Cozy bedroom 17 sq.m. m.: 110 photo examples, tips and recommendations on how to create coziness and comfort in the bedroom

Source: // A person’s behavior is largely determined by the quality of his rest and sleep. But in order for the sleep to be complete, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for this in the bedroom. Each person has his own ideas about coziness and comfort, but when planning the interior it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. This is especially true for large bedrooms with an area of ​​up to 17 sq.m.

Bedroom design and human psychotype

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When choosing a bedroom design, much attention should be paid to your own psychotype. For example, sunny colors are perfect for sanguine people - orange and bright yellow tones, space, minimal furniture. In case of poor natural light, you can use mirror panels for walls and well-designed lighting.

For choleric and very temperamental people, a calm, peaceful environment is necessary. For decoration, green tones, bluish, turquoise shades, khaki accents or olive tones are recommended. Straight, clean lines, calm color combinations, and the absence of sharp and exciting shades of red are very important for the interior. Ideal solutions would be furnishings in high-tech, minimalism, and country style.

Melancholic people need a feeling of security and reliability, so when decorating the bedroom, restrained, calm colors are used - pastel light pink, brown, coffee, beige and sand tones. For such people, a comfortable and sophisticated environment is very important, so the ideal styles for the bedroom would be Biedermeier or Baroque.

Phlegmatic people are recommended to have an interior in calm colors, for example, using gray, blue tones, and brown. The furnishings should be good, reliable, the best option is country or eco-style.

Features of the layout for a bedroom 17 sq.m.

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Start planning the interior for a bedroom of 17 sq.m. necessary, taking into account the general furnishings of the apartment. For the bedroom, calmer and more peaceful design options are used, but the room should not deviate too much from the overall style. You also need to immediately decide what exactly will be in the bedroom. Since the room is quite large, you can place a small leisure area, a desk or a place for hobbies and reading. All these zones are delimited from each other, but at the same time a holistic perception of the bedroom must be maintained.

The second important point is the configuration of the room and the level of lighting. The ideal option would be windows facing east if you prefer to get up early in the morning. If you like to get up later, then you need to choose a room with windows facing west. You can regulate the level of natural light using special fabric day-night blinds with alternating stripes of dense and translucent fabric. This option is suitable for situations where it is not possible to choose a certain direction for the window.

Next, you need to decide on the color scheme, taking into account not only the psychotype, but also the level of insolation. For rooms with poor natural light, warm, light shades are recommended, which will visually make the room more comfortable. The main color in this case can be white, milky, or very light sand. Cold tones, shades of green, blue, gray, rich and dark colors, such as green, purple, brown, are perfect for a southern or western room.

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In order for the atmosphere to be harmonious, it is necessary to pay attention to the decoration of the ceiling. Recent trends dictate maximum simplicity; multi-tiered complex ceilings made of gypsum plasterboard or stretched fabrics are gradually giving way to a simple, smooth ceiling in light shades. Instead of classic white, you can use milky or ivory. This allows you to give the interior more elegance and make the atmosphere more comfortable. Cornices should also be as simple and concise as possible; for high-tech style, cornice lighting is allowed.

Types of corner dressing rooms

As mentioned above, for small rooms the most successful option would be to create a corner dressing room, which will save space and will look more advantageous in the interior of a small room.

For such a mini dressing room in the bedroom, 5 m2 will be enough. However, it is worth choosing the right shape for this dressing room so that it is both comfortable and beautiful.


To save space, the most popular form of dressing room is considered to be L-shaped. It is the simplest and holds more things. It is installed along two adjacent sides and consists of several cabinets. At the junction, a door is arranged that allows access to the space and does not interfere with other doors.

Shaped like a right triangle

An unusual design, but one that cannot be ignored. To explain it very simply, the hypotenuse in this triangle is the front side of the cabinet.

The main thing is that this form is harmonious with the design of the room and is convenient for the owners.

