Small bedroom: design, interior styles, decor and furniture. Real photos of small bedrooms

You might be surprised to learn that the average person spends 15 to 30 years sleeping in their entire life! This means that we spend almost a third of our lives in the bedroom. In addition, for many, this room serves not only as a place to sleep, but also as a place to relax: many people like to lie in a soft bed, watching the next episode of their favorite TV series. Therefore, it is important to make spending time in the bedroom as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. Many people fall into despair when they have to live in a modest-sized apartment and say goodbye to the dream of an original and cozy interior. But a small bedroom is not a death sentence, because in the hands of an experienced designer even it can easily turn into a stylish and interesting room!

Small bedroom interior design

First of all, you should decide on a color scheme. To decorate a small bedroom, it is highly not recommended to use a dark palette. It will narrow the room even more, and being in such an environment will be psychologically oppressive. You may feel withdrawn and isolated, and emotionally sensitive people may feel low energy. Therefore, designers prefer to use light, calm colors to create the interior of a small bedroom, making the room seem more spacious and freer.

They have one more advantage: if the bedroom is on the sunny side, it won’t be so hot in the summer, because the light color perfectly reflects the sun’s rays. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just a light palette. A monochromatic room can quickly become boring and uninteresting, so original bright decor comes to the rescue here. As a rule, any additional color will fit perfectly into a light interior, and you can give free rein to your imagination: use creative bed linen with drawings, abstract paintings, designer vases or photo wallpaper at the head of the bed. They will attract all the attention and smooth out the first negative impression caused by the cramped space.

Decor can not only serve as decoration and complement the interior, but also help visually increase the area. To do this, install large mirrors or use metal surfaces. A good solution would be to install a wardrobe with mirrored doors. A dark flooring, such as wenge, dark oak, mahogany or plum wood, will also help give more space.

The most difficult thing when decorating a small bedroom is placing all the necessary furniture. You may have to give up some items. To rationally use every meter of a room, a lot of furniture has been invented that combines several functions. For example, in order not to take up a lot of space with chests of drawers and cabinets, you can install one large closet with many shelves and drawers inside. It is guaranteed to fit all the necessary things. The issue of placement of the bed itself is also relevant - many models are quite large and occupy almost the entire area. If the room is very small, there is still a way out: an option with a folding bed built into the closet will help to significantly save space.

It is worth abandoning large furniture in favor of compact models decorated in a laconic and simple style. Also try to clean the space as much as possible: throw away all unnecessary things. They will not only visually reduce the space of the room, but will also collect dust, which is very undesirable for a bedroom. The fewer things you have, the easier it is to breathe, both psychologically and physically.

Pay attention to the walls too: bare space will make the interior look empty and unfinished. They can also be used usefully; hang shelves or racks on them. If the room has a niche, this is a great place to install a built-in wardrobe. Thus, it will take up a minimum amount of space and will not get in the way.

Where to start renovating a small bedroom

There are things that can always be changed or redone. And there are those that need to be laid out at the very beginning of interior design even before the renovation begins, because they cannot be redone. And no matter how cool the interior design you make for your small bedroom, if you make a mistake in them and it is impractical, you will no longer care about any appearance. Let's start with them.

How to arrange

The bedroom is one of the most undemanding rooms in terms of space. Unlike other rooms, here our activity is minimal - falling asleep and waking up. In fact, the minimum sufficient area is 9 sq.m. For a square room this is 3x3 meters along the walls. The standard size of mattresses is 160-180×200. This means that any place where you can shove it can already be turned into a bedroom.

The minimum sufficient bedroom area is 9 sq.m.

But you always want more. If your apartment has the opportunity to remodel and enlarge a small bedroom by moving walls or, for example, adding a balcony, then why not. We constantly recommend considering redevelopment options for small apartments . Many people have an irrational fear of redevelopment, and this is completely in vain. It is not so expensive or difficult, and provides significant advantages, both in terms of design and practicality.

