Let's figure it out: how to choose an apron for the kitchen

In this article we will tell you and show you with simple examples how to select colors.

1. Basic rules for combining colors in the interior 2. Rule 60/30/10 3. Identifying an accent item 4. Starting from the wall decoration 5. From the work apron 6. Starting from the color of the table top 7. From the color of the furniture 8. Depending on the accessories and textiles

You won’t find any abstruse terms like “monochrome”, “achrome” here. No theory or unclear reasoning!

Let professional designers use this, and we will go the other way: we will start from the color of the main piece of furniture, and then try on various contrast options for it. And along the way, discuss what is good and what is bad.

We are sure that among the variety of examples offered, you will certainly find something suitable!

Basic rules for combining colors in the interior

The basic rules for combining colors in the interior are as simple as two: don’t try to embrace everything at once and don’t use all the colors you like at the same time!

It sounds simple, right?

But when it comes down to it, this is what begins: “Or maybe I should buy an apron for this red tabletop, in a lilac-coral tone? Or, in orange-red? Or, in terracotta brown? No? Too much? Then maybe we should buy purple chairs and curtains?”

As a result, we get what we said initially: an overload of bright elements that form a chaotic mess in which not a single object “plays.”

And no matter how difficult it may be, you need to highlight ONE thing that you would like to pay attention to first!

We will tell you exactly how to do this a little below, but now we will reassure those who want everything at once.

For such cases, there is a wonderful “Boho” style, which we will also talk about later, in the corresponding subsection. This is where excesses are welcomed and you don’t have to worry about overdoing it.

Distinctive properties of floor tiles

As for physical and mechanical parameters, wear resistance indicators are the most important and directly affect the cost. Of the unglazed types, clinker and porcelain stoneware should be highlighted - these are low-porous, unglazed, single-fired tiles that are well-deservedly popular among consumers.

It has a fairly simple installation that you can do yourself.

In search of a beautiful pattern, many buyers prefer glazed tiles. Its production is based on clay, quartz sand, spar, kaolin, proportionally mixed and baked at high temperatures.

Aesthetically attractive and functional tile cladding can satisfy any financial capabilities and stylistic preferences.

Additional information: To give an aesthetic appearance, color designs are applied to the product and then coated with enamel or glaze.

The properties of the tile imply gentle conditions for its operation. But some of its samples with an increased strength class can compete with porcelain stoneware. With high moisture resistance, the porosity of the tile can negatively affect its performance characteristics. Thickness distinguishes tiles from wall tiles, since the loads are different. The minimum is 3 mm, but the average value is within 5 mm, the maximum is from 12 to 25 mm.

If installation is carried out on an unstable base, then it is necessary to choose tiles from 9 mm or small sizes.

Rule 60/30/10

And here is another rule, more specific and most useful. Perhaps, besides this, an amateur should not worry about anything else, since it works 100% effectively.

Law 60/30/10 means that the interior should have no more than 3 color schemes, and their distribution is as follows:

60% - dominant color 30% - complementary color 10% - accent

Attention here!

The dominant color is not the one that is your favorite and that you want to use everywhere.

The dominant color is the background color against which other colors will be clearly visible: the additional and most important one on which you want to focus.

For example, if you really like the color red, then to ensure that it is noticeable, but at the same time unobtrusive, you only need 10%. And nothing more.

The meaning of this law is shown very well in the photo below. Unfortunately, this is not a kitchen interior, but the main thing here is to show you the rule with a live example:

As you can see, following this rule, we get an interesting effect.

The room is essentially beige and brown, but we see it as yellow!

And, if you overload the accent, the look will look something like this:

Looking at this photo I remember: “Horses and people mixed together…” ©.

And for some reason we are sure that the owner of the interior wanted to emphasize the red color, but simply went too far.

But in the end, against the background of this bright red spot, neither the kitchen furniture, nor the stylish hood, nor the beautiful tiles on the apron are visible at all.

Of course, there will be designers who will immediately say: this is not bad taste, it’s just a monochrome interior (that is, in which there is one color and all its shades).

