DIY bedroom - instructions for creating a cozy and modern design (100 photos)

Let's consider how a bedroom design project is created, what nuances are taken into account when planning the interior, how a plan is drawn up on the required scale and a suitable style is selected. After reading, everyone will understand what is better: to do the work themselves or to entrust it to specialists, where to find a good designer, how much his services cost.

Bedroom project in light colors

The main stages of bedroom design

Before you start renovating your bedroom, you should consider a few basic points. This will help you avoid many design mistakes.

You need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Bedroom functionality. This is what the room is made for. It is important to consider how many people will live in the room, as well as the fact whether the bedroom will be used for watching TV or for work and study.
  • Interior style. It is best to choose one of the many styles in advance; mixing styles can make the room uncomfortable and overloaded.
  • Color. For the bedroom it is better to choose light pastel colors, they help the body relax.
  • Bedroom options. Before choosing an interior style, it is important to know the exact size of the room. It is difficult to make a small bedroom functional, but not overloaded; here it is necessary to think through every element of the interior.
  • Room lighting. It is important to decide how many light sources you need for a comfortable rest. Properly selected lamps can expand the space and make the room more comfortable.
  • Furniture. It is better to choose the necessary furniture after determining the style of the room. It is best to purchase furniture at once in one store, so it will be better combined with each other. You should choose high-quality furniture made from natural materials.

Briefly about the main thing

And now the surprise promised at the beginning of the article. So that you don’t miss anything important when creating a design project for your bedroom, I have prepared a checklist for you. Download (right click and select "Save As...") and print it.

Friends, if you liked the material, do not skimp on the “likes”! This will give me an incentive to continue working and share useful information with you. When choosing furniture for your bedroom, always pay attention to the priority criteria - convenience, quality, aesthetics and price. Now you know that it is possible to purchase a good bedroom that meets all these criteria. The main thing is to approach the issue with interest and intelligence.

Share photos of your bedroom furniture in the comments below, and also ask any questions you have.

Choosing a bedroom style

Before renovation, it is advisable to study several of the most popular styles and compare their pros and cons. The main thing to remember is that the resulting bedroom should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable and functional.

Color solution

The color scheme plays an important role not only in the choice of finishes, but also in the design of textiles. You should avoid bright and acidic shades, because the bedroom is a place for a comfortable, quiet stay.

Neutral and pastel colors are great for this room: soft blue, light lilac, turquoise and yellow will perfectly decorate the room. If the bedroom is used only as a place to sleep, then you can choose dark colors; they have a positive effect on the quality of sleep.


This is a fairly broad concept, including elements of high-tech, minimalism, modern and loft. Modern style is characterized by a predominance of smooth lines, calm colors, natural materials and lack of overload.

Simplicity and functionality are combined with small “highlights” added to the interior for beauty and a special mood. This interior is usually made using 2-3 shades. Often in this design, the wall near the bed is made brighter and more contrasting, while the remaining walls are made in neutral shades.


A beautiful bedroom is not only stucco, patterns and many decorative elements; a simple and laconic interior style can also look very advantageous.

Minimalism is a convenient and comfortable style, not overloaded with unnecessary details. This bedroom is very spacious and bright. Light colors and natural materials are often used for decoration.

The main feature of the bedroom is a small amount of furniture, only the most necessary and functional. If you want to design your bedroom yourself, it is best to choose the minimalist style. Such repairs will not take much time and will not empty your wallet. Minimalism will be an excellent solution for small apartments.


Building a real fireplace in the bedroom is a labor-intensive and expensive task, but it is more than worth the cost. On a chilly winter evening, wrapped in a woolen blanket and curled up in front of the dancing flames, you will say “thank you” to yourself a thousand times for this decision.

It is much easier and cheaper to install an electric fireplace - there are compact, beautiful models that imitate a real fire and fill the room with life-giving warmth.

Let these ideas resonate in your heart and help you decorate your bedroom in an original way!

High tech

This interior style is quite bright and unusual, it contains many shiny details, reflective surfaces and metal. High tech is a rather original solution for the bedroom.