The most common design option for expanding the space of a small bedroom is adding a balcony. To achieve this, the balcony is insulated, and the wall between it and the bedroom is either demolished entirely, or the window frame and door are simply removed. The advantage of the second option is that there is no need to move the battery and there is an additional table (in place of the former window). But keep in mind that it is almost impossible to legalize the connection of a balcony to a bedroom.

We sorted out the remodeling of the bedroom. What else is important to do at the initial stage of repair.

Electrical wiring in the bedroom

Switches in a small bedroom

What you definitely cannot change is the electrical wiring. Get this wrong and even a small bedroom can cause big problems.

For professional builders and designers, some things in bedroom design have already become standard. One of them is pass-through switches in the bedroom . Walk-through switches are groups of switches that can independently turn on and off the same light circuit. This is especially true for corridors and bedrooms, even small ones. Agree, it’s convenient to be able to turn the light on and off without getting out of bed or walking to the door.

Wiring for pass-through switches must be done immediately; it is impossible to add them later.

Sockets in a small bedroom

It is impossible to imagine yourself without gadgets. A phone, an e-reader, a tablet are things that are constantly used in the bedroom. Things that tend to run out of charge at the most inopportune moment. Accordingly, on each side of the bed, in addition to pass-through switches, there should be at least two sockets.

Don't forget about TV outlets. Moreover, it is advisable to know in advance whether it will stand on a stand or suspended on a bracket, because... the height depends on this. We recommend making a group of at least 3 outlets - you never know what else you might want to connect.

Place another 1-2 sockets below at a height of 15-30 cm from the floor. They can be useful for a vacuum cleaner or climate control equipment, which is relevant by the way. Air humidity in the bedroom is an important parameter, but you don’t think about it as long as it’s in order. If for some reason the air is too dry, you should have the ability and outlets to connect a humidifier.

The design of sockets and switches has also changed a lot. Now the choice of sockets, both in appearance and in terms of wallet, is simply huge. Any colors, any styles. If at some point you come across the need to support an additional accent color in the bedroom with some accessories, think about sockets and switches. It is quite possible that they exist in exactly the color you need.

Lighting in a small bedroom

One of the most important points that even designers don’t understand. Light affects the quality of sleep. Every person has an internal biological clock (circadian rhythm). 2-3 hours before bedtime, the body begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which plays an important role in the quality of sleep. And here there is an important nuance - light suppresses the production of this hormone. And what could be more important in bedroom design than its impact on sleep?

In order to go to sleep normally, bedroom lighting must meet two requirements:

  1. Non-primary dim light sources.
  2. Color temperature no more than 3000K.

This is necessary because the suppression of melatonin production depends on the intensity and wavelength of the light. Therefore, you should be able to use additional light sources that will not glare. Complete darkness is also not an option - being in the dark when watching TV is harmful to the eyes.

Warm or cool lighting in the bedroom also matters. The colder light appears to us, the shorter its wavelength. And it is light with a short wavelength that worsens sleep the most. Therefore, in bedroom design it is important to use lamps with a color temperature of 2800-3000K i.e. warm yellow lighting .

Also, it’s beautiful and can replace additional colors and decors:

By the way, we are in:

Choosing wallpaper for a small bedroom

When choosing wallpaper you should be very careful. As noted, too dark and saturated colors negatively affect the perception of the room, significantly narrowing it. In addition, waking up in a dark bedroom will be very difficult, and staying in it for a long time can cause a depressed mood. It is advisable to give preference to light pastel shades. They not only make the interior of the room more comfortable and warmer, but also have a positive effect on the psyche.

White color helps you stay in good shape, fills you with energy and gives you a feeling of purity and freedom. But you shouldn’t overdo it: a pure white room should be diluted with bright accents, otherwise it will be associated with a hospital and be annoying. For example, light wallpaper can be complemented with wallpaper with vertical stripes, which will not only dilute the spaciousness and modesty of the white interior, but will also help increase the height of the ceilings. And if the room is too narrow, you can glue horizontal stripes - they will correct this shortcoming.