But, you yourself understand that this is just a beautiful theory and words. But in reality, we just see a red spot that hurts our eyes.

So, you have to think carefully and decide what is really important to you.

And one more thing: the three-color rule does not mean that you need to choose only three colors.

It means that 3 color schemes are allowed.

That is, if you have a light beige wall as a background, then the floor can be made dark beige and the carpet almost white. But, all these shades need to be included in 60% of the original percentages.

The same goes for the second color and accent color. But, here too, without fanaticism. A spread of two or three tones will look organic, but a big contrast will look like two different color schemes.

Naturally, the room cannot do without a fourth or fifth color. No other way. But their share should be very small.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dark floor in the kitchen

The flooring often plays the role of the finishing touch and forms the final impression of the kitchen interior. The floor must match the style and be durable, since a lot of heavy furniture and equipment are installed on top of it. In addition, the composition of the material matters; choose one that is insensitive to accidental falls of heavy objects, protected from humidity and temperature changes.

The color of the kitchen flooring is key to visual perception, the benefits of dark tones:

  • They look solid and create an atmosphere.
  • Creates the impression of harmony. The human eye perceives it as a logical solution. Associations with earth and sky, where the white ceiling is the infinity of space above your head, and the dark floor is the stable earth under your feet. Unconsciously it seems reliable, fundamental.
  • The rest of the kitchen furniture looks great against a dark background. Even the simplest furnishings look advantageous and stylish.

There are disadvantages:

  • It clearly shows crumbs, dust, and other small debris. Also, contrary to existing opinion, in comparison with a light-colored floor, stains, stains, drops from food, and water are more noticeable. Glossy tiles are especially considered a brand. To minimize this effect, it is recommended to clean more often and use matte coating options. Design tip: use textured materials or patterns; dirt on them will be almost invisible.

  • A dark floor narrows the space; visually the kitchen will look smaller than it actually is. Therefore, it is rarely used in small areas. It is also possible to neutralize this effect if you use a white kitchen set and light walls.

We identify the most important subject on which we would like to focus

So where do we start? Of course, by choosing a detail or object that you consider the most important and beautiful of the entire environment.

It could be:

  • Wall decoration
  • Finishing the work apron
  • Kitchen furniture
  • Stylish accessories
  • Latest household appliances

No matter how much you want, you need to choose one thing that you want to focus on. And it is this element that should include the main color that you focus on (in a ratio of 10% of the rest).

Let's say you have an incredibly beautiful work apron on the wall, red.

Then, you focus on it, and add a little more red in the form of splashes to the rest of the details: a small inclusion of red in the chandelier, paintings, decor.

Very small, please note! So that in total you get only 10% red.

But, let's look at each point in more detail.

Bright kitchen in interior design: TOP 5 fashion trends

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In the photo: Kitchen with a light bottom and multi-colored chairs (pink, blue, orange)

The impression of a light interior very much depends on the specific tone. For example, there are interiors that look like French desserts. Delicate yellow shades such as vanilla, cream, butter, peanuts create just such a playful and slightly childish fairy-tale mood. This range is suitable for classic sets and wall and floor decoration.

Wooden brown bottom and white top: kitchen set in a modern style

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In the photo: Kitchen in a modern style in light colors

There are modern, laconic interiors, they often use a coffee and chocolate palette, including shades of cappuccino, latte, cocoa, cappuccino foam, milkshake, creme brulee. These usually slightly grayish, light brown tones work well under gray backgrounds. A small, bright kitchen can be just that!

White kitchen with marbled walls

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In the photo: Kitchen interior in light colors from the Fundament Group of Companies

Another popular color scheme is white interiors with an accent. White shades are used for floors, walls and fittings. And the trends now include brilliant white (similar to gloss), cameo (slightly pink), white lily (grayish), jasmine (a little yellowish, but cool), antique white (pale, pale beige). They are matched with deep or pastel accents.

