that the shade matches 100% with that used on furniture facades or other decorative elements.

Photo from source: eldomo.ru

If the kitchen is small, it is better to use light tulle curtains in burgundy shades.

Photo from source: severdv.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 7024/E Imperial Marble

3. Lunch group

The design of a kitchen with a burgundy set suggests that the rest of the furniture, including the dining group, will be made in other, more neutral colors. The ideal option is white or cream tables and chairs. They will make the space easier to perceive and fill it with air.

Photo from source: shkafkuhni.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 3025/Q Black marble

If the chairs are upholstered, wine-colored fabric, as well as black, brown and beige options, would look appropriate.

Photo from source: instagram.com

Tabletop “Cedar” 727/1 White granite

Also, the burgundy color of the kitchen set can be duplicated in the pillows laid out on the sofa, if there is one in the living room area.

Photo from source: almode.ru

4. Lamps

A chandelier with a bright lampshade, made in the same tone as the facades of the kitchen unit, will look appropriate in any style, will help to dilute the severity of the interior, if it suddenly turns out to be monochrome, and will also favorably emphasize the dimensions of the room.

Photo from source: interiorno.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” G018/1 Galaxy Black

If the kitchen has low ceilings, then small neutral ones should be preferred to bright lamps.

Photo from source: chilliday.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 5016/Pt Black Detroit

RAL 3005 Cherry, red wine

Red Wine color - this shade is also called Dark Cherry - is one of the most popular and best-selling colors of metal products on the Russian market. In terms of sales volume, it is second only to Chocolate RAL 8017 and simple galvanized sheet, which is used much more often than colored versions in the construction of industrial premises and hangars.

This shade is also known as 3005 on the classic RAL scale. Essentially, “Wine Red” is the commercial name for the color. The color RAL 3005 is rich and at the same time not too bright. It goes well with almost all modern finishing materials, which allows it to be used in the construction of buildings of a wide variety of architectures.

Metal elements in RAL 3005 color harmonize perfectly with clay brick and natural stone masonry, and also look great in combination with any shades of natural wood. The noble and deep red color will highlight your home and will not allow it to get lost in the backyard greenery or dense buildings.

Red Wine looks especially impressive on fences and roofs. It is often used to finish the base or partially cover gazebos and outbuildings. In principle, this shade is universal. It can be used everywhere - in moderation, of course.

Please note that the colors on your monitor screen differ from the original due to color rendering characteristics. www.dommoy.ru


Burgundy classic

A burgundy kitchen, designed in a classic style, will look best against light walls. At the same time, it is better to make the facades of the set in rich wine tones. Gold-tone fittings will look great.

Photo from source: dizainexpert.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 8050/soft Sandy Marble

If the area allows, then it is better to place the dining group in the center.

Photo from source: kitchencom.ru

Upholstery of upholstered furniture can be made in burgundy and brown shades.

It looks good when the palette is duplicated in textile details.

In this case, it is very important to create the right lighting system. These can be chandeliers and sconces with crystal in gilded and beige lampshades.

Photo from source: pinterest.es

Photo from source: mebel-mr.ru

Tabletop “Cedar” 1012/Cr Ceramics white

High-tech Bordeaux

Burgundy kitchen in the interior, the color combination in this case allows you to play up the contrast of light colors and the mutedness of burgundy. To create the most appropriate bright contrast in this style, garnet shades are most often used and embodied in glossy surfaces. And if you make the base of the furniture and the floor in the same color, you will get an interesting “floating” effect.

Shades of juicy cherry will add futuristic notes to your kitchen design. Silver surfaces, including household appliances, look appropriate.

Such dark shades of gray, such as graphite and ash, will look beautiful in detail, in a duet with objects made of glass and chrome.

Photo from source: ital-moscow.ru

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