Trapezoid shape

For those who want to hide the sharp corners of the closet, while having a very small room, this will be the most effective wardrobe option.

A trapezoid-shaped wardrobe is not usual and convenient, so this option cannot be ruled out either.

As you can see from the article, there are a lot of options for how to arrange a dressing room. At the same time, it is important to adhere to one stylistic design so that everything looks as harmonious as possible.

It is also important to approach the design of such a room at the renovation planning stage, which will save money and your own effort and nerves, because... It is much more difficult to make alterations during the housing process.

The main thing to remember is that the dressing room should be convenient only for the residents and meet all their requirements.

Choosing a style solution

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For a bedroom with an area of ​​17 sq.m., you can use the following style options:

  • classical;
  • country (American or French);
  • ethnicity;
  • eco-style;
  • high tech;
  • minimalism;


  • Art Deco;
  • baroque;
  • modern;
  • vintage;
  • Provence (classic or colored).

Bedroom design 17 sq m photo source: //
The classic style is optimal for people who prefer a calm, respectable environment. These are regular shapes, clear lines, neutral colors and furniture with exquisite design. Furniture is preferably white with patination or gilding; forged elements, cabinet handles and cabinet handles in the form of brushes are allowed. Beds, a dressing table, a wardrobe - all this should be made of natural wood, for the finishing of which special paints and varnishes are used. Textiles for a classic setting are also chosen natural; these are dense, heavy fabrics with embroidery or thin, sophisticated patterns.

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Country is a style that has become quite widespread; it can be Russian, Scandinavian, French or American, but for bedrooms the last two options are preferable. They allow you to maintain space, while featuring modern elements, which makes the bedroom functional and comfortable. Only natural materials are used for finishing, plaster or painted wooden panels are used for walls, and wooden boards are used for floors.

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Ethnic is a design style made with the characteristic features of a particular national culture. Japanese minimalism, the luxurious oriental style of Morocco, and African safari are great for bedrooms. They all differ in colors, principles of choosing and arranging furniture, and approaches to functionality.

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Eco-style is somewhat similar to country style, but it is warmer and softer, preferring natural, unprocessed forms. This style is more suitable for a bedroom in a private house than in a city apartment, providing a harmonious unity with nature. Only natural wood is used for furniture; its surface is deliberately rough and untreated. Rough plaster is used for the walls, and the ceiling is simply painted.

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Biedermeier is durable, reliable, and practical. This is a solid style, the characteristic features of which are immutability and stability. The furniture is simple and comfortable, a large number of accessories are not required, but the interior contains indoor plants and hand-made elements, for example, embroidered furniture covers, curtains or bedspreads.

For finishing, you can use other styles, when choosing which it is very important to take into account your own preferences and the possibility of their implementation in a given area. For example, art deco requires very high ceilings and complex shapes, which is very difficult to solve in a city apartment. For this reason, for a bedroom of 17 sq.m. It is recommended to use some kind of stylization - a design with Art Deco elements combined with Art Nouveau features. This solution will be optimal for a city apartment.

Color in the interior

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What color should the bedroom interior be? This depends on many factors; the finishing is greatly influenced not only by personal preferences, but also by the rules for selecting colors for a bed. For example, bright red or bright scarlet are very beautiful, but these colors are not suitable for the bedroom at all. The same applies to shades that are too dark, which can be used exclusively as accents in a bedroom interior. A thin red stripe on the wallpaper or a vase of this color will perfectly complement the interior and make it expressive. But red walls or textiles are not suitable for the bedroom, as they are stimulating and aggressive, which in no way contributes to proper rest.

These elements also include:

  • Having a large window, and therefore a large flow of natural light, will help you relax faster and get rid of all negative emotions
  • If you dream that your bedroom will be endless, then install mirrors so that they look at each other
  • The presence of light shades in the interior may give you the feeling that there is more air in it.