Bright kitchen with marble splashback and elegant dining area with pastel accents

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In the photo: Beautiful designer set

Pastel accents in a pale interior look very elegant, especially in the culinary area! Pink pearl, mint, sky blue, lavender and hyacinth are the most sought after. Opera lilac, cherry mousse, Tuscan pink, pistachio and lime sorbet, orange and pale blackberry appear just as often in the decor. These shades are incredibly aesthetic, and color schemes with them on a white background look perfect in the dining room or kitchen!

Gray kitchen with white splashback and floor

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In the photo: Kitchen-living room in light colors

The monochrome gray color scheme is also perfect for decorating the culinary area. It gives her a feeling of calm and peace.

We start from wall decoration

If you dream of an unusual and eye-catching wall decoration, then you will have to say goodbye to the thought of too bright furniture, flashy accessories and unusual floor coverings. Walls that are decorated pretentiously are very obliging.

And so that you can take a good look at them, you will have to give up other things and choose them as neutral in appearance and color as possible.

If you're willing to give it all up for colored walls, then go for it!

If you want to emphasize the intentional asceticism of the walls (for example, just white, without decorations or other embellishments), then you need to select contrasting accessories, against which the white wall will look very appropriate and elegant.

This refers to paintings, chandeliers, shelves, etc.

White walls

The combination of white in the kitchen interior is possible with almost any color in the spectrum.

But, if white is taken as the background, then the best second color is the color of light, natural wood. And already accented - whatever you like.

It’s simply impossible to come up with something better!

With this classic combination, almost any accent will be appropriate, except dark brown and black.

But if you make black the second color, and wood the accent, you get a very elegant look!

In a word, the combination: white wall + unpainted wood is a classic that is good in any interpretation.

Colored walls (photo wallpapers, ornaments, etc.)

If you have flashy walls, then the furniture should be as simple and unobtrusive as possible. Otherwise, these walls will simply mix with the cabinets and there can be no talk of any elegance.

The combination of colors in this case should be something like this: a colored wall and plain furniture, moreover, in a contrasting color, and not in the same color scheme.

The best option for the second tone in this case:

  • White
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • Black

If you find it difficult to choose a good contrast for the second tone, then you can use the color selection spectrum.

Moreover, it is better to do this online, on a special service: colorscheme.ru

There you can choose both contrasts and mono-color colors.

If you figure out how to use this site, then you will never again be faced with the question of how to correctly combine colors in your kitchen interior.

Stone walls

A stone wall is a very bright decorative element that doesn’t go well with anything other than white and light beige.

Any other color will simply “kill” the natural color of the stone, and it will not look expensive.

But if the stone itself is white, then it’s easier in terms of selecting a second color. But here you still need to take into account that not every furniture material or other decoration is compatible with stone.

There can no longer be any plastic, MDF, or metal here. Only natural materials and the simplest possible design.

Walls with stucco or plaster designs

If there is modeling on the wall, then it is best for the main background to be white. The stucco design can be absolutely any and it is better if its color is an accent color, that is, it makes up only 10%, which we talked about above.

Which material is better to choose

Manufacturers offer various options for flooring, which differ in texture, composition, and properties. We recommend natural materials that can withstand aggressive kitchen environments:

  • Laminate. The material has a lot of colors; a special, moisture-resistant coating is suitable for the kitchen. The image on the laminate can repeat not only the pattern, but also the texture of other materials, for example, wood with veins.

  • Linoleum. Versatile, easy to care for, there are premium quality options that look expensive and stylish in the kitchen interior. The print on it can imitate tile, stone, or wood.

  • Parquet. Manufacturers and specialists in laying parquet boards offer stylish, unusual design options and colors for flooring. The material is environmentally friendly, looks great in any environment, but requires care. It also needs to be treated with a protective layer against moisture, grease, and food stains.
  • Ceramic tile. It is often used in the kitchen; the material is natural and durable. Manufacturers offer textures that imitate wood or natural stone. The tiles are durable, resistant to mechanical damage, humidity, temperature changes, and easy to clean.