Wallpaper with different volumetric textures produces an interesting effect. Thanks to the play of light and shadow, they make the room appear larger and are ideal for the smallest bedrooms. You can significantly expand the space with the help of photo wallpaper. They will enliven the interior and become the highlight of the interior. The image of a tropical beach at any time of the year will remind you of a summer vacation, plunging you into a relaxed, peaceful state. And if you are a lover of large cities and active life, choose photo wallpapers with images of skyscrapers. Photos of plants combined with pastel shades will make the interior of the room gentle and calm.

Color solutions

In bedrooms up to 12 sq. meters, it is very important to choose the right color so that the room looks stylish and at the same time feels cozy:

  1. White color. A win-win option that expands the space and fills it with volume. It’s difficult to spoil anything with it - you can always dilute it with bright accents or unusual decor.
  2. Blue tones are very suitable for the bedroom. But for a small room it is better to use light ones; it is important to choose 1-2 main shades that will set the overall mood. They go well with white furniture, which looks especially expressive against a blue background.
  3. Green is a calming color, making it great for bedrooms. Green shades go well with the texture of wood and other natural materials.
  4. Earth colors are a trend this season that is unlikely to lose popularity in the coming years. With their help, you can create a comfortable space in which you will never get tired of being.
  5. Plum tones are unusual and in demand today. With their help you can achieve an original result. The room will be not only stylish, but also cozy.

By the way!

When decorating a small bedroom, you can use no more than 2-3 tones. This is a rule that should always be followed.

Classic small bedroom style

Classics are always relevant and will never go out of style. If you are an aristocrat at heart who loves luxury and the atmosphere of the 19th century, this style will definitely help reflect your character. The color scheme is predominantly soft and pastel: light pink, beige, cream, light lilac and sky blue. The furniture is decorated with carvings and golden inserts; silk or leather is used for upholstery. The headboard of the bed can also be leather, and the fabric of the bed linen should be expensive and of high quality. Jacquard fabric with a large pattern is often used for bedspreads. The windows are decorated with thick curtains made of velvet or satin; you can hang a canopy over the bed from the same fabric.

Important attention should be paid to lighting - one of the most important differences between the classics is the presence of large crystal chandeliers that provide abundant light. Properly placed light sources will make the environment truly majestic and royal.

Selecting lighting and lighting fixtures

Lighting does not have to be in the form of a central chandelier. Spotlights do an excellent job of their functions. If you place them on levels or build them into the ceiling, you get an interesting idea.

With the help of modern sconces and lamps, you can zone the room in the dark, delimiting the place for sleeping and waking.

Provence in a small bedroom

Ideal for sentimental, romantic and dreamy people who dream of a slow life in a village on the outskirts of the city. With this style you can bring into the bedroom an atmosphere of tranquility given by French nature. Provence is characterized by natural colors: pink, lilac, lavender, grass, light brown, beige and blue. Materials should also be natural; avoid anything artificial or unnatural.

Furniture in the Provence style is made of wood, usually upholstered in cotton or linen fabric with floral patterns. This print can also be found on wallpaper and in decor. Interior items are mostly vintage, sometimes specially aged. It will be quite difficult to find them in regular stores, so you can turn to consignment stores that sell antiques for help. Unlike the previous two styles, Provence loves an abundance of varied decor: these are figurines, cute pillows, various panels and aged paintings in wooden frames.

Lighting should be unobtrusive and diffused throughout the room, and the light should be warm. Often stylized small floor lamps are installed near armchairs and sofas, adding coziness to the atmosphere.

Furniture placement

The composition and quantity of interior items depends on the functional purpose of the room. If the bedroom is planned solely as an area for sleeping and relaxing, a bed, a couple of bedside tables and a wardrobe will suffice.

In cases where it is necessary to additionally place a work desk or a crib in it, functional zones are demarcated in the interior. You can separate them from each other using different surface designs, lighting, and mobile screens and partitions.

The choice of the main piece of furniture – the bed – should be taken very seriously. For a small bedroom, functional models are preferred: with a lifting mechanism and a pencil case for storing things inside or with a drawer for linen.