Read here: Japanese bedroom - 70 photos of oriental charm in the interior

The bedroom is the most personal room of every person, which is why it is so important to create the very interior that could fully reflect the personality of its owner.

Features of planning a bedroom design 17 sq m

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When planning the interior of a bedroom of 17 sq.m. The following important factors must be taken into account:

  • color spectrum;
  • level of lighting (natural and artificial);
  • selection and arrangement of furniture;
  • zoning of space;
  • parts and accessories;
  • individuality of the situation.

Various factors must be taken into account during planning. First of all, this is the configuration of the room, the location of door and window openings, the presence of a loggia, balcony or bay window. The choice of colors will depend on the location of the windows and the level of insolation; for example, for the north side it is recommended to choose light and warm shades, and for the south side cold ones are quite suitable.

The choice and arrangement of furniture depends on the configuration of the room. The ideal option is a room with a regular rectangular shape, but this is not always the case. For a narrow, elongated bedroom, certain restrictions are imposed on zoning, especially for the small width of the room. It is advisable to place the bed at some distance from the wall, but for narrow living rooms this rule does not apply; it is best to place the bed close to the window.

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Lighting for the bedroom should be good, but not too bright. The ideal option would be lamps with diffuser lampshades, wall sconces, and decorative lighting. The choice of lighting system largely depends on the style of the room; for example, high-tech requires bright, very good light, including “industrial” pendant lamps, original floor lamps and table lamps of futuristic design. For a classic setting, ceiling chandeliers and sconces with fabric lampshades that diffuse light are ideal. For an Art Deco bedroom, original design models with oriental motifs or Tiffany-style lamps are used.

Accessories and interior details allow you to add more individuality and expressiveness to your decor. First of all, these are textiles - curtains and drapes, upholstery, bedspreads and pillows. All of them should be made in the same style, differing from the color of the walls by a couple of tones. The bedspread may have a different pattern or color, which emphasizes the central importance of the bed and sleeping area.

What should the interior of a bedroom with an area of ​​17 sq.m. be like? This depends on many factors, primarily the chosen design style, configuration features and natural space, and zoning requirements.

Arranging the space

Since the bedroom area allows you to roam around, the layout of the room can be varied:

  1. Despite the fact that the main emphasis is on the sleeping area, you can also arrange a work area in the room. A bed is placed near the window, and an armchair with a coffee table can easily be placed against the wall adjacent to the door. This workplace should be limited to a rack located diagonally. And near the bed there will be a fleecy carpet, which will visually delimit the two zones.
  2. The bedroom does not have to be divided into two zones. Then the bed can have an automated mechanism, which frees up additional space in the room. It is convenient to place two low bedside tables on the sides of the bed.

    Closer to the window there is a boudoir with a mirror and a small chair. And since space allows, the room can also be equipped with a corner with sports equipment or simply a treadmill.

  3. You can try a more compact version. To do this, there is a podium near the window on which the bed is placed or a thick mattress is laid.

    The bottom of the podium should be used functionally for storing bed linen and personal items. Tall lamps are placed on the sides. A large TV or a painting is hung on the opposite wall. You can make several square niches in the wall to place various souvenirs, books or other interior items in them. This arrangement of the bedroom is extremely convenient for a comfortable pastime there.

  4. If you make a partition in the room, then two separate zones are formed that can be used according to the owners’ wishes. One will be a complete sleeping place, and the second can be equipped as a small home-type library. But here it is necessary to make a solid shelf above the sleeping place itself, which will unite the two zones unobtrusively and functionally.

  5. The bedroom, which acts as a living room, can be furnished in Japanese style. A pull-out sofa is placed near the wall, with a small table adjacent to it. The TV is hung on the wall using brackets. It is better to take a corner cabinet and it should reach the ceiling so as not to disrupt the general direction with its appearance. A round fleecy carpet is placed in the middle of the room, and lighting is located along the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

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Bedroom 17 sq m design photo

Bedroom design 17 sq m rectangular

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