  • Porcelain tiles. Easy to install, durable material that looks great in the interior. It is used as an imitation of stone, marble or other natural coatings. Porcelain stoneware is easy to care for and is not sensitive to aggressive external environments.

  • Marble. Luxurious coating, suitable for minimalist styles, for classics. Dark marble flooring is installed in spacious kitchens; here it does not look heavy and fits organically into the decor.

Wooden flooring for the kitchen is not recommended. Natural wood does not react well to humidity and temperature changes. There is a threat of bloating, microorganisms, and rapid destruction. In some cases, you can choose wood, but it undergoes a special anti-vandal treatment and is impregnated with a protective compound.

From a work apron

A bright work apron is such a detail on which a lot depends.

If you make colorful walls, then its beauty will fade. The same applies if the kitchen furniture is matched to the tone of the apron.

For example, now quite popular combinations are: a colored apron made of tempered glass and a bright kitchen to match.

This is ugly, to put it mildly. And too intrusive. This is what it looks like:

If you have a colored kitchen, then no colorful aprons! This is the law.

If the apron is colored, then no bright kitchens. It is important.

Here's what a colored apron looks like in combination with neutral furniture:

There is a difference, right?

Now, look at what the aprons look like in terms of color schemes. We have selected the most successful combinations and interiors with the right color.

Aprons in red tones

Red color does not tolerate the presence of many shades of its spectrum nearby. That is, pink, coral, burgundy, etc.

Only the right contrast or black, brown, gray and white colors go with red. The latter is a win-win choice.

Also, mirrors go wonderfully with a red glossy finish.

Aprons in blue and light blue tones

Blue really “loves” the white background color and natural, unpainted wood as an additional, second tone according to the three-color formula.

But blue, without any additives, is not the best option.

Blue is best used as a complementary color as it is too light for an accent color.

And so, it looks great paired with: light green, lilac, white and black.

Aprons in green tones

Green color goes well with yellow. If we are talking about shades of green, such as pistachio, olive and others, then yellow should be in their color scheme.

That is, sand and mustard would go well with olive, not pure yellow. Well, it also goes with white, just perfect.

Aprons in orange and yellow tones

Orange is “friends” with light green. Very good and fresh combination. Brown also goes well with orange. You definitely shouldn’t combine orange with yellow, blue, violet, or lilac.

Aprons made from natural materials

Here we can say the same as about finishing the walls with stone. If you have a marble backsplash, then select furniture or flooring that matches the color of its veins.

If it is made of granite, then you can make the same window sills in color. In general, duplicate the material somewhere again, not exceeding 10%.

Aprons with ornaments

If you have an apron with some kind of pattern, for example, oriental, then it would be good to duplicate it either in curtains, or in tiles on the floor or in a chandelier. You shouldn’t “push” it everywhere, otherwise the result will be excessive diversity.

Furniture and walls should all be neutral colors and textures.

Apron chooses neutrality

A popular feature in modern minimalist kitchens is the discreet, neutral backsplash. If it is tile, then without contrasting grout or ornament; if it is glass, then without photo printing. Often there is no apron as such at all, giving way to moisture-resistant paint.

An inconspicuous apron is a good option for interiors decorated in related neutral shades. The apron and the set do not merge, but do not contrast with each other.

Loft-style interior: do we say “bye” to him or don’t let him go?

What if you spent a lot of effort and money on a loft interior, but it is declared out of fashion? Is it time to tear off the decorative bricks from the walls? Can you adapt your loft to modern trends? Or give up on trends? Let's figure it out.

A monochromatic color scheme is convenient because you don’t have to look for a visual match for the apron; it goes with all the elements at once.

A neutral apron will also suit a set in rich shades, especially if the top and bottom tier are different in color. The color of the apron can be close to the shade of the walls, countertops or flooring.

Based on the color of the tabletop

Choosing a countertop is an important thing during the planning stage. If you don’t want to be “attached” to it later, then don’t choose a flashy item. And if you have already chosen, be sure to take this into account when selecting the rest of the color scheme.