Traditionally, the bed is placed in the center of the room, close to the window. But if the area allows, you can place it diagonally. Such a non-standard solution will make the interior original.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

Bedside tables and a chest of drawers can be part of a bedroom set.

Recently, the trend of furnishing the interior with items from different collections has been gaining popularity. Such a bedroom will never become boring, the main thing is to keep everything in the same style.

For storing things, modular designs are preferred: sliding wardrobes from floor to ceiling. If it is possible to arrange a separate dressing room outside the room, then it is better to abandon wardrobes altogether.

Loft in a small bedroom

Although this style is mainly used in spacious rooms with high ceilings, a small bedroom will also work. To add spaciousness to the room, you can make the window panoramic, and instead of the classic brick color, use whitewash or leave concrete panels. Curtains are not welcome here, so blinds or thin curtains are hung on the windows.

The loft has a big advantage: if usually communications, for example, pipes, are hidden, then in this style they become an element of decor and create a special ambiance. As for the usual decorative elements, there are a minimum of them. Exceptions may include frameless mirrors, unusual lamps, and even stairs.

When decorating a room in the loft style, it is important to reflect the atmosphere of industrial enterprises in the setting, because the first premises in this style arose precisely on the basis of abandoned workshops and factories. Therefore, a minimum of furniture is used here, and there are no partitions.

Interior styles for the bedroom

The choice of style direction will determine the further concept of room design. As a rule, the interior design of the entire apartment sets the tone for the bedroom. But since this is an isolated area where only the owners have access, some variations and deviations are allowed.

For example, in a classic apartment, you can arrange a bedroom in Provence design. Loft and high-tech, minimalism and Scandinavian style are successfully combined. The main thing is to create a harmonious interior that sets you up for relaxation and rest.


The style of the atmosphere of the south of France is more suitable for romantics. Its peculiarity is a small floral pattern in delicate blue, pink and light green tones on a pastel background. It is present on the walls and in textile elements and gives the room elegance and a spring mood.

A stunning interior in the Provence style is created by combining plain walls and inserts of floral wallpaper. And if it is possible to create a small niche at the head of the bed, and play with it in this way, the bedroom will become truly French.

The wallpaper pattern, which extends to curtains and textiles, gives the atmosphere originality and integrity.

Natural materials are used for finishing: paper and non-woven wallpaper, parquet. Furniture is selected with the effect of artificial aging. Carvings on the facades can be combined with decorative elements for finishing niches on the wall.

A light openwork chandelier and sconces above the bedside tables will complement the interior and decorate the room. 2-3 flowerpots with flowers, placed in different parts of the room, will organically fit into the decor. Skillfully executed design in the Provence style - and a bedroom in an ordinary apartment becomes like a room in an old country mansion.


Distinctive features of this style:

  • simplicity;
  • conciseness;
  • high functionality;
  • minimum things, maximum free space.

The color scheme involves the use of no more than three colors, the brightest of which fills the minimum space. Beige and pastel shades are used as base colors; bright red, blue, and light blue become accent colors.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

The walls are covered with wallpaper without a pattern or painted in one tone. To liven up the interior, you can decorate the wall or part of it with stone or wood. Simplicity is also encouraged in the design of ceilings. You should not perform complex multi-level structures.

Paintings, floor lamps and lamps, decorative items are used to a minimum. From furniture they also leave only the essentials, giving preference to space. There is no need to be afraid that the interior in a modern style will be boring. Playing with contrasts will make the bedroom design lively and dynamic.


Carved ivory-colored furniture, golden shades and stucco decoration create the atmosphere of a palace in a classic interior. This style will be appreciated by lovers of luxury.

Textured plasters and frescoes are used for the walls. Materials can be inexpensive, the main thing is that the finish looks good and rich. The walls will be decorated with paintings in antique frames, candelabra and sconces. A large carpet with an ornament or a plain one with long pile would be appropriate on the floor.