The interior will be bright, dynamic and creative; not everyone will like this. The walls, floor and ceiling can be painted white, grey, brown or black. Furniture may have metal elements. Roman blinds are used for windows.

A feature of the high-tech style is the presence of unusual lighting. There can be several light sources, they can be colored and create unusual cosmic light.

This style is more suitable for young people and creative individuals. The atmosphere of a high-tech bedroom is not conducive to relaxation.


The style combines bright interior details, smooth lines and slight asymmetry. Often a calm interior is diluted with a bright focal point. The wall by the bed or closet can be painted in bright colors, here you can show your imagination and depict any design.

You can decorate your bedroom closet with your own hands using acrylic paints or decorative colored films. Bright curtains of an unusual shape will look good in this interior.


Many people like to read before bed, so decorating the bedroom with an original bookshelf or bookcase is a logical solution. A wall-length shelf with books in rich bindings selected by color will look harmonious in a classic or antique interior. Complex compositions of several shelves located at different angles fit well into any modern design trends.

To make books convenient to use for their intended purpose, it is better to place them at the head of the bed or next to the bedside table - just reach out and you can enjoy reading.


The most suitable option for bedroom design, combining beauty, functionality and lack of overload. Classic bedroom design looks cozy, fresh and elegant. For the room, delicate beige shades, simple lines and strict symmetry are predominantly used. The walls or ceiling can be decorated with stucco.

The main feature of this style is a bed with a high decorated headboard. You can make a bed for your bedroom with your own hands, covering its headboard with leather or thick fabric.

At the foot of the bed you can place a small sofa or pouf. This style looks noble, but young people may find it boring.

Photo gallery - TOP of the most beautiful and stylish bedroom interiors in 2021

I offer you a selection of photos for inspiration with ideas for different bedroom designs that are popular now.


This style is replete with an abundance of ruffles, frills, bows and flowers, so it is suitable for a young romantic girl. The colors of the bedroom are gentle and pastel - blue, pink, beige or green.

Particular attention is paid to curtains. For the Provence style, it is best to make curtains for the bedroom with your own hands. They can be embroidered with flowers, beads and frills and become a real work of art.

It is quite difficult to create a strict interior in this style, but this can be achieved if desired. The main thing is to use deeper colors and not to overdo it with decorative elements.


Admiring bright exotic fish calms, relaxes and sets you up for a restful sleep, so why not decorate your bedroom with an aquarium? This idea has only one obvious drawback - it will require significant investment, especially if you want a tank in which a real home sea will spread out.

Even a small aquarium with one curious fish or several friendly individuals will decorate and enliven the room, so if you are ignorant in this topic and do not have extra funds, start small.

Japanese interior

An interesting original style that will suit lovers of Japanese culture. This is a sleek and simple style suitable for small rooms. The color scheme features light shades of white, grey, beige and brown combined with bright red accents.

Imitation of bamboo or rice fabric is often found. You can decorate the built-in wardrobe in the bedroom with your own hands so that it matches the Japanese style.

In the same way you can decorate doors, partitions, shelves or one of the walls. The Japanese style is characterized by low beds made of dark wood with no headboard.

Bedspreads and pillows

If finances allow, you can order a thoughtful set of bedspreads and decorative pillows for the bed from the studio. It is difficult to name a style that such a solution would not fit into. In a classic bedroom, silk or velvet textile accessories in pastel colors will look great, and, for example, in a Scandinavian bedroom - bright multi-colored cotton or linen ones.

Those who are limited in expenses, but are full of inspiration and are friends with needlework, should push themselves harder and decorate the bedroom with homemade decor. Sew a patchwork quilt, knit openwork covers for chairs or pillows, and the room will be filled with warmth and comfort.

Scandinavian style

A DIY bedroom in a small apartment will look ideal if its owner prefers the Scandinavian style. Making such repairs is simple and quick, since Scandinavians prefer a minimum of details, maximum space and light.