Natural stone countertop

Stone countertops are very beautiful. But you shouldn’t install only the countertop, without a duplicate of this stone in any other place in the kitchen, otherwise it will look like a foreign object.

You can decorate with stone: a window sill, a small part of a wall or a floor.

But, under no circumstances make the apron exactly to match the countertop! This is not a very good solution.

Wood table top

The wooden table top matches perfectly with the wooden dining table, chairs, wooden windows and shelves. But not with wooden furniture in kitchen cabinets.

Or rather, they can also be wooden, but painted, and not natural color. Otherwise, you will place a strong emphasis on unpainted wood, your kitchen will begin to resemble a sauna!

What about the color of the walls, the optimal one is white. But the second tone is olive, blue. These are the most win-win options, which are often used in Provence-type interiors.

Apron is looking for friends

How to choose an apron that contrasts with your kitchen set? Make friends with other interior elements. An apron can go with anything: with the upholstery of bar stools, the side walls of a kitchen island, with the shade of pendant lamp shades. A design where visual overlap occurs between several elements at once will look harmonious and complete.

Elements from the living area of ​​the room can also “support” the color of the kitchen apron in the Euro-living room: the upholstery of the sofa, the pattern on the carpet, the color of the curtains, and so on.

From the color of the kitchen furniture

The combination of colors in the kitchen interior most often depends on what kind of furniture you have.

Of course, if you are making a design from scratch and haven’t bought anything yet, then it’s easier for you.

But if you already have furniture, then you only need to “dance” from it and there are no other options, since it occupies a large space and is a second, auxiliary color.

Unpainted wooden kitchen

The best background for such a kitchen is white walls.

And as accent colors - any colors except brown and dark orange. They will almost merge with natural wood.

Kitchen in white colors

White furniture looks great against contrasting colored walls. That is, if kitchen furniture is our 30%, then the background is 60%.

There is no point in listing what color white goes with, since it goes with absolutely any color!

Kitchen in red colors

A red kitchen goes very well with gray, stainless steel and mirror surfaces.

Also, it creates a good contrast with black, but it should be no more than 10%, otherwise it will be very dark and gloomy.

In addition, a red kitchen goes well with blue and white. This trio resembles sea colors and looks very fresh.

Here is a wonderful version of a white and red kitchen. Here, although the percentage balance of colors is not maintained, it still looks pretty nice.

Kitchen in brown tones

Brown is a very capricious color and does not tolerate almost any neighbors except white and beige.

The remaining colors must be applied extremely carefully, otherwise all the beauty of the brown kitchen will fade against the bright background.

Also, remember this: if you have brown furniture, then the floor must certainly be light. Otherwise, the room looks dark and sometimes even sloppy.

Kitchen in blue tones

A blue kitchen should not be combined with any colored walls. The maximum is a barely noticeable gray-blue tone of the wall. Or better yet, just white.

On other backgrounds, the blue simply doesn't look as bright as we'd like.

Kitchen in green tones

This is a very bright kitchen if the color is saturated. It is better, of course, to choose either olive or pistachio furniture colors.

But, if you already have a bright green kitchen, then the accent can be blue or lilac, and the background can be light yellow or white.

Kitchen in lilac tones

Lilac furniture goes well with light green, olive and khaki shades.

Also, lilac is combined with dark burgundy, white and black. Sometimes a pink accent looks good, but if there is an additional fourth color – black.

Kitchen in yellow tones

A sunny, yellow kitchen goes well with a light green accent, lilac, and red. And as a background, white is ideal. However, he is always perfect.

How to choose furniture for a brown kitchen

  • Sofas, armchairs and chairs.
  • Various types of upholstered furniture are used in kitchen design depending on the size of the room. For upholstery, you should choose practical and easy-to-care fabrics. Modern designers today are not limited in the choice of colors and textures.

    Caramel upholstery of upholstered furniture goes well with chocolate, dark brown and chestnut tones. Sand and walnut tones are also often used. These types of colors are appropriate in the classic design.