The main element will be a bed with a massive headboard made of expensive wood. All other furniture is selected in combination with it. If space allows, you can place a secretary or a small bookcase with publications in antique bindings in the bedroom. The main source of light in the evening and at the same time an outstanding accent will be a massive chandelier with many decorative elements.

The choice of textiles will continue the trend of luxury in furnishings. Heavy curtains with patterns, bedspreads and pillows in light and golden shades will complement the classic interior and give it completeness.


This style is free and creative, not recognizing the limitations of nature. Originating at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, loft has gained incredible popularity today. Decorating a bedroom in this style is an original and bold decision.

Distinctive features of the arrangement:

  • untreated brickwork or bare concrete wall surfaces;
  • imitation of attic ceiling;
  • minimum furniture;
  • vintage decorative elements and art objects in avant-garde style.

The entire setting should feel careless and incomplete. At the same time, the design is thought out to the smallest detail, and finishing materials and furniture must be of high quality and good quality.

The interior color scheme for a small bedroom in the loft style is chosen in light shades. On the wall at the head, you can imitate masonry made of baked brick or light shades; the ceiling can be painted white or beige. To decorate a window, instead of tulle and curtains, it is better to use roller blinds.

This style is perfect for both adults and youth and teenage bedrooms. The passion for creativity must certainly be reflected in the appearance of the room. If this is painting, an easel can become the central accent of the interior.

The works of a novice artist within strict limits will look stylish on deliberately rough wall decoration. The combination of incongruous things is another feature of the loft.

Musical instruments can also become a stylish design element. Electric guitars can be hung on the wall or placed around the room, and music books can be placed on open shelves. Posters with portraits of your favorite musicians will complement the creative interior.

High tech

Clear lines and shapes, the absence of patterns and ornaments, ergonomic furniture make the high-tech style functional and practical. In such a room there is nothing superfluous, and the minimum necessary things are always at hand.

The color scheme of the design is very restrained. Delicate pink and blue shades are inappropriate here. A small bedroom is being set up in a high-tech style in grey, white, silver and pearlescent tones. Black color is also allowed.

Expert opinion

Olga Kovalenko

Since 2010 I have been engaged in interior design and architectural design.

The central element of a high-tech bedroom can be a modern LED TV and audio system. Also, if there is enough space, a workstation with a computer will fit perfectly into this room.

The main plot of the interior revolves around the wall on which the TV is placed. The most daring design solutions are embodied here:

  • Decoration with 3D panels. This technique will give the wall a voluminous texture. The built-in TV will look advantageous on a contrasting surface: if the body is dark, the wall decoration should be light and vice versa.
  • Tree. An original and at the same time very budget option is finishing the wall with laminate along the guides. In this design, you can hide wires and fasteners.
  • Stone. Decorating the wall “like a brick” will add texture to the interior and optically highlight the TV.
  • Metal. The most unusual option for wall cladding, but at the same time most suitable for the high-tech style. Reflective metal surfaces will add volume to the room, plus this coating is original in itself.

Scandinavian style

A direction based on maximum naturalness. The lack of light in the northwestern part of the continent is compensated for by the abundance of white in the interior.

Along with it, cool shades are used: blue and gray. This color scheme creates a feeling of coolness inherent in the Scandinavian countries and at the same time increases the space of a small bedroom.

To prevent the abundance of white from turning the room into something like a hospital ward, contrasting combinations are actively used. A bleached plank floor can serve as a backdrop for furniture.

On the walls covered with light plaster, inserts are made of natural wood, stone of darker tones, and fur. Another way to play on contrasts in the Scandinavian style is to dilute the calm interior with brighter textiles and carpets with geometric patterns.

Finishing the wall at the head of the bed, extending to the ceiling, will visually expand a narrow room. This design is made from boards or wooden panels several shades darker than the main wall.

Furniture items must correspond to the overall strict style. They are selected in a laconic form, without pretentious elements. In square rooms, it is advisable to move the bed away from the center, thereby balancing the interior. You should also not overuse decorative items: a couple of stylish lamps, a few figurines and living plants are enough.

Small bedroom in minimalist style

Minimalism can rightfully be awarded the title of the best style for a small bedroom. An abundance of objects and furniture is not welcome here, which will help relieve the atmosphere and make it more spacious. The color palette, as a rule, is also quite modest: one leading color and one additional color, similar in shade. You can add some accents to make the decor more interesting.

Everything should be simple and concise: furniture, decor, and lamps. It is recommended to choose plain wallpaper, but geometric patterns, such as stripes, are allowed. This style will definitely appeal to busy business people who get very tired. After a hard day, a simple, unobtrusive environment will help you relax and gain strength.

Recommendations for choosing furniture

There should not be a lot of furniture so that the space does not become cluttered. It is better to choose a bed without legs so that it looks smaller and more compact. The presence of drawers and additional storage spaces is a must.

Wardrobes and chests of drawers should be multifunctional and practical, taking up minimal space. You can choose an armchair that is not too bulky, matches the tone of the common room, or is contrasting or with bright pillows.

We arrange furniture correctly

The central place in the bedroom is given to the bed. It can be placed either in the center of the room near the wall, or in the overall composition, when the furniture is placed around the perimeter of the room.

Consider the interior of the room so that there is room for free movement. Near the bed you can place a bedside table or a glass coffee table. The cabinet can be built-in or small in size.

Advice! A large and wide bed is certainly comfortable, but inappropriate in a compressed space. Considering the size of the room, choose a small or medium berth, or one with a pull-out design. A bunk bed is suitable for children's rooms.

Scandinavian small bedroom style

This style is characterized by an abundance of light and cool tones, because it comes from the northern countries. Multi-colored accents can rarely be found here; light colors are used: light gray, white, blue, coffee. For walls, it is best to choose not a pure white color, as it will make the atmosphere too cold, but a warmer color, for example, ivory.

Furniture should be practical, reliable and modest. The materials can be any, be it plastic chairs or wooden tables, but it’s worth buying natural fabric - wool or fur textiles would be very much in the theme here. The less decor, the better, but it should be meaningful and fit the interior. Display a few mementos from your trip, hang some creative art, or decorate the sofa with a couple of fun throw pillows. Decorations should not be strict, but simple and slightly careless. Small abrasions are the main charm of this style.

Small bedroom decor and furniture arrangement

The aesthetic appearance of the bedroom is not the only element that should be taken into account when decorating the interior. To get a restful night's sleep, you need to consider several parameters related to the layout and overall ambience, including the close but subtle connection between your bed and the walls. This room should bring you comfort and safety.

You can visually soften any angles by using something round and spherical. This could be a small round table with a lamp in the reading corner or a round chair.

This is why it is recommended to always place your headboard against the wall and only against the wall. Avoid placing the side of the bed against another wall, at an angle, in other words. This will lead to a feeling of cramping and an unpleasant feeling of being stuck and unable to move freely from and to your bed.

Curtains in a small bedroom

They are one of the most important elements in the bedroom interior. Curtains not only save from the abundance of light, but also perfectly complement the design of the room. Their appearance is selected based on the style in which the room is decorated. But there is a universal option - plain fabric without patterns or designs. Natural material will give the environment a homely and cozy atmosphere.

What furniture to choose for the bedroom

Furniture is an important part of the environment, on which both the appearance of the room and the comfort of staying in it depend. Remember a few tips:

  1. It is better to choose light-colored products that have a wood texture or are painted with glossy paint.
  2. Ideally, choose everything from one collection so that there are no questions about the combination of different furniture elements.
  3. When you need a sofa, you should choose the most compact one, without armrests and with natural upholstery.
  4. If a crib will be placed for a child for some time, a place for it must be allocated in advance so that it does not block the passage.
  5. According to the generally accepted rule, furniture should occupy no more than half the area. If possible, the middle of the bedroom should be left empty.
  6. The bed can be placed either in the middle or in the corner. Space must be saved as much as possible.


When choosing furniture, it is worth considering style - often it is the one that has the greatest influence on the decision.

Furniture set for a small bedroom

For a small bedroom, you should choose small furniture that will not eat up the missing space. The number of items should be kept to a minimum, leaving the most important. A bed without legs will add compactness and simplicity to the interior. It can even be without a frame - now an option such as a regular mattress on the floor is gaining popularity. Dressers, cabinets and cabinets should have the maximum number of drawers.

The heart of the bedroom is undoubtedly the bed. When choosing it, it is important to consider the size - there should be room for free movement around the room. In a small room, it is advisable to place it against the wall, combining it with the rest of the furniture. If desired, you can install small bedside tables and hang sconces near the bed.

Materials for finishing ceilings, walls and floors

Their choice mainly depends on the style of the interior. But the general recommendations are the same for all options: preference is given to natural materials in calm, light shades.

  • Ceiling. The most budget-friendly and optimal design is a glossy stretch fabric. With the right choice of material and shade, the bedroom will receive the effect of reflection and additional space. An alternative to a suspended ceiling is a one-level suspended ceiling made of gypsum plasterboard with built-in lamps, painted in soothing tones.

  • Walls. To decorate them, it is best to paint them in one or two shades, or paste them with paper or non-woven wallpaper without a pattern. On the wall at the head of the bed you can hang photo wallpaper with a perspective effect. But at the same time, you should not overuse decorative elements and accessories, so as not to overload the interior.

  • Floor. The covering material is parquet board and laminate. The method of laying it diagonally in the direction from the entrance to the far corner of the room will help to visually increase the area. Carpets and rugs of different textures, sizes and contrasting colors are welcome on the bedroom floor.



The most common option for decorating small bedrooms is gluing regular or non-woven wallpaper, as well as painting. But, for an unusual design, decorative plaster, lining, wallpaper based on bamboo or cork are also used. The main thing is that the chosen finish looks appropriate, and also allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate in the room, has breathable properties and does not absorb condensation.

To visually change the proportions of a small area, thoughtful combinations of wallpaper are used. For example, to expand a narrow room, you can hang wallpaper with vertical stripes on one wall, and make the rest plain. To compensate for low ceilings, 1/3 of the height of the walls from the floor is finished with dark colors, and 2/3 with light colors, while the dividing line can be decorated using a border or panels.


Carpet or laminate is used for flooring, but parquet can also be used. Natural wood tones will look appropriate in many styles. For example, for Provence and high-tech, bleached shades are suitable, and for modern and loft - dark shades, with veins characteristic of wood.

If you give preference to a dark palette, the wall decoration should be light and, preferably, monochromatic, without prints. You can emphasize the overall picture with furniture of the same color.


Glossy ceilings of different colors, as well as mirror coatings, have become a fashionable trend in recent years. On the one hand, they will visually increase the size of the bedroom and fill it with air and light. On the other hand, with ill-conceived lighting, glare will only interfere with relaxation and calm. Also, it should not be excessive or pretentious, everything should set the mood for sleep. The color palette depends on the chosen style, but it is better to give preference to light colors.

What not to do in a small bedroom

  1. Furnish the room with bulky furniture sets. A standard set, including a chest of drawers, a wardrobe, bedside tables, a dressing table, a pouf, will simply absorb space. In this regard, designers recommend completely abandoning heavy furniture in such rooms and furnishing them more ascetically.
  2. A large chandelier will certainly play a cruel joke, which will bring the ceiling closer to the floor . In the design of a modest-sized, small-sized bedroom, light should flow from bottom to top, so it is better to replace chandeliers with built-in lighting .
  3. Colorful decorative elements distract attention and break up the space of the room into sections, thereby reducing its depth.
  4. Avoid narrowing horizontal lines that may appear on furniture upholstery, curtains, or walls.
  5. Do not clutter the already small space of a small bedroom with a bunch of accessories. It is quite enough to use one, but stylish picture or a couple of pots with interesting flowers on the windowsill.

Small bedroom design

Small bedroom design

“A wide window, complete with roller blinds, can itself become a decorative element in the design of a small bedroom”

Floors and walls

The expansion of space will be facilitated by decorating the global surfaces of the room in light or white colors. However, you shouldn’t make everything monochromatic. You need to play with shades. Look. If the walls are made darker than the ceiling, the latter will increase in height. You can “raise” the ceiling by making it mirrored. But in a room with sufficient height, it is more rational to use suspended ceilings and suspended structures.

suspended ceiling in the interior of a small bedroom

Mirrors can be used everywhere: in the decor of walls, ceilings and even, oddly enough, the floor.
Just don’t place them in the bed area, and even on the same level as it. Such a move will bring discomfort to the atmosphere. Decorative trim using dividing moldings or a vertical pattern works well. If it is necessary to make the room wider, a horizontal print should appear on the walls. Dreaming of patterned walls? Do not deny yourself this desire, but do not neglect the design rules for a small bedroom, which states that large patterns will narrow the space .
In a narrow bedroom, interpretations in which long walls are decorated in light colors and short ones are darkened will be well received. The lack of daylight is also compensated by the light background of the bedroom. wallpaper with a large pattern in the interior of a small bedroom

Window decor

When decorating a small bedroom, do not hide the windows behind heavy and dark drapes and curtains.
It is better to use transparent tulle or, if style allows, white blinds. And let the curtains frame not only the window, but also part of the walls around it, then the bedroom will also seem wider. If the style of decorating the room and your mentality allow it, then give up curtains altogether. Leave the windows free, allowing the landscape behind them to complement the interior decoration. This move will also add volume to the room. It is good to decorate windows with decorative shutters. But a wide window, complete with roller blinds, can itself become a decorative element in the design of a small bedroom. An interesting pattern can be seen: the larger the window opening in the bedroom, the more spacious the room looks.

design of a wide window for a small bedroom

Using the right pattern on your curtains can also add height to a room. In this case, the window is decorated with light curtains, without any lambrequins and with a vertical pattern.

Small bedroom lighting

Lighting in a small bedroom can and should be adjusted to expand the space. You should not equip your bedroom with floor lamps and lamps with wide shades. They eat up useful space. It is optimal to use low light and lamps with flat shades. A bedroom without dark corners creates a feeling of security and spatial freedom. If necessary, add originality to the interior and emphasize its style, arrange multi-level lighting.

example of using lighting for a small bedroom

While the bedroom should be well lit, the light present in it should be soft and as diffused as possible, which is why there are no chandeliers in the design of the bedroom.

Techniques for expanding space

The design of a small bedroom can have two goals: increasing the space in width or height. This can be done technically. For example, lowering the floor level will help make a room taller. To do this, tear off the wooden covering and make a screed. When considering expansion options, you can try to combine a bedroom and a loggia or balcony, if it has one.

increasing the bedroom space due to the high roof slope

All other methods can only increase space visually. Let's look at what tricks create the illusion of the largest space.

Illusion 1 . The light design of the walls very well supports the impression of the spaciousness of the room. In the design of a sunny small bedroom, it is better to use cool tones. They will “pull” the walls away from each other even more.

use of cold tones to decorate the walls of a narrow bedroom
Illusion 2 . The expansion effect will be produced by a rare pattern scattered on the surface of the walls. Horizontally directed paintings will elongate their surfaces well. It is optimal to decorate the bedroom with plain textured wallpaper with a matte embossed pattern, preferably:

  • in a light milky tone;
  • beige color;
  • golden colors;
  • sand shades;
  • olive spectrum;
  • green palette.

Illusion 3. Do not use a color cocktail in your bedroom decoration. If you want variety, mix a couple of calm tones. But in decor, bright colors may well appear.

the use of bright colors in the interior decor of a small bedroom
Illusion 4. A good old and fail-safe trick to expand the space - hang mirrors in the room. But not everyone decides to use these items in the design of a small bedroom. Some are frightened by their fragility, while others experience psychological discomfort. Entrust the matter to a professional, and you will have, no, perhaps not a mirror, but definitely a glossy ceiling. Such a surface will also have excellent reflectivity and will really increase the height of the room. Mirrors will decorate wardrobe doors or appear on screens or partitions.

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