The Scandinavian style is characterized by old walls painted with regular paint, combined with a few bright elements (blue, yellow, orange). From furniture it is enough to leave a bed, a small bedside table and a lamp.

The Scandinavian style does not imply the presence of a wardrobe in the room - it is better to move wardrobes and wardrobes to another room, creating a dressing room for the bedroom with your own hands.


The light in a room for sleeping and relaxing should be conducive to comfort and calming, so it is recommended to avoid bright lighting.

A night light, a chandelier with adjustable light intensity and natural lighting are enough. Connoisseurs of daytime sleep should purchase light-proof curtains.

There is no need to be afraid of experiments; you should use your imagination and try to combine different options. And then the bedroom will become the ideal place to relax after a hard day at work.

Tips for decorating a room

Renovating a bedroom with your own hands is a troublesome and expensive task, but in this case the opportunity to learn something new and show your creativity is captivating. Before you start renovating, you should arm yourself with a few useful tips.

Color selection

The easiest way is to choose the color of the bedroom, focusing on ready-made renovation options found on the Internet. Having an approximate photo of the bedroom, you can make something similar with your own hands.

It should be remembered that small rooms are best decorated with light, delicate shades. For large rooms, a richer palette and bright elements are suitable.

If you have no special preferences in the color scheme, it is better not to experiment and use classic neutral colors - white, beige, brown and gray.

Symmetry rules

When planning to renovate a bedroom with your own hands in a small apartment, you should remember the rule of symmetry. This method will help you create a beautiful and cozy interior design without additional knowledge and experience. Such a room always looks advantageous - there is no feeling of overload or inappropriateness of interior details.

According to the rules of symmetry, a bed should be placed in the center of the room, and identical bedside tables and lamps on the sides, and wall lamps should also be the same. If desired, you can hang a picture at the head of the bed, but it should be exactly in the middle.

Opposite the bed you should place a built-in wardrobe in the bedroom, made by yourself. According to the rules of symmetry, it should occupy the entire wall and act as a hidden storage for all necessary things.

Installations and panels

An inexpensive and unusual alternative to paintings is wall panels or installations. Their character must correspond to the overall design concept. These can be tapestries, African masks, wicker baskets, compositions of dried plants, pebbles, shells, old gramophone records and anything else.

With the help of a self-invented art installation, you can make your bedroom unique, show your individuality and realize your bold creative fantasies, and then enjoy the result every day.

Features of small bedroom design

If there is very little space in the bedroom, you should abandon massive furniture. The main thing in such a room is a large and comfortable bed. Other pieces of furniture can be reduced to a minimum.

It is important to remember that there should be free space around the bed for ease of movement around the room. Instead of a wardrobe, you can install hanging shelves, and put small bedside tables on the sides of the bed for the most necessary things.

The best option for a small room is a built-in bedroom. It is not so difficult to install such a structure with your own hands. Such a bedroom provides a lot of advantages, since it becomes possible to transform one type of furniture into another. For example, the bed can be lifted up and a small sofa located underneath can be used, and a small work desk can be pulled out from the closet.

Don't forget about bedroom decor. You can make it yourself in a couple of minutes, just buy frames and print your favorite photos. Creative people can try themselves as an artist by painting an abstract picture that matches the color scheme of the bedroom interior.

A bedroom created with your own hands will turn out to be especially cozy and warm, because it will be made for yourself, taking into account your own wishes. In addition, this is a good way to save money, because hiring a designer is quite expensive.


The interior of the kitchen and living room begins to be thought out from the junction of the two zones.

    Here are some of the ways and objects that delimit space:
  • installation of a bar counter;
  • kitchen island;
  • big table;
  • installation of a low partition.

Designers advise installing a wide counter, since you can sit at it like at a regular table, and high chairs are quite suitable for the whole family.
However, in small rooms (16 sq m), narrow counters are installed. Kitchen islands are convenient to use, but are only suitable for large kitchen-dining rooms (25 sq m or 30 sq m). Capital low partitions are installed only if it has been decided in advance what they will be used for (for example, as a TV stand).

DIY bedroom photos

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