    Bright and rich seat upholstery can be chosen as a decorative accent in a brown interior. Patterns and designs can only be used if they are applicable to the design.

    Brown tones in the kitchen decoration and dark leather on upholstered furniture are not the best solution for the interior. In the kitchen, such a neighborhood will look too strict and formal. Leather is easy to use, so just choose lighter shades.

  • Headset
  • Natural wood will always be a favorite among the materials used to make furniture when creating an interior. More economical are sets made from wood chipboards and MDF. Natural veneer allows you to hide not very attractive chipboard facades; such a set looks quite solid and stylish.

There is a large selection of different design options for kitchen furniture: the facades can have glossy or matte surfaces, the color is selected depending on the preferences of the owner. The design and shape of the modules are determined by the chosen style; they can be clear and smooth or smooth and curved.

Modern technologies make it possible to realize any fantasies and plans of the designer and customer. Aging will make the furniture look like antique interior items; the facades can be decorated with carvings, decoupage, panels, and hand painting. A vintage kitchen looks great with stained glass, gilded and bronze fittings.

Modern kitchen furnishings are made up of the following set of items:

  • Floor cabinet furniture. The set is made up of bedside tables and cabinets. Different modules have their own purpose and internal filling of drawers and shelves.
  • The upper tier of the headset is fixed to the walls. This block consists of cabinets for storing dishes and food supplies. There may also be open shelves here.
  • Cabinets can be installed separately or be part of an integral modular system. They are usually tall and designed to accommodate a large number of household kitchen equipment. Sometimes an oven is built into the middle part of the pencil case.
  • Mobile elements. This group includes partition screens and work tables on wheels. Such items are suitable for arranging a small room.
  • Dining set of table, chairs or stools, soft kitchen corner.

When arranging furniture according to the rule of a triangle, the vertices of which are the module with the stove, sink and refrigerator, keep in mind that they should be located close to each other, optimally no further than 2.5 m. The stove and sink should be installed in one line so that the cooking process is comfortable . It is necessary that there is enough free space in the kitchen so that several family members can comfortably fit in the room at the same time.

If you have determined the location of the main elements (sink, stove and refrigerator), then you can plan the installation of the dining group. Basically, the table is placed in the corner near the window. This option is preferred by owners of both spacious and small kitchens. The corner option allows you to optimally design the interior and add comfort. In this case, the right decision would be to purchase a soft corner.

White kitchen

Do you doubt what color apron will suit a white kitchen? Here you can safely answer - anyone. It all depends on what style you plan to stick to.

For example, an apron of various variations of gray would be perfect for a high-tech kitchen: wet asphalt, metallic, chrome, etc. Metal panels are an excellent choice.

You can also prefer a more classic option - mosaic tiles look no less good, adding color to the white kitchen, making it brighter and more comfortable.

A bright plastic apron is also appropriate - it will enliven the space and make it less monochrome. This technique looks good with dark countertops on a white set: three colors are almost a design classic.

You can opt for a black apron - it will emphasize the purity of the white set.

Bright tiles of three or four shades can dilute the white tones. By the way, it is not necessary to lay it horizontally - colorful diamonds also look stylish.

Another classic backsplash option for a white kitchen is red mosaic tiles with white grout.

For more apron options and not only for white kitchens, see this article.

On halftones

For the apron, a shade can be chosen that is intermediate between the color of the facades and the countertop. For example: the facades are white, the countertop is black, the apron is gray. Or the facades are chocolate, the countertop is white, the apron is beige. The result is a kind of gradient, calm and pleasing to the eye.

Material Selection Basics

The best solution for the kitchen is decorative ceramic tiles. However, before updating the existing finish, it is worth choosing the right tiles so that:

  • Floor and wall surfaces withstood mechanical abrasion and loads, because the kitchen is considered one of the most visited and cleaned places in the house;
  • The tiles were not destroyed by impacts or accidental falling of dishes;
  • The coating could withstand exposure to household chemicals, elevated temperatures and increased humidity;
  • The floor tiles were not slippery;
  • The decoration created a pleasant atmosphere.
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