Cozy bedroom: lighting scheme, tips on choosing textiles and photos of cozy bedroom interiors

How to make your bedroom cozy

There are many ways to make your bedroom cozy and inviting:

  • Fairy lights are a great way to create a cozy atmosphere. Other light sources, such as a custom-made unusual lamp, also help create the atmosphere of a cozy room.
  • Accessories are another great way to add a special touch and make your bedroom design cozy. Fluffy pillows and bedspreads will give your room a more attractive ambiance.
  • The “favorite” wall is a fabulous addition to the bedroom. Post photos of all your favorite people and you'll find yourself staring at them for hours and remembering all the fun times you've had and thinking about the people who make you happy and loved.
  • When it comes to color, it reflects more of your personality. For example, you may like bright, mismatched colors, or you may believe in the calmness of white or cream. Whatever your preferences, you will feel comfortable here.

Small bedroom interior - design tips

The layout of a small bedroom requires a special approach; not many people manage to manage square meters wisely. The basic rule that should be strictly followed is the use of only light shades in the bedroom interior.

Light colors are capable of real magic; they add volume to the room, fill it with light and give the necessary lightness.

Important! It is not at all necessary to use only white color to decorate the walls; the entire palette of pastel colors will be suitable to achieve the desired effect.

Small soft room to sleep

You can create a piece of paradise in your apartment using frescoes on the walls and natural shades

Using some secrets and design tricks, you can independently create a comfortable full-fledged bedroom from a small room.

The simplest and most reliable way to visually enlarge a room is to install mirrors. Even if you have a mirrored cabinet, you should install several more mirrors, including a full-length wall mirror.

The reflected light will fill the room with air, making it airier and more spacious, thus creating a visual illusion and losing boundaries. Using this principle, you can work with mirror tiles on the ceiling and at the head of the bed, and use stained glass on windows and doors.

The texture of the flooring becomes clearly defined thanks to the light walls

A glossy stretch ceiling with the right lighting will help achieve an incredible transformation of the room. With its help, the room “grows” in all directions.

Advice! Photo wallpaper on one of the walls of a small bedroom will become a bright accent, attracting all attention to itself.

The right photo wallpaper will help expand the room, filling it with peace and quiet.

The texture of the flooring becomes clearly defined thanks to the light walls

Black and white bedroom design

3D wallpaper in the bedroom will help give the room an attractive look and set you up for a comfortable stay

Multi-level lighting and spotlights will help achieve the necessary comfort, distributing light evenly to all corners of the room, thereby saturating it with the necessary warmth.

Bedroom textiles

Add texture to your space with blankets, throw pillows and curtains. Create a feeling of wanting to touch things. It makes a small bedroom feel cozy, and if the only place in your home should be like that, it's your bedroom.

One of the easiest ways to make your bedroom feel cozy is with pillows. Stack them up and don't be afraid to mix and match prints and patterns. Go all out and combine large prints with small, floral and geometric designs. Not only are they cozy, but they also remind us of the pillow fights we used to have as kids!

As you can see, you can add texture to your room through textiles, rugs, furniture, plants, etc. Note that some rooms that make best use of texture mix the different forms of textiles mentioned earlier.


The issue of dividing a room into functional zones is especially acute if there is a bedroom and a living room in one room, and in studio apartments there is also a kitchen.

There are many ways to ensure zoning, the simplest of which is to separate the bedroom with a tall wardrobe or shelving unit. Unlike a permanent partition, furniture leaves the opportunity to change the appearance of the room by rearranging it.

In addition, you can create privacy using a screen, opaque curtains or canopy.

The color of comfort

Choosing the right color is crucial when pulling a space together, and this statement is 1000 times more important for your bedroom. A cozy room needs a calm color palette.

Color psychology plays an important role in your emotional and mental well-being. This means that a cozy bedroom color scheme with warm tones will be warm and welcoming. Your bedroom should be serene. You can choose from golden yellow, muted red, soft orange and brown.

The psychology of color is real. When choosing a paint color, you need to pay attention to the color and its effect on your mood and how you feel. We look for cozy, inviting and safe spaces that feel like a sanctuary, which is why natural colors tend to become popular in bedrooms.

Bedroom design in Art Nouveau style - photo

Art Nouveau style is a solution for creative men and women who want to create around themselves an original space that breathes inspiration. And although the style originated in the 19th century, it remains relevant now, because individuality and originality are its main tenets. Modernity gravitates towards nature. The interior is dominated by smooth lines and rounded shapes. The colors chosen are natural and calm - the green of grass and the warm brown shade of tree bark, the transparent blue depth of lakes. Pastel shades are often used. Furniture must be made from natural materials. The same smooth lines can be read in her curves. The rounded headboard, the soft curve of the armrests, the calm contours of the wardrobe.

Decorative elements made of metal or glass will help create a special space that reveals exactly your character. Show your imagination, and the basic ideas for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style will be suggested by the proposed interior pictures.



An element that adds warmth to a space is a rug. Not only will it strengthen your room, but it will also add warmth and make it more inviting. A rug adds so much texture, color and visual interest that it's one way to add life and character to a cozy bedroom design.

Rugs add another cozy texture to the room. Choose a rug depending on the size of your bedroom and use it under the bed, opening on both sides at the bottom of the mattress. Another option is to place a larger and smaller rug at the foot of the bed. In any of these cases, rugs will make your room cozy.

You can completely change the look of your space by updating your area rugs, and it's also a great way to add color or graphic elements to a fairly neutral space.

Accent Furniture Strategic Plan

Whether you have a large bedroom or a smaller space, accent furniture can do wonders for this area of ​​your home. Find comfortable accent chairs and create a cozy seating area in the corner of the room.

It's the perfect place to relax and read a good book at the end of a long day, listen to music or just relax while talking on the phone. A sitting area in the bedroom makes this part of the house more attractive. Another great bedroom furniture idea is to place accent furniture, such as a stylish bench at the foot of the bed.

Benches in the bedroom are a great way to sit down and change shoes and clothes. Try a storage bench so you can stash things like extra shoes, throw pillows or blankets to keep your cozy new bedroom organized.

Layered cozy look

Layering makes the space attractive and interesting. Layer pillows, bedding, accessories, rugs, whatever decorative items you add to the room to create interest, texture and depth.

Creating layers in your space adds personality, creates visual interest, adds warmth and helps create a cozy atmosphere in the space.

Therefore, when wondering how to make your bedroom cozy, always apply and use those design elements that give you a sense of inner peace. Be sure to try some of these things in your room, they are small changes that can have a huge impact on the feel of your space.

How to add a touch of sophistication to a cozy bedroom

A combination of modern and traditional styles can make a bedroom look stunning. Chandeliers or original lighting will make the bedroom chic. Try to match your theme to your color choice. Create style throughout and remember that accessories and bedding should be coordinated and build on the theme.

The furniture you have in your room will also add a touch of sophistication, so make sure your furniture matches your choice of color and theme. Once again, unusual and stylish furniture will help add elegance to the bedroom.

Classic paintings and artwork are a great way to add sophistication to your bedroom. Candles are also good for creating a romantic and elegant atmosphere.

The last and most obvious way to make a bedroom feel cozy and sophisticated is to have enough accent pieces, but not too many. There should be room for everything so you don't have a cluttered room.

You should make the bed and fluff the pillows so that it always looks attractive. You also need to clean, organize and polish your room regularly.

Your bedroom is where you want to be after a busy day. This is a place where you relax, so take the time to start a small decorating project. Keep in mind that just a few style changes in your bedroom can completely change the decor.

As one of the most private spaces in the home, the bedroom needs to strike a balance between tranquility and chic. It's the place where you go to escape the hustle and bustle of the day, recharge your batteries for the next day and dream about what's next, so your room should be a direct reflection of your impeccable taste and style.

Since this is where you spend almost a third of your time, the bedroom should be one of the first areas to focus on when decorating.

The key is to choose charming vintage pieces, soft rugs and linens, and romantic lighting that sparks joy and promotes relaxation.

Bedroom Design Ideas in 2022

In 2021, the fashion trends of past years continue. The main areas that you should pay attention to when creating a beautiful modern bedroom design are:

1. Close to nature.

The world's growing concern for the environment is reflected in interior design. Use natural materials (wooden floors and furniture frames, stone countertops), textile decorations, and allocate space for potted plants. If possible, there should be more natural light in the home.

Use natural materials, decorate your home with plants

2. Minimalism.

Designs where there is no room for anything superfluous are still welcome. The furniture is practical and functional, the shapes of the objects are simple and laconic, and there is little decor. Minimalism leaves a person space to live even in the smallest spaces, creating an incredible feeling of purity and freedom.

Minimalism is simple forms and practicality

3. Colors 2022.

This year's fashion palette consists of 5 main shades:

  • • Neo-Mint or New Mint
    – a delicate and pleasant color that can refresh the bedroom;
  • • Purist Blue
    – a pure blue shade that does not get boring and gives the occupant of the room a feeling of calm and serenity;
  • • Cassis
    – a complex combination of purple, violet and pink. A bedroom in this color will look royally noble.
  • • Cantaloupe
    is a calm shade of orange that will give energy and good mood.
  • • Mellow Yellow
    is a fashionable mustard color that will always come in handy due to its versatility.

Pure blue is one of the most fashionable shades of this year

4. Mixing styles and textures.

In 2022, eclecticism is especially valued, when elements from different directions are found on the same territory. For example, an antique globe in the Hi-Tech room. Interesting combinations of textures are also trending: glass and metal, silk and corduroy.

Feel free to combine different styles

5. The bed is the center of attention.

Since this is the main object in the bedroom, it is worth considering the choice with attention and imagination. Beds with a soft headboard, columns or a luxurious canopy are in fashion.

The bed should stand out!

Focusing on the fashion trends listed above, you can design a stylish, attractive relaxation room. You can get inspiration by looking at photo interior design ideas for the bedroom in 2022:

Photos of bedrooms with a beautiful and cozy